2006-10-08 21:56:55 +00:00

142 lines
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% wxFFileInputStream
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This class represents data read in from a file. There are actually
two such groups of classes: this one is based on \helpref{wxFFile}{wxffile}
whereas \helpref{wxFileInputStream}{wxfileinputstream} is based in
the \helpref{wxFile}{wxfile} class.
Note that \helpref{SeekI()}{wxinputstreamseeki}
can seek beyond the end of the stream (file) and will thus not return
{\it wxInvalidOffset} for that.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxBufferedInputStream}{wxbufferedinputstream}, \helpref{wxFFileOutputStream}{wxffileoutputstream}, \helpref{wxFileOutputStream}{wxfileoutputstream}
% ----------
% Members
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\func{}{wxFFileInputStream}{\param{const wxString\&}{ filename}, \param{const wxChar *}{ mode = "rb"}}
Opens the specified file using its {\it filename} name using the specified mode.
\func{}{wxFFileInputStream}{\param{wxFFile\&}{ file}}
Initializes a file stream in read-only mode using the file I/O object {\it file}.
\func{}{wxFFileInputStream}{\param{FILE *}{ fp}}
Initializes a file stream in read-only mode using the specified file pointer {\it fp}.
Returns true if the stream is initialized and ready.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% wxFFileOutputStream
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
This class represents data written to a file. There are actually
two such groups of classes: this one is based on \helpref{wxFFile}{wxffile}
whereas \helpref{wxFileInputStream}{wxffileinputstream} is based in
the \helpref{wxFile}{wxfile} class.
Note that \helpref{SeekO()}{wxoutputstreamseeko}
can seek beyond the end of the stream (file) and will thus not return
{\it wxInvalidOffset} for that.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxBufferedOutputStream}{wxbufferedoutputstream}, \helpref{wxFFileInputStream}{wxffileinputstream}, \helpref{wxFileInputStream}{wxfileinputstream}
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% Members
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\func{}{wxFFileOutputStream}{\param{const wxString\&}{ filename}, \param{const wxChar *}{ mode="w+b"}}
Opens the file with the given {\it filename} name in the specified mode.
\func{}{wxFFileOutputStream}{\param{wxFFile\&}{ file}}
Initializes a file stream in write-only mode using the file I/O object {\it file}.
\func{}{wxFFileOutputStream}{\param{FILE *}{ fp}}
Initializes a file stream in write-only mode using the file descriptor {\it fp}.
Returns true if the stream is initialized and ready.
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% wxFFileStream
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\wxheading{Derived from}
\helpref{wxFFileOutputStream}{wxffileoutputstream}, \helpref{wxFFileInputStream}{wxffileinputstream}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\func{}{wxFFileStream}{\param{const wxString\&}{ iofileName}}
Initializes a new file stream in read-write mode using the specified
{\it iofilename} name.