special cases and other things in wxPython, and since I plan on making several more, I've decided to put the SWIG sources in wxPython's CVS instead of relying on maintaining patches. This effectivly becomes a fork of an obsolete version of SWIG, :-( but since SWIG 1.3 still doesn't have some things I rely on in 1.1, not to mention that my custom patches would all have to be redone, I felt that this is the easier road to take. git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@15307 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
518 lines
15 KiB
518 lines
15 KiB
* Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG)
* Author : David Beazley
* Department of Computer Science
* University of Chicago
* 1100 E 58th Street
* Chicago, IL 60637
* beazley@cs.uchicago.edu
* Please read the file LICENSE for the copyright and terms by which SWIG
* can be used and distributed.
* $Header$
* pycpp.cxx
* This module contains code to generate Python shadow classes of C/C++
* objects.
#include "swig.h"
#include "python.h"
static String *setattr;
static String *getattr;
static String *pyclass;
static String *construct;
static String *cinit;
static String *additional;
static int have_constructor;
static int have_destructor;
static int have_getattr;
static int have_setattr;
static int have_repr;
static char *class_name;
static char *class_type;
static char *real_classname;
static String *base_class;
static String base_getattr;
static String base_setattr;
static int class_renamed = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PYTHON::cpp_open_class(char *classname, char *rname, char *ctype, int strip)
// Opens a new C++ class or structure.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PYTHON::cpp_open_class(char *classname, char *rname, char *ctype, int strip) {
char temp[256];
this->Language::cpp_open_class(classname, rname, ctype, strip);
if (shadow) {
/* Create new strings for building up a wrapper function */
setattr = new String();
getattr = new String();
pyclass = new String();
construct = new String();
cinit = new String();
additional= new String();
base_class = 0;
base_getattr = "";
base_setattr = "";
// *pyclass << "class " << rname << ":\n";
*setattr << tab4 << "def __setattr__(self,name,value):\n";
*getattr << tab4 << "def __getattr__(self,name):\n";
have_constructor = 0;
have_destructor = 0;
have_getattr = 0;
have_setattr = 0;
have_repr = 0;
if (rname) {
class_name = copy_string(rname);
class_renamed = 1;
} else {
class_name = copy_string(classname);
class_renamed = 0;
real_classname = copy_string(classname);
class_type = copy_string(ctype);
// Build up the hash table
sprintf(temp,"%s %s", class_type, real_classname);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PYTHON::cpp_member_func(char *name, char *iname, DataType *t, ParmList *l)
// Creates a C++ member function
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PYTHON::cpp_member_func(char *name, char *iname, DataType *t, ParmList *l) {
Parm *p;
int i;
char *realname;
int oldshadow;
int pcount;
int numopt;
int have_optional;
String cname = "python:";
String translate = "";
// Create the default member function
oldshadow = shadow; // Disable shadowing when wrapping member functions
if (shadow) shadow = shadow | PYSHADOW_MEMBER;
shadow = oldshadow;
if (shadow) {
if (!iname)
realname = name;
realname = iname;
// Check to see if we've already seen this
cname << class_name << "::" << realname;
if (add_symbol(cname.get(), 0,0)) {
return; // Forget it, already saw it
if (strcmp(realname,"__repr__") == 0)
have_repr = 1;
// Now add it to the class
*pyclass << tab4 << "def " << realname << "(self, *_args, **_kwargs):\n";
// Create a doc string
if (docstring && doc_entry) {
*pyclass << tab8 << "\"\"\"" << add_docstring(doc_entry) << "\"\"\"\n";
*pyclass << tab8 << "val = apply(" << module << "." << name_member(realname,class_name) << ",(self,) + _args, _kwargs)\n";
// Check to see if the return type is an object
if ((hash.lookup(t->name)) && (t->is_pointer <= 1)) {
if (!typemap_check("out",typemap_lang,t,name_member(realname,class_name))) {
if (!have_output) {
*pyclass << tab8 << "if val: val = " << (char *) hash.lookup(t->name) << "Ptr(val) ";
if (((hash.lookup(t->name)) && (t->is_pointer < 1)) ||
((hash.lookup(t->name)) && (t->is_pointer == 1) && NewObject))
*pyclass << "; val.thisown = 1\n";
*pyclass << "\n";
} else {
// Do nothing!
emitAddPragmas(*pyclass, realname, tab8);
*pyclass << tab8 << "return val\n";
// Change the usage string to reflect our shadow class
if (doc_entry) {
doc_entry->usage = "";
doc_entry->usage << usage_func(realname,t,l);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void PYTHON::cpp_constructor(char *name, char *iname, ParmList *l)
// Make a constructor for our class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PYTHON::cpp_constructor(char *name, char *iname, ParmList *l) {
char *realname;
Parm *p;
int i;
int oldshadow = shadow;
String cname = "python:constructor:";
String translate = "";
int pcount, numopt;
int have_optional;
if (shadow) shadow = shadow | PYSHADOW_MEMBER;
shadow = oldshadow;
if (shadow) {
if (iname)
realname = iname;
else {
if (class_renamed) realname = class_name;
else realname = class_name;
// Check to see if we've already seen this
cname << class_name << "::" << realname;
if (add_symbol(cname.get(), 0,0)) {
return; // Forget it, already seen it
if (!have_constructor) {
// Create a new constructor
*construct << tab4 << "def __init__(self,*_args,**_kwargs):\n";
if (docstring && doc_entry)
*construct << tab8 << "\"\"\"" << add_docstring(doc_entry) << "\"\"\"\n";
*construct << tab8 << "self.this = apply(" << module << "." << name_construct(realname) << ",_args,_kwargs)\n";
*construct << tab8 << "self.thisown = 1\n";
have_constructor = 1;
} else {
// Hmmm. We seem to be creating a different constructor. We're just going to create a
// function for it.
*additional << "def " << realname << "(*_args,**_kwargs):\n";
*additional << tab4 << "val = " << class_name << "Ptr(apply("
<< module << "." << name_construct(realname) << ",_args,_kwargs))\n"
<< tab4 << "val.thisown = 1\n";
emitAddPragmas(*additional, realname, tab4);
*additional << tab4 << "return val\n\n";
// Patch up the documentation entry
if (doc_entry) {
doc_entry->usage = "";
doc_entry->usage << usage_func(class_name,0,l);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void PYTHON::cpp_destructor(char *name, char *newname)
// Creates a destructor for this object
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PYTHON::cpp_destructor(char *name, char *newname) {
char *realname;
int oldshadow = shadow;
if (shadow) shadow = shadow | PYSHADOW_MEMBER;
shadow = oldshadow;
if (shadow) {
if (newname) realname = newname;
else {
if (class_renamed) realname = class_name;
else realname = name;
*pyclass << tab4 << "def __del__(self," << module << "=" << module << "):\n";
*pyclass << tab8 << "if self.thisown == 1 :\n"
<< tab8 << tab4 << module << "." << name_destroy(realname) << "(self)\n";
have_destructor = 1;
if (doc_entry) {
doc_entry->usage = "";
doc_entry->usage << "del this";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PYTHON::cpp_close_class()
// Closes a Python class and writes out a wrapper
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PYTHON::cpp_close_class() {
String ptrclass;
String repr;
if (shadow) {
if (!have_constructor) {
// Build a constructor that takes a pointer to this kind of object
*construct << tab4 << "def __init__(self,this):\n";
*construct << tab8 << "self.this = this\n";
// First, build the pointer base class
if (base_class) {
ptrclass << "class " << class_name << "Ptr(" << *base_class << "):\n";
} else {
ptrclass << "class " << class_name << "Ptr :\n";
// *getattr << tab8 << "return self.__dict__[name]\n";
*getattr << tab8 << "raise AttributeError,name\n";
*setattr << tab8 << "self.__dict__[name] = value\n";
ptrclass << *cinit
<< tab4 << "def __init__(self,this):\n"
<< tab8 << "self.this = this\n"
<< tab8 << "self.thisown = 0\n";
classes << ptrclass
<< *pyclass;
if (have_setattr)
classes << *setattr;
if (have_getattr)
classes << *getattr;
if (!have_repr) {
// Supply a repr method for this class
repr << tab4 << "def __repr__(self):\n"
<< tab8 << "return \"<C " << class_name <<" instance at %s>\" % (self.this,)\n";
classes << repr;
// Now build the real class with a normal constructor
classes << "class " << class_name << "(" << class_name << "Ptr):\n";
if (docstring && doc_entry) {
classes << tab4 << "\"\"\"" << add_docstring(doc_entry) << "\"\"\"\n";
classes << *construct << "\n\n"
<< "\n" << *additional << "\n";
delete pyclass;
delete setattr;
delete getattr;
delete additional;
void PYTHON::cpp_cleanup() { };
void PYTHON::cpp_inherit(char **baseclass,int) {
char *bc;
int i = 0, first_base = 0;
if (!shadow) {
// We'll inherit variables and constants, but not methods
this->Language::cpp_inherit(baseclass, INHERIT_VAR);
if (!baseclass) return;
base_class = new String;
// Now tell the Python module that we're inheriting from a base class
while (baseclass[i]) {
bc = (char *) hash.lookup(baseclass[i]);
if (bc) {
if (first_base) *base_class << ",";
*base_class << bc << "Ptr";
first_base = 1;
if (!first_base) {
delete base_class;
base_class = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PYTHON::cpp_variable(char *name, char *iname, DataType *t)
// Adds an instance member.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PYTHON::cpp_variable(char *name, char *iname, DataType *t) {
char *realname;
int inhash = 0;
int oldshadow = shadow;
String cname = "python:";
if (shadow) shadow = shadow | PYSHADOW_MEMBER;
shadow = oldshadow;
if (shadow) {
have_getattr = 1;
have_setattr = 1;
if (!iname)
realname = name;
realname = iname;
// Check to see if we've already seen this
cname << class_name << "::" << realname;
if (add_symbol(cname.get(), 0,0)) {
return; // Forget it, already seen it
// Figure out if we've seen this datatype before
if ((hash.lookup(t->name)) && (t->is_pointer <= 1)) inhash = 1;
// Now write some code to set the variable
*setattr << tab8 << "if name == \"" << realname << "\" :\n";
if (inhash) {
*setattr << tab8 << tab4 << module << "." << name_set(name_member(realname,class_name)) << "(self,value.this)\n";
} else {
*setattr << tab8 << tab4 << module << "." << name_set(name_member(realname,class_name)) << "(self,value)\n";
*setattr << tab8 << tab4 << "return\n";
// Write some code to get the variable
*getattr << tab8 << "if name == \"" << realname << "\" : \n";
if (inhash) {
*getattr << tab8 << tab4 << "return " << (char *) hash.lookup(t->name) << "Ptr(" << module << "."
<< name_get(name_member(realname,class_name)) << "(self))\n";
} else {
*getattr << tab8 << tab4 << "return " << module << "." << name_get(name_member(realname,class_name)) << "(self)\n";
// Patch up ye old documentation entry
if (doc_entry) {
doc_entry->usage = "";
doc_entry->usage << "self." << realname;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PYTHON::cpp_declare_const(char *name, char *iname, DataType *type, char *value)
// Add access to a C++ constant
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PYTHON::cpp_declare_const(char *name, char *iname, DataType *type, char *value) {
char *realname;
int oldshadow = shadow;
String cname = "python:";
if (shadow) shadow = shadow | PYSHADOW_MEMBER;
shadow = oldshadow;
if (shadow) {
if (!iname)
realname = name;
realname = iname;
// Check to see if we've already seen this
cname << class_name << "::" << realname;
if (add_symbol(cname.get(), 0,0)) {
return; // Forget it, already seen it
*cinit << tab4 << realname << " = " << module << "." << name_member(realname,class_name) << "\n";
if (doc_entry) {
doc_entry->usage = "";
doc_entry->usage << "self." << realname;
if (value) {
doc_entry->usage << " = " << value;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PYTHON::add_typedef(DataType *t, char *name)
// This is called whenever a typedef is encountered. When shadow classes are
// used, this function lets us discovered hidden uses of a class. For example :
// struct FooBar {
// ...
// }
// typedef FooBar *FooBarPtr;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PYTHON::add_typedef(DataType *t, char *name) {
if (!shadow) return;
// First check to see if there aren't too many pointers
if (t->is_pointer > 1) return;
if (hash.lookup(name)) return; // Already added
// Now look up the datatype in our shadow class hash table
if (hash.lookup(t->name)) {
// Yep. This datatype is in the hash
// Put this types 'new' name into the hash
hash.add(name,copy_string((char *) hash.lookup(t->name)));