This resolves confusion reported by a wxPython user: https://github.com/wxWidgets/Phoenix/issues/1815
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1842 lines
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// Name: graphics.h
// Purpose: interface of various wxGraphics* classes
// Author: wxWidgets team
// Licence: wxWindows licence
@class wxGraphicsPath
A wxGraphicsPath is a native representation of a geometric path. The
contents are specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are
reference counted and can therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to
get a valid instance is by using wxGraphicsContext::CreatePath() or
class wxGraphicsPath : public wxGraphicsObject
Adds an arc of a circle.
The circle is defined by the coordinates of its centre (@a x, @a y) or
@a c and its radius @a r. The arc goes from the starting angle @a
startAngle to @a endAngle either clockwise or counter-clockwise
depending on the value of @a clockwise argument.
The angles are measured in radians but, contrary to the usual
mathematical convention, are always @e clockwise from the horizontal
If for clockwise arc @a endAngle is less than @a startAngle it will be
progressively increased by 2*pi until it is greater than @a startAngle.
If for counter-clockwise arc @a endAngle is greater than @a startAngle
it will be progressively decreased by 2*pi until it is less than
@a startAngle.
If there is a current point set, an initial line segment will be added
to the path to connect the current point to the beginning of the arc.
virtual void AddArc(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble r,
wxDouble startAngle, wxDouble endAngle,
bool clockwise);
void AddArc(const wxPoint2DDouble& c, wxDouble r,
wxDouble startAngle, wxDouble endAngle, bool clockwise);
Adds an arc (of a circle with radius @a r) that is tangent
to the line connecting current point and (@a x1, @a y1) and
to the line connecting (@a x1, @a y1) and (@a x2, @a y2).
If the current point and the starting point of the arc are different,
a straight line connecting these points is also appended.
If there is no current point before the call to AddArcToPoint() this
function will behave as if preceded by a call to MoveToPoint(0, 0).
After this call the current point will be at the ending point
of the arc.
@image html drawing-addarctopoint.png
virtual void AddArcToPoint(wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1, wxDouble x2,
wxDouble y2, wxDouble r);
Appends a circle around (@a x,@a y) with radius @a r as a new closed
After this call the current point will be at (@a x+@a r, @a y).
virtual void AddCircle(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble r);
Adds a cubic bezier curve from the current point, using two control
points and an end point.
If there is no current point before the call to AddCurveToPoint() this
function will behave as if preceded by a call to
MoveToPoint(@a cx1, @a cy1).
virtual void AddCurveToPoint(wxDouble cx1, wxDouble cy1,
wxDouble cx2, wxDouble cy2,
wxDouble x, wxDouble y);
Adds a cubic bezier curve from the current point, using two control
points and an end point.
If there is no current point before the call to AddCurveToPoint() this
function will behave as if preceded by a call to MoveToPoint(@a c1).
void AddCurveToPoint(const wxPoint2DDouble& c1,
const wxPoint2DDouble& c2,
const wxPoint2DDouble& e);
Appends an ellipse fitting into the passed in rectangle as a new
closed subpath.
After this call the current point will be at (@a x+@a w, @a y+@a h/2).
virtual void AddEllipse(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h);
Adds a straight line from the current point to (@a x,@a y).
If current point is not yet set before the call to AddLineToPoint()
this function will behave as MoveToPoint().
virtual void AddLineToPoint(wxDouble x, wxDouble y);
Adds a straight line from the current point to @a p.
If current point is not yet set before the call to AddLineToPoint()
this function will behave as MoveToPoint().
void AddLineToPoint(const wxPoint2DDouble& p);
Adds another path onto the current path. After this call the current
point will be at the added path's current point.
For Direct2D the path being appended shouldn't contain
a started non-empty subpath when this function is called.
virtual void AddPath(const wxGraphicsPath& path);
Adds a quadratic bezier curve from the current point, using a control
point and an end point.
If there is no current point before the call to AddQuadCurveToPoint()
this function will behave as if preceded by a call to
MoveToPoint(@a cx, @a cy).
virtual void AddQuadCurveToPoint(wxDouble cx, wxDouble cy,
wxDouble x, wxDouble y);
Appends a rectangle as a new closed subpath. After this call
the current point will be at (@a x, @a y).
virtual void AddRectangle(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h);
Appends a rounded rectangle as a new closed subpath.
If @a radius equals 0 this function will behave as AddRectangle(),
otherwise after this call the current point will be at
(@a x+@a w, @a y+@a h/2).
virtual void AddRoundedRectangle(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w,
wxDouble h, wxDouble radius);
Closes the current sub-path. After this call the current point will be
at the joined endpoint of the sub-path.
virtual void CloseSubpath();
@return @true if the point is within the path.
bool Contains(const wxPoint2DDouble& c,
wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE) const;
@return @true if the point is within the path.
virtual bool Contains(wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE) const;
Gets the bounding box enclosing all points (possibly including control
wxRect2DDouble GetBox() const;
Gets the bounding box enclosing all points (possibly including control
virtual void GetBox(wxDouble* x, wxDouble* y,
wxDouble* w, wxDouble* h) const;
Gets the last point of the current path, (0,0) if not yet set.
virtual void GetCurrentPoint(wxDouble* x, wxDouble* y) const;
Gets the last point of the current path, (0,0) if not yet set.
wxPoint2DDouble GetCurrentPoint() const;
Returns the native path (CGPathRef for Core Graphics, Path pointer for
GDIPlus and a cairo_path_t pointer for cairo).
virtual void* GetNativePath() const;
Begins a new subpath at (@a x,@a y).
virtual void MoveToPoint(wxDouble x, wxDouble y);
Begins a new subpath at @a p.
void MoveToPoint(const wxPoint2DDouble& p);
Transforms each point of this path by the matrix.
For Direct2D the current path shouldn't contain
a started non-empty subpath when this function is called.
virtual void Transform(const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix);
Gives back the native path returned by GetNativePath() because there
might be some deallocations necessary (e.g. on cairo the native path
returned by GetNativePath() is newly allocated each time).
virtual void UnGetNativePath(void* p) const;
@class wxGraphicsObject
This class is the superclass of native graphics objects like pens etc. It
allows reference counting. Not instantiated by user code.
@see wxGraphicsBrush, wxGraphicsPen, wxGraphicsMatrix, wxGraphicsPath
class wxGraphicsObject : public wxObject
Returns the renderer that was used to create this instance, or @NULL
if it has not been initialized yet.
wxGraphicsRenderer* GetRenderer() const;
@return @false if this object is valid, otherwise returns @true.
bool IsNull() const;
Anti-aliasing modes used by wxGraphicsContext::SetAntialiasMode().
enum wxAntialiasMode
/** No anti-aliasing */
/** The default anti-aliasing */
Interpolation quality used by wxGraphicsContext::SetInterpolationQuality().
enum wxInterpolationQuality
/** default interpolation, based on type of context, in general medium quality */
/** no interpolation */
/** fast interpolation, suited for interactivity */
/** better quality */
/** best quality, not suited for interactivity */
Compositing is done using Porter-Duff compositions
(see http://keithp.com/~keithp/porterduff/p253-porter.pdf) with
The description give a short equation on how the values of a resulting
pixel are calculated.
@e R = Result, @e S = Source, @e D = Destination, colors premultiplied with alpha
@e Ra, @e Sa, @e Da their alpha components
enum wxCompositionMode
Indicates invalid or unsupported composition mode.
This value can't be passed to wxGraphicsContext::SetCompositionMode().
@since 2.9.2
wxCOMPOSITION_CLEAR, /**< @e R = 0 */
wxCOMPOSITION_SOURCE, /**< @e R = S */
wxCOMPOSITION_OVER, /**< @e R = @e S + @e D*(1 - @e Sa) */
wxCOMPOSITION_IN, /**< @e R = @e S*@e Da */
wxCOMPOSITION_OUT, /**< @e R = @e S*(1 - @e Da) */
wxCOMPOSITION_ATOP, /**< @e R = @e S*@e Da + @e D*(1 - @e Sa) */
wxCOMPOSITION_DEST, /**< @e R = @e D, essentially a noop */
wxCOMPOSITION_DEST_OVER, /**< @e R = @e S*(1 - @e Da) + @e D */
wxCOMPOSITION_DEST_IN, /**< @e R = @e D*@e Sa */
wxCOMPOSITION_DEST_OUT, /**< @e R = @e D*(1 - @e Sa) */
wxCOMPOSITION_DEST_ATOP, /**< @e R = @e S*(1 - @e Da) + @e D*@e Sa */
wxCOMPOSITION_XOR, /**< @e R = @e S*(1 - @e Da) + @e D*(1 - @e Sa) */
wxCOMPOSITION_ADD /**< @e R = @e S + @e D */
Used to indicate what kind of gradient is set in a wxGraphicsPenInfo
@since 3.1.3
enum wxGradientType {
Represents a bitmap.
The objects of this class are not created directly but only via
wxGraphicsContext or wxGraphicsRenderer CreateBitmap(),
CreateBitmapFromImage() or CreateSubBitmap() methods. They can subsequently
be used with wxGraphicsContext::DrawBitmap(). The only other operation is
testing for the bitmap validity which can be performed using IsNull()
method inherited from the base class.
class wxGraphicsBitmap : public wxGraphicsObject
Default constructor creates an invalid bitmap.
Return the contents of this bitmap as wxImage.
Using this method is more efficient than converting wxGraphicsBitmap to
wxBitmap first and then to wxImage and can be useful if, for example,
you want to save wxGraphicsBitmap as a disk file in a format not
directly supported by wxBitmap.
Invalid image is returned if the bitmap is invalid.
@since 2.9.3
wxImage ConvertToImage() const;
Return the pointer to the native bitmap data. (CGImageRef for Core Graphics,
cairo_surface_t for Cairo, Bitmap* for GDI+.)
@since 2.9.4
void* GetNativeBitmap() const;
@class wxGraphicsContext
A wxGraphicsContext instance is the object that is drawn upon. It is
created by a renderer using wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext(). This can
be either directly using a renderer instance, or indirectly using the
static convenience Create() functions of wxGraphicsContext that always
delegate the task to the default renderer.
void MyCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &event)
// Create paint DC
wxPaintDC dc(this);
// Create graphics context from it
wxGraphicsContext *gc = wxGraphicsContext::Create( dc );
if (gc)
// make a path that contains a circle and some lines
gc->SetPen( *wxRED_PEN );
wxGraphicsPath path = gc->CreatePath();
path.AddCircle( 50.0, 50.0, 50.0 );
path.MoveToPoint(0.0, 50.0);
path.AddLineToPoint(100.0, 50.0);
path.MoveToPoint(50.0, 0.0);
path.AddLineToPoint(50.0, 100.0 );
path.AddRectangle(25.0, 25.0, 50.0, 50.0);
delete gc;
@remarks For some renderers (like Direct2D or Cairo) processing
of drawing operations may be deferred (Direct2D render target normally
builds up a batch of rendering commands but defers processing of these
commands, Cairo operates on a separate surface) so to make drawing
results visible you need to update the content of the context
by calling wxGraphicsContext::Flush() or by destroying the context.
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext(), wxGCDC, wxDC
class wxGraphicsContext : public wxGraphicsObject
@name Creating a context
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxWindow.
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext()
static wxGraphicsContext* Create(wxWindow* window);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxWindowDC
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext()
static wxGraphicsContext* Create(const wxWindowDC& windowDC);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxMemoryDC
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext()
static wxGraphicsContext* Create(const wxMemoryDC& memoryDC);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxPrinterDC. Under GTK+, this will
only work when using the GtkPrint printing backend which is available
since GTK+ 2.10.
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext(), @ref overview_unixprinting
static wxGraphicsContext* Create(const wxPrinterDC& printerDC);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxEnhMetaFileDC.
This function, as wxEnhMetaFileDC class itself, is only available only
under MSW.
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext()
static wxGraphicsContext* Create(const wxEnhMetaFileDC& metaFileDC);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a DC of unknown specific type.
Creates a wxGraphicsContext if @a dc is a supported type (i.e. has a
corresponding Create() method, e.g. wxWindowDC or wxMemoryDC).
Returns @NULL if the DC is unsupported.
This method is only useful as a helper in generic code that operates
with wxDC and doesn't known its exact type. Use Create() instead if
you know that the DC is e.g. wxWindowDC.
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContextFromUnknownDC()
@since 3.1.1
static wxGraphicsContext* CreateFromUnknownDC(wxDC& dc);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext associated with a wxImage.
The image specifies the size of the context as well as whether alpha is
supported (if wxImage::HasAlpha()) or not and the initial contents of
the context. The @a image object must have a life time greater than
that of the new context as the context copies its contents back to the
image when it is destroyed.
@since 2.9.3
static wxGraphicsContext* Create(wxImage& image);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a native context. This native context
must be a CGContextRef for Core Graphics, a Graphics pointer for
GDIPlus, or a cairo_t pointer for cairo.
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContextFromNativeContext()
static wxGraphicsContext* CreateFromNative(void* context);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a native window.
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContextFromNativeWindow()
static wxGraphicsContext* CreateFromNativeWindow(void* window);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a native DC handle. Windows only.
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContextFromNativeHDC()
@since 3.1.1
static wxGraphicsContext* CreateFromNativeHDC(WXHDC dc);
Create a lightweight context that can be used only for measuring text.
static wxGraphicsContext* Create();
/** @}
@name Clipping region functions
Resets the clipping to original shape.
virtual void ResetClip() = 0;
Sets the clipping region to the intersection of the given region
and the previously set clipping region.
The clipping region is an area to which drawing is restricted.
- Clipping region should be given in logical coordinates.
- Calling this function can only make the clipping region smaller,
never larger.
- You need to call ResetClip() first if you want to set the clipping
region exactly to the region specified.
- If resulting clipping region is empty, then all drawing upon the context
is clipped out (all changes made by drawing operations are masked out).
virtual void Clip(const wxRegion& region) = 0;
virtual void Clip(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h) = 0;
Returns bounding box of the current clipping region.
- If clipping region is empty, then empty rectangle is returned
(@a x, @a y, @a w, @a h are set to zero).
@since 3.1.1
virtual void GetClipBox(wxDouble* x, wxDouble* y, wxDouble* w, wxDouble* h) = 0;
/** @}
@name Transformation matrix
Creates a native affine transformation matrix from the passed in
values. The default parameters result in an identity matrix.
virtual wxGraphicsMatrix CreateMatrix(wxDouble a = 1.0, wxDouble b = 0.0,
wxDouble c = 0.0, wxDouble d = 1.0,
wxDouble tx = 0.0,
wxDouble ty = 0.0) const;
Creates a native affine transformation matrix from the passed
generic one.
@since 2.9.4
wxGraphicsMatrix CreateMatrix(const wxAffineMatrix2DBase& mat) const;
Concatenates the passed in transform with the current transform of this
virtual void ConcatTransform(const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix) = 0;
Gets the current transformation matrix of this context.
virtual wxGraphicsMatrix GetTransform() const = 0;
Rotates the current transformation matrix (in radians).
virtual void Rotate(wxDouble angle) = 0;
Scales the current transformation matrix.
virtual void Scale(wxDouble xScale, wxDouble yScale) = 0;
Sets the current transformation matrix of this context
virtual void SetTransform(const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix) = 0;
Translates the current transformation matrix.
virtual void Translate(wxDouble dx, wxDouble dy) = 0;
/** @}
@name Brush and pen functions
Creates a native brush from a wxBrush.
virtual wxGraphicsBrush CreateBrush(const wxBrush& brush) const;
Creates a native brush with a linear gradient.
The brush starts at (@a x1, @a y1) and ends at (@a x2, @a y2). Either
just the start and end gradient colours (@a c1 and @a c2) or full set
of gradient @a stops can be specified.
The version taking wxGraphicsGradientStops is new in wxWidgets 2.9.1.
The @a matrix parameter was added in wxWidgets 3.1.3
CreateLinearGradientBrush(wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1,
wxDouble x2, wxDouble y2,
const wxColour& c1, const wxColour& c2,
const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix = wxNullGraphicsMatrix) const;
CreateLinearGradientBrush(wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1,
wxDouble x2, wxDouble y2,
const wxGraphicsGradientStops& stops,
const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix = wxNullGraphicsMatrix) const;
Creates a native brush with a radial gradient.
The brush originates at (@a startX, @a startY) and ends on a circle around
(@a endX, @a endY) with the given @a radius.
The gradient may be specified either by its start and end colours @a
oColor and @a cColor or by a full set of gradient @a stops.
The version taking wxGraphicsGradientStops is new in wxWidgets 2.9.1.
The ability to apply a transformation matrix to the gradient was added in 3.1.3
virtual wxGraphicsBrush
CreateRadialGradientBrush(wxDouble startX, wxDouble startY,
wxDouble endX, wxDouble endY,
wxDouble radius,
const wxColour& oColor,
const wxColour& cColor,
const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix = wxNullGraphicsMatrix) const;
virtual wxGraphicsBrush
CreateRadialGradientBrush(wxDouble startX, wxDouble startY,
wxDouble endX, wxDouble endY,
wxDouble radius,
const wxGraphicsGradientStops& stops,
const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix = wxNullGraphicsMatrix) = 0;
Sets the brush for filling paths.
void SetBrush(const wxBrush& brush);
Sets the brush for filling paths.
virtual void SetBrush(const wxGraphicsBrush& brush);
Creates a native pen from a wxPen.
Prefer to use the overload taking wxGraphicsPenInfo unless you already
have a wxPen as constructing one only to pass it to this method is
wxGraphicsPen CreatePen(const wxPen& pen) const;
Creates a native pen from a wxGraphicsPenInfo.
@since 3.1.1
wxGraphicsPen CreatePen(const wxGraphicsPenInfo& info) const;
Sets the pen used for stroking.
void SetPen(const wxPen& pen);
Sets the pen used for stroking.
virtual void SetPen(const wxGraphicsPen& pen);
/** @}
@name Drawing functions
Draws the bitmap. In case of a mono bitmap, this is treated as a mask
and the current brushed is used for filling.
virtual void DrawBitmap(const wxGraphicsBitmap& bmp,
wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
wxDouble w, wxDouble h ) = 0;
virtual void DrawBitmap(const wxBitmap& bmp,
wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
wxDouble w, wxDouble h) = 0;
Draws an ellipse.
virtual void DrawEllipse(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h);
Draws the icon.
virtual void DrawIcon(const wxIcon& icon, wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
wxDouble w, wxDouble h) = 0;
Draws a polygon.
virtual void DrawLines(size_t n, const wxPoint2DDouble* points,
wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE);
Draws the path by first filling and then stroking.
virtual void DrawPath(const wxGraphicsPath& path,
wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE);
Draws a rectangle.
virtual void DrawRectangle(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h);
Draws a rounded rectangle.
virtual void DrawRoundedRectangle(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w,
wxDouble h, wxDouble radius);
Draws text at the defined position.
void DrawText(const wxString& str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y);
Draws text at the defined position.
@param str
The text to draw.
@param x
The x coordinate position to draw the text at.
@param y
The y coordinate position to draw the text at.
@param angle
The angle, in radians, relative to the (default) horizontal
direction to draw the string.
void DrawText(const wxString& str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble angle);
Draws text at the defined position.
@param str
The text to draw.
@param x
The x coordinate position to draw the text at.
@param y
The y coordinate position to draw the text at.
@param backgroundBrush
Brush to fill the text with.
void DrawText(const wxString& str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
const wxGraphicsBrush& backgroundBrush);
Draws text at the defined position.
@param str
The text to draw.
@param x
The x coordinate position to draw the text at.
@param y
The y coordinate position to draw the text at.
@param angle
The angle, in radians, relative to the (default) horizontal
direction to draw the string.
@param backgroundBrush
Brush to fill the text with.
void DrawText(const wxString& str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
wxDouble angle, const wxGraphicsBrush& backgroundBrush);
Creates a native graphics path which is initially empty.
wxGraphicsPath CreatePath() const;
Fills the path with the current brush.
virtual void FillPath(const wxGraphicsPath& path,
wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE) = 0;
Strokes a single line.
virtual void StrokeLine(wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1, wxDouble x2, wxDouble y2);
Stroke disconnected lines from begin to end points, fastest method
available for this purpose.
virtual void StrokeLines(size_t n, const wxPoint2DDouble* beginPoints,
const wxPoint2DDouble* endPoints);
Stroke lines connecting all the points.
Unlike the other overload of this function, this method draws a single
polyline and not a number of disconnected lines.
virtual void StrokeLines(size_t n, const wxPoint2DDouble* points);
Strokes along a path with the current pen.
virtual void StrokePath(const wxGraphicsPath& path) = 0;
/** @}
@name Text functions
Creates a native graphics font from a wxFont and a text colour.
For Direct2D graphics fonts can be created from TrueType fonts only.
virtual wxGraphicsFont CreateFont(const wxFont& font,
const wxColour& col = *wxBLACK) const;
Creates a font object with the specified attributes.
The use of overload taking wxFont is preferred, see
wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateFont() for more details.
For Direct2D graphics fonts can be created from TrueType fonts only.
@since 2.9.3
virtual wxGraphicsFont CreateFont(double sizeInPixels,
const wxString& facename,
int flags = wxFONTFLAG_DEFAULT,
const wxColour& col = *wxBLACK) const;
Sets the font for drawing text.
For Direct2D only TrueType fonts can be used.
void SetFont(const wxFont& font, const wxColour& colour);
Sets the font for drawing text.
virtual void SetFont(const wxGraphicsFont& font);
Fills the @a widths array with the widths from the beginning of
@a text to the corresponding character of @a text.
virtual void GetPartialTextExtents(const wxString& text,
wxArrayDouble& widths) const = 0;
Gets the dimensions of the string using the currently selected font.
@param text
The text string to measure.
@param width
Variable to store the total calculated width of the text.
@param height
Variable to store the total calculated height of the text.
@param descent
Variable to store the dimension from the baseline of the font to
the bottom of the descender.
@param externalLeading
Any extra vertical space added to the font by the font designer
(usually is zero).
virtual void GetTextExtent(const wxString& text, wxDouble* width,
wxDouble* height, wxDouble* descent,
wxDouble* externalLeading) const = 0;
/** @}
@name Page and document start/end functions
Begin a new document (relevant only for printing / pdf etc.)
If there is a progress dialog, message will be shown.
virtual bool StartDoc( const wxString& message );
Done with that document (relevant only for printing / pdf etc.)
virtual void EndDoc();
Opens a new page (relevant only for printing / pdf etc.) with the given
size in points. (If both are null the default page size will be used.)
virtual void StartPage( wxDouble width = 0, wxDouble height = 0 );
Ends the current page (relevant only for printing / pdf etc.)
virtual void EndPage();
/** @}
@name Bitmap functions
Creates wxGraphicsBitmap from an existing wxBitmap.
Returns an invalid wxNullGraphicsBitmap on failure.
virtual wxGraphicsBitmap CreateBitmap( const wxBitmap &bitmap ) = 0;
Creates wxGraphicsBitmap from an existing wxImage.
This method is more efficient than converting wxImage to wxBitmap first
and then calling CreateBitmap() but otherwise has the same effect.
Returns an invalid wxNullGraphicsBitmap on failure.
@since 2.9.3
virtual wxGraphicsBitmap CreateBitmapFromImage(const wxImage& image);
Extracts a sub-bitmap from an existing bitmap.
virtual wxGraphicsBitmap CreateSubBitmap(const wxGraphicsBitmap& bitmap,
wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
wxDouble w, wxDouble h) = 0;
/** @}
@name Modifying the state
All rendering will be done into a fully transparent temporary context.
Layers can be nested by making balanced calls to BeginLayer()/EndLayer().
virtual void BeginLayer(wxDouble opacity) = 0;
Composites back the drawings into the context with the opacity given at
the BeginLayer() call.
virtual void EndLayer() = 0;
Push the current state (like transformations, clipping region and quality
settings) of the context on a stack.
Multiple balanced calls to PushState() and PopState() can be nested.
@see PopState()
virtual void PushState() = 0;
Sets current state of the context to the state saved by a preceding call
to PushState() and removes that state from the stack of saved states.
@see PushState()
virtual void PopState() = 0;
Make sure that the current content of this context is immediately visible.
virtual void Flush();
/** @}
@name Getting/setting parameters
Returns the native context (CGContextRef for Core Graphics, Graphics
pointer for GDIPlus and cairo_t pointer for cairo).
virtual void* GetNativeContext() = 0;
Sets the antialiasing mode, returns true if it supported
virtual bool SetAntialiasMode(wxAntialiasMode antialias) = 0;
Returns the current shape antialiasing mode
virtual wxAntialiasMode GetAntialiasMode() const ;
Sets the interpolation quality, returns true if it is supported.
Not implemented in Cairo backend currently.
virtual bool SetInterpolationQuality(wxInterpolationQuality interpolation) = 0;
Returns the current interpolation quality.
virtual wxInterpolationQuality GetInterpolationQuality() const;
Sets the compositing operator, returns true if it supported
virtual bool SetCompositionMode(wxCompositionMode op) = 0;
Returns the current compositing operator
virtual wxCompositionMode GetCompositionMode() const;
Returns the size of the graphics context in device coordinates.
void GetSize(wxDouble* width, wxDouble* height) const;
Returns the resolution of the graphics context in device points per inch.
virtual void GetDPI( wxDouble* dpiX, wxDouble* dpiY) const;
Returns the associated window if any.
If this context was created using Create() overload taking wxWindow or
wxWindowDC, this method returns the corresponding window. Otherwise
returns @NULL.
@return A possibly @NULL window pointer.
@since 3.1.2
wxWindow* GetWindow() const;
/** @}
@name Offset management
Helper to determine if a 0.5 offset should be applied
for the drawing operation.
virtual bool ShouldOffset() const;
Indicates whether the context should try to offset for pixel
boundaries. This only makes sense on bitmap devices like screen.
By default this is turned off.
virtual void EnableOffset(bool enable = true);
void DisableOffset();
bool OffsetEnabled();
/** @}
Represents a single gradient stop in a collection of gradient stops as
represented by wxGraphicsGradientStops.
@since 2.9.1
class wxGraphicsGradientStop
Creates a stop with the given colour and position.
@param col The colour of this stop. Note that the alpha component of
the colour is honoured thus allowing the background colours to
partially show through the gradient.
@param pos The stop position, must be in [0, 1] range with 0 being the
beginning and 1 the end of the gradient.
wxGraphicsGradientStop(wxColour col = wxTransparentColour, float pos = 0.);
/// Return the stop colour.
const wxColour& GetColour() const;
Change the stop colour.
@param col The new colour.
void SetColour(const wxColour& col);
/// Return the stop position.
float GetPosition() const;
Change the stop position.
@param pos The new position, must always be in [0, 1] range.
void SetPosition(float pos);
Represents a collection of wxGraphicGradientStop values for use with
CreateLinearGradientBrush and CreateRadialGradientBrush.
The stops are maintained in order of position. If two or more stops are
added with the same position then the one(s) added later come later.
This can be useful for producing discontinuities in the colour gradient.
Notice that this class is write-once, you can't modify the stops once they
had been added.
@since 2.9.1
class wxGraphicsGradientStops
Initializes the gradient stops with the given boundary colours.
Creates a wxGraphicsGradientStops instance with start colour given
by @a startCol and end colour given by @a endCol.
wxGraphicsGradientStops(wxColour startCol = wxTransparentColour,
wxColour endCol = wxTransparentColour);
Add a new stop.
void Add(const wxGraphicsGradientStop& stop);
void Add(wxColour col, float pos);
Returns the stop at the given index.
@param n The index, must be in [0, GetCount()) range.
wxGraphicsGradientStop Item(unsigned n) const;
Returns the number of stops.
size_t GetCount() const;
Set the start colour to @a col
void SetStartColour(wxColour col);
Returns the start colour.
wxColour GetStartColour() const;
Set the end colour to @a col
void SetEndColour(wxColour col);
Returns the end colour.
wxColour GetEndColour() const;
@class wxGraphicsRenderer
A wxGraphicsRenderer is the instance corresponding to the rendering engine
used. There may be multiple instances on a system, if there are different
rendering engines present, but there is always only one instance per
engine. This instance is pointed back to by all objects created by it
(wxGraphicsContext, wxGraphicsPath etc.) and can be retrieved through their
wxGraphicsObject::GetRenderer() method. Therefore you can create an
additional instance of a path etc. by calling
wxGraphicsObject::GetRenderer() and then using the appropriate CreateXXX()
function of that renderer.
wxGraphicsPath *path = // from somewhere
wxGraphicsBrush *brush = path->GetRenderer()->CreateBrush( *wxBLACK_BRUSH );
class wxGraphicsRenderer : public wxObject
Creates wxGraphicsBitmap from an existing wxBitmap.
Returns an invalid wxNullGraphicsBitmap on failure.
virtual wxGraphicsBitmap CreateBitmap( const wxBitmap &bitmap ) = 0;
Creates wxGraphicsBitmap from an existing wxImage.
This method is more efficient than converting wxImage to wxBitmap first
and then calling CreateBitmap() but otherwise has the same effect.
Returns an invalid wxNullGraphicsBitmap on failure.
@since 2.9.3
virtual wxGraphicsBitmap CreateBitmapFromImage(const wxImage& image) = 0;
Creates a wxImage from a wxGraphicsBitmap.
This method is used by the more convenient wxGraphicsBitmap::ConvertToImage.
virtual wxImage CreateImageFromBitmap(const wxGraphicsBitmap& bmp) = 0;
Creates wxGraphicsBitmap from a native bitmap handle.
@a bitmap meaning is platform-dependent. Currently it's a GDI+ @c
Bitmap pointer under MSW, @c CGImage pointer under macOS or a @c
cairo_surface_t pointer when using Cairo under any platform.
Notice that this method takes ownership of @a bitmap, i.e. it will be
destroyed when the returned wxGraphicsBitmap is.
virtual wxGraphicsBitmap CreateBitmapFromNativeBitmap( void* bitmap ) = 0;
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxWindow.
virtual wxGraphicsContext* CreateContext(wxWindow* window) = 0;
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxWindowDC
virtual wxGraphicsContext* CreateContext(const wxWindowDC& windowDC) = 0 ;
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxMemoryDC
virtual wxGraphicsContext* CreateContext(const wxMemoryDC& memoryDC) = 0 ;
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxPrinterDC.
@remarks Not implemented for Direct2D renderer (on MSW).
virtual wxGraphicsContext* CreateContext(const wxPrinterDC& printerDC) = 0 ;
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxEnhMetaFileDC.
This function, as wxEnhMetaFileDC class itself, is only available only
under MSW (but not for Direct2D renderer).
virtual wxGraphicsContext* CreateContext(const wxEnhMetaFileDC& metaFileDC) = 0;
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a DC of unknown specific type.
Creates a wxGraphicsContext if @a dc is a supported type (i.e. has a
corresponding CreateContext() method, e.g. wxWindowDC or wxMemoryDC).
Returns @NULL if the DC is unsupported.
This method is only useful as a helper in generic code that operates
with wxDC and doesn't known its exact type. Use the appropriate
CreateContext() overload instead if you know that the DC is e.g.
@see wxGraphicsContext::CreateFromUnknownDC()
@since 3.1.3
wxGraphicsContext* CreateContextFromUnknownDC(wxDC& dc);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext associated with a wxImage.
This function is used by wxContext::CreateFromImage() and is not
normally called directly.
@since 2.9.3
wxGraphicsContext* CreateContextFromImage(wxImage& image);
Creates a native brush from a wxBrush.
virtual wxGraphicsBrush CreateBrush(const wxBrush& brush) = 0;
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a native context. This native context
must be a CGContextRef for Core Graphics, a Graphics pointer for
GDIPlus, an ID2D1RenderTarget pointer for Direct2D, a cairo_t pointer
or HDC for Cairo on MSW, or a cairo_t pointer for Cairo on any other
virtual wxGraphicsContext* CreateContextFromNativeContext(void* context) = 0;
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a native window.
virtual wxGraphicsContext* CreateContextFromNativeWindow(void* window) = 0;
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a native DC handle. Windows only.
@since 3.1.1
static wxGraphicsContext* CreateContextFromNativeHDC(WXHDC dc);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext that can be used for measuring texts only.
No drawing commands are allowed.
virtual wxGraphicsContext * CreateMeasuringContext() = 0;
Creates a native graphics font from a wxFont and a text colour.
virtual wxGraphicsFont CreateFont(const wxFont& font,
const wxColour& col = *wxBLACK) = 0;
Creates a graphics font with the given characteristics.
If possible, the CreateFont() overload taking wxFont should be used
instead. The main advantage of this overload is that it can be used
without X server connection under Unix when using Cairo.
@param sizeInPixels
Height of the font in user space units, i.e. normally pixels.
Notice that this is different from the overload taking wxFont as
wxFont size is specified in points.
@param facename
The name of the font. The same font name might not be available
under all platforms so the font name can also be empty to use the
default platform font.
@param flags
Combination of wxFontFlag enum elements. Currently only
@c wxFONTFLAG_ITALIC and @c wxFONTFLAG_BOLD are supported. By
default the normal font version is used.
@param col
The font colour, black by default.
@since 2.9.3
virtual wxGraphicsFont CreateFont(double sizeInPixels,
const wxString& facename,
int flags = wxFONTFLAG_DEFAULT,
const wxColour& col = *wxBLACK) = 0;
Creates a native graphics font from a wxFont and a text colour.
The specified DPI is used to convert the (fractional) wxFont point-size
to a fractional pixel-size.
@since 3.1.3
virtual wxGraphicsFont CreateFontAtDPI(const wxFont& font,
const wxRealPoint& dpi,
const wxColour& col = *wxBLACK) = 0;
Creates a native brush with a linear gradient.
Stops support is new since wxWidgets 2.9.1, previously only the start
and end colours could be specified.
The ability to apply a transformation matrix to the gradient was added in 3.1.3
virtual wxGraphicsBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(wxDouble x1,
wxDouble y1,
wxDouble x2,
wxDouble y2,
const wxGraphicsGradientStops& stops,
const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix = wxNullGraphicsMatrix) = 0;
Creates a native affine transformation matrix from the passed in
values. The defaults result in an identity matrix.
virtual wxGraphicsMatrix CreateMatrix(wxDouble a = 1.0, wxDouble b = 0.0,
wxDouble c = 0.0, wxDouble d = 1.0,
wxDouble tx = 0.0,
wxDouble ty = 0.0) = 0;
Creates a native graphics path which is initially empty.
virtual wxGraphicsPath CreatePath() = 0;
Creates a native pen from its description.
@since 3.1.1
virtual wxGraphicsPen CreatePen(const wxGraphicsPenInfo& info) = 0;
Creates a native brush with a radial gradient.
Stops support is new since wxWidgets 2.9.1, previously only the start
and end colours could be specified.
The ability to apply a transformation matrix to the gradient was added in 3.1.3
virtual wxGraphicsBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(wxDouble startX, wxDouble startY,
wxDouble endX, wxDouble endY,
wxDouble radius,
const wxGraphicsGradientStops& stops,
const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix = wxNullGraphicsMatrix) = 0;
Extracts a sub-bitmap from an existing bitmap.
virtual wxGraphicsBitmap CreateSubBitmap(const wxGraphicsBitmap& bitmap,
wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
wxDouble w, wxDouble h) = 0;
Returns the name of the technology used by the renderer.
Currently this function returns "gdiplus" for Windows GDI+
implementation, "direct2d" for Windows Direct2D implementation,
"cairo" for Cairo implementation and "cg" for macOS CoreGraphics
@remarks The string returned by this method is not user-readable and is
expected to be used internally by the program only.
@since 3.1.0
virtual wxString GetName() const = 0;
Returns the version major, minor and micro/build of the technology used
by the renderer.
Currently this function returns the OS major and minor versions in
the parameters with the matching names and sets @a micro to 0 for
the GDI+ and CoreGraphics engines which are considered to be parts of
their respective OS.
For Cairo, this is the major,minor,micro version of the Cairo library
which is returned.
virtual void GetVersion(int* major, int* minor = NULL, int* micro=NULL) const = 0;
Returns the default renderer on this platform. On macOS this is the Core
Graphics (a.k.a. Quartz 2D) renderer, on MSW the GDIPlus renderer, and
on GTK we currently default to the Cairo renderer.
static wxGraphicsRenderer* GetDefaultRenderer();
Returns Cairo renderer.
static wxGraphicsRenderer* GetCairoRenderer();
Returns GDI+ renderer (MSW only).
static wxGraphicsRenderer* GetGDIPlusRenderer();
Returns Direct2D renderer (MSW only).
static wxGraphicsRenderer* GetDirect2DRenderer();
@class wxGraphicsBrush
A wxGraphicsBrush is a native representation of a brush. The contents are
specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are ref counted
and can therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a valid
instance is via wxGraphicsContext::CreateBrush() or
class wxGraphicsBrush : public wxGraphicsObject
@class wxGraphicsFont
A wxGraphicsFont is a native representation of a font. The contents are
specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are ref counted
and can therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a valid
instance is via wxGraphicsContext::CreateFont() or
class wxGraphicsFont : public wxGraphicsObject
@class wxGraphicsPenInfo
This class is a helper used for wxGraphicsPen creation using named parameter
idiom: it allows specifying various wxGraphicsPen attributes using the chained
calls to its clearly named methods instead of passing them in the fixed
order to wxGraphicsPen constructors.
Typically you would use wxGraphicsPenInfo with a wxGraphicsContext, e.g. to
start drawing with a dotted blue pen slightly wider than normal you could
write the following:
wxGraphicsContext ctx = wxGraphicsContext::Create(dc);
@since 3.1.1
class wxGraphicsPenInfo
explicit wxGraphicsPenInfo(const wxColour& colour = wxColour(),
wxDouble width = 1.0,
wxPenStyle style = wxPENSTYLE_SOLID);
wxGraphicsPenInfo& Colour(const wxColour& col);
wxGraphicsPenInfo& Width(wxDouble width);
wxGraphicsPenInfo& Style(wxPenStyle style);
wxGraphicsPenInfo& Stipple(const wxBitmap& stipple);
wxGraphicsPenInfo& Dashes(int nb_dashes, const wxDash *dash);
wxGraphicsPenInfo& Join(wxPenJoin join);
wxGraphicsPenInfo& Cap(wxPenCap cap);
LinearGradient(wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1, wxDouble x2, wxDouble y2,
const wxColour& c1, const wxColour& c2,
const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix = wxNullGraphicsMatrix);
LinearGradient(wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1, wxDouble x2, wxDouble y2,
const wxGraphicsGradientStops& stops,
const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix = wxNullGraphicsMatrix);
RadialGradient(wxDouble startX, wxDouble startY,
wxDouble endX, wxDouble endY, wxDouble radius,
const wxColour& oColor, const wxColour& cColor,
const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix = wxNullGraphicsMatrix);
RadialGradient(wxDouble startX, wxDouble startY,
wxDouble endX, wxDouble endY,
wxDouble radius, const wxGraphicsGradientStops& stops,
const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix = wxNullGraphicsMatrix);
wxColour GetColour() const;
wxBitmap GetStipple() const;
wxPenStyle GetStyle() const;
wxPenJoin GetJoin() const;
wxPenCap GetCap() const;
int GetDashes(wxDash **ptr);
int GetDashCount() const;
wxDash* GetDash() const;
bool IsTransparent() const;
wxDouble GetWidth() const;
wxGradientType GetGradientType() const;
wxDouble GetX1() const;
wxDouble GetY1() const;
wxDouble GetX2() const;
wxDouble GetY2() const;
wxDouble GetStartX() const;
wxDouble GetStartY() const;
wxDouble GetEndX() const;
wxDouble GetEndY() const;
wxDouble GetRadius() const;
const wxGraphicsGradientStops& GetStops() const;
@class wxGraphicsPen
A wxGraphicsPen is a native representation of a pen. The contents are
specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are ref counted
and can therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a valid
instance is via wxGraphicsContext::CreatePen() or
class wxGraphicsPen : public wxGraphicsObject
@class wxGraphicsMatrix
A wxGraphicsMatrix is a native representation of an affine matrix. The
contents are specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are
ref counted and can therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a
valid instance is via wxGraphicsContext::CreateMatrix() or
class wxGraphicsMatrix : public wxGraphicsObject
Concatenates the matrix passed with the current matrix.
The effect of the resulting transformation is to first apply
the transformation in @a t to the coordinates and then apply
the transformation in the current matrix to the coordinates.
// matrix = t x matrix
@param t
The parameter matrix is the multiplicand.
virtual void Concat(const wxGraphicsMatrix* t);
void Concat(const wxGraphicsMatrix& t);
Returns the component values of the matrix via the argument pointers.
virtual void Get(wxDouble* a = NULL, wxDouble* b = NULL,
wxDouble* c = NULL, wxDouble* d = NULL,
wxDouble* tx = NULL, wxDouble* ty = NULL) const;
Returns the native representation of the matrix. For CoreGraphics this
is a CFAffineMatrix pointer, for GDIPlus a Matrix Pointer, and for
Cairo a cairo_matrix_t pointer.
virtual void* GetNativeMatrix() const;
Inverts the matrix.
virtual void Invert();
Returns @true if the elements of the transformation matrix are equal.
virtual bool IsEqual(const wxGraphicsMatrix* t) const;
Returns @true if the elements of the transformation matrix are equal.
bool IsEqual(const wxGraphicsMatrix& t) const;
Return @true if this is the identity matrix.
virtual bool IsIdentity() const;
Rotates this matrix clockwise (in radians).
@param angle
Rotation angle in radians, clockwise.
virtual void Rotate(wxDouble angle);
Scales this matrix.
virtual void Scale(wxDouble xScale, wxDouble yScale);
Sets the matrix to the respective values (default values are the
identity matrix).
virtual void Set(wxDouble a = 1.0, wxDouble b = 0.0, wxDouble c = 0.0,
wxDouble d = 1.0, wxDouble tx = 0.0, wxDouble ty = 0.0);
Applies this matrix to a distance (ie. performs all transforms except
virtual void TransformDistance(wxDouble* dx, wxDouble* dy) const;
Applies this matrix to a point.
virtual void TransformPoint(wxDouble* x, wxDouble* y) const;
Translates this matrix.
virtual void Translate(wxDouble dx, wxDouble dy);
const wxGraphicsPen wxNullGraphicsPen;
const wxGraphicsBrush wxNullGraphicsBrush;
const wxGraphicsFont wxNullGraphicsFont;
const wxGraphicsBitmap wxNullGraphicsBitmap;
const wxGraphicsMatrix wxNullGraphicsMatrix;
const wxGraphicsPath wxNullGraphicsPath;