AUI XRC demo 1 wxVERTICAL wxEXPAND Main Toolbar 0 0 2,2 1 1 1 Just a combobox in the toolbar Owner Drawn combobox in the toolbar Tree View 0 0 0 150,300 90,-1 1 Notebook -1,200
0 1 1 Notice the wxAuiToolBar added above this wxAuiNotebook wxEXPAND The wxAuiNotebook pages are added by XRC wxEXPAND wxEXPAND
Just a test text 0 0 0 -1,60 300,150 Notice that the toolbar above is a simple wxToolBar inside wxAuiPaneInfo while the toolbar below is a wxAuiToolBar
wxEXPAND -1 25 3 Just a combobox in the aui toolbar 1 wxTOP|wxBOTTOM|wxALIGN_CENTRE 10