Robert Roebling 970e987e89 Mention dropdown menu
git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@53680 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2008-05-21 07:34:47 +00:00

721 lines
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// Name: toolbar.h
// Purpose: interface of wxToolBar
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
@class wxToolBar
The name wxToolBar is defined to be a synonym for one of the following
- @b wxToolBar95 - The native Windows 95 toolbar. Used on Windows 95, NT 4
and above.
- @b wxToolBarMSW - A Windows implementation. Used on 16-bit Windows.
- @b wxToolBarGTK - The GTK toolbar.
You may also create a toolbar that is managed by the frame, by calling
wxFrame::CreateToolBar(). Under Pocket PC, you should always use this
function for creating the toolbar to be managed by the frame, so that
wxWidgets can use a combined menubar and toolbar. Where you manage your
own toolbars, create a wxToolBar as usual.
The meaning of a "separator" is a vertical line under Windows and simple
space under GTK+.
@b wxToolBar95: Note that this toolbar paints tools to reflect
system-wide colours. If you use more than 16 colours in your tool
bitmaps, you may wish to suppress this behaviour, otherwise system
colours in your bitmaps will inadvertently be mapped to system colours.
To do this, set the msw.remap system option before creating the toolbar:
wxSystemOptions::SetOption(wxT("msw.remap"), 0);
If you wish to use 32-bit images (which include an alpha channel for
transparency) use:
wxSystemOptions::SetOption(wxT("msw.remap"), 2);
Then colour remapping is switched off, and a transparent background
used. But only use this option under Windows XP with true colour:
if (wxTheApp->GetComCtl32Version() >= 600 && ::wxDisplayDepth() >= 32)
There are several different types of tools you can add to a toolbar. These
types are controlled by the ::wxItemKind enumeration.
Gives the toolbar a flat look (Windows and GTK only).
Makes the toolbar floatable and dockable (GTK only).
Specifies horizontal layout (default).
Specifies vertical layout.
Shows the text in the toolbar buttons; by default only icons are shown.
Specifies no icons in the toolbar buttons; by default they are shown.
Specifies no divider (border) above the toolbar (Windows only)
Specifies no alignment with the parent window (Windows only, not very
Shows the text and the icons alongside, not vertically stacked (Windows
and GTK 2 only). This style must be used with @c wxTB_TEXT.
Combination of @c wxTB_HORZ_LAYOUT and @c wxTB_TEXT.
Don't show the short help tooltips for the tools when the mouse hovers
over them.
Align the toolbar at the bottom of parent window.
Align the toolbar at the right side of parent window.
See also @ref overview_windowstyles. Note that the Win32 native toolbar
ignores @c wxTB_NOICONS style. Also, toggling the @c wxTB_TEXT works only
if the style was initially on.
@event{EVT_TOOL(id, func)}
Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED event (a synonym for @c
wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED). Pass the id of the tool.
@event{EVT_MENU(id, func)}
The same as EVT_TOOL().
@event{EVT_TOOL_RANGE(id1, id2, func)}
Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED event for a range of
identifiers. Pass the ids of the tools.
@event{EVT_MENU_RANGE(id1, id2, func)}
The same as EVT_TOOL_RANGE().
@event{EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED(id, func)}
Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_RCLICKED event. Pass the id of the
@event{EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED_RANGE(id1, id2, func)}
Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_RCLICKED event for a range of ids. Pass
the ids of the tools.
@event{EVT_TOOL_ENTER(id, func)}
Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_ENTER event. Pass the id of the toolbar
itself. The value of wxCommandEvent::GetSelection() is the tool id, or
-1 if the mouse cursor has moved off a tool.
@event{EVT_TOOL_DROPDOWN(id, func)}
Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_DROPDOWN_CLICKED event. If unhandled,
displays the default dropdown menu set using
The toolbar class emits menu commands in the same way that a frame menubar
does, so you can use one EVT_MENU() macro for both a menu item and a toolbar
button. The event handler functions take a wxCommandEvent argument. For most
event macros, the identifier of the tool is passed, but for EVT_TOOL_ENTER()
the toolbar window identifier is passed and the tool identifier is retrieved
from the wxCommandEvent. This is because the identifier may be -1 when the
mouse moves off a tool, and -1 is not allowed as an identifier in the event
@see @ref overview_toolbar
class wxToolBar : public wxControl
Default constructor.
Constructs a toolbar.
@param parent
Pointer to a parent window.
@param id
Window identifier. If -1, will automatically create an identifier.
@param pos
Window position. ::wxDefaultPosition is (-1, -1) which indicates that
wxWidgets should generate a default position for the window. If
using the wxWindow class directly, supply an actual position.
@param size
Window size. ::wxDefaultSize is (-1, -1) which indicates that
wxWidgets should generate a default size for the window.
@param style
Window style. See wxToolBar for details.
@param name
Window name.
@remarks After a toolbar is created, you use AddTool() and perhaps
AddSeparator(), and then you must call Realize() to construct and
display the toolbar tools.
wxToolBar(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxTB_HORIZONTAL | wxBORDER_NONE,
const wxString& name = wxPanelNameStr);
Toolbar destructor.
Adds a new check (or toggle) tool to the toolbar. The parameters are the
same as in AddTool().
@see AddTool()
wxToolBarToolBase* AddCheckTool(int toolId,
const wxString& label,
const wxBitmap& bitmap1,
const wxBitmap& bitmap2,
const wxString& shortHelpString = "",
const wxString& longHelpString = "",
wxObject* clientData = NULL);
Adds any control to the toolbar, typically e.g. a wxComboBox.
@param control
The control to be added.
@param label
Text to be displayed near the control.
wxMSW: the label is only displayed if there is enough space
available below the embedded control.
wxMac: labels are only displayed if wxWidgets is built with @c
bool AddControl(wxControl* control, const wxString label = "");
Adds a new radio tool to the toolbar. Consecutive radio tools form a
radio group such that exactly one button in the group is pressed at any
moment, in other words whenever a button in the group is pressed the
previously pressed button is automatically released. You should avoid
having the radio groups of only one element as it would be impossible
for the user to use such button.
By default, the first button in the radio group is initially pressed,
the others are not.
@see AddTool()
wxToolBarToolBase* AddRadioTool(int toolId,
const wxString& label,
const wxBitmap& bitmap1,
const wxBitmap& bitmap2,
const wxString& shortHelpString = "",
const wxString& longHelpString = "",
wxObject* clientData = NULL);
Adds a separator for spacing groups of tools.
@see AddTool(), SetToolSeparation()
void AddSeparator();
Adds a tool to the toolbar. The first (short and most commonly used)
version has fewer parameters than the full version at the price of not
being able to specify some of the more rarely used button features. The
last version allows you to add an existing tool.
@param toolId
An integer by which the tool may be identified in subsequent
@param kind
May be ::wxITEM_NORMAL for a normal button (default), ::wxITEM_CHECK
for a checkable tool (such tool stays pressed after it had been
toggled) or ::wxITEM_RADIO for a checkable tool which makes part of
a radio group of tools each of which is automatically unchecked
whenever another button in the group is checked. ::wxITEM_DROPDOWN
specifies that a drop-down menu button will appear next to the
tool button (only GTK+ and MSW). Call SetDropdownMenu() afterwards.
@param bitmap1
The primary tool bitmap.
@param bitmap2
The bitmap used when the tool is disabled. If it is equal to
::wxNullBitmap, the disabled bitmap is automatically generated by
greying the normal one.
@param shortHelpString
This string is used for the tools tooltip.
@param longHelpString
This string is shown in the statusbar (if any) of the parent frame
when the mouse pointer is inside the tool.
@param clientData
An optional pointer to client data which can be retrieved later
using GetToolClientData().
@param tool
The tool to be added.
@remarks After you have added tools to a toolbar, you must call
Realize() in order to have the tools appear.
@see AddSeparator(), AddCheckTool(), AddRadioTool(),
InsertTool(), DeleteTool(), Realize(), SetDropdownMenu()
wxToolBarToolBase* AddTool(int toolId, const wxString& label,
const wxBitmap& bitmap1,
const wxString& shortHelpString = "",
wxItemKind kind = wxITEM_NORMAL);
wxToolBarToolBase* AddTool(int toolId, const wxString& label,
const wxBitmap& bitmap1,
const wxBitmap& bitmap2 = wxNullBitmap,
wxItemKind kind = wxITEM_NORMAL,
const wxString& shortHelpString = "",
const wxString& longHelpString = "",
wxObject* clientData = NULL);
wxToolBarToolBase* AddTool(wxToolBarToolBase* tool);
Deletes all the tools in the toolbar.
void ClearTools();
Removes the specified tool from the toolbar and deletes it. If you don't
want to delete the tool, but just to remove it from the toolbar (to
possibly add it back later), you may use RemoveTool() instead.
@note It is unnecessary to call Realize() for the change to take
place, it will happen immediately.
@returns @true if the tool was deleted, @false otherwise.
@see DeleteToolByPos()
bool DeleteTool(int toolId);
This function behaves like DeleteTool() but it deletes the tool at the
specified position and not the one with the given id.
bool DeleteToolByPos(size_t pos);
Enables or disables the tool.
@param toolId
Tool to enable or disable.
@param enable
If @true, enables the tool, otherwise disables it.
@remarks Some implementations will change the visible state of the tool
to indicate that it is disabled.
@see GetToolEnabled(), ToggleTool()
void EnableTool(int toolId, bool enable);
Returns a pointer to the tool identified by @a id or @NULL if no
corresponding tool is found.
wxToolBarToolBase* FindById(int id);
Returns a pointer to the control identified by @a id or @NULL if no
corresponding control is found.
wxControl* FindControl(int id);
Finds a tool for the given mouse position.
@param x
X position.
@param y
Y position.
@return A pointer to a tool if a tool is found, or @NULL otherwise.
@remarks Currently not implemented in wxGTK (always returns @NULL
wxToolBarToolBase* FindToolForPosition(wxCoord x, wxCoord y) const;
Returns the left/right and top/bottom margins, which are also used for
@see SetMargins()
wxSize GetMargins() const;
Returns the size of bitmap that the toolbar expects to have. The default
bitmap size is 16 by 15 pixels.
@remarks Note that this is the size of the bitmap you pass to AddTool(),
and not the eventual size of the tool button.
@see SetToolBitmapSize(), GetToolSize()
wxSize GetToolBitmapSize();
Get any client data associated with the tool.
@param toolId
Id of the tool, as passed to AddTool().
@return Client data, or @NULL if there is none.
wxObject* GetToolClientData(int toolId) const;
Called to determine whether a tool is enabled (responds to user input).
@param toolId
Id of the tool in question.
@return @true if the tool is enabled, @false otherwise.
@see EnableTool()
bool GetToolEnabled(int toolId) const;
Returns the long help for the given tool.
@param toolId
The tool in question.
@see SetToolLongHelp(), SetToolShortHelp()
wxString GetToolLongHelp(int toolId) const;
Returns the value used for packing tools.
@see SetToolPacking()
int GetToolPacking() const;
Returns the tool position in the toolbar, or @c wxNOT_FOUND if the tool
is not found.
int GetToolPos(int toolId) const;
Returns the default separator size.
@see SetToolSeparation()
int GetToolSeparation() const;
Returns the short help for the given tool.
@param toolId
The tool in question.
@see GetToolLongHelp(), SetToolShortHelp()
wxString GetToolShortHelp(int toolId) const;
Returns the size of a whole button, which is usually larger than a tool
bitmap because of added 3D effects.
@see SetToolBitmapSize(), GetToolBitmapSize()
wxSize GetToolSize();
Gets the on/off state of a toggle tool.
@param toolId
The tool in question.
@return @true if the tool is toggled on, @false otherwise.
@see ToggleTool()
bool GetToolState(int toolId) const;
Returns the number of tools in the toolbar.
int GetToolsCount() const;
Inserts the control into the toolbar at the given position. You must
call Realize() for the change to take place.
@see AddControl(), InsertTool()
wxToolBarToolBase* InsertControl(size_t pos, wxControl* control);
Inserts the separator into the toolbar at the given position. You must
call Realize() for the change to take place.
@see AddSeparator(), InsertTool()
wxToolBarToolBase* InsertSeparator(size_t pos);
Inserts the tool with the specified attributes into the toolbar at the
given position.
You must call Realize() for the change to take place.
@see AddTool(), InsertControl(), InsertSeparator()
wxToolBarToolBase* InsertTool(size_t pos, int toolId,
const wxBitmap& bitmap1,
const wxBitmap& bitmap2 = wxNullBitmap,
bool isToggle = false,
wxObject* clientData = NULL,
const wxString& shortHelpString = "",
const wxString& longHelpString = "");
wxToolBarToolBase* InsertTool(size_t pos,
wxToolBarToolBase* tool);
Called when the user clicks on a tool with the left mouse button. This
is the old way of detecting tool clicks; although it will still work,
you should use the EVT_MENU() or EVT_TOOL() macro instead.
@param toolId
The identifier passed to AddTool().
@param toggleDown
@true if the tool is a toggle and the toggle is down, otherwise is
@return If the tool is a toggle and this function returns @false, the
toggle state (internal and visual) will not be changed. This
provides a way of specifying that toggle operations are not
permitted in some circumstances.
@see OnMouseEnter(), OnRightClick()
bool OnLeftClick(int toolId, bool toggleDown);
This is called when the mouse cursor moves into a tool or out of the
toolbar. This is the old way of detecting mouse enter events;
although it will still work, you should use the EVT_TOOL_ENTER()
macro instead.
@param toolId
Greater than -1 if the mouse cursor has moved into the tool, or -1
if the mouse cursor has moved. The programmer can override this to
provide extra information about the tool, such as a short
description on the status line.
@remarks With some derived toolbar classes, if the mouse moves quickly
out of the toolbar, wxWidgets may not be able to detect it.
Therefore this function may not always be called when expected.
void OnMouseEnter(int toolId);
@deprecated This is the old way of detecting tool right clicks;
although it will still work, you should use the
EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED() macro instead.
Called when the user clicks on a tool with the right mouse button. The
programmer should override this function to detect right tool clicks.
@param toolId
The identifier passed to AddTool().
@param x
The x position of the mouse cursor.
@param y
The y position of the mouse cursor.
@remarks A typical use of this member might be to pop up a menu.
@see OnMouseEnter(), OnLeftClick()
void OnRightClick(int toolId, float x, float y);
This function should be called after you have added tools.
bool Realize();
Removes the given tool from the toolbar but doesn't delete it. This
allows to insert/add this tool back to this (or another) toolbar later.
@note It is unnecessary to call Realize() for the change to take place,
it will happen immediately.
@see DeleteTool()
wxToolBarToolBase* RemoveTool(int id);
Sets the bitmap resource identifier for specifying tool bitmaps as
indices into a custom bitmap. Windows CE only.
void SetBitmapResource(int resourceId);
Sets the dropdown menu for the tool given by its @e id. The tool itself
will delete the menu when it's no longer needed. Only supported under
GTK+ und MSW.
If you define a EVT_TOOL_DROPDOWN() handler in your program, you must
call wxEvent::Skip() from it or the menu won't be displayed.
bool SetDropdownMenu(int id, wxMenu* menu);
Set the values to be used as margins for the toolbar.
@param size
Margin size.
@param x
Left margin, right margin and inter-tool separation value.
@param y
Top margin, bottom margin and inter-tool separation value.
@remarks This must be called before the tools are added if absolute
positioning is to be used, and the default (zero-size) margins are
to be overridden.
@see GetMargins(), wxSize
void SetMargins(const wxSize& size);
void SetMargins(int x, int y);
Sets the default size of each tool bitmap. The default bitmap size is 16
by 15 pixels.
@param size
The size of the bitmaps in the toolbar.
@remarks This should be called to tell the toolbar what the tool bitmap
size is. Call it before you add tools.
@see GetToolBitmapSize(), GetToolSize()
void SetToolBitmapSize(const wxSize& size);
Sets the client data associated with the tool.
void SetToolClientData(int id, wxObject* clientData);
Sets the bitmap to be used by the tool with the given ID when the tool
is in a disabled state. This can only be used on Button tools, not
@note The native toolbar classes on the main platforms all synthesize
the disabled bitmap from the normal bitmap, so this function will
have no effect on those platforms.
void SetToolDisabledBitmap(int id, const wxBitmap& bitmap);
Sets the long help for the given tool.
@param toolId
The tool in question.
@param helpString
A string for the long help.
@remarks You might use the long help for displaying the tool purpose on
the status line.
@see GetToolLongHelp(), SetToolShortHelp(),
void SetToolLongHelp(int toolId, const wxString& helpString);
Sets the bitmap to be used by the tool with the given ID. This can only
be used on Button tools, not controls.
void SetToolNormalBitmap(int id, const wxBitmap& bitmap);
Sets the value used for spacing tools. The default value is 1.
@param packing
The value for packing.
@remarks The packing is used for spacing in the vertical direction if
the toolbar is horizontal, and for spacing in the horizontal
direction if the toolbar is vertical.
@see GetToolPacking()
void SetToolPacking(int packing);
Sets the default separator size. The default value is 5.
@param separation
The separator size.
@see AddSeparator()
void SetToolSeparation(int separation);
Sets the short help for the given tool.
@param toolId
The tool in question.
@param helpString
The string for the short help.
@remarks An application might use short help for identifying the tool
purpose in a tooltip.
@see GetToolShortHelp(), SetToolLongHelp()
void SetToolShortHelp(int toolId, const wxString& helpString);
Toggles a tool on or off. This does not cause any event to get emitted.
@param toolId
Tool in question.
@param toggle
If @true, toggles the tool on, otherwise toggles it off.
@remarks Only applies to a tool that has been specified as a toggle
void ToggleTool(int toolId, bool toggle);