//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: sndfile.cpp // Purpose: wxMMedia // Author: Guilhem Lavaux // Created: 1997 // Updated: 1998 // Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, Guilhem Lavaux // License: wxWindows license //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "sndfile.h" #endif #include "mmedia.h" #include "sndfile.h" #ifdef WX_PRECOMP #include #else #include #endif #include #include "sndfrmt.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif wxSndFileCodec::wxSndFileCodec() : wxMMediaFile(), wxSndBuffer(), m_fstate(wxSFILE_STOPPED) { } wxSndFileCodec::wxSndFileCodec(wxOutputStream& s, bool seekable) : wxMMediaFile(s, seekable), wxSndBuffer(), m_fstate(wxSFILE_STOPPED) { } wxSndFileCodec::wxSndFileCodec(wxInputStream& s, bool preload, bool seekable) : wxMMediaFile(s, preload, seekable), wxSndBuffer(), m_fstate(wxSFILE_STOPPED) { } wxSndFileCodec::wxSndFileCodec(const wxString& fname) : wxMMediaFile(fname), wxSndBuffer(), m_fstate(wxSFILE_STOPPED) { } wxSndFileCodec::~wxSndFileCodec() { } void wxSndFileCodec::Play(wxSound& snd) { if (m_fstate != wxSFILE_STOPPED || IsSet(wxSND_BUFLOCKED)) return; if (!(m_fsize = PrepareToPlay())) return; m_fpos = 0; m_fstate = wxSFILE_PLAYING; Set(wxSND_BUFREADY | wxSND_KEEPQUEUED); snd.QueueBuffer(*this); } void wxSndFileCodec::Stop(wxSound& snd) { if (m_fstate == wxSFILE_STOPPED) return; snd.UnqueueBuffer(*this); Clear(wxSND_BUFREADY | wxSND_KEEPQUEUED); m_fstate = wxSFILE_STOPPED; } void wxSndFileCodec::Record(wxSound& snd, const wxSoundDataFormat& format, wxUint32 seconds) { wxUint32 byterate; if (m_fstate != wxSFILE_STOPPED) return; m_sndformat = format; byterate = m_sndformat.GetCodec()->GetByteRate(); m_fsize = seconds*byterate; if (!PrepareToRecord(m_fsize)) return; if (IsSet(wxSND_BUFLOCKED)) return; wxUint32 sec1 = m_fsize / byterate, sec2 = sec1 % 3600; m_sndtime.hours = sec1 / 3600; m_sndtime.minutes = sec2 / 60; m_sndtime.seconds = sec2 % 60; m_fdone = m_fpos = 0; m_fstate = wxSFILE_RECORDING; m_sndmode = wxSND_INPUT; Set(wxSND_BUFREADY | wxSND_KEEPQUEUED); snd.QueueBuffer(*this); } void wxSndFileCodec::OnNeedOutputData(char *data, wxUint32& size) { wxUint32 datas_left = m_fsize-m_fpos; if (m_fstate != wxSFILE_PLAYING) { size = 0; return; } if (!datas_left) { size = 0; m_fpos = 0; m_fstate = wxSFILE_STOPPED; Clear(wxSND_KEEPQUEUED); return; } if (size > datas_left) size = datas_left; if (!OnNeedData(data, size)) { size = 0; m_fpos = 0; m_fstate = wxSFILE_STOPPED; Clear(wxSND_KEEPQUEUED); return; } m_fpos += size; } void wxSndFileCodec::OnBufferInFinished(char *iobuf, wxUint32& size) { wxUint32 datas_left = m_fsize-m_fdone; if (m_fstate != wxSFILE_RECORDING) { size = 0; return; } if (!datas_left) { size = 0; Clear(wxSND_KEEPQUEUED); // To be sure. return; } if (size > datas_left) size = datas_left; OnWriteData(iobuf, size); m_fdone += size; } wxMMtime wxSndFileCodec::GetPosition() { wxMMtime mm_time; wxUint32 sec1, sec2; wxUint32 byterate; byterate = m_sndformat.GetCodec()->GetByteRate(); if (m_fpos && byterate) { sec1 = m_fpos / byterate; sec2 = sec1 % 3600; mm_time.hours = sec1 / 3600; mm_time.minutes = sec2 / 60; mm_time.seconds = sec2 % 60; } else { mm_time.hours = 0; mm_time.minutes = 0; mm_time.seconds = 0; } return mm_time; } wxMMtime wxSndFileCodec::GetLength() { if (m_sndtime.hours == -1 && m_istream) PrepareToPlay(); return m_sndtime; } bool wxSndFileCodec::TranslateBuffer(wxSndBuffer& buf) { #define TMP_BUFSIZE 10240 wxUint32 buf_size; wxStreamBuffer *tmp_buf; wxSoundCodec *codec_in, *codec_out; wxSoundDataFormat std_format; if (!m_ostream || !buf.RestartBuffer(wxSND_OUTPUT)) return FALSE; m_sndformat = buf.GetFormat(); codec_in = buf.GetCurrentCodec(); m_fdone = 0; if (!PrepareToRecord(m_fsize)) return FALSE; codec_out = GetCurrentCodec(); m_fsize = (int)(((float)buf.GetSize() / codec_in->GetByteRate()) * codec_out->GetByteRate()); if (!PrepareToRecord(m_fsize)) return FALSE; codec_out = GetCurrentCodec(); codec_in->InitIO(m_sndformat); codec_out->InitIO(m_sndformat); tmp_buf = new wxStreamBuffer(wxStreamBuffer::read_write); tmp_buf->Fixed(TRUE); tmp_buf->Flushable(FALSE); tmp_buf->SetBufferIO(TMP_BUFSIZE); m_fstate = wxSFILE_RECORDING; while (m_fdone < m_fsize) { tmp_buf->ResetBuffer(); codec_in->SetOutStream(tmp_buf); codec_in->Decode(); tmp_buf->ResetBuffer(); codec_out->SetInStream(tmp_buf); codec_out->Encode(); buf.OnBufferOutFinished(); } delete tmp_buf; m_fstate = wxSFILE_STOPPED; return TRUE; } bool wxSndFileCodec::RestartBuffer(wxSndMode mode) { if (IsSet(wxSND_BUFLOCKED)) return FALSE; m_fdone = 0; m_fpos = 0; if (mode == wxSND_OUTPUT && m_istream) { m_fsize = PrepareToPlay(); m_fstate = wxSFILE_PLAYING; return TRUE; } if (mode == wxSND_INPUT && m_ostream) { m_fsize = 0; m_fstate = wxSFILE_RECORDING; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } wxUint32 wxSndFileCodec::GetSize() const { return m_fsize; } wxUint32 wxSndFileCodec::Available() const { if (m_fstate == wxSFILE_STOPPED) return 0; return m_fsize-m_fpos; } // // Simple API // static wxSoundDevice *dev_snd = NULL; bool wxSndFileCodec::StartPlay() { if (!dev_snd) dev_snd = new wxSoundDevice; Play(*dev_snd); return TRUE; } void wxSndFileCodec::StopPlay() { if (!dev_snd) return; Stop(*dev_snd); m_fpos = 0; } class wxSoundModule : public wxModule { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxSoundModule) public: virtual bool OnInit() { return TRUE; } virtual void OnExit() { if (dev_snd) delete dev_snd; } }; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxSoundModule, wxModule)