Robert Roebling 4bc67cc550 Update for bitmap, image on scaling, transparancy,
wxCHECKs and no more dependance of wxBitmap on wxImage
  in its API

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@1117 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
1998-12-06 17:33:01 +00:00

378 lines
13 KiB

// Name: dc.h
// Purpose:
// Author: Robert Roebling
// Id: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef __GTKDCH__
#define __GTKDCH__
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/object.h"
#include "wx/gdicmn.h"
#include "wx/pen.h"
#include "wx/brush.h"
#include "wx/icon.h"
#include "wx/font.h"
#include "wx/gdicmn.h"
// classes
class wxDC;
// constants
#define MM_TEXT 0
#define MM_ISOTROPIC 1
#define MM_LOMETRIC 3
#define MM_HIMETRIC 4
#define MM_TWIPS 5
#define MM_POINTS 6
#define MM_METRIC 7
// global variables
extern int wxPageNumber;
// wxDC
class wxDC: public wxObject
virtual void BeginDrawing() {}
virtual void EndDrawing() {}
virtual bool Ok() const;
virtual void FloodFill( long x, long y, const wxColour& col, int style=wxFLOOD_SURFACE ) = 0;
inline void FloodFill(const wxPoint& pt, const wxColour& col, int style=wxFLOOD_SURFACE)
FloodFill(pt.x, pt.y, col, style);
virtual bool GetPixel( long x, long y, wxColour *col ) const = 0;
inline bool GetPixel(const wxPoint& pt, wxColour *col) const
return GetPixel(pt.x, pt.y, col);
virtual void DrawLine( long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2 ) = 0;
inline void DrawLine(const wxPoint& pt1, const wxPoint& pt2)
DrawLine(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y);
virtual void CrossHair( long x, long y ) = 0;
inline void CrossHair(const wxPoint& pt)
CrossHair(pt.x, pt.y);
virtual void DrawArc( long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, double xc, double yc );
inline void DrawArc(const wxPoint& pt1, const wxPoint& pt2, const wxPoint& centre)
DrawArc(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y, centre.x, centre.y);
virtual void DrawEllipticArc( long x, long y, long width, long height, double sa, double ea ) = 0;
virtual void DrawEllipticArc (const wxPoint& pt, const wxSize& sz, double sa, double ea)
DrawEllipticArc(pt.x, pt.y, sz.x, sz.y, sa, ea);
virtual void DrawPoint( long x, long y ) = 0;
inline void DrawPoint(const wxPoint& pt)
DrawPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
virtual void DrawPoint( wxPoint& point );
virtual void DrawLines( int n, wxPoint points[], long xoffset = 0, long yoffset = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void DrawLines( wxList *points, long xoffset = 0, long yoffset = 0 );
virtual void DrawPolygon( int n, wxPoint points[], long xoffset = 0, long yoffset = 0,
int fillStyle=wxODDEVEN_RULE ) = 0;
virtual void DrawPolygon( wxList *lines, long xoffset = 0, long yoffset = 0,
int fillStyle=wxODDEVEN_RULE );
virtual void DrawRectangle( long x, long y, long width, long height ) = 0;
inline void DrawRectangle(const wxPoint& pt, const wxSize& sz)
DrawRectangle(pt.x, pt.y, sz.x, sz.y);
inline void DrawRectangle(const wxRect& rect)
DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
virtual void DrawRoundedRectangle( long x, long y, long width, long height, double radius = 20.0 ) = 0;
inline void DrawRoundedRectangle(const wxPoint& pt, const wxSize& sz, double radius = 20.0)
DrawRoundedRectangle(pt.x, pt.y, sz.x, sz.y, radius);
inline void DrawRoundedRectangle(const wxRect& rect, double radius = 20.0)
DrawRoundedRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, radius);
virtual void DrawEllipse( long x, long y, long width, long height ) = 0;
inline void DrawEllipse(const wxPoint& pt, const wxSize& sz)
DrawEllipse(pt.x, pt.y, sz.x, sz.y);
inline void DrawEllipse(const wxRect& rect)
DrawEllipse(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
virtual void DrawSpline( long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, long x3, long y3 );
virtual void DrawSpline( wxList *points ) = 0;
virtual void DrawSpline( int n, wxPoint points[] );
virtual bool CanDrawBitmap(void) const = 0;
virtual void DrawIcon( const wxIcon &icon, long x, long y ) = 0;
inline void DrawIcon( const wxIcon& icon, const wxPoint& pt )
DrawIcon(icon, pt.x, pt.y);
virtual void DrawBitmap( const wxBitmap &bmp, long x, long y, bool useMask=FALSE ) = 0;
inline void DrawBitmap( const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxPoint& pt, bool useMask=FALSE )
DrawBitmap(bitmap, pt.x, pt.y, useMask );
virtual bool Blit( long xdest, long ydest,
long width, long height,
wxDC *source,
long xsrc, long ysrc,
int logical_func=wxCOPY,
bool useMask=FALSE ) = 0;
inline bool Blit( const wxPoint& destPt,
const wxSize& sz,
wxDC *source,
const wxPoint& srcPt,
int rop = wxCOPY,
bool useMask=FALSE)
return Blit(destPt.x, destPt.y, sz.x, sz.y, source, srcPt.x, srcPt.y, rop, useMask);
virtual void DrawText( const wxString &text, long x, long y, bool use16 = FALSE ) = 0;
inline void DrawText(const wxString& text, const wxPoint& pt, bool use16bit = FALSE )
DrawText(text, pt.x, pt.y, use16bit);
virtual bool CanGetTextExtent(void) const = 0;
virtual void GetTextExtent( const wxString &string,
long *width, long *height,
long *descent = (long *) NULL,
long *externalLeading = (long *) NULL,
wxFont *theFont = (wxFont *) NULL,
bool use16 = FALSE ) = 0;
virtual long GetCharWidth(void) = 0;
virtual long GetCharHeight(void) = 0;
virtual void Clear() = 0;
virtual void SetFont( const wxFont &font ) = 0;
virtual wxFont *GetFont() { return &m_font; };
virtual void SetPen( const wxPen &pen ) = 0;
virtual wxPen *GetPen() { return &m_pen; };
virtual void SetBrush( const wxBrush &brush ) = 0;
virtual wxBrush *GetBrush() { return &m_brush; };
virtual void SetBackground( const wxBrush &brush ) = 0;
virtual wxBrush *GetBackground() { return &m_backgroundBrush; };
virtual void SetLogicalFunction( int function ) = 0;
virtual int GetLogicalFunction() { return m_logicalFunction; };
virtual void SetTextForeground( const wxColour &col );
virtual void SetTextBackground( const wxColour &col );
virtual wxColour& GetTextBackground() const { return (wxColour&)m_textBackgroundColour; };
virtual wxColour& GetTextForeground() const { return (wxColour&)m_textForegroundColour; };
virtual void SetBackgroundMode( int mode ) = 0;
virtual int GetBackgroundMode() { return m_backgroundMode; };
virtual void SetPalette( const wxPalette& palette ) = 0;
void SetColourMap( const wxPalette& palette ) { SetPalette(palette); };
// the first two must be overridden and called
virtual void DestroyClippingRegion(void);
virtual void SetClippingRegion( long x, long y, long width, long height );
virtual void GetClippingBox( long *x, long *y, long *width, long *height ) const;
virtual void SetClippingRegion( const wxRegion &region ) = 0;
virtual long MinX() const { return m_minX; }
virtual long MaxX() const { return m_maxX; }
virtual long MinY() const { return m_minY; }
virtual long MaxY() const { return m_maxY; }
virtual void GetSize( int* width, int* height ) const;
inline wxSize GetSize(void) const { int w, h; GetSize(&w, &h); return wxSize(w, h); }
virtual void GetSizeMM( long* width, long* height ) const;
virtual bool StartDoc( const wxString& WXUNUSED(message) ) { return TRUE; }
virtual void EndDoc() {}
virtual void StartPage() {}
virtual void EndPage() {}
virtual void SetMapMode( int mode );
virtual int GetMapMode(void) const { return m_mappingMode; };
virtual void SetUserScale( double x, double y );
virtual void GetUserScale( double *x, double *y );
virtual void SetLogicalScale( double x, double y );
virtual void GetLogicalScale( double *x, double *y );
virtual void SetLogicalOrigin( long x, long y );
virtual void GetLogicalOrigin( long *x, long *y );
virtual void SetDeviceOrigin( long x, long y );
virtual void GetDeviceOrigin( long *x, long *y );
virtual void SetAxisOrientation( bool xLeftRight, bool yBottomUp );
virtual void SetOptimization( bool WXUNUSED(optimize) ) {}
virtual bool GetOptimization() { return m_optimize; }
virtual long DeviceToLogicalX(long x) const;
virtual long DeviceToLogicalY(long y) const;
virtual long DeviceToLogicalXRel(long x) const;
virtual long DeviceToLogicalYRel(long y) const;
virtual long LogicalToDeviceX(long x) const;
virtual long LogicalToDeviceY(long y) const;
virtual long LogicalToDeviceXRel(long x) const;
virtual long LogicalToDeviceYRel(long y) const;
// implementation
void CalcBoundingBox( long x, long y );
void ComputeScaleAndOrigin();
long XDEV2LOG(long x) const
long new_x = x - m_deviceOriginX;
if (new_x > 0)
return (long)((double)(new_x) / m_scaleX + 0.5) * m_signX + m_logicalOriginX;
return (long)((double)(new_x) / m_scaleX - 0.5) * m_signX + m_logicalOriginX;
long XDEV2LOGREL(long x) const
if (x > 0)
return (long)((double)(x) / m_scaleX + 0.5);
return (long)((double)(x) / m_scaleX - 0.5);
long YDEV2LOG(long y) const
long new_y = y - m_deviceOriginY;
if (new_y > 0)
return (long)((double)(new_y) / m_scaleY + 0.5) * m_signY + m_logicalOriginY;
return (long)((double)(new_y) / m_scaleY - 0.5) * m_signY + m_logicalOriginY;
long YDEV2LOGREL(long y) const
if (y > 0)
return (long)((double)(y) / m_scaleY + 0.5);
return (long)((double)(y) / m_scaleY - 0.5);
long XLOG2DEV(long x) const
long new_x = x - m_logicalOriginX;
if (new_x > 0)
return (long)((double)(new_x) * m_scaleX + 0.5) * m_signX + m_deviceOriginX;
return (long)((double)(new_x) * m_scaleX - 0.5) * m_signX + m_deviceOriginX;
long XLOG2DEVREL(long x) const
if (x > 0)
return (long)((double)(x) * m_scaleX + 0.5);
return (long)((double)(x) * m_scaleX - 0.5);
long YLOG2DEV(long y) const
long new_y = y - m_logicalOriginY;
if (new_y > 0)
return (long)((double)(new_y) * m_scaleY + 0.5) * m_signY + m_deviceOriginY;
return (long)((double)(new_y) * m_scaleY - 0.5) * m_signY + m_deviceOriginY;
long YLOG2DEVREL(long y) const
if (y > 0)
return (long)((double)(y) * m_scaleY + 0.5);
return (long)((double)(y) * m_scaleY - 0.5);
bool m_ok;
bool m_colour;
// not sure, what these mean
bool m_clipping; // Is clipping on right now ?
bool m_isInteractive; // Is GetPixel possible ?
bool m_autoSetting; // wxMSW only ?
bool m_dontDelete; // wxMSW only ?
bool m_optimize; // wxMSW only ?
wxString m_filename; // Not sure where this belongs.
wxPen m_pen;
wxBrush m_brush;
wxBrush m_backgroundBrush;
wxColour m_textForegroundColour;
wxColour m_textBackgroundColour;
wxFont m_font;
int m_logicalFunction;
int m_backgroundMode;
int m_textAlignment; // gone in wxWin 2.0 ?
int m_mappingMode;
// not sure what for, but what is a mm on a screen you don't know the size of?
double m_mm_to_pix_x,m_mm_to_pix_y;
long m_deviceOriginX,m_deviceOriginY;
long m_logicalOriginX,m_logicalOriginY; // User defined.
double m_scaleX,m_scaleY;
double m_logicalScaleX,m_logicalScaleY;
double m_userScaleX,m_userScaleY;
long m_signX,m_signY;
bool m_needComputeScaleX,m_needComputeScaleY; // not yet used
float m_scaleFactor; // wxPSDC wants to have this. Will disappear.
long m_clipX1,m_clipY1,m_clipX2,m_clipY2;
long m_minX,m_maxX,m_minY,m_maxY;
#endif // __GTKDCH__