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<p><a href="./index.html"> To Home page</a> </p>
<h1>The Internet Money Solution</h1><p>
To transfer money, transfer promises made by very creditworthy
well networked entities.</p><p>
Swift, the electronic interbanking system, the system banks
use to communicate with each other, describes the service it
provides as secure authenticated store and forward non
repudiable messages with proof of delivery a bank cannot
deny sending the message, nor deny receiving it. </p><p>
The system has about ten thousand members and handles about
twenty million messages a day, too many for a bitcoin like
system. Your store would grow at about four gigabytes a
To handle this in a system based on a global hash: </p><p>
The global hash for each time period is shared by almost
everybody, as are all the nodes near the root. Each member
only needs to retain the near root data, the data that they
care about, and paths from the data that they care about to
the root. </p><p>
Ann maintains a signed hash of all messages sent from Ann to
Bob, also a signed hash of all messages received from Bob.
These hashes get incorporated into the global hash that is
shared by everyone. </p><p>
So when Ann sees a mismatch between messages Bob sent, and
messages Ann received, asks Bob to fix the mismatch. </p><p>
To the extent that Anns record of messages sent, agrees with
Bobs record of messages received for messages sent some
time ago, we have non repudiation and guarantee of delivery.
If ten thousand members, then two hundred million hashes
every time period, but we special case the hash of no messages
sent or received between Ann and Bob in a given time period,
so that it does not take up any significant space in the tree
or computational resources. It is a virtual hash, not a real
hash. </p><p>
Everyone stores the current hash for each pair, which,
if no messages have been sent in the last few time
periods, is the same as the hash from some time ago, and if no
messages have ever been sent, is represented by the null hash.
Conceptually we have a lot of nulls, but these are efficiently
represented, as a sparse matrix, so that we dont waste
storage or communication managing huge numbers of mostly null
entries. </p><p>
In addition to the encrypted pairwise messages, we also have
messages to the public, signed but not encrypted. This
enables one to find the characteristics of the owner of the
key, usually used to look for a key owner with certain
characteristics. The primary function of this is to ensure
that everyone sees the same key for the entity called Bob as
Bob does, since the hash of all public messages by Bob go into
the global hash, and everyone sees the same global hash.
All of this would be simple if the hashes were static, if we
were managing an immutable data structure, but we are of
course managing a mutable data structure with an immutable
past. Each hash continually changes. </p><p>
An ever changing hash is represented by a time tree of hashes.
We have a hash for the period 0 milliseconds to 2^64-1 milliseconds,
which is itself a hash of the two hashes, one for the period 0
seconds to 2^63-1 milliseconds, and the other for the period 2^63
seconds to 2^64-1 milliseconds. </p><p>
And the hash for the period the period 2^63 seconds to 2^64-1
seconds is itself a hash of the two hashes, one for the period
2^63 seconds to 3*2^62-1 seconds, and one for the period
3*2^62 seconds to 2^64-1 seconds. </p><p>
And so on and so forth. Hashes for the past are immutable,
and signed. Hashes for periods that incorporate the future
are also signed, but are listed as provisional and only
covering data up to such and such a time. They are useful
because they incoporate hashes of times that are strictly in
the past. </p><p>
To bind the entire past, one needs the signed mutable hash for
the smallest period including all of the past, plus the hashes
nearest the root that cover all of the past. </p><p>
Thus the hash for the entire past is typically only larger
than the hash for a single time period by a factor of log base
two of the current time. </p><p>
The signature on the mutable hash acts as a signature on all
past immutable hashes. </p><p>
The hash for a single time period is an ordinary hash, like
SHA2. The hash for the entire time period is a small number
of such hashes forming a tree, and ending in a signature of
the root of the tree. </p><p>
Any data that anyone supplies then has to have a path leading
from its local all time hash to this global all time hash.
If 256 bit single time hashes, an all time hash is about one
kilobyte, but updates are only thirty two bytes or so. So our
global data structure is quite large, but updates quite
slowly. If ten thousand members, our global data structure is
about a hundred gigabytes, assuming every entity interacted
with every other. If every member interacted with every other
member in a given time period, the update would be three
gigabyes, which would be intolerable. Interacting with a
single member requires ten thousand thirty two byte
notifications, which is tolable, but starting to get
expensive. </p><p>
To remedy the problem, members for groups, and groups of
groups and groups of groups of groups. So you dont track the
hashes for every interaction between every member, but rather
most such interactions get aggregated into the interaction
between group and group. </p><p>
Of course, having secure non repudiable messaging with proof
of delivery is only a foundation for a financial system.
Swift builds a financial system on top of that by making sure
that all entities are very highly rated. </p><p>
Ripple, however, addresses a system where some entities are
rated to some people and not others, where not everyone has
good ratings, and opinions about ratings differ, where perhaps
some entities are well placed to ensure payment of what is
owed, and others less well placed. </p>
<p style="background-color : #ccffcc;
font-size:80%">These documents are licensed under the <a
Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License</a></p>
2022-02-17 22:33:27 -05:00