############################################################################## # # Zope Public License (ZPL) Version 1.0 # ------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) Digital Creations. All rights reserved. # # This license has been certified as Open Source(tm). # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions in source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # 3. Digital Creations requests that attribution be given to Zope # in any manner possible. Zope includes a "Powered by Zope" # button that is installed by default. While it is not a license # violation to remove this button, it is requested that the # attribution remain. A significant investment has been put # into Zope, and this effort will continue if the Zope community # continues to grow. This is one way to assure that growth. # # 4. All advertising materials and documentation mentioning # features derived from or use of this software must display # the following acknowledgement: # # "This product includes software developed by Digital Creations # for use in the Z Object Publishing Environment # (http://www.zope.org/)." # # In the event that the product being advertised includes an # intact Zope distribution (with copyright and license included) # then this clause is waived. # # 5. Names associated with Zope or Digital Creations must not be used to # endorse or promote products derived from this software without # prior written permission from Digital Creations. # # 6. Modified redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain # the following acknowledgment: # # "This product includes software developed by Digital Creations # for use in the Z Object Publishing Environment # (http://www.zope.org/)." # # Intact (re-)distributions of any official Zope release do not # require an external acknowledgement. # # 7. Modifications are encouraged but must be packaged separately as # patches to official Zope releases. Distributions that do not # clearly separate the patches from the original work must be clearly # labeled as unofficial distributions. Modifications which do not # carry the name Zope may be packaged in any form, as long as they # conform to all of the clauses above. # # # Disclaimer # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY DIGITAL CREATIONS ``AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL CREATIONS OR ITS # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF # USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT # OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # # This software consists of contributions made by Digital Creations and # many individuals on behalf of Digital Creations. Specific # attributions are listed in the accompanying credits file. # ############################################################################## import re, ST, STDOM from string import split, join, replace, expandtabs, strip, find, rstrip from STletters import * StringType=type('') ListType=type([]) def flatten(obj, append): if obj.getNodeType()==STDOM.TEXT_NODE: append(obj.getNodeValue()) else: for child in obj.getChildNodes(): flatten(child, append) class StructuredTextExample(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of document with literal text, as for examples""" def __init__(self, subs, **kw): t=[] a=t.append for s in subs: flatten(s, a) apply(ST.StructuredTextParagraph.__init__, (self, join(t,'\n\n'), ()), kw) def getColorizableTexts(self): return () def setColorizableTexts(self, src): pass # never color examples class StructuredTextBullet(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body""" class StructuredTextNumbered(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body""" class StructuredTextDescriptionTitle(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body""" class StructuredTextDescriptionBody(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body""" class StructuredTextDescription(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body""" def __init__(self, title, src, subs, **kw): apply(ST.StructuredTextParagraph.__init__, (self, src, subs), kw) self._title=title def getColorizableTexts(self): return self._title, self._src def setColorizableTexts(self, src): self._title, self._src = src def getChildren(self): return (StructuredTextDescriptionTitle(self._title), StructuredTextDescriptionBody(self._src, self._subs)) class StructuredTextSectionTitle(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body""" class StructuredTextSection(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): """Represents a section of a document with a title and a body""" def __init__(self, src, subs=None, **kw): apply(ST.StructuredTextParagraph.__init__, (self, StructuredTextSectionTitle(src), subs), kw) def getColorizableTexts(self): return self._src.getColorizableTexts() def setColorizableTexts(self,src): self._src.setColorizableTexts(src) # a StructuredTextTable holds StructuredTextRows class StructuredTextTable(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): """ rows is a list of lists containing tuples, which represent the columns/cells in each rows. EX rows = [[('row 1:column1',1)],[('row2:column1',1)]] """ def __init__(self, rows, src, subs, **kw): apply(ST.StructuredTextParagraph.__init__,(self,subs),kw) self._rows = [] for row in rows: if row: self._rows.append(StructuredTextRow(row,kw)) def getRows(self): return [self._rows] def _getRows(self): return self.getRows() def getColumns(self): result = [] for row in self._rows: result.append(row.getColumns()) return result def _getColumns(self): return self.getColumns() def setColumns(self,columns): for index in range(len(self._rows)): self._rows[index].setColumns(columns[index]) def _setColumns(self,columns): return self.setColumns(columns) def getColorizableTexts(self): """ return a tuple where each item is a column/cell's contents. The tuple, result, will be of this format. ("r1 col1", "r1=col2", "r2 col1", "r2 col2") """ result = [] for row in self._rows: for column in row.getColumns()[0]: result.append(column.getColorizableTexts()[0]) return result def setColorizableTexts(self,texts): """ texts is going to a tuple where each item is the result of being mapped to the colortext function. Need to insert the results appropriately into the individual columns/cells """ for row_index in range(len(self._rows)): for column_index in range(len(self._rows[row_index]._columns)): self._rows[row_index]._columns[column_index].setColorizableTexts((texts[0],)) texts = texts[1:] def _getColorizableTexts(self): return self.getColorizableTexts() def _setColorizableTexts(self): return self.setColorizableTexts() # StructuredTextRow holds StructuredTextColumns class StructuredTextRow(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): def __init__(self,row,kw): """ row is a list of tuples, where each tuple is the raw text for a cell/column and the span of that cell/column. EX [('this is column one',1), ('this is column two',1)] """ apply(ST.StructuredTextParagraph.__init__,(self,[]),kw) self._columns = [] for column in row: self._columns.append(StructuredTextColumn(column[0], column[1], column[2], column[3], column[4], kw)) def getColumns(self): return [self._columns] def _getColumns(self): return [self._columns] def setColumns(self,columns): self._columns = columns def _setColumns(self,columns): return self.setColumns(columns) # this holds the text of a table cell class StructuredTextColumn(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): """ StructuredTextColumn is a cell/column in a table. A cell can hold multiple paragraphs. The cell is either classified as a StructuredTextTableHeader or StructuredTextTableData. """ def __init__(self,text,span,align,valign,typ,kw): apply(ST.StructuredTextParagraph.__init__,(self,text,[]),kw) self._span = span self._align = align self._valign = valign self._type = typ def getSpan(self): return self._span def _getSpan(self): return self._span def getAlign(self): return self._align def _getAlign(self): return self.getAlign() def getValign(self): return self._valign def _getValign(self): return self.getValign() def getType(self): return self._type def _getType(self): return self.getType() class StructuredTextTableHeader(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): pass class StructuredTextTableData(ST.StructuredTextParagraph): pass class StructuredTextMarkup(STDOM.Element): def __init__(self, v, **kw): self._value=v self._attributes=kw.keys() for k, v in kw.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def getChildren(self, type=type, lt=type([])): v=self._value if type(v) is not lt: v=[v] return v def getColorizableTexts(self): return self._value, def setColorizableTexts(self, v): self._value=v[0] def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, `self._value`) class StructuredTextLiteral(StructuredTextMarkup): def getColorizableTexts(self): return () def setColorizableTexts(self, v): pass class StructuredTextEmphasis(StructuredTextMarkup): pass class StructuredTextStrong(StructuredTextMarkup): pass class StructuredTextInnerLink(StructuredTextMarkup): pass class StructuredTextNamedLink(StructuredTextMarkup): pass class StructuredTextUnderline(StructuredTextMarkup): pass class StructuredTextSGML(StructuredTextMarkup): pass class StructuredTextLink(StructuredTextMarkup): pass class StructuredTextXref(StructuredTextMarkup): pass class DocumentClass: """ Class instance calls [ex.=> x()] require a structured text structure. Doc will then parse each paragraph in the structure and will find the special structures within each paragraph. Each special structure will be stored as an instance. Special structures within another special structure are stored within the 'top' structure EX : '-underline this-' => would be turned into an underline instance. '-underline **this**' would be stored as an underline instance with a strong instance stored in its string """ paragraph_types = [ 'doc_bullet', 'doc_numbered', 'doc_description', 'doc_header', 'doc_table', ] #'doc_inner_link', #'doc_named_link', #'doc_underline', text_types = [ 'doc_sgml', 'doc_href', 'doc_strong', 'doc_emphasize', 'doc_literal', 'doc_sgml', 'doc_xref', ] def __call__(self, doc): if type(doc) is type(''): doc=ST.StructuredText(doc) doc.setSubparagraphs(self.color_paragraphs( doc.getSubparagraphs())) else: doc=ST.StructuredTextDocument(self.color_paragraphs( doc.getSubparagraphs())) return doc def parse(self, raw_string, text_type, type=type, st=type(''), lt=type([])): """ Parse accepts a raw_string, an expr to test the raw_string, and the raw_string's subparagraphs. Parse will continue to search through raw_string until all instances of expr in raw_string are found. If no instances of expr are found, raw_string is returned. Otherwise a list of substrings and instances is returned """ tmp = [] # the list to be returned if raw_string is split append=tmp.append if type(text_type) is st: text_type=getattr(self, text_type) while 1: t = text_type(raw_string) if not t: break #an instance of expr was found t, start, end = t if start: append(raw_string[0:start]) tt=type(t) if tt is st: # if we get a string back, add it to text to be parsed raw_string = t+raw_string[end:len(raw_string)] else: if tt is lt: # is we get a list, append it's elements tmp[len(tmp):]=t else: # normal case, an object append(t) raw_string = raw_string[end:len(raw_string)] if not tmp: return raw_string # nothing found if raw_string: append(raw_string) elif len(tmp)==1: return tmp[0] return tmp def color_text(self, str, types=None): """Search the paragraph for each special structure """ if types is None: types=self.text_types for text_type in types: if type(str) is StringType: str = self.parse(str, text_type) elif type(str) is ListType: r=[]; a=r.append for s in str: if type(s) is StringType: s=self.parse(s, text_type) if type(s) is ListType: r[len(r):]=s else: a(s) else: s.setColorizableTexts( map(self.color_text, s.getColorizableTexts() )) a(s) str=r else: r=[]; a=r.append; color=self.color_text for s in str.getColorizableTexts(): color(s, (text_type,)) a(s) str.setColorizableTexts(r) return str def color_paragraphs(self, raw_paragraphs, type=type, sequence_types=(type([]), type(())), st=type('')): result=[] for paragraph in raw_paragraphs: if paragraph.getNodeName() != 'StructuredTextParagraph': result.append(paragraph) continue for pt in self.paragraph_types: if type(pt) is st: # grab the corresponding function pt=getattr(self, pt) # evaluate the paragraph r=pt(paragraph) if r: if type(r) not in sequence_types: r=r, new_paragraphs=r for paragraph in new_paragraphs: paragraph.setSubparagraphs(self.color_paragraphs(paragraph.getSubparagraphs())) break else: new_paragraphs=ST.StructuredTextParagraph(paragraph.getColorizableTexts()[0], self.color_paragraphs(paragraph.getSubparagraphs()), indent=paragraph.indent), # color the inline StructuredText types # for each StructuredTextParagraph for paragraph in new_paragraphs: if paragraph.getNodeName() is "StructuredTextTable": cells = paragraph.getColumns() text = paragraph.getColorizableTexts() text = map(ST.StructuredText,text) text = map(self.__call__,text) for t in range(len(text)): text[t] = text[t].getSubparagraphs() paragraph.setColorizableTexts(text) paragraph.setColorizableTexts( map(self.color_text, paragraph.getColorizableTexts() )) result.append(paragraph) return result def doc_table(self, paragraph, expr = re.compile(r'\s*\|[-]+\|').match): text = paragraph.getColorizableTexts()[0] m = expr(text) subs = paragraph.getSubparagraphs() if not (m): return None rows = [] spans = [] ROWS = [] COLS = [] indexes = [] ignore = [] TDdivider = re.compile("[\-]+").match THdivider = re.compile("[\=]+").match col = re.compile('\|').search innertable = re.compile('\|([-]+|[=]+)\|').search text = strip(text) rows = split(text,'\n') foo = "" for row in range(len(rows)): rows[row] = strip(rows[row]) # have indexes store if a row is a divider # or a cell part for index in range(len(rows)): tmpstr = rows[index][1:len(rows[index])-1] if TDdivider(tmpstr): indexes.append("TDdivider") elif THdivider(tmpstr): indexes.append("THdivider") else: indexes.append("cell") for index in range(len(indexes)): if indexes[index] is "TDdivider" or indexes[index] is THdivider: ignore = [] # reset ignore #continue # skip dividers tmp = strip(rows[index]) # clean the row up tmp = tmp[1:len(tmp)-1] # remove leading + trailing | offset = 0 # find the start and end of inner # tables. ignore everything between if innertable(tmp): tmpstr = strip(tmp) while innertable(tmpstr): start,end = innertable(tmpstr).span() if not (start,end-1) in ignore: ignore.append(start,end-1) tmpstr = " " + tmpstr[end:] # find the location of column dividers # NOTE: |'s in inner tables do not count # as column dividers if col(tmp): while col(tmp): bar = 1 # true if start is not in ignore start,end = col(tmp).span() if not start+offset in spans: for s,e in ignore: if start+offset >= s or start+offset <= e: bar = None break if bar: # start is clean spans.append(start+offset) if not bar: foo = foo + tmp[:end] tmp = tmp[end:] offset = offset + end else: COLS.append((foo + tmp[0:start],start+offset)) foo = "" tmp = " " + tmp[end:] offset = offset + start if not offset+len(tmp) in spans: spans.append(offset+len(tmp)) COLS.append((foo + tmp,offset+len(tmp))) foo = "" ROWS.append(COLS) COLS = [] spans.sort() ROWS = ROWS[1:len(ROWS)] # find each column span cols = [] tmp = [] for row in ROWS: for c in row: tmp.append(c[1]) cols.append(tmp) tmp = [] cur = 1 tmp = [] C = [] for col in cols: for span in spans: if not span in col: cur = cur + 1 else: tmp.append(cur) cur = 1 C.append(tmp) tmp = [] for index in range(len(C)): for i in range(len(C[index])): ROWS[index][i] = (ROWS[index][i][0],C[index][i]) rows = ROWS # label things as either TableData or # Table header TD = [] TH = [] all = [] for index in range(len(indexes)): if indexes[index] is "TDdivider": TD.append(index) all.append(index) if indexes[index] is "THdivider": TH.append(index) all.append(index) TD = TD[1:] dividers = all[1:] #print "TD => ", TD #print "TH => ", TH #print "all => ", all, "\n" for div in dividers: if div in TD: index = all.index(div) for rowindex in range(all[index-1],all[index]): for i in range(len(rows[rowindex])): rows[rowindex][i] = (rows[rowindex][i][0], rows[rowindex][i][1], "td") else: index = all.index(div) for rowindex in range(all[index-1],all[index]): for i in range(len(rows[rowindex])): rows[rowindex][i] = (rows[rowindex][i][0], rows[rowindex][i][1], "th") # now munge the multi-line cells together # as paragraphs ROWS = [] COLS = [] for row in rows: for index in range(len(row)): if not COLS: COLS = range(len(row)) for i in range(len(COLS)): COLS[i] = ["",1,""] if TDdivider(row[index][0]) or THdivider(row[index][0]): ROWS.append(COLS) COLS = [] else: COLS[index][0] = COLS[index][0] + (row[index][0]) + "\n" COLS[index][1] = row[index][1] COLS[index][2] = row[index][2] # now that each cell has been munged together, # determine the cell's alignment. # Default is to center. Also determine the cell's # vertical alignment, top, middle, bottom. Default is # to middle rows = [] cols = [] for row in ROWS: for index in range(len(row)): topindent = 0 bottomindent = 0 leftindent = 0 rightindent = 0 left = [] right = [] text = row[index][0] text = split(text,'\n') text = text[:len(text)-1] align = "" valign = "" for t in text: t = strip(t) if not t: topindent = topindent + 1 else: break text.reverse() for t in text: t = strip(t) if not t: bottomindent = bottomindent + 1 else: break text.reverse() tmp = join(text[topindent:len(text)-bottomindent],"\n") pars = re.compile("\n\s*\n").split(tmp) for par in pars: if index > 0: par = par[1:] par = split(par, ' ') for p in par: if not p: leftindent = leftindent+1 else: break left.append(leftindent) leftindent = 0 par.reverse() for p in par: if not p: rightindent = rightindent + 1 else: break right.append(rightindent) rightindent = 0 left.sort() right.sort() if topindent == bottomindent: valign="middle" elif topindent < 1: valign="top" elif bottomindent < 1: valign="bottom" else: valign="middle" if left[0] < 1: align = "left" elif right[0] < 1: align = "right" elif left[0] > 1 and right[0] > 1: align="center" else: align="left" cols.append(row[index][0],row[index][1],align,valign,row[index][2]) rows.append(cols) cols = [] return StructuredTextTable(rows,text,subs,indent=paragraph.indent) def doc_bullet(self, paragraph, expr = re.compile(r'\s*[-*o]\s+').match): top=paragraph.getColorizableTexts()[0] m=expr(top) if not m: return None subs=paragraph.getSubparagraphs() if top[-2:]=='::': subs=[StructuredTextExample(subs)] top=top[:-1] return StructuredTextBullet(top[m.span()[1]:], subs, indent=paragraph.indent, bullet=top[:m.span()[1]] ) def doc_numbered( self, paragraph, expr = re.compile(r'(\s*[%s]+\.)|(\s*[0-9]+\.)|(\s*[0-9]+\s+)' % letters).match): # This is the old expression. It had a nasty habit # of grabbing paragraphs that began with a single # letter word even if there was no following period. #expr = re.compile('\s*' # '(([a-zA-Z]|[0-9]+|[ivxlcdmIVXLCDM]+)\.)*' # '([a-zA-Z]|[0-9]+|[ivxlcdmIVXLCDM]+)\.?' # '\s+').match): top=paragraph.getColorizableTexts()[0] m=expr(top) if not m: return None subs=paragraph.getSubparagraphs() if top[-2:]=='::': subs=[StructuredTextExample(subs)] top=top[:-1] return StructuredTextNumbered(top[m.span()[1]:], subs, indent=paragraph.indent, number=top[:m.span()[1]]) def doc_description( self, paragraph, delim = re.compile(r'\s+--\s+').search, nb=re.compile(r'[^\000- ]').search, ): top=paragraph.getColorizableTexts()[0] d=delim(top) if not d: return None start, end = d.span() title=top[:start] if find(title, '\n') >= 0: return None if not nb(title): return None d=top[start:end] top=top[end:] subs=paragraph.getSubparagraphs() if top[-2:]=='::': subs=[StructuredTextExample(subs)] top=top[:-1] return StructuredTextDescription( title, top, subs, indent=paragraph.indent, delim=d) def doc_header(self, paragraph, expr = re.compile(r'[ %s0-9.:/,-_*<>\?\'\"]+' % letters).match ): subs=paragraph.getSubparagraphs() if not subs: return None top=paragraph.getColorizableTexts()[0] if not strip(top): return None if top[-2:]=='::': subs=StructuredTextExample(subs) if strip(top)=='::': return subs return ST.StructuredTextParagraph( top[:-1], [subs], indent=paragraph.indent) if find(top,'\n') >= 0: return None return StructuredTextSection(top, subs, indent=paragraph.indent) def doc_literal( self, s, expr=re.compile( r"(?:\s|^)'" # open r"([^ \t\n\r\f\v']|[^ \t\n\r\f\v'][^\n']*[^ \t\n\r\f\v'])" # contents r"'(?:\s|[,.;:!?]|$)" # close ).search): r=expr(s) if r: start, end = r.span(1) return (StructuredTextLiteral(s[start:end]), start-1, end+1) else: return None def doc_emphasize( self, s, expr = re.compile(r'\s*\*([ \n%s0-9]+)\*(?!\*|-)' % lettpunc).search ): r=expr(s) if r: start, end = r.span(1) return (StructuredTextEmphasis(s[start:end]), start-1, end+1) else: return None def doc_inner_link(self, s, expr1 = re.compile(r"\.\.\s*").search, expr2 = re.compile(r"\[[%s0-9]+\]" % letters ).search): # make sure we dont grab a named link if expr2(s) and expr1(s): start1,end1 = expr1(s).span() start2,end2 = expr2(s).span() if end1 == start2: # uh-oh, looks like a named link return None else: # the .. is somewhere else, ignore it return (StructuredTextInnerLink(s[start2+1,end2-1],start2,end2)) return None elif expr2(s) and not expr1(s): start,end = expr2(s).span() return (StructuredTextInnerLink(s[start+1:end-1]),start,end) return None def doc_named_link(self, s, expr=re.compile(r"(\.\.\s)(\[[%s0-9]+\])" % letters).search): result = expr(s) if result: start,end = result.span(2) a,b = result.span(1) str = strip(s[a:b]) + s[start:end] st,en = result.span() return (StructuredTextNamedLink(str),st,en) #return (StructuredTextNamedLink(s[st:en]),st,en) return None def doc_underline(self, s, expr=re.compile(r"\s+\_([%s0-9\s]+)\_" % lettpunc).search): result = expr(s) if result: start,end = result.span(1) st,e = result.span() return (StructuredTextUnderline(s[start:end]),st,e) else: return None def doc_strong(self, s, expr = re.compile(r'\s*\*\*([ \n%s0-9]+)\*\*' % lettpunc).search ): r=expr(s) if r: start, end = r.span(1) return (StructuredTextStrong(s[start:end]), start-2, end+2) else: return None ## Some constants to make the doc_href() regex easier to read. _DQUOTEDTEXT = r'("[%s0-9\n\-\.\,\;\(\)\/\:\/\*\']+")' % letters ## double quoted text _URL_AND_PUNC = r'([%s0-9\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#\~]+)' % letters _SPACES = r'(\s*)' def doc_href(self, s, expr1 = re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + "(:)" + _URL_AND_PUNC + _SPACES).search, expr2 = re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + r'(\,\s+)' + _URL_AND_PUNC + _SPACES).search): punctuation = re.compile(r"[\,\.\?\!\;]+").match r=expr1(s) or expr2(s) if r: # need to grab the href part and the # beginning part start,e = r.span(1) name = s[start:e] name = replace(name,'"','',2) #start = start + 1 st,end = r.span(3) if punctuation(s[end-1:end]): end = end -1 link = s[st:end] #end = end - 1 # name is the href title, link is the target # of the href return (StructuredTextLink(name, href=link), start, end) #return (StructuredTextLink(s[start:end], href=s[start:end]), # start, end) else: return None def doc_sgml(self,s,expr=re.compile(r"\<[%s0-9\.\=\'\"\:\/\-\#\+\s\*]+\>" % letters).search): """ SGML text is ignored and outputed as-is """ r = expr(s) if r: start,end = r.span() text = s[start:end] return (StructuredTextSGML(text),start,end) def doc_xref(self, s, expr = re.compile('\[([%s0-9\-.:/;,\n\~]+)\]' % letters).search ): r = expr(s) if r: start, end = r.span(1) return (StructuredTextXref(s[start:end]), start-1, end+1) else: return None