#!/bin/python import sys, os from wxPython.wx import * from string import * # Process the command line. Not much to do; # just get the name of the project file if it's given. Simple. projfile = 'Unnamed' if len(sys.argv) > 1: projfile = sys.argv[1] def MsgBox (window, string): dlg=wxMessageDialog(window, string, 'wxProject', wxOK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() class main_window(wxFrame): def __init__(self, parent, id, title): wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, size = (500, 500), style=wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set up menu bar for the program. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ self.mainmenu = wxMenuBar() # Create menu bar. mainwindow = self menu=wxMenu() # Make a menu (will be the Project menu) exitID=wxNewId() # Make a new ID for a menu entry. menu.Append(exitID, '&Open', 'Open project') # Name the ID by adding it to the menu. EVT_MENU(self, exitID, self.OnProjectOpen) # Create and assign a menu event. exitID=wxNewId() menu.Append(exitID, '&New', 'New project') EVT_MENU(self, exitID, self.OnProjectNew) exitID=wxNewId() menu.Append(exitID, 'E&xit', 'Exit program') EVT_MENU(self, exitID, self.OnProjectExit) self.mainmenu.Append (menu, '&Project') # Add the project menu to the menu bar. menu=wxMenu() # Make a menu (will be the File menu) exitID=wxNewId() menu.Append(exitID, '&Add', 'Add file to project') EVT_MENU(self, exitID, self.OnFileAdd) exitID=wxNewId() menu.Append(exitID, '&Remove', 'Remove file from project') EVT_MENU(self, exitID, self.OnFileRemove) exitID=wxNewId() menu.Append(exitID, '&Open', 'Open file for editing') EVT_MENU(self, exitID, self.OnFileOpen) exitID=wxNewId() menu.Append(exitID, '&Save', 'Save file') EVT_MENU(self, exitID, self.OnFileSave) self.mainmenu.Append (menu, '&File') # Add the file menu to the menu bar. self.SetMenuBar (self.mainmenu) # Attach the menu bar to the window. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create the splitter window. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ splitter = wxSplitterWindow (self, -1, style=wxNO_3D|wxSP_3D) splitter.SetMinimumPaneSize (1) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create the tree on the left. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tID = wxNewId() self.tree = wxTreeCtrl (splitter, tID, style=wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS | wxTR_EDIT_LABELS | wxTR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT) EVT_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT(self.tree, tID, self.OnTreeLabelEdit) EVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT(self.tree, tID, self.OnTreeLabelEditEnd) EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED(self.tree, tID, self.OnTreeItemActivated) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create the editor on the right. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ self.editor = wxTextCtrl(splitter, -1, style=wxTE_MULTILINE) self.editor.Enable (0) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Install the tree and the editor. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ splitter.SplitVertically (self.tree, self.editor) splitter.SetSashPosition (180, true) self.Show(true) # Some global state variables. self.projectdirty = false # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Some nice little handlers. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def project_open(self, project_file): try: input = open (project_file, 'r') self.tree.DeleteAllItems() self.project_file = project_file name = replace (input.readline(), "\n", "") self.SetTitle (name) self.root = self.tree.AddRoot(name) self.activeitem = self.root for line in input.readlines(): self.tree.AppendItem (self.root, replace(line, "\n", "")) input.close self.tree.Expand (self.root) self.editor.Clear() self.editor.Enable (false) self.projectdirty = false except IOError: pass def project_save(self): try: output = open (self.project_file, 'w+') output.write (self.tree.GetItemText (self.root) + "\n") count = self.tree.GetChildrenCount (self.root) iter = 0 child = '' for i in range(count): if i == 0: (child,iter) = self.tree.GetFirstChild(self.root,iter) else: (child,iter) = self.tree.GetNextChild(self.root,iter) output.write (self.tree.GetItemText(child) + "\n") output.close() self.projectdirty = false except IOError: dlg_m = wxMessageDialog (self, 'There was an error saving the project file.', 'Error!', wxOK) dlg_m.ShowModal() dlg_m.Destroy() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Event handlers from here on out. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def OnProjectOpen(self, event): open_it = true if self.projectdirty: dlg=wxMessageDialog(self, 'The project has been changed. Save?', 'wxProject', wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL) result = dlg.ShowModal() if result == wxID_YES: self.project_save() if result == wxID_CANCEL: open_it = false dlg.Destroy() if open_it: dlg = wxFileDialog(self, "Choose a project to open", ".", "", "*.wxp", wxOPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK: self.project_open(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() def OnProjectNew(self, event): open_it = true if self.projectdirty: dlg=wxMessageDialog(self, 'The project has been changed. Save?', 'wxProject', wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL) result = dlg.ShowModal() if result == wxID_YES: self.project_save() if result == wxID_CANCEL: open_it = false dlg.Destroy() if open_it: dlg = wxTextEntryDialog (self, "Name for new project:", "New Project", "New project", wxOK | wxCANCEL) if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK: newproj = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() dlg = wxFileDialog (self, "Place to store new project", ".", "", "*.wxp", wxSAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK: try: proj = open (dlg.GetPath(), 'w') proj.write (newproj + "\n") proj.close() self.project_open (dlg.GetPath()) except IOError: dlg_m = wxMessageDialog (self, 'There was an error saving the new project file.', 'Error!', wxOK) dlg_m.ShowModal() dlg_m.Destroy() dlg.Destroy() def OnProjectExit(self, event): close = true if self.projectdirty: dlg=wxMessageDialog(self, 'The project has been changed. Save?', 'wxProject', wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL) result = dlg.ShowModal() if result == wxID_YES: self.project_save() if result == wxID_CANCEL: close = false dlg.Destroy() if close: self.Close() def OnFileAdd(self, event): dlg = wxFileDialog (self, "Choose a file to add", ".", "", "*.*", wxOPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK: path = os.path.split(dlg.GetPath()) self.tree.AppendItem (self.root, path[1]) self.tree.Expand (self.root) self.project_save() def OnFileRemove(self, event): item = self.tree.GetSelection() if item != self.root: self.tree.Delete (item) self.project_save() def OnFileOpen(self, event): item = self.tree.GetSelection() def OnFileSave(self, event): if self.activeitem != self.root: self.editor.SaveFile (self.tree.GetItemText (self.activeitem)) def OnTreeLabelEdit(self, event): item=event.GetItem() if item != self.root: event.Veto() def OnTreeLabelEditEnd(self, event): self.projectdirty = true def OnTreeItemActivated(self, event): go_ahead = true if self.activeitem != self.root: if self.editor.IsModified(): dlg=wxMessageDialog(self, 'The edited file has changed. Save it?', 'wxProject', wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL) result = dlg.ShowModal() if result == wxID_YES: self.editor.SaveFile (self.tree.GetItemText (self.activeitem)) if result == wxID_CANCEL: go_ahead = false dlg.Destroy() if go_ahead: self.tree.SetItemBold (self.activeitem, 0) if go_ahead: item=event.GetItem() self.activeitem = item if item != self.root: self.tree.SetItemBold (item, 1) self.editor.Enable (1) self.editor.LoadFile (self.tree.GetItemText(item)) self.editor.SetInsertionPoint (0) self.editor.SetFocus() else: self.editor.Clear() self.editor.Enable (0) class App(wxApp): def OnInit(self): frame = main_window(None, -1, "wxProject - " + projfile) self.SetTopWindow(frame) if (projfile != 'Unnamed'): frame.project_open (projfile) return true app = App(0) app.MainLoop()