# Name: panel.py # Purpose: XRC editor, Panel class and related # Author: Roman Rolinsky # Created: 02.12.2002 # RCS-ID: $Id$ from xxx import * # xxx imports globals and params from undo import * from wxPython.html import wxHtmlWindow # Properties panel containing notebook class Panel(wxNotebook): def __init__(self, parent, id = -1): if wxPlatform != '__WXMAC__': # some problems with this style on macs wxNotebook.__init__(self, parent, id, style=wxNB_BOTTOM) else: wxNotebook.__init__(self, parent, id) global panel g.panel = panel = self self.modified = False # Set common button size for parameter buttons bTmp = wxButton(self, -1, '') import params params.buttonSize = (self.DLG_SZE(buttonSize)[0], bTmp.GetSize()[1]) bTmp.Destroy() del bTmp # List of child windows self.pages = [] # Create scrolled windows for pages self.page1 = wxScrolledWindow(self, -1) sizer = wxBoxSizer() sizer.Add(wxBoxSizer()) # dummy sizer self.page1.SetAutoLayout(True) self.page1.SetSizer(sizer) self.AddPage(self.page1, 'Properties') # Second page self.page2 = wxScrolledWindow(self, -1) self.page2.Hide() sizer = wxBoxSizer() sizer.Add(wxBoxSizer()) # dummy sizer self.page2.SetAutoLayout(True) self.page2.SetSizer(sizer) # Cache for already used panels self.pageCache = {} # cached property panels self.stylePageCache = {} # cached style panels # Delete child windows and recreate page sizer def ResetPage(self, page): topSizer = page.GetSizer() sizer = topSizer.GetChildren()[0].GetSizer() for w in page.GetChildren(): sizer.Detach(w) if isinstance(w, ParamPage): if w.IsShown(): w.Hide() else: w.Destroy() topSizer.Remove(sizer) # Create new windows sizer = wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL) # Special case - resize html window if g.conf.panic: topSizer.Add(sizer, 1, wxEXPAND) else: topSizer.Add(sizer, 0, wxALL, 5) return sizer def SetData(self, xxx): self.pages = [] # First page # Remove current objects and sizer sizer = self.ResetPage(self.page1) if not xxx or (not xxx.allParams and not xxx.hasName): if g.tree.selection: sizer.Add(wxStaticText(self.page1, -1, 'This item has no properties.')) else: # nothing selected # If first time, show some help if g.conf.panic: html = wxHtmlWindow(self.page1, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSUNKEN_BORDER) html.SetPage(g.helpText) sizer.Add(html, 1, wxEXPAND) g.conf.panic = False else: sizer.Add(wxStaticText(self.page1, -1, 'Select a tree item.')) else: g.currentXXX = xxx.treeObject() # Normal or SizerItem page isGBSizerItem = isinstance(xxx.parent, xxxGridBagSizer) cacheID = (xxx.__class__, isGBSizerItem) try: page = self.pageCache[cacheID] page.box.SetLabel(xxx.panelName()) page.Show() except KeyError: page = PropPage(self.page1, xxx.panelName(), xxx) self.pageCache[cacheID] = page page.SetValues(xxx) self.pages.append(page) sizer.Add(page, 1, wxEXPAND) if xxx.hasChild: # Special label for child objects - they may have different GUI cacheID = (xxx.child.__class__, xxx.__class__) try: page = self.pageCache[cacheID] page.box.SetLabel(xxx.child.panelName()) page.Show() except KeyError: page = PropPage(self.page1, xxx.child.panelName(), xxx.child) self.pageCache[cacheID] = page page.SetValues(xxx.child) self.pages.append(page) sizer.Add(page, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP, 5) self.page1.Layout() size = self.page1.GetSizer().GetMinSize() self.page1.SetScrollbars(1, 1, size.width, size.height, 0, 0, True) # Second page # Create if does not exist if xxx and xxx.treeObject().hasStyle: xxx = xxx.treeObject() # Simplest case: set data if class is the same sizer = self.ResetPage(self.page2) try: page = self.stylePageCache[xxx.__class__] page.Show() except KeyError: page = StylePage(self.page2, xxx.className + ' style', xxx) self.stylePageCache[xxx.__class__] = page page.SetValues(xxx) self.pages.append(page) sizer.Add(page, 0, wxEXPAND) # Add page if not exists if not self.GetPageCount() == 2: self.AddPage(self.page2, 'Style') self.page2.Layout() if 'wxGTK' in wx.PlatformInfo: self.page2.Show(True) size = self.page2.GetSizer().GetMinSize() self.page2.SetScrollbars(1, 1, size.width, size.height, 0, 0, True) else: # Remove page if exists if self.GetPageCount() == 2: self.SetSelection(0) self.page1.Refresh() self.RemovePage(1) self.modified = False def Clear(self): self.SetData(None) self.modified = False # If some parameter has changed def IsModified(self): return self.modified def SetModified(self, value): # Register undo object when modifying first time if not self.modified and value: g.undoMan.RegisterUndo(UndoEdit()) self.modified = value def Apply(self): for p in self.pages: p.Apply() ################################################################################ # General class for notebook pages class ParamPage(wxPanel): def __init__(self, parent, xxx): wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, -1) self.xxx = xxx # Register event handlers for id in paramIDs.values(): EVT_CHECKBOX(self, id, self.OnCheckParams) self.checks = {} self.controls = {} # save python objects self.controlName = None def OnCheckParams(self, evt): xxx = self.xxx param = evt.GetEventObject().GetName() w = self.controls[param] w.Enable(True) objElem = xxx.element if evt.IsChecked(): # Ad new text node in order of allParams w.SetValue('') # set empty (default) value w.SetModified() # mark as changed elem = g.tree.dom.createElement(param) # Some classes are special if param == 'font': xxx.params[param] = xxxParamFont(xxx.element, elem) elif param in xxxObject.bitmapTags: xxx.params[param] = xxxParamBitmap(elem) else: xxx.params[param] = xxxParam(elem) # Find place to put new element: first present element after param found = False if xxx.hasStyle: paramStyles = xxx.allParams + xxx.styles else: paramStyles = xxx.allParams for p in paramStyles[paramStyles.index(param) + 1:]: # Content params don't have same type if xxx.params.has_key(p) and p != 'content': found = True break if found: nextTextElem = xxx.params[p].node objElem.insertBefore(elem, nextTextElem) else: objElem.appendChild(elem) else: # Remove parameter xxx.params[param].remove() del xxx.params[param] w.SetValue('') w.modified = False # mark as not changed w.Enable(False) # Set modified flag (provokes undo storing is necessary) panel.SetModified(True) def Apply(self): xxx = self.xxx if self.controlName: name = self.controlName.GetValue() if xxx.name != name: xxx.name = name xxx.element.setAttribute('name', name) for param, w in self.controls.items(): if w.modified: paramObj = xxx.params[param] value = w.GetValue() if param in xxx.specials: xxx.setSpecial(param, value) else: paramObj.update(value) # Save current state def SaveState(self): self.origChecks = map(lambda i: (i[0], i[1].GetValue()), self.checks.items()) self.origControls = map(lambda i: (i[0], i[1].GetValue(), i[1].IsEnabled()), self.controls.items()) if self.controlName: self.origName = self.controlName.GetValue() # Return original values def GetState(self): if self.controlName: return (self.origChecks, self.origControls, self.origName) else: return (self.origChecks, self.origControls) # Set values from undo data def SetState(self, state): for k,v in state[0]: self.checks[k].SetValue(v) for k,v,e in state[1]: self.controls[k].SetValue(v) self.controls[k].Enable(e) if e: self.controls[k].modified = True if self.controlName: self.controlName.SetValue(state[2]) ################################################################################ LABEL_WIDTH = 125 # Panel for displaying properties class PropPage(ParamPage): def __init__(self, parent, label, xxx): ParamPage.__init__(self, parent, xxx) self.box = wxStaticBox(self, -1, label) self.box.SetFont(g.labelFont()) topSizer = wxStaticBoxSizer(self.box, wxVERTICAL) sizer = wxFlexGridSizer(len(xxx.allParams), 2, 1, 1) sizer.AddGrowableCol(1) if xxx.hasName: label = wxStaticText(self, -1, 'XML ID:', size=(LABEL_WIDTH,-1)) control = ParamText(self, 'XML_name', 200) sizer.AddMany([ (label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (control, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxBOTTOM | wxGROW, 5) ]) self.controlName = control for param in xxx.allParams: present = xxx.params.has_key(param) if param in xxx.required: label = wxStaticText(self, paramIDs[param], param + ':', size = (LABEL_WIDTH,-1), name = param) else: # Notebook has one very loooooong parameter if param == 'usenotebooksizer': sParam = 'usesizer:' else: sParam = param + ':' label = wxCheckBox(self, paramIDs[param], sParam, size = (LABEL_WIDTH,-1), name = param) self.checks[param] = label try: typeClass = xxx.paramDict[param] except KeyError: try: # Standart type typeClass = paramDict[param] except KeyError: # Default typeClass = ParamText control = typeClass(self, param) control.Enable(present) sizer.AddMany([ (label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (control, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxGROW) ]) self.controls[param] = control topSizer.Add(sizer, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 3) self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.SetSizer(topSizer) topSizer.Fit(self) def SetValues(self, xxx): self.xxx = xxx self.origChecks = [] self.origControls = [] # Set values, checkboxes to False, disable defaults if xxx.hasName: self.controlName.SetValue(xxx.name) self.origName = xxx.name for param in xxx.allParams: w = self.controls[param] w.modified = False try: value = xxx.params[param].value() w.Enable(True) w.SetValue(value) if not param in xxx.required: self.checks[param].SetValue(True) self.origChecks.append((param, True)) self.origControls.append((param, value, True)) except KeyError: self.checks[param].SetValue(False) w.SetValue('') w.Enable(False) self.origChecks.append((param, False)) self.origControls.append((param, '', False)) ################################################################################ # Style notebook page class StylePage(ParamPage): def __init__(self, parent, label, xxx): ParamPage.__init__(self, parent, xxx) box = wxStaticBox(self, -1, label) box.SetFont(g.labelFont()) topSizer = wxStaticBoxSizer(box, wxVERTICAL) sizer = wxFlexGridSizer(len(xxx.styles), 2, 1, 1) sizer.AddGrowableCol(1) for param in xxx.styles: present = xxx.params.has_key(param) check = wxCheckBox(self, paramIDs[param], param + ':', size = (LABEL_WIDTH,-1), name = param) check.SetValue(present) control = paramDict[param](self, name = param) control.Enable(present) sizer.AddMany([ (check, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (control, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxGROW) ]) self.checks[param] = check self.controls[param] = control topSizer.Add(sizer, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 3) self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.SetSizer(topSizer) topSizer.Fit(self) # Set data for a cahced page def SetValues(self, xxx): self.xxx = xxx self.origChecks = [] self.origControls = [] for param in xxx.styles: present = xxx.params.has_key(param) check = self.checks[param] check.SetValue(present) w = self.controls[param] w.modified = False if present: value = xxx.params[param].value() else: value = '' w.SetValue(value) w.Enable(present) self.origChecks.append((param, present)) self.origControls.append((param, value, present))