Stefan Csomor bdbece5d66 switching to python3 for creating Xcode project files from bakefile
moving fix_xcode_ids to python 3 and make it importable,
the current AppleScript dictionary from Xcode makes it impossible to use it for our purpose
2021-11-22 08:15:16 +01:00

110 lines
4.5 KiB

import sys
import os
import shutil
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from pbxproj import XcodeProject
from pbxproj.pbxextensions import ProjectFiles
ProjectFiles._FILE_TYPES['.cxx'] = ('sourcecode.cpp.cpp', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase')
from fix_xcode_ids import processFile
bklfiles = ["../bakefiles/files.bkl", "../bakefiles/zlib.bkl", "../bakefiles/regex.bkl", "../bakefiles/tiff.bkl",
"../bakefiles/png.bkl", "../bakefiles/jpeg.bkl", "../bakefiles/scintilla.bkl", "../bakefiles/expat.bkl"]
nodes = [
# xcode group, entries[], targets []
["base", ["$(BASE_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "base"]],
["base", ["$(BASE_AND_GUI_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "base", "core"]],
["core", ["$(CORE_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "core"]],
["net", ["$(NET_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "net"]],
["adv", ["$(ADVANCED_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "adv"]],
["webview", ["$(WEBVIEW_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "webview"]],
["media", ["$(MEDIA_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "media"]],
["html", ["$(HTML_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "html"]],
["xrc", ["$(XRC_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "xrc"]],
["qa", ["$(QA_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "qa"]],
["xml", ["$(XML_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "xml"]],
["opengl", ["$(OPENGL_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "gl"]],
["aui", ["$(AUI_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "aui"]],
["ribbon", ["$(RIBBON_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "ribbon"]],
["propgrid", ["$(PROPGRID_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "propgrid"]],
["richtext", ["$(RICHTEXT_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "richttext"]],
["stc", ["$(STC_SRC)"], ["dynamic", "static", "stc"]],
["libzlib", ["$(wxzlib)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxzlib"]],
["libtiff", ["$(wxtiff)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxtiff"]],
["libjpeg", ["$(wxjpeg)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxjpeg"]],
["libpng", ["$(wxpng)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxpng"]],
["libregex", ["$(wxregex)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxregex"]],
["libscintilla", ["$(wxscintilla)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxscintilla"]],
["libexpat", ["$(wxexpat)"], ["dynamic", "static", "wxexpat"]]
def addNode(project, groupName, entries, fileGroups, targets):
group = project.get_or_create_group(groupName)
for entry in entries:
if entry.startswith("$("):
varname = entry[2:-1]
addNode(project, groupName, fileGroups[varname], fileGroups, targets)
project.add_file("../../"+entry, parent=group, target_name=targets)
def populateProject(projectfile, fileGroups, nodes):
project = XcodeProject.load(projectfile)
for node in nodes:
groupName = node[0]
entries = node[1]
targets = node[2]
addNode(project, groupName, entries, fileGroups, targets)
def parseSources(theName, xmlNode, conditions, fileGroups):
files = xmlNode.text
for ifs in xmlNode.findall("if"):
condition = ifs.attrib['cond']
if condition in conditions:
files += ifs.text
fileList = files.split() if files != None else []
fileGroups[theName] = fileList
def parseFile(bklFile, conditions, fileGroups):
tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(osxBuildFolder, bklFile))
for elem in tree.iter():
if elem.tag == 'set':
theName = elem.attrib['var']
parseSources(theName, elem, conditions, fileGroups)
elif elem.tag == 'lib':
theName = elem.attrib['id']
parseSources(theName, elem.find("sources"), conditions, fileGroups)
def readFilesList(bklFileList, conditions):
fileGroups = {}
for bklFile in bklFileList:
parseFile(bklFile, conditions, fileGroups)
return fileGroups
def makeProject(projectName, conditions):
# make new copy from template
template = os.path.join(osxBuildFolder, projectName + "_in.xcodeproj")
projectFile = os.path.join(osxBuildFolder, projectName + ".xcodeproj")
if os.path.exists(projectFile):
shutil.copytree(template, projectFile)
# read file list from bkls
fileGroups = readFilesList(bklfiles, conditions)
# create xcode project
populateProject(projectFile + "/project.pbxproj", fileGroups, nodes)
processFile(projectFile + "/project.pbxproj")
osxBuildFolder = os.getcwd()
makeProject("wxcocoa", ["PLATFORM_MACOSX=='1'", "TOOLKIT=='OSX_COCOA'", "WXUNIV=='0'", "USE_GUI=='1' and WXUNIV=='0'"])
makeProject("wxiphone", ["PLATFORM_MACOSX=='1'", "TOOLKIT=='OSX_IPHONE'", "WXUNIV=='0'", "USE_GUI=='1' and WXUNIV=='0'"])