changed it to proof of share.
Made a small start on populating the horizontal navbar
discovered that no end of my documentation has been broken
by events and should not be linked in.
Realized that generalizing a Merkle-patricia tree to represent an arbitrary Merkle dag was just too messy.
Led to complicated data structures forming complicated trees navigated in complicated ways.
Treating each type of Merkle vertex as its own thing, and a Merkle-patricia vertex as a common and useful special case of a Merkle vetex leads to simpler data structures that more directly represent concepts.
learning how to do paths without inkscape
M point c point point point s point point s point point ...
If you have more than one c triplet, you will have kinks
Or m point, q point point t point t point ...
M point q point will often suffice. You should never need many s or t values, and never have more than one c or q values.
cleaned up consensus, made a start on cleaning up blockdags