@echo off REM Runs wxWidgets CppUnit tests REM This script is used to return the correct return value to the caller REM which is required by Buildbot to recognize failures. REM Note that in DOS error level is not the return code of the previous REM command; it is for (some!) built-in DOS commands like FIND but REM in general it's not. Thus to get the return code of the test utility REM we need some hack; see the guide: REM http://www.infionline.net/~wtnewton/batch/batguide.html REM for general info about DOS batch files. REM Author: Francesco Montorsi rem set the path for running the tests if they use DLL build of wx for /d %%x in ("..\lib\*_dll") do @set PATH=%%x;%PATH% set failure=0 for /d %%x in (*) do @( if exist %%x\test.exe ( echo. echo ======================================================================== echo Running non-GUI unit test echo ======================================================================== echo. %%x\test.exe -t >tmp REM show the output of the test in the buildbot log: type tmp REM hack to understand if the tests succeeded or not REM (failure=1 is set if "OK" does not appear in the test output) type tmp | find "OK" >NUL if ERRORLEVEL 1 set failure=1 REM separe the output of the test we just executed from the next one echo. echo ======================================================================== echo Non-GUI test done echo ======================================================================== echo. ) if exist %%x\test_gui.exe ( echo. echo ======================================================================== echo Running GUI unit test echo ======================================================================== echo. %%x\test_gui.exe -t >tmp REM show the output of the test in the buildbot log: type tmp REM hack to understand if the tests succeeded or not REM (failure=1 is set if "OK" does not appear in the test output) type tmp | find "OK" >NUL if ERRORLEVEL 1 set failure=1 echo. echo ======================================================================== echo GUI test done echo ======================================================================== echo. ) ) REM exit with code 1 if any of the test failed del tmp if %failure% EQU 1 ( echo. echo One or more test failed echo. exit 1 ) REM remove the failure env var: set failure= REM exit with code 0 (all tests passed successfully) exit 0