rem Uncomment the next line to set the version; used also in wxWidgets.iss rem SET WXW_VER=2.9.0-rc1 if (%WXW_VER%)==() SET WXW_VER=SVN echo docs building for %WXW_VER% rem This builds the docs in %WXWIN% in a number of formats rem and a clean inno setup in a second tree rem it uses a number of tools nmake, gnuwin32 zip & dos2unix, ghostscript, MS word, cvsNT rem cvs is in the path already from CVSNT install rem writes a log file in c:\ echo Building wxWidgets-%WXW_VER% docs... > c:\temp.log set WXWIN=c:\wx\wxWidgets set DAILY=c:\daily set INNO=c:\wx\inno\wxWidgets rem svn already in my path... set PATH=%PATH%;c:\wx\Gnu\bin;c:\progra~1\htmlhe~1;C:\PROGRA~1\INNOSE~1 echo %PATH% >> c:\temp.log rem add bakefile build... set PATH=%PATH%;C:\wx\Bakefile SET >> c:\temp.log rem update wxwidgets (holds docs) and inno (cvs wxMSW setup.exe only) c: cd %WXWIN% svn cleanup >> c:\temp.log svn up >> c:\temp.log rem now inno cd %INNO% >> c:\temp.log svn cleanup >> c:\temp.log svn up >> c:\temp.log if exist include\wx\msw\setup.h del include\wx\msw\setup.h if exist include\wx\univ\setup.h del include\wx\univ\setup.h rem for cygwin these need to be in unix format del configure del config.guess del config.sub svn up configure svn up config.guess svn up config.sub dos2unix configure dos2unix config.guess dos2unix config.sub copy include\wx\msw\setup0.h include\wx\msw\setup.h copy include\wx\univ\setup0.h include\wx\univ\setup.h echo SVN update >> c:\temp.log rem just build the formats not in the SVN to keep down the .#makefile... cd %INNO%\build\bakefiles del .bakefile_gen.state bakefile_gen -k -f dmars,dmars_smake,msevc4prj >> c:\temp.log rem make and copy chm to inno rem Now create standalone copies of docs (chm and htb) cd %WXWIN%\docs\doxygen del out\html\*.html del out\html\*.htb del out\*.chm call regen chm cd %WXWIN%\docs\doxygen\out zip wx.chm copy %DAILY% cd html del *.dot del *.md5 zip -r wx.htb *.* zip wx.htb copy %DAILY% mkdir %INNO%\docs\htmlhelp copy %WXWIN%\docs\doxygen\out\wx.chm \wx\inno\wx29b\docs\htmlhelp\wx.chm cd %WXWIN%\build\script iscc wxwidgets.iss >> c:\temp.log echo docs built for %WXW_VER% echo docs built for %WXW_VER% >> c:\temp.log