import wx import images #---------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMID = 1111 cursors = { "wx.CURSOR_ARROW" : wx.CURSOR_ARROW, "wx.CURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW" : wx.CURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW, "wx.CURSOR_BULLSEYE" : wx.CURSOR_BULLSEYE, "wx.CURSOR_CHAR" : wx.CURSOR_CHAR, "wx.CURSOR_CROSS" : wx.CURSOR_CROSS, "wx.CURSOR_HAND" : wx.CURSOR_HAND, "wx.CURSOR_IBEAM" : wx.CURSOR_IBEAM, "wx.CURSOR_LEFT_BUTTON" : wx.CURSOR_LEFT_BUTTON, "wx.CURSOR_MAGNIFIER" : wx.CURSOR_MAGNIFIER, "wx.CURSOR_MIDDLE_BUTTON" : wx.CURSOR_MIDDLE_BUTTON, "wx.CURSOR_NO_ENTRY" : wx.CURSOR_NO_ENTRY, "wx.CURSOR_PAINT_BRUSH" : wx.CURSOR_PAINT_BRUSH, "wx.CURSOR_PENCIL" : wx.CURSOR_PENCIL, "wx.CURSOR_POINT_LEFT" : wx.CURSOR_POINT_LEFT, "wx.CURSOR_POINT_RIGHT" : wx.CURSOR_POINT_RIGHT, "wx.CURSOR_QUESTION_ARROW" : wx.CURSOR_QUESTION_ARROW, "wx.CURSOR_RIGHT_BUTTON" : wx.CURSOR_RIGHT_BUTTON, "wx.CURSOR_SIZENESW" : wx.CURSOR_SIZENESW, "wx.CURSOR_SIZENS" : wx.CURSOR_SIZENS, "wx.CURSOR_SIZENWSE" : wx.CURSOR_SIZENWSE, "wx.CURSOR_SIZEWE" : wx.CURSOR_SIZEWE, "wx.CURSOR_SIZING" : wx.CURSOR_SIZING, "wx.CURSOR_SPRAYCAN" : wx.CURSOR_SPRAYCAN, "wx.CURSOR_WAIT" : wx.CURSOR_WAIT, "wx.CURSOR_WATCH" : wx.CURSOR_WATCH, "wx.CURSOR_BLANK" : wx.CURSOR_BLANK, "wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT" : wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT, "wx.CURSOR_COPY_ARROW" : wx.CURSOR_COPY_ARROW, "wx.CURSOR_ARROWWAIT" : wx.CURSOR_ARROWWAIT, "zz [custom cursor]" : CUSTOMID, } class TestPanel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent, log): self.log = log wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1) # create a list of choices from the dictionary above choices = cursors.keys() choices.sort() # create the controls self.cb = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, "wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT", choices=choices, style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.tx = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "This sample allows you to see all the stock cursors \n" "available to wxPython. Simply select a name from the \n" "wx.Choice and then move the mouse into the window \n" "below to see the cursor. NOTE: not all stock cursors \n" "have a specific representaion on all platforms.") = wx.Window(self, -1, size=(200,200), style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER)"white") # bind an event or two self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnChooseCursor, self.cb), self.OnDrawDot) # Setup the layout gbs = wx.GridBagSizer() gbs.Add(self.cb, (2,1)) gbs.Add(self.tx, (2,3)) gbs.Add(, (5,0), (1, 6), wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.SetSizer(gbs) def OnChooseCursor(self, evt): # clear the dots choice = self.cb.GetStringSelection() self.log.write("Selecting the %s cursor\n" % choice) cnum = cursors[choice] if cnum == CUSTOMID: image = images.getBlom12Image() image.SetMaskColour(255, 255, 255) # since this image didn't come from a .cur file, tell it where the hotspot is image.SetOptionInt(wx.IMAGE_OPTION_CUR_HOTSPOT_X, 0) image.SetOptionInt(wx.IMAGE_OPTION_CUR_HOTSPOT_Y, 22) # make the image into a cursor cursor = wx.CursorFromImage(image) else: # create one of the stock (built-in) cursors cursor = wx.StockCursor(cnum) # set the cursor for the window def OnDrawDot(self, evt): # Draw a dot so the user can see where the hotspot is dc = wx.ClientDC( dc.SetPen(wx.Pen("RED")) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("RED")) dc.DrawCircle(evt.GetPosition(), 4) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def runTest(frame, nb, log): win = TestPanel(nb, log) return win #---------------------------------------------------------------------- overview = """