J. Russell Smyth af11388a62 1 - Moved settingsdlg.[h,cpp] and wxinfo.[h,cpp] to demo where they belong
2 - removed pf_sample from library - this was test code
3 - modified newbmpbutton to create all button images once at initial
4 - newbmpbutton only refreses when necessary
5 - non-msw platforms may now disable (enable(FALSE)) a button - this will half-grey the image and draw text in disabled color.

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@1941 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
1999-03-17 11:07:19 +00:00

497 lines
14 KiB

// Name: settingsdlg.cpp
// Purpose: Settings dialog for Frame Layout
// Author: Aleksandras Gluchovas
// Modified by:
// Created: 05/11/98
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Aleksandras Gluchovas
// Licence: wxWindows license
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation "settingsdlg.cpp"
#pragma interface "settingsdlg.cpp"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "settingsdlg.h"
/***** Implementation for class SettingsDlg *****/
#define ID_NOTES ( wxEVT_FIRST + 1000 )
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( SettingsDlg, wxDialog )
EVT_BUTTON( wxID_APPLY, SettingsDlg::OnApply )
EVT_BUTTON( ID_NOTES, SettingsDlg::OnNotes )
SettingsDlg::SettingsDlg( wxWindow* pParent )
: wxDialog( pParent, -1, "Active Layout Settings...",
wxSize( 325,585),
int curY = 10;
int lMargin = 50;
int lBoxMargin = lMargin - 20;
int checkHeight = 20;
int labelHeight = 20;
int boxWidth = 260;
int interBoxGap = 10;
int lastItemGap = 10;
int topY = curY;
curY += labelHeight;
mpRTU_Check = new wxCheckBox( this, ID_RTUPDATES_CHECK,
"&Real-time updates",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ) );
curY += checkHeight;
mpOPD_Check = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, "&Out of Pane drag",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ) );
curY += checkHeight;
mpEDP_Check = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, "&Exact docking prediction",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ) );
curY += checkHeight;
mpNDF_Check = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, "Non-destructive bar &friction",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ) );
curY += checkHeight;
mpSPB_Check = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, "&Shaded pane borders",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ) );
curY += checkHeight + lastItemGap;
wxStaticBox* pDNDBox = new wxStaticBox( this, -1, "Drag && Drop settings",
wxPoint( lBoxMargin, topY ),
wxSize( boxWidth, curY - topY ) );
curY += interBoxGap;
topY = curY;
curY += labelHeight;
mpHAP_Check = new wxCheckBox( this, ID_HINTANIM_CHECK,
"&Hint-Rect animation plugin",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ) );
curY += checkHeight;
mpGCU_Check = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, "\"Garbage collecting\" &Updates-Mgr.",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ) );
curY += checkHeight;
mpAFP_Check = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, "&Antiflicker plugin",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ) );
curY += checkHeight;
mpCSP_Check = new wxCheckBox( this, -1, "C&ustomization plugin",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ) );
curY += checkHeight + lastItemGap;
wxStaticBox* pPBox = new wxStaticBox( this, -1, "Plugins",
wxPoint( lBoxMargin, topY ),
wxSize( boxWidth, curY - topY ) );
curY += interBoxGap;
wxSize fieldSz( 30,20 );
int fieldHeight = 20;
int fieldCapMargin = lMargin + fieldSz.x + 5;
int fieldCapOfs = 4;
topY = curY;
curY += labelHeight;
mpRWInput = new wxTextCtrl ( this, -1, "",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ),
fieldSz );
mpRWLabel = new wxStaticText ( this, -1, "Resizing sash width(height)",
wxPoint( fieldCapMargin, curY + fieldCapOfs ) );
curY += fieldHeight;
mpPTMInput = new wxTextCtrl ( this, -1, "",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ),
fieldSz );
mpPTMLabel = new wxStaticText( this, -1, "Pene's top margin",
wxPoint( fieldCapMargin, curY + fieldCapOfs ) );
curY += fieldHeight;
mpPBMInput = new wxTextCtrl ( this, -1, "",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ),
fieldSz );
mpPBMLabel = new wxStaticText( this, -1, "Pene's bottom margin",
wxPoint( fieldCapMargin, curY + fieldCapOfs ) );
curY += fieldHeight;
mpPLMInput = new wxTextCtrl ( this, -1, "",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ),
fieldSz );
mpPLMLabel = new wxStaticText( this, -1, "Pane's left margin",
wxPoint( fieldCapMargin, curY + fieldCapOfs ) );
curY += fieldHeight;
mpPRMInput = new wxTextCtrl ( this, -1, "",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ),
fieldSz );
mpPRMLabel = new wxStaticText( this, -1, "Pane's right margin",
wxPoint( fieldCapMargin, curY + fieldCapOfs ) );
curY += fieldHeight + lastItemGap;
wxStaticBox* pCPPBox = new wxStaticBox( this, -1, "Common Pane properties",
wxPoint( lBoxMargin, topY ),
wxSize( boxWidth, curY - topY ) );
curY += interBoxGap;
topY = curY;
curY += labelHeight;
fieldSz.x = 65;
fieldCapMargin = lMargin + fieldSz.x + 10;
mpDCInput = new wxTextCtrl ( this, -1, "",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ),
fieldSz );
mpDCLabel = new wxStaticText ( this, -1, "Dark Color (hex-RGB)",
wxPoint( fieldCapMargin, curY + fieldCapOfs ) );
curY += fieldHeight;
mpLCInput = new wxTextCtrl ( this, -1, "",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ),
fieldSz );
mpLCLabel = new wxStaticText ( this, -1, "Light Color (hex-RGB)",
wxPoint( fieldCapMargin, curY + fieldCapOfs ) );
curY += fieldHeight;
mpGCInput = new wxTextCtrl ( this, -1, "",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ),
fieldSz );
mpGCLabel = new wxStaticText ( this, -1, "Gray Color (hex-RGB)",
wxPoint( fieldCapMargin, curY + fieldCapOfs ) );
curY += fieldHeight;
mpBCInput = new wxTextCtrl ( this, -1, "",
wxPoint( lMargin, curY ),
fieldSz );
mpBCLabel = new wxStaticText ( this, -1, "Pane border Color (hex-RGB)",
wxPoint( fieldCapMargin, curY + fieldCapOfs ) );
curY += fieldHeight + lastItemGap;
wxStaticBox* pCSPBox = new wxStaticBox( this, -1, "Coluor sheme properties",
wxPoint( lBoxMargin, topY ),
wxSize( boxWidth, curY - topY ) );
curY += interBoxGap; /*button ofs*/;
int lBtnMargin = 35;
int btnGap = 20;
int btnHeight = 22;
int btnWidth = 70;
wxButton* mpApplyBtn = new wxButton( this, wxID_APPLY, "A&pply",
wxPoint( lBtnMargin, curY ),
wxSize( btnWidth, btnHeight ) );
wxButton* mpCancelBtn = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, "&Cancel",
wxPoint( lBtnMargin + btnWidth + btnGap, curY ),
wxSize( btnWidth, btnHeight ) );
wxButton* mpNotesBtn = new wxButton( this, ID_NOTES, "&Notes...",
wxPoint( lBtnMargin + 2*btnWidth + 2*btnGap, curY ),
wxSize( btnWidth, btnHeight ) );
Center( wxBOTH );
void SettingsDlg::ExchangeFields( bool toDialog )
mToDlg = toDialog;
ExchgCheck( mpRTU_Check, mRealTimeUpdatesOn );
ExchgCheck( mpOPD_Check, mOutOfPaneDragOn );
ExchgCheck( mpEDP_Check, mExactDockingPredictionOn );
ExchgCheck( mpNDF_Check, mNonDestructFrictionOn );
ExchgCheck( mpSPB_Check, m3DShadesOn );
ExchgCheck( mpHAP_Check, mHintRectAnimationOn );
ExchgCheck( mpGCU_Check, mGCUpdatesMgrOn );
ExchgCheck( mpAFP_Check, mAntiflickerPluginOn );
ExchgCheck( mpCSP_Check, mCustomizationPluginOn );
ExchgIntField( mpRWInput, mSashWidth );
ExchgIntField( mpPTMInput, mTopMargin );
ExchgIntField( mpPBMInput, mBottomMargin );
ExchgIntField( mpPLMInput, mLeftMargin );
ExchgIntField( mpPRMInput, mRightMargin );
ExchgColourField( mpDCInput, mDarkCol );
ExchgColourField( mpLCInput, mLightCol );
ExchgColourField( mpGCInput, mGrayCol );
ExchgColourField( mpBCInput, mBorderCol );
void SettingsDlg::OnApply( wxCommandEvent& event )
ExchangeFields( FALSE );
EndModal( wxID_APPLY );
void SettingsDlg::OnNotes( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxMessageBox("Notes go here...(TBD)");
void SettingsDlg::OnRTUpdatesCheck( wxCommandEvent& event )
if ( mpRTU_Check->GetValue() == TRUE )
// user probably wants to see how the real-time drag & drop
// works -- so we "let 'im know" that animation is N/A when
// real-time option is on
void SettingsDlg::OnHintAnimCheck( wxCommandEvent& event )
if ( mpHAP_Check->GetValue() == TRUE )
// user probably wants to see some animation effects,
// but he/she forgot to turn off "real-time updates"
// setting -- so we do it for you :-)
void SettingsDlg::ExchgCheck( wxCheckBox* pChk, bool& value )
if ( mToDlg ) pChk->SetValue( value );
else value = pChk->GetValue();
void SettingsDlg::ExchgIntField( wxTextCtrl* pFld, int& value )
if ( mToDlg )
char buf[32];
sprintf( buf, "%d", value );
pFld->SetValue( buf );
wxString txt = pFld->GetLineText( 0 );
value = atoi( txt );
void SettingsDlg::ExchgColourField( wxTextCtrl* pFld, wxColour& value )
int rgbVal;
if ( mToDlg )
rgbVal = ( value.Red() & 0x0000FF ) |
( (value.Green() << 8 ) & 0x00FF00 ) |
( (value.Blue() << 16 ) & 0xFF0000 );
char buf[32];
sprintf( buf, "0x%06X", rgbVal );
pFld->SetValue( buf );
wxString txt = pFld->GetLineText( 0 );
sscanf( txt, "0x%06X", &rgbVal );
value.Set( rgbVal & 0xFF,
( rgbVal >> 8 ) & 0xFF,
( rgbVal >> 16 ) & 0xFF );
bool SettingsDlg::TransferDataToWindow()
ExchangeFields( TRUE );
return TRUE;
bool SettingsDlg::TransferDataFromWindow()
ExchangeFields( FALSE );
return TRUE;
#include "controlbar.h"
#include "rowlayoutpl.h"
#include "antiflickpl.h"
#include "bardragpl.h"
#include "cbcustom.h"
#include "gcupdatesmgr.h"
#include "hintanimpl.h"
void SettingsDlg::ReadLayoutSettings( wxFrameLayout& fl )
cbDockPane& pane = *fl.GetPane( wxTOP );
cbCommonPaneProperties& props = pane.mProps;
mRealTimeUpdatesOn = props.mRealTimeUpdatesOn;
mOutOfPaneDragOn = props.mOutOfPaneDragOn;
mExactDockingPredictionOn = props.mExactDockPredictionOn;
mNonDestructFrictionOn = props.mNonDestructFirctionOn;
m3DShadesOn = props.mShow3DPaneBorderOn;
mHintRectAnimationOn = fl.FindPlugin( CLASSINFO( cbHintAnimationPlugin ) ) != NULL;
mAntiflickerPluginOn = fl.FindPlugin( CLASSINFO( cbAntiflickerPlugin ) ) != NULL;
mCustomizationPluginOn = fl.FindPlugin( CLASSINFO( cbSimpleCustomizationPlugin ) ) != NULL;
mGCUpdatesMgrOn = fl.GetUpdatesManager().GetClassInfo()
== CLASSINFO( cbGCUpdatesMgr );
mSashWidth = props.mResizeHandleSize;
mTopMargin = pane.mTopMargin;
mBottomMargin = pane.mBottomMargin;
mLeftMargin = pane.mLeftMargin;
mRightMargin = pane.mRightMargin;
mDarkCol = fl.mDarkPen.GetColour();
mLightCol = fl.mLightPen.GetColour();
mGrayCol = fl.mGrayPen.GetColour();
mBorderCol = fl.mBorderPen.GetColour();
void SettingsDlg::ApplyLayoutSettings( wxFrameLayout& fl )
cbCommonPaneProperties props;
props.mRealTimeUpdatesOn = mRealTimeUpdatesOn;
props.mOutOfPaneDragOn = mOutOfPaneDragOn;
props.mExactDockPredictionOn = mExactDockingPredictionOn;
props.mNonDestructFirctionOn = mNonDestructFrictionOn;
props.mShow3DPaneBorderOn = m3DShadesOn;
props.mResizeHandleSize = mSashWidth;
fl.SetPaneProperties( props, wxALL_PANES );
if ( mHintRectAnimationOn ) fl.AddPlugin ( CLASSINFO( cbHintAnimationPlugin ) );
else fl.RemovePlugin( CLASSINFO( cbHintAnimationPlugin ) );
if ( mAntiflickerPluginOn ) fl.AddPlugin ( CLASSINFO( cbAntiflickerPlugin ) );
else fl.RemovePlugin( CLASSINFO( cbAntiflickerPlugin ) );
if ( mCustomizationPluginOn ) fl.AddPlugin ( CLASSINFO( cbSimpleCustomizationPlugin ) );
else fl.RemovePlugin( CLASSINFO( cbSimpleCustomizationPlugin ) );
// FOR NOW:: unfortunatelly, currently pane marin-information is currently
// placed into cbDockPane, instead of cbCommonPaneProperties
fl.SetMargins( mTopMargin, mBottomMargin,
mLeftMargin, mRightMargin, wxALL_PANES );
fl.mDarkPen.SetColour( mDarkCol );
fl.mLightPen.SetColour( mLightCol );
fl.mGrayPen.SetColour( mGrayCol );
fl.mBorderPen.SetColour( mBorderCol );
fl.RecalcLayout( TRUE );
// NOTE:: currently it's bit tricky changing updates-manager
// in future, updates-manager will become a normal plugin
// and more convenient methods (Add/FindPlugin) will be used
if ( mGCUpdatesMgrOn &&
fl.GetUpdatesManager().GetClassInfo() != CLASSINFO( cbGCUpdatesMgr )
fl.SetUpdatesManager( new cbGCUpdatesMgr( &fl ) );
if ( !mGCUpdatesMgrOn &&
fl.GetUpdatesManager().GetClassInfo() == CLASSINFO( cbGCUpdatesMgr )
fl.SetUpdatesManager( new cbSimpleUpdatesMgr( &fl ) );