@echo off rem Zip up a distribution of Tex2RTF using Inno Setup. Rem This batch file requires the 4DOS/4NT command processor. set src=%WXWIN%\utils\tex2rtf set dest=%WXWIN%\deliver set inno=1 set ReleaseDir=Release if "%src%" == "" goto usage if "%dest%" == "" goto usage if "%1" == "innoonly" set inno=1 if "%1" == "innoonly" goto dounzip if "%1" == "inno" set inno=1 echo About to archive Tex2RTF echo From %src% echo To %dest% echo CTRL-C if this is not correct. pause erase /E %dest%\tex2rtf.zip erase /E %dest%\tex2rtf_setup.exe erase /E %dest\tex2rtf_src.zip if direxist %dest%\tex2rtf erase /sxzy %dest%\tex2rtf\ Rem *** First, determine version from symbols.h call ming2952 echo `#include ` > tex2rtfver.c echo `#include "symbols.h"` >> tex2rtfver.c echo `int main() { printf("%.2f", TEX2RTF_VERSION_NUMBER); }` >> tex2rtfver.c gcc tex2rtfver.c -I%src%\src -o tex2rtfver.exe tex2rtfver.exe > tex2rtfversion.txt set ver=%@LINE[tex2rtfversion.txt,0] echo %ver% erase tex2rtfver.exe tex2rtfver.c set ver_filename=%ver% echo Updating docs... call msvc6 pushd %src%\docs erase /Y tex2rtf_contents.html nmake -f makefile.vc htmlhelp htb popd cd %src% echo Zipping source... zip32 -@ %src%\tex2rtf_src.zip < %src%\distrib\src.rsp echo Adding files... copy %src%\src\%ReleaseDir%\tex2rtf.exe %src% copy %src%\docs\licence.txt %src% copy %src%\docs\lgpl.txt %src% copy %src%\docs\gpl.txt %src% copy %src%\docs\readme.txt %src% copy %src%\docs\tex2rtf.chm %src% copy %src%\distrib\tex2rtf.exe.manifest %src% copy %src%\tools\lacheck.exe %src% copy %src%\tools\lacheck.txt %src% Rem goto end upx %src%\tex2rtf.exe zip -@ %dest%\tex2rtf.zip < %src%\distrib\distrib.rsp zip -j -u %dest%\tex2rtf.zip %src%\tex2rtf.exe :dounzip cd %dest% mkdir tex2rtf cd tex2rtf unzip32 -o ..\tex2rtf.zip cd %dest% echo inno = %inno% Rem Skip Inno Setup setup if inno is 0. if "%inno%" == "0" goto end set tex2rtfver=%ver% echo ver is %ver% echo tex2rtfver is %tex2rtfver% echo Calling 'makeinno' to generate tex2rtf.iss... cd %dest%\tex2rtf call %src%\distrib\makeinno.bat sed -e "s/TEX2RTFVERSION/%tex2rtfver%/g" %src%\distrib\tex2rtf.iss > %TEMP%\tex2rtf.iss move %TEMP%\tex2rtf.iss %src%\distrib\tex2rtf.iss rem Now invoke Inno Setup install on the new tex2rtf.iss set innocmd="C:\Program Files\Inno Setup 2\compil32.exe" /cc %src%\distrib\tex2rtf.iss echo Invoking %innocmd%... cd %dest% start "Inno Setup" /w %innocmd% Rem Rename to give it a version move setup.exe tex2rtf_%ver_filename%_setup.exe Rem clean up files cd %src% erase /EFY *.bmp *.htm *.exe *.hlp *.cnt *.txt *.rtf *.doc *.gif *.jpg *.manifest *.chm cd %dest% echo Tex2RTF archived. goto end :usage echo Tex2RTF distribution. :end