@echo off REM This bash script regenerates the HTML doxygen version of the REM wxWidgets manual and adjusts the doxygen log to make it more REM readable. mkdir out 2>&1 >NUL mkdir out\html 2>&1 >NUL mkdir out\html\generic 2>&1 >NUL REM These not automatically copied by Doxygen because they're not REM used in doxygen documentation, only in our html footer and by our REM custom aliases copy images\generic\*.png out\html\generic 2>&1 >NUL pushd ..\.. set WXWIDGETS=%CD% popd REM Defaults for settings controlled by this script set GENERATE_DOCSET=NO set GENERATE_HTML=NO set GENERATE_HTMLHELP=NO set GENERATE_LATEX=NO set GENERATE_QHP=NO set GENERATE_XML=NO set SEARCHENGINE=NO set SERVER_BASED_SEARCH=NO IF "%1" == "all" ( set GENERATE_HTML=YES set GENERATE_HTMLHELP=YES set GENERATE_XML=YES ) ELSE ( IF "%1" == "chm" ( set GENERATE_HTML=YES set GENERATE_HTMLHELP=YES ) ELSE ( IF "%1" == "docset" ( set GENERATE_DOCSET=YES set GENERATE_HTML=YES ) ELSE ( IF "%1" == "latex" ( set GENERATE_LATEX=YES ) ELSE ( IF "%1" == "php" ( set GENERATE_HTML=YES set SEARCHENGINE=YES set SERVER_BASED_SEARCH=YES ) ELSE ( IF "%1" == "qch" ( set GENERATE_HTML=YES set GENERATE_QHP=YES ) ELSE ( IF "%1" == "xml" ( set GENERATE_XML=YES ) ELSE ( REM Default to HTML format. set GENERATE_HTML=YES set SEARCHENGINE=YES ) ) ) ) ) ) ) REM Check for Graphviz (its location should be in %PATH%). REM REM NB: Always do this check because it looks like errorlevel is not set REM when the test is done inside the IF block. dot NUL 2>&1 IF %GENERATE_HTML%==YES ( IF NOT %errorlevel%==0 ( IF %errorlevel%==9009 ( echo Error: dot was not found in PATH, please install Graphviz! ) ELSE ( echo Error: %errorlevel% error code when running dot, please check Graphviz installation. ) EXIT /B ) ) REM REM NOW RUN DOXYGEN REM REM NB: we do this _after_ copying the required files to the output folders REM otherwise when generating the CHM file with Doxygen, those files are REM not included! REM set PATH=%PATH%;%HHC_PATH% doxygen Doxyfile REM Check that class inheritance diagram images are present for html/chm docs. REM REM NB: Set the file to check outside the IF block, REM otherwise the second check does not always pick its value. set filetofind=out\html\classwx_app_console__inherit__graph.png IF %GENERATE_HTML%==YES ( IF NOT EXIST %~dp0%filetofind% ( echo Warning: Class inheritance diagram images are missing, please check Graphviz installation. ) )