goto %TOOLSET% :msbuild cd build\msw msbuild /m:2 /v:n /p:Platform=%ARCH% /p:Configuration="%CONFIGURATION%" wx_vc12.sln goto :eof :nmake cd build\msw call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio %VS%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %ARCH% nmake -f BUILD=%BUILD% goto :eof :mingw cd build\msw path C:\MinGW\bin;%path% echo --- Tools versions: g++ --version | head -1 mingw32-make --version | head -1 ar --version | head -1 path C:\MinGW\bin; echo. echo --- Starting the build echo. mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc setup_h BUILD=debug SHARED=0 mingw32-make -j3 -f makefile.gcc BUILD=debug SHARED=0 goto :eof :msys2 path C:\msys64\%MSYSTEM%\bin;C:\msys64\usr\bin;%path% set CHERE_INVOKING=yes :: Workaround for "configure: Bad file descriptor" perl -i".bak" -pe "s/^test -n \".DJDIR\"/#$&/" configure bash -lc "g++ --version" bash -lc "CXXFLAGS=-Wno-deprecated-declarations ./configure --disable-optimise && make -j3" goto :eof :cygwin C:\cygwin\setup-x86.exe -qnNdO -R C:/cygwin -s -l C:/cygwin/var/cache/setup -P libjpeg-devel -P libpng-devel -P libtiff-devel -P libexpat-devel path c:\cygwin\bin;%path% set CHERE_INVOKING=yes :: Workaround for "configure: Bad file descriptor" perl -i".bak" -pe "s/^test -n \".DJDIR\"/#$&/" configure bash -lc "g++ --version" bash -lc "LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib/w32api ./configure --disable-optimise --disable-shared && make -j3" goto :eof :cmake echo --- Tools versions: cmake --version | head -1 echo. echo --- Generating project files echo. set WX_INSTALL_PATH=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\wx_install_target mkdir %WX_INSTALL_PATH% mkdir build_cmake_vs pushd build_cmake_vs cmake -G "%GENERATOR%" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%WX_INSTALL_PATH% -DwxBUILD_SHARED=%SHARED% .. echo. echo --- Starting the build echo. cmake --build . --config %CONFIGURATION% echo. echo --- Installing echo. cmake --build . --config %CONFIGURATION% --target install popd echo. echo --- Test installed library echo. set WXWIN=%WX_INSTALL_PATH% mkdir build_cmake_install_test pushd build_cmake_install_test echo --- Configure minimal sample cmake -G "%GENERATOR%" ..\samples\minimal echo --- Building minimal sample with installed library cmake --build . --config %CONFIGURATION% popd goto :eof