"""Decorator classes for documentation and shell scripting. """ __author__ = "Patrick K. O'Brien " __cvsid__ = "$Id$" __revision__ = "$Revision$"[11:-2] # These are not the real wxPython classes. These are Python versions # for documentation purposes. They are also used to apply docstrings # to the real wxPython classes, which are SWIG-generated wrappers for # C-language classes. from Base import Object from Dialogs import Dialog from Frames import Frame import Parameters as wx class PageSetupDialog(Dialog): """""" def GetPageSetupData(self): """""" pass def ShowModal(self): """""" pass def __init__(self): """""" pass class PageSetupDialogData(Object): """""" def EnableHelp(self): """""" pass def EnableMargins(self): """""" pass def EnableOrientation(self): """""" pass def EnablePaper(self): """""" pass def EnablePrinter(self): """""" pass def GetDefaultInfo(self): """""" pass def GetDefaultMinMargins(self): """""" pass def GetEnableHelp(self): """""" pass def GetEnableMargins(self): """""" pass def GetEnableOrientation(self): """""" pass def GetEnablePaper(self): """""" pass def GetEnablePrinter(self): """""" pass def GetMarginBottomRight(self): """""" pass def GetMarginTopLeft(self): """""" pass def GetMinMarginBottomRight(self): """""" pass def GetMinMarginTopLeft(self): """""" pass def GetPaperId(self): """""" pass def GetPaperSize(self): """""" pass def GetPrintData(self): """""" pass def Ok(self): """""" pass def SetDefaultInfo(self): """""" pass def SetDefaultMinMargins(self): """""" pass def SetMarginBottomRight(self): """""" pass def SetMarginTopLeft(self): """""" pass def SetMinMarginBottomRight(self): """""" pass def SetMinMarginTopLeft(self): """""" pass def SetPaperId(self): """""" pass def SetPaperSize(self): """""" pass def SetPrintData(self): """""" pass def __del__(self): """""" pass def __init__(self): """""" pass class PrintDialog(Dialog): """""" def GetPrintDC(self): """""" pass def GetPrintDialogData(self): """""" pass def ShowModal(self): """""" pass def __init__(self): """""" pass class PrintDialogData(Object): """""" def EnableHelp(self): """""" pass def EnablePageNumbers(self): """""" pass def EnablePrintToFile(self): """""" pass def EnableSelection(self): """""" pass def GetAllPages(self): """""" pass def GetCollate(self): """""" pass def GetFromPage(self): """""" pass def GetMaxPage(self): """""" pass def GetMinPage(self): """""" pass def GetNoCopies(self): """""" pass def GetPrintData(self): """""" pass def GetPrintToFile(self): """""" pass def GetToPage(self): """""" pass def Ok(self): """""" pass def SetCollate(self): """""" pass def SetFromPage(self): """""" pass def SetMaxPage(self): """""" pass def SetMinPage(self): """""" pass def SetNoCopies(self): """""" pass def SetPrintData(self): """""" pass def SetPrintToFile(self): """""" pass def SetSetupDialog(self): """""" pass def SetToPage(self): """""" pass def __del__(self): """""" pass def __init__(self): """""" pass class PreviewFrame(Frame): """""" def Initialize(self): """""" pass def __init__(self): """""" pass class PrintData(Object): """""" def GetCollate(self): """""" pass def GetColour(self): """""" pass def GetDuplex(self): """""" pass def GetFilename(self): """""" pass def GetFontMetricPath(self): """""" pass def GetNoCopies(self): """""" pass def GetOrientation(self): """""" pass def GetPaperId(self): """""" pass def GetPaperSize(self): """""" pass def GetPreviewCommand(self): """""" pass def GetPrintMode(self): """""" pass def GetPrinterCommand(self): """""" pass def GetPrinterName(self): """""" pass def GetPrinterOptions(self): """""" pass def GetPrinterScaleX(self): """""" pass def GetPrinterScaleY(self): """""" pass def GetPrinterTranslateX(self): """""" pass def GetPrinterTranslateY(self): """""" pass def GetQuality(self): """""" pass def Ok(self): """""" pass def SetCollate(self): """""" pass def SetColour(self): """""" pass def SetDuplex(self): """""" pass def SetFilename(self): """""" pass def SetFontMetricPath(self): """""" pass def SetNoCopies(self): """""" pass def SetOrientation(self): """""" pass def SetPaperId(self): """""" pass def SetPaperSize(self): """""" pass def SetPreviewCommand(self): """""" pass def SetPrintMode(self): """""" pass def SetPrinterCommand(self): """""" pass def SetPrinterName(self): """""" pass def SetPrinterOptions(self): """""" pass def SetPrinterScaleX(self): """""" pass def SetPrinterScaleY(self): """""" pass def SetPrinterScaling(self): """""" pass def SetPrinterTranslateX(self): """""" pass def SetPrinterTranslateY(self): """""" pass def SetPrinterTranslation(self): """""" pass def SetQuality(self): """""" pass def __del__(self): """""" pass def __init__(self): """""" pass class PrintPreview(Object): """""" def GetCanvas(self): """""" pass def GetCurrentPage(self): """""" pass def GetFrame(self): """""" pass def GetMaxPage(self): """""" pass def GetMinPage(self): """""" pass def GetPrintDialogData(self): """""" pass def GetPrintout(self): """""" pass def GetPrintoutForPrinting(self): """""" pass def GetZoom(self): """""" pass def Ok(self): """""" pass def Print(self): """""" pass def SetCanvas(self): """""" pass def SetCurrentPage(self): """""" pass def SetFrame(self): """""" pass def SetPrintout(self): """""" pass def SetZoom(self): """""" pass def __init__(self): """""" pass class Printer(Object): """""" def CreateAbortWindow(self): """""" pass def GetPrintDialogData(self): """""" pass def Print(self): """""" pass def PrintDialog(self): """""" pass def ReportError(self): """""" pass def Setup(self): """""" pass def __del__(self): """""" pass def __init__(self): """""" pass class Printout(Object): """""" def Destroy(self): """""" pass def GetDC(self): """""" pass def GetPPIPrinter(self): """""" pass def GetPPIScreen(self): """""" pass def GetPageSizeMM(self): """""" pass def GetPageSizePixels(self): """""" pass def IsPreview(self): """""" pass def __init__(self): """""" pass def _setCallbackInfo(self): """""" pass def base_GetPageInfo(self): """""" pass def base_HasPage(self): """""" pass def base_OnBeginDocument(self): """""" pass def base_OnBeginPrinting(self): """""" pass def base_OnEndDocument(self): """""" pass def base_OnEndPrinting(self): """""" pass def base_OnPreparePrinting(self): """""" pass