#!/usr/bin/env python # # Generates Makefile that is used to regenerate native makefiles from # bakefiles. # # $Id$ # import string, os.path, copy file = open('Makefile', 'wt') file.write(""" # Generated by regenMakefile.py BAKEFILE = bakefile -v CDEPS = config.bkl common.bkl common_contrib.bkl SDEPS = config.bkl common.bkl common_samples.bkl MDEPS = common.bkl config.bkl files.bkl monolithic.bkl multilib.bkl opengl.bkl wxwin.py DSWFLAGS = -DRUNTIME_LIBS=dynamic -DOFFICIAL_BUILD=0 -DUSE_HTML=1 \\ -DUSE_OPENGL=1 -DUSE_ODBC=1 -DMONOLITHIC=0 -DUSE_GUI=1 \\ -DDEBUG_INFO=default -DDEBUG_FLAG=default COMPAT_TARGETS = ../../src/wxWindows.dsp """) lines = {} all = {} all['autoconf'] = [] linesCur = None def addMakefile(bake, makedirs, deps=[], args={}): """Adds rules to regenerate native makefile in directory 'makedir' from bakefiles 'bake'. 'deps' contains additional dependencies (bakefiles other than 'bake'.""" print 'adding %s...' % bake global linesCur linesCur = ['\n'] def add(bake, makedirs, make, dep, format, args={}): global linesCur a = '' if 'all' in args: a += ' %s' % args['all'] if format in args: a += ' %s' % args[format] if format != 'autoconf' and 'not_autoconf' in args: a += ' %s' % args['not_autoconf'] if format in makedirs: makedir = makedirs[format] else: makedir = makedirs['all'] tfile = '%s/%s' % (makedir, make) linesCur.append('%s: %s' % (tfile, dep)) linesCur.append('\t$(BAKEFILE) -f%s -o$@ %s %s' % (format, a, bake)) linesCur.append('\ttouch $@') if format not in all: all[format] = [] all[format].append(tfile) dep = string.join(deps + [bake], ' ') add(bake, makedirs, 'Makefile.in', dep, 'autoconf', args) add(bake, makedirs, 'makefile.bcc', dep, 'borland', args) add(bake, makedirs, 'makefile.vc', dep, 'msvc', args) add(bake, makedirs, 'makefile.gcc', dep, 'mingw', args) add(bake, makedirs, 'makefile.wat', dep, 'watcom', args) if 'msvc6prj' in args and args['msvc6prj'] != None: add(bake, makedirs, (bake[1+bake.rfind('/'):]).replace('.bkl','.dsw'), dep, 'msvc6prj', args) lines[bake] = linesCur # ----------------------------------------------- # Add the makefiles: # ----------------------------------------------- # main makefile: addMakefile('wx.bkl', {'all':'../msw','autoconf':'../..'}, [ '$(MDEPS)' ], args={ 'borland':'-DOPTIONS_FILE=config.bcc', 'msvc':'-DOPTIONS_FILE=config.vc', 'mingw':'-DOPTIONS_FILE=config.gcc', 'watcom':'-DOPTIONS_FILE=config.wat', 'msvc6prj':'$(DSWFLAGS)', }) # samples main makefile: addMakefile('../../samples/samples.bkl', {'all':'../../samples'}, args={ 'autoconf':'-DAUTOCONF_MACROS_FILE=../../autoconf_inc.m4', 'borland':'-DOPTIONS_FILE=../build/msw/config.bcc -DWRITE_OPTIONS_FILE=0', 'msvc':'-DOPTIONS_FILE=../build/msw/config.vc -DWRITE_OPTIONS_FILE=0', 'mingw':'-DOPTIONS_FILE=../build/msw/config.gcc -DWRITE_OPTIONS_FILE=0', 'watcom':'-DOPTIONS_FILE=../build/msw/config.wat -DWRITE_OPTIONS_FILE=0', 'msvc6prj':None, }) CONTRIB_DIR = 1 SAMPLES_DIR = 2 def onSubmakefile(type, dirname, names): bakes = [x for x in names if x.endswith('.bkl')] if len(bakes) == 0: return bakes.sort() dirname = dirname.replace(os.sep, '/') depth = dirname.count('/') - 2 if depth <= 0: return if type==SAMPLES_DIR: prefix = ''.join(['../' for i in range(0,depth)]) dirflags = '-DWXTOPDIR=%s../' % prefix cfgbase = '%s../build/msw/config.' % prefix elif type==CONTRIB_DIR: dirflags = '-DSRCDIR=../../src/%s' % dirname.split('/')[-1] dirflags += ' -DWXTOPDIR=../../../' cfgbase = '../../../build/msw/config.' args = { 'all':dirflags, 'autoconf':'-DAUTOCONF_MACROS_FILE=../../autoconf_inc.m4', 'msvc':'-DOPTIONS_FILE='+cfgbase+'vc -DWRITE_OPTIONS_FILE=0', 'mingw':'-DOPTIONS_FILE='+cfgbase+'gcc -DWRITE_OPTIONS_FILE=0', 'borland':'-DOPTIONS_FILE='+cfgbase+'bcc -DWRITE_OPTIONS_FILE=0', 'watcom':'-DOPTIONS_FILE='+cfgbase+'wat -DWRITE_OPTIONS_FILE=0', 'msvc6prj':'$(DSWFLAGS)', } for bake in bakes: if bake.endswith('_samples.bkl'): args['msvc6prj'] = None if type==CONTRIB_DIR: acdir = '../../contrib/src/%s' % dirname.split('/')[-1] ruledep = '$(CDEPS)' else: acdir = dirname ruledep = '$(SDEPS)' addMakefile('%s/%s' % (dirname, bake), {'all':dirname,'autoconf':acdir}, deps=[ruledep], args=args) os.path.walk(os.path.join('..','..','samples'), onSubmakefile, SAMPLES_DIR) os.path.walk(os.path.join('..','..','demos'), onSubmakefile, SAMPLES_DIR) os.path.walk(os.path.join('..','..','contrib','build'), onSubmakefile, CONTRIB_DIR) os.path.walk(os.path.join('..','..','contrib','samples'), onSubmakefile, SAMPLES_DIR) os.path.walk(os.path.join('..','..','contrib','utils'), onSubmakefile, SAMPLES_DIR) cleanCmds = '' allK = all.keys() allK.sort() cleanList = [] for f in allK: all[f].sort() for f in allK: for i in all[f]: cleanList.append('\trm -f %s\n' % i) cleanCmds = ''.join(cleanList) for f in allK: var = '%s_ALL' % f.upper() file.write('%s = \\\n\t%s\n' % (var,' \\\n\t'.join(all[f]))) file.write('\nall: $(COMPAT_TARGETS)') for f in allK: file.write(' %s' % f) file.write('\n\n') for f in allK: file.write('%s: $(%s_ALL)\n' % (f, f.upper())) file.write(""" clean: \trm -f ../../autoconf_inc.m4 \trm -f $(COMPAT_TARGETS) %s library: ../../Makefile.in\\ ../msw/makefile.bcc\\ ../msw/makefile.vc\\ ../msw/makefile.wat\\ ../msw/makefile.gcc\\ ../msw/wx.dsw\\ ../../src/wxWindows.dsp ../../autoconf_inc.m4: ../../Makefile.in ../../src/wxWindows.dsp: monolithic.bkl files.bkl \t$(BAKEFILE) -Icompat -fwx24dsp -DUSE_GUI=1 -DWXUNIV=0 -o$@ wx.bkl \ttouch $@ Makefile: regenMakefile.py \t./regenMakefile.py \t@echo \t@echo ------------------------------------------- \t@echo Please rerun make, Makefile was regenerated \t@echo ------------------------------------------- \t@echo \t@exit 1 """ % cleanCmds) linesK = lines.keys() linesK.sort() for lk in linesK: for l in lines[lk]: file.write('%s\n' % l) file.close()