Wallet is open source software intended to become the manager of hierarchical
deterministic keys for a social network that a superset of the Bitmessage social net,
for securely pseudonymous uncensorable public communication,
and securely private communication. (Telegraph looks like
it will not be private for much longer).
You cannot have truly end to end encryption, except you control your own keys directly.
To make an actually useful social net requires a lot of engineers doing a lot of work, which requires funding, which requires a a profit model. The current business plan being to [eat SWIFT's lunch](./docs/manifesto/SWIFT.html), by creating an environment in which one can create and operate the necessary Daos.
The rest of the documentation is in Pandoc markdown, rather than Gitea or Github markdown, so you will have to build it before any of these links work.
Windows pre-requisites: Visual Studio and git-bash. This software is supposed to be cross platform, and is unlikely to get traction with highly motivate early adopters unless it is cross platform, but currently only builds on Windows.
The above download relies on `https` for security, but `https` is vulnerable to enemy action by any adversary sufficiently powerful to have a certificate authority in his pocket, so our identity model relies on ssh keys, not domain names, so if you intend to make contributions, it would be preferable to create an account on `gitea.rho.la` with a fake email,
upload your ssh public key to that account, and clone using `ssh` instead of `https`