moving fix_xcode_ids to python 3 and make it importable, the current AppleScript dictionary from Xcode makes it impossible to use it for our purpose
110 lines
4.5 KiB
110 lines
4.5 KiB
import sys
import os
import shutil
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from pbxproj import XcodeProject
from pbxproj.pbxextensions import ProjectFiles
ProjectFiles._FILE_TYPES['.cxx'] = ('sourcecode.cpp.cpp', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase')
from fix_xcode_ids import processFile
bklfiles = ["../bakefiles/files.bkl", "../bakefiles/zlib.bkl", "../bakefiles/regex.bkl", "../bakefiles/tiff.bkl",
"../bakefiles/png.bkl", "../bakefiles/jpeg.bkl", "../bakefiles/scintilla.bkl", "../bakefiles/expat.bkl"]
nodes = [
# xcode group, entries[], targets []
["base", ["$(BASE_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "base"]],
["base", ["$(BASE_AND_GUI_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "base", "core"]],
["core", ["$(CORE_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "core"]],
["net", ["$(NET_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "net"]],
["adv", ["$(ADVANCED_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "adv"]],
["webview", ["$(WEBVIEW_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "webview"]],
["media", ["$(MEDIA_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "media"]],
["html", ["$(HTML_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "html"]],
["xrc", ["$(XRC_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "xrc"]],
["qa", ["$(QA_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "qa"]],
["xml", ["$(XML_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "xml"]],
["opengl", ["$(OPENGL_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "gl"]],
["aui", ["$(AUI_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "aui"]],
["ribbon", ["$(RIBBON_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "ribbon"]],
["propgrid", ["$(PROPGRID_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "propgrid"]],
["richtext", ["$(RICHTEXT_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "richttext"]],
["stc", ["$(STC_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "stc"]],
["libzlib", ["$(wxzlib)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxzlib"]],
["libtiff", ["$(wxtiff)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxtiff"]],
["libjpeg", ["$(wxjpeg)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxjpeg"]],
["libpng", ["$(wxpng)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxpng"]],
["libregex", ["$(wxregex)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxregex"]],
["libscintilla", ["$(wxscintilla)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxscintilla"]],
["libexpat", ["$(wxexpat)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxexpat"]]
def addNode(project, groupName, entries, fileGroups, targets):
group = project.get_or_create_group(groupName)
for entry in entries:
if entry.startswith("$("):
varname = entry[2:-1]
addNode(project, groupName, fileGroups[varname], fileGroups, targets)
project.add_file("../../"+entry, parent=group, target_name=targets)
def populateProject(projectfile, fileGroups, nodes):
project = XcodeProject.load(projectfile)
for node in nodes:
groupName = node[0]
entries = node[1]
targets = node[2]
addNode(project, groupName, entries, fileGroups, targets)
def parseSources(theName, xmlNode, conditions, fileGroups):
files = xmlNode.text
for ifs in xmlNode.findall("if"):
condition = ifs.attrib['cond']
if condition in conditions:
files += ifs.text
fileList = files.split() if files != None else []
fileGroups[theName] = fileList
def parseFile(bklFile, conditions, fileGroups):
tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(osxBuildFolder, bklFile))
for elem in tree.iter():
if elem.tag == 'set':
theName = elem.attrib['var']
parseSources(theName, elem, conditions, fileGroups)
elif elem.tag == 'lib':
theName = elem.attrib['id']
parseSources(theName, elem.find("sources"), conditions, fileGroups)
def readFilesList(bklFileList, conditions):
fileGroups = {}
for bklFile in bklFileList:
parseFile(bklFile, conditions, fileGroups)
return fileGroups
def makeProject(projectName, conditions):
# make new copy from template
template = os.path.join(osxBuildFolder, projectName + "_in.xcodeproj")
projectFile = os.path.join(osxBuildFolder, projectName + ".xcodeproj")
if os.path.exists(projectFile):
shutil.copytree(template, projectFile)
# read file list from bkls
fileGroups = readFilesList(bklfiles, conditions)
# create xcode project
populateProject(projectFile + "/project.pbxproj", fileGroups, nodes)
processFile(projectFile + "/project.pbxproj")
osxBuildFolder = os.getcwd()
makeProject("wxcocoa", ["PLATFORM_MACOSX=='1'", "TOOLKIT=='OSX_COCOA'", "WXUNIV=='0'", "USE_GUI=='1' and WXUNIV=='0'"])
makeProject("wxiphone", ["PLATFORM_MACOSX=='1'", "TOOLKIT=='OSX_IPHONE'", "WXUNIV=='0'", "USE_GUI=='1' and WXUNIV=='0'"])