#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: CodeEditor.py # Purpose: Abstract Code Editor for pydocview tbat uses the Styled Text Control # # Author: Peter Yared # # Created: 8/10/03 # CVS-ID: $Id$ # Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc. # License: wxWindows License #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- import STCTextEditor import wx import wx.lib.docview import OutlineService import os import re import string import sys import MarkerService from UICommon import CaseInsensitiveCompare _ = wx.GetTranslation if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': _WINDOWS = True else: _WINDOWS = False EXPAND_TEXT_ID = wx.NewId() COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID = wx.NewId() EXPAND_TOP_ID = wx.NewId() COLLAPSE_TOP_ID = wx.NewId() EXPAND_ALL_ID = wx.NewId() COLLAPSE_ALL_ID = wx.NewId() CHECK_CODE_ID = wx.NewId() AUTO_COMPLETE_ID = wx.NewId() CLEAN_WHITESPACE = wx.NewId() COMMENT_LINES_ID = wx.NewId() UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID = wx.NewId() INDENT_LINES_ID = wx.NewId() DEDENT_LINES_ID = wx.NewId() USE_TABS_ID = wx.NewId() SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID = wx.NewId() FOLDING_ID = wx.NewId() class CodeDocument(STCTextEditor.TextDocument): pass class CodeView(STCTextEditor.TextView): #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Overridden methods #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def GetCtrlClass(self): """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """ return CodeCtrl def ProcessEvent(self, event): id = event.GetId() if id == EXPAND_TEXT_ID: self.GetCtrl().ToggleFold(self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine()) return True elif id == COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID: self.GetCtrl().ToggleFold(self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine()) return True elif id == EXPAND_TOP_ID: self.GetCtrl().ToggleFoldAll(expand = True, topLevelOnly = True) return True elif id == COLLAPSE_TOP_ID: self.GetCtrl().ToggleFoldAll(expand = False, topLevelOnly = True) return True elif id == EXPAND_ALL_ID: self.GetCtrl().ToggleFoldAll(expand = True) return True elif id == COLLAPSE_ALL_ID: self.GetCtrl().ToggleFoldAll(expand = False) return True elif id == CHECK_CODE_ID: self.OnCheckCode() return True elif id == AUTO_COMPLETE_ID: self.OnAutoComplete() return True elif id == CLEAN_WHITESPACE: self.OnCleanWhiteSpace() return True elif id == SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID: self.OnSetIndentWidth() return True elif id == USE_TABS_ID: self.GetCtrl().SetUseTabs(not self.GetCtrl().GetUseTabs()) return True elif id == INDENT_LINES_ID: self.GetCtrl().CmdKeyExecute(wx.stc.STC_CMD_TAB) return True elif id == DEDENT_LINES_ID: self.GetCtrl().CmdKeyExecute(wx.stc.STC_CMD_BACKTAB) return True elif id == COMMENT_LINES_ID: self.OnCommentLines() return True elif id == UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID: self.OnUncommentLines() return True else: return STCTextEditor.TextView.ProcessEvent(self, event) def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event): if not self.GetCtrl(): return False id = event.GetId() if id == EXPAND_TEXT_ID: if self.GetCtrl().GetViewFolding(): event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().CanLineExpand(self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine())) else: event.Enable(False) return True elif id == COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID: if self.GetCtrl().GetViewFolding(): event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().CanLineCollapse(self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine())) else: event.Enable(False) return True elif (id == EXPAND_TOP_ID or id == COLLAPSE_TOP_ID or id == EXPAND_ALL_ID or id == COLLAPSE_ALL_ID): if self.GetCtrl().GetViewFolding(): event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().GetTextLength() > 0) else: event.Enable(False) return True elif (id == AUTO_COMPLETE_ID or id == CLEAN_WHITESPACE or id == INDENT_LINES_ID or id == DEDENT_LINES_ID or id == COMMENT_LINES_ID or id == UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID): event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().GetTextLength() > 0) return True elif id == CHECK_CODE_ID: event.Enable(False) return True elif id == SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID: event.Enable(True) return True elif id == FOLDING_ID: event.Enable(self.GetCtrl().GetViewFolding()) return True elif id == USE_TABS_ID: event.Enable(True) event.Check(self.GetCtrl().GetUseTabs()) return True else: return STCTextEditor.TextView.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods for OutlineService #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def OnChangeFilename(self): wx.lib.docview.View.OnChangeFilename(self) self.LoadOutline(force=True) def ClearOutline(self): outlineService = wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService) if not outlineService: return outlineView = outlineService.GetView() if not outlineView: return outlineView.ClearTreeCtrl() def LoadOutline(self, force=False): outlineService = wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService) if not outlineService: return outlineService.LoadOutline(self, force=force) def DoLoadOutlineCallback(self, force=False): outlineService = wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService) if not outlineService: return False outlineView = outlineService.GetView() if not outlineView: return False treeCtrl = outlineView.GetTreeCtrl() if not treeCtrl: return False view = treeCtrl.GetCallbackView() newCheckSum = self.GenCheckSum() if not force: if view and view is self: if self._checkSum == newCheckSum: return False self._checkSum = newCheckSum treeCtrl.DeleteAllItems() document = self.GetDocument() if not document: return True filename = document.GetFilename() if filename: rootItem = treeCtrl.AddRoot(os.path.basename(filename)) treeCtrl.SetDoSelectCallback(rootItem, self, (0,0)) else: return True text = self.GetValue() if not text: return True CLASS_PATTERN = 'class[ \t]+\w+.*?:' DEF_PATTERN = 'def[ \t]+\w+\(.*?\)' classPat = re.compile(CLASS_PATTERN, re.M|re.S) defPat= re.compile(DEF_PATTERN, re.M|re.S) pattern = re.compile('^[ \t]*((' + CLASS_PATTERN + ')|('+ DEF_PATTERN +'.*?:)).*?$', re.M|re.S) iter = pattern.finditer(text) indentStack = [(0, rootItem)] for pattern in iter: line = pattern.string[pattern.start(0):pattern.end(0)] classLine = classPat.search(line) if classLine: indent = classLine.start(0) itemStr = classLine.string[classLine.start(0):classLine.end(0)-1] # don't take the closing ':' itemStr = itemStr.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").replace(",\\", ",").replace(" ", "") # remove line continuations and spaces from outline view else: defLine = defPat.search(line) if defLine: indent = defLine.start(0) itemStr = defLine.string[defLine.start(0):defLine.end(0)] itemStr = itemStr.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").replace(",\\", ",").replace(" ", "") # remove line continuations and spaces from outline view if indent == 0: parentItem = rootItem else: lastItem = indentStack.pop() while lastItem[0] >= indent: lastItem = indentStack.pop() indentStack.append(lastItem) parentItem = lastItem[1] item = treeCtrl.AppendItem(parentItem, itemStr) treeCtrl.SetDoSelectCallback(item, self, (pattern.end(0), pattern.start(0) + indent)) # select in reverse order because we want the cursor to be at the start of the line so it wouldn't scroll to the right indentStack.append((indent, item)) treeCtrl.Expand(rootItem) return True def DoSelectCallback(self, data): if data: self.EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(self.LineFromPosition(data[0])) # wxBug: need to select in reverse order (end, start) to place cursor at begining of line, # otherwise, display is scrolled over to the right hard and is hard to view self.SetSelection(data[1], data[0]) ## def checksum(self, bytes): ## def rotate_right(c): ## if c&1: ## return (c>>1)|0x8000 ## else: ## return c>>1 ## ## result = 0 ## for ch in bytes: ## ch = ord(ch) & 0xFF ## result = (rotate_right(result)+ch) & 0xFFFF ## return result ## def GenCheckSum(self): """ Poor man's checksum. We'll assume most changes will change the length of the file. """ text = self.GetValue() if text: return len(text) else: return 0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Format methods #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def OnCheckCode(self): """ Need to overshadow this for each specific subclass """ if 0: try: code = self.GetCtrl().GetText() codeObj = compile(code, self.GetDocument().GetFilename(), 'exec') self._GetParentFrame().SetStatusText(_("The file successfully compiled")) except SyntaxError, (message, (fileName, line, col, text)): pos = self.GetCtrl().PositionFromLine(line - 1) + col - 1 self.GetCtrl().SetSelection(pos, pos) self._GetParentFrame().SetStatusText(_("Syntax Error: %s") % message) except: self._GetParentFrame().SetStatusText("%s: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) def OnAutoComplete(self): self.GetCtrl().AutoCompCancel() self.GetCtrl().AutoCompSetAutoHide(0) self.GetCtrl().AutoCompSetChooseSingle(True) self.GetCtrl().AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(True) context, hint = self.GetAutoCompleteHint() replaceList, replaceLen = self.GetAutoCompleteKeywordList(context, hint) if replaceList and len(replaceList) != 0: self.GetCtrl().AutoCompShow(replaceLen, replaceList) def GetAutoCompleteHint(self): """ Replace this method with Editor specific method """ pos = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentPos() if pos == 0: return None, None if chr(self.GetCtrl().GetCharAt(pos - 1)) == '.': pos = pos - 1 hint = None else: hint = '' validLetters = string.letters + string.digits + '_.' word = '' while (True): pos = pos - 1 if pos < 0: break char = chr(self.GetCtrl().GetCharAt(pos)) if char not in validLetters: break word = char + word context = word if hint is not None: lastDot = word.rfind('.') if lastDot != -1: context = word[0:lastDot] hint = word[lastDot+1:] return context, hint def GetAutoCompleteDefaultKeywords(self): """ Replace this method with Editor specific keywords """ return ['Put', 'Editor Specific', 'Keywords', 'Here'] def GetAutoCompleteKeywordList(self, context, hint): """ Replace this method with Editor specific keywords """ kw = self.GetAutoCompleteDefaultKeywords() if hint and len(hint): lowerHint = hint.lower() filterkw = filter(lambda item: item.lower().startswith(lowerHint), kw) # remove variables and methods that don't match hint kw = filterkw if hint: replaceLen = len(hint) else: replaceLen = 0 kw.sort(CaseInsensitiveCompare) return " ".join(kw), replaceLen def OnCleanWhiteSpace(self): newText = "" for lineNo in self._GetSelectedLineNumbers(): lineText = string.rstrip(self.GetCtrl().GetLine(lineNo)) indent = 0 lstrip = 0 for char in lineText: if char == '\t': indent = indent + self.GetCtrl().GetIndent() lstrip = lstrip + 1 elif char in string.whitespace: indent = indent + 1 lstrip = lstrip + 1 else: break if self.GetCtrl().GetUseTabs(): indentText = (indent / self.GetCtrl().GetIndent()) * '\t' + (indent % self.GetCtrl().GetIndent()) * ' ' else: indentText = indent * ' ' lineText = indentText + lineText[lstrip:] + '\n' newText = newText + lineText self._ReplaceSelectedLines(newText) def OnSetIndentWidth(self): dialog = wx.TextEntryDialog(self._GetParentFrame(), _("Enter new indent width (2-10):"), _("Set Indent Width"), "%i" % self.GetCtrl().GetIndent()) dialog.CenterOnParent() if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: try: indent = int(dialog.GetValue()) if indent >= 2 and indent <= 10: self.GetCtrl().SetIndent(indent) self.GetCtrl().SetTabWidth(indent) except: pass dialog.Destroy() def GetIndentWidth(self): return self.GetCtrl().GetIndent() def OnCommentLines(self): newText = "" for lineNo in self._GetSelectedLineNumbers(): lineText = self.GetCtrl().GetLine(lineNo) if (len(lineText) > 1 and lineText[0] == '#') or (len(lineText) > 2 and lineText[:2] == '##'): newText = newText + lineText else: newText = newText + "##" + lineText self._ReplaceSelectedLines(newText) def OnUncommentLines(self): newText = "" for lineNo in self._GetSelectedLineNumbers(): lineText = self.GetCtrl().GetLine(lineNo) if len(lineText) >= 2 and lineText[:2] == "##": lineText = lineText[2:] elif len(lineText) >= 1 and lineText[:1] == "#": lineText = lineText[1:] newText = newText + lineText self._ReplaceSelectedLines(newText) def _GetSelectedLineNumbers(self): selStart, selEnd = self._GetPositionsBoundingSelectedLines() return range(self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(selStart), self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(selEnd)) def _GetPositionsBoundingSelectedLines(self): startPos = self.GetCtrl().GetCurrentPos() endPos = self.GetCtrl().GetAnchor() if startPos > endPos: temp = endPos endPos = startPos startPos = temp if endPos == self.GetCtrl().PositionFromLine(self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(endPos)): endPos = endPos - 1 # If it's at the very beginning of a line, use the line above it as the ending line selStart = self.GetCtrl().PositionFromLine(self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(startPos)) selEnd = self.GetCtrl().PositionFromLine(self.GetCtrl().LineFromPosition(endPos) + 1) return selStart, selEnd def _ReplaceSelectedLines(self, text): if len(text) == 0: return selStart, selEnd = self._GetPositionsBoundingSelectedLines() self.GetCtrl().SetSelection(selStart, selEnd) self.GetCtrl().ReplaceSelection(text) self.GetCtrl().SetSelection(selStart + len(text), selStart) def OnUpdate(self, sender = None, hint = None): if wx.lib.docview.View.OnUpdate(self, sender, hint): return if hint == "ViewStuff": self.GetCtrl().SetViewDefaults() elif hint == "Font": font, color = self.GetCtrl().GetFontAndColorFromConfig() self.GetCtrl().SetFont(font) self.GetCtrl().SetFontColor(color) else: import DebuggerService dbg_service = wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService.DebuggerService) if dbg_service: dbg_service.SetCurrentBreakpointMarkers(self) class CodeService(STCTextEditor.TextService): def __init__(self): STCTextEditor.TextService.__init__(self) def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None): # TODO NEED TO DO INSTANCEOF CHECK HERE FOR SDI #if document and document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() != TextDocument: # return if not document and wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI: return viewMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(menuBar.FindMenu(_("&View"))) isWindows = (wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__') if not menuBar.FindItemById(EXPAND_TEXT_ID): # check if below menu items have been already been installed foldingMenu = wx.Menu() if isWindows: foldingMenu.Append(EXPAND_TEXT_ID, _("&Expand\tNumpad-Plus"), _("Expands a collapsed block of text")) else: foldingMenu.Append(EXPAND_TEXT_ID, _("&Expand"), _("Expands a collapsed block of text")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, EXPAND_TEXT_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, EXPAND_TEXT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) if isWindows: foldingMenu.Append(COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID, _("&Collapse\tNumpad+Minus"), _("Collapse a block of text")) else: foldingMenu.Append(COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID, _("&Collapse"), _("Collapse a block of text")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) if isWindows: foldingMenu.Append(EXPAND_TOP_ID, _("Expand &Top Level\tCtrl+Numpad+Plus"), _("Expands the top fold levels in the document")) else: foldingMenu.Append(EXPAND_TOP_ID, _("Expand &Top Level"), _("Expands the top fold levels in the document")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, EXPAND_TOP_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, EXPAND_TOP_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) if isWindows: foldingMenu.Append(COLLAPSE_TOP_ID, _("Collapse Top &Level\tCtrl+Numpad+Minus"), _("Collapses the top fold levels in the document")) else: foldingMenu.Append(COLLAPSE_TOP_ID, _("Collapse Top &Level"), _("Collapses the top fold levels in the document")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, COLLAPSE_TOP_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, COLLAPSE_TOP_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) if isWindows: foldingMenu.Append(EXPAND_ALL_ID, _("Expand &All\tShift+Numpad+Plus"), _("Expands all of the fold levels in the document")) else: foldingMenu.Append(EXPAND_ALL_ID, _("Expand &All"), _("Expands all of the fold levels in the document")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, EXPAND_ALL_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, EXPAND_ALL_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) if isWindows: foldingMenu.Append(COLLAPSE_ALL_ID, _("Colla&pse All\tShift+Numpad+Minus"), _("Collapses all of the fold levels in the document")) else: foldingMenu.Append(COLLAPSE_ALL_ID, _("Colla&pse All"), _("Collapses all of the fold levels in the document")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, COLLAPSE_ALL_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, COLLAPSE_ALL_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) viewMenu.AppendMenu(FOLDING_ID, _("&Folding"), foldingMenu) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, FOLDING_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) formatMenuIndex = menuBar.FindMenu(_("&Format")) if formatMenuIndex > -1: formatMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(formatMenuIndex) else: formatMenu = wx.Menu() if not menuBar.FindItemById(CHECK_CODE_ID): # check if below menu items have been already been installed formatMenu.AppendSeparator() formatMenu.Append(CHECK_CODE_ID, _("&Check Code"), _("Checks the document for syntax and indentation errors")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, CHECK_CODE_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, CHECK_CODE_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) formatMenu.Append(AUTO_COMPLETE_ID, _("&Auto Complete\tCtrl+Space"), _("Provides suggestions on how to complete the current statement")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, AUTO_COMPLETE_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, AUTO_COMPLETE_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) formatMenu.Append(CLEAN_WHITESPACE, _("Clean &Whitespace"), _("Converts leading spaces to tabs or vice versa per 'use tabs' and clears trailing spaces")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, CLEAN_WHITESPACE, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, CLEAN_WHITESPACE, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) formatMenu.AppendSeparator() formatMenu.Append(INDENT_LINES_ID, _("&Indent Lines\tTab"), _("Indents the selected lines one indent width")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, INDENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, INDENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) formatMenu.Append(DEDENT_LINES_ID, _("&Dedent Lines\tShift+Tab"), _("Dedents the selected lines one indent width")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DEDENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DEDENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) formatMenu.Append(COMMENT_LINES_ID, _("Comment &Lines\tCtrl+Q"), _("Comments out the selected lines be prefixing each one with a comment indicator")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, COMMENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, COMMENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) formatMenu.Append(UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID, _("&Uncomment Lines\tCtrl+Shift+Q"), _("Removes comment prefixes from each of the selected lines")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) formatMenu.AppendSeparator() formatMenu.AppendCheckItem(USE_TABS_ID, _("Use &Tabs"), _("Toggles use of tabs or whitespaces for indents")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, USE_TABS_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, USE_TABS_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) formatMenu.Append(SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID, _("&Set Indent Width..."), _("Sets the indent width")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) if formatMenuIndex == -1: viewMenuIndex = menuBar.FindMenu(_("&View")) menuBar.Insert(viewMenuIndex + 1, formatMenu, _("&Format")) ## accelTable = wx.AcceleratorTable([ ## (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_TAB, INDENT_LINES_ID), ## (wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_TAB, DEDENT_LINES_ID), ## eval(_("wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('Q'), COMMENT_LINES_ID")), ## eval(_("wx.ACCEL_CTRL | wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, ord('Q'), UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID")) ## ]) ## frame.SetAcceleratorTable(accelTable) def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event): id = event.GetId() if (id == EXPAND_TEXT_ID or id == COLLAPSE_TEXT_ID or id == EXPAND_TOP_ID or id == COLLAPSE_TOP_ID or id == EXPAND_ALL_ID or id == COLLAPSE_ALL_ID or id == CHECK_CODE_ID or id == AUTO_COMPLETE_ID or id == CLEAN_WHITESPACE or id == SET_INDENT_WIDTH_ID or id == USE_TABS_ID or id == INDENT_LINES_ID or id == DEDENT_LINES_ID or id == COMMENT_LINES_ID or id == UNCOMMENT_LINES_ID or id == FOLDING_ID): event.Enable(False) return True else: return STCTextEditor.TextService.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event) class CodeCtrl(STCTextEditor.TextCtrl): CURRENT_LINE_MARKER_NUM = 2 BREAKPOINT_MARKER_NUM = 1 CURRENT_LINE_MARKER_MASK = 0x4 BREAKPOINT_MARKER_MASK = 0x2 def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, clearTab=True): STCTextEditor.TextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style) self.UsePopUp(False) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRightUp) self.SetProperty("fold", "1") # Setup a margin to hold fold markers #self.SetFoldFlags(16) ### WHAT IS THIS VALUE? WHAT ARE THE OTHER FLAGS? DOES IT MATTER? self.SetMarginType(2, wx.stc.STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL) self.SetMarginMask(2, wx.stc.STC_MASK_FOLDERS) self.SetMarginSensitive(2, True) self.SetMarginSensitive(1, False) self.SetMarginMask(1, 0x4) self.SetMarginSensitive(0, True) self.SetMarginType(0, wx.stc.STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL) self.SetMarginMask(0, 0x3) self.SetMarginWidth(0, 12) self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, wx.stc.STC_MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED, "white", "black") self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, wx.stc.STC_MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED, "white", "black") self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, wx.stc.STC_MARK_TCORNER, "white", "black") self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, wx.stc.STC_MARK_LCORNER, "white", "black") self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, wx.stc.STC_MARK_VLINE, "white", "black") self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, wx.stc.STC_MARK_BOXPLUS, "white", "black") self.MarkerDefine(wx.stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, wx.stc.STC_MARK_BOXMINUS, "white", "black") # Define the current line marker self.MarkerDefine(CodeCtrl.CURRENT_LINE_MARKER_NUM, wx.stc.STC_MARK_SHORTARROW, wx.BLACK, (255,255,128)) # Define the breakpoint marker self.MarkerDefine(CodeCtrl.BREAKPOINT_MARKER_NUM, wx.stc.STC_MARK_CIRCLE, wx.BLACK, (255,0,0)) if _WINDOWS and clearTab: # should test to see if menu item exists, if it does, add this workaround self.CmdKeyClear(wx.stc.STC_KEY_TAB, 0) # menu item "Indent Lines" from CodeService.InstallControls() generates another INDENT_LINES_ID event, so we'll explicitly disable the tab processing in the editor wx.stc.EVT_STC_MARGINCLICK(self, self.GetId(), self.OnMarginClick) wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN(self, self.OnKeyPressed) if self.GetMatchingBraces(): wx.stc.EVT_STC_UPDATEUI(self, self.GetId(), self.OnUpdateUI) self.StyleClearAll() self.UpdateStyles() def OnRightUp(self, event): #Hold onto the current line number, no way to get it later. self._rightClickPosition = self.PositionFromPoint(event.GetPosition()) self._rightClickLine = self.LineFromPosition(self._rightClickPosition) self.PopupMenu(self.CreatePopupMenu(), event.GetPosition()) self._rightClickLine = -1 self._rightClickPosition = -1 def CreatePopupMenu(self): TOGGLEBREAKPOINT_ID = wx.NewId() TOGGLEMARKER_ID = wx.NewId() SYNCTREE_ID = wx.NewId() menu = wx.Menu() self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopSyncOutline, id=SYNCTREE_ID) item = wx.MenuItem(menu, SYNCTREE_ID, _("Find in Outline View")) menu.AppendItem(item) menu.AppendSeparator() self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopToggleBP, id=TOGGLEBREAKPOINT_ID) item = wx.MenuItem(menu, TOGGLEBREAKPOINT_ID, _("Toggle Breakpoint")) menu.AppendItem(item) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopToggleMarker, id=TOGGLEMARKER_ID) item = wx.MenuItem(menu, TOGGLEMARKER_ID, _("Toggle Bookmark")) menu.AppendItem(item) menu.AppendSeparator() itemIDs = [wx.ID_UNDO, wx.ID_REDO, None, wx.ID_CUT, wx.ID_COPY, wx.ID_PASTE, wx.ID_CLEAR, None, wx.ID_SELECTALL] menuBar = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().GetMenuBar() for itemID in itemIDs: if not itemID: menu.AppendSeparator() else: item = menuBar.FindItemById(itemID) if item: menu.Append(itemID, item.GetLabel()) wx.EVT_MENU(self, itemID, self.DSProcessEvent) # wxHack: for customized right mouse menu doesn't work with new DynamicSashWindow wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, itemID, self.DSProcessUpdateUIEvent) # wxHack: for customized right mouse menu doesn't work with new DynamicSashWindow return menu def OnPopToggleBP(self, event): """ Toggle break point on right click line, not current line """ import DebuggerService wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService.DebuggerService).OnToggleBreakpoint(event, line=self._rightClickLine) def OnPopToggleMarker(self, event): """ Toggle marker on right click line, not current line """ wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView().MarkerToggle(lineNum = self._rightClickLine) def OnPopSyncOutline(self, event): wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService).LoadOutline(wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentView(), position=self._rightClickPosition) def HasSelection(self): return self.GetSelectionStart() - self.GetSelectionEnd() != 0 def ClearCurrentLineMarkers(self): self.MarkerDeleteAll(CodeCtrl.CURRENT_LINE_MARKER_NUM) def ClearCurrentBreakpoinMarkers(self): self.MarkerDeleteAll(CodeCtrl.BREAKPOINT_MARKER_NUM) def GetDefaultFont(self): if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': font = "Courier New" else: font = "Courier" return wx.Font(10, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, faceName = font) def GetMatchingBraces(self): """ Overwrite this method for language specific braces """ return "[]{}()" def CanWordWrap(self): return False def SetFont(self, font): self._font = font def SetFontColor(self, fontColor): self._fontColor = fontColor def UpdateStyles(self): if not self.GetFont(): return faces = { 'font' : self.GetFont().GetFaceName(), 'size' : self.GetFont().GetPointSize(), 'size2': self.GetFont().GetPointSize() - 2, 'color' : "%02x%02x%02x" % (self.GetFontColor().Red(), self.GetFontColor().Green(), self.GetFontColor().Blue()) } # Global default styles for all languages self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#FFFFFF,size:%(size)d" % faces) self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, "face:%(font)s,back:#C0C0C0,face:%(font)s,size:%(size2)d" % faces) self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_CONTROLCHAR, "face:%(font)s" % faces) self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_BRACELIGHT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,back:#70FFFF,size:%(size)d" % faces) self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_BRACEBAD, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,back:#FF0000,size:%(size)d" % faces) def OnKeyPressed(self, event): if self.CallTipActive(): self.CallTipCancel() key = event.KeyCode() if False: # key == wx.WXK_SPACE and event.ControlDown(): pos = self.GetCurrentPos() # Tips if event.ShiftDown(): self.CallTipSetBackground("yellow") self.CallTipShow(pos, 'param1, param2') # Code completion else: #lst = [] #for x in range(50000): # lst.append('%05d' % x) #st = string.join(lst) #print len(st) #self.AutoCompShow(0, st) kw = keyword.kwlist[:] kw.append("zzzzzz") kw.append("aaaaa") kw.append("__init__") kw.append("zzaaaaa") kw.append("zzbaaaa") kw.append("this_is_a_longer_value") kw.append("this_is_a_much_much_much_much_much_much_much_longer_value") kw.sort() # Python sorts are case sensitive self.AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(False) # so this needs to match self.AutoCompShow(0, string.join(kw)) elif key == wx.WXK_RETURN: self.DoIndent() else: STCTextEditor.TextCtrl.OnKeyPressed(self, event) def DoIndent(self): self.AddText('\n') self.EnsureCaretVisible() # Need to do a default one for all languges def OnMarginClick(self, evt): # fold and unfold as needed if evt.GetMargin() == 2: if evt.GetShift() and evt.GetControl(): lineCount = self.GetLineCount() expanding = True # find out if we are folding or unfolding for lineNum in range(lineCount): if self.GetFoldLevel(lineNum) & wx.stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG: expanding = not self.GetFoldExpanded(lineNum) break; self.ToggleFoldAll(expanding) else: lineClicked = self.LineFromPosition(evt.GetPosition()) if self.GetFoldLevel(lineClicked) & wx.stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG: if evt.GetShift(): self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, True) self.Expand(lineClicked, True, True, 1) elif evt.GetControl(): if self.GetFoldExpanded(lineClicked): self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, False) self.Expand(lineClicked, False, True, 0) else: self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, True) self.Expand(lineClicked, True, True, 100) else: self.ToggleFold(lineClicked) elif evt.GetMargin() == 0: #This is used to toggle breakpoints via the debugger service. import DebuggerService db_service = wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService.DebuggerService) if db_service: db_service.OnToggleBreakpoint(evt, line=self.LineFromPosition(evt.GetPosition())) def OnUpdateUI(self, evt): braces = self.GetMatchingBraces() # check for matching braces braceAtCaret = -1 braceOpposite = -1 charBefore = None caretPos = self.GetCurrentPos() if caretPos > 0: charBefore = self.GetCharAt(caretPos - 1) styleBefore = self.GetStyleAt(caretPos - 1) # check before if charBefore and chr(charBefore) in braces: braceAtCaret = caretPos - 1 # check after if braceAtCaret < 0: charAfter = self.GetCharAt(caretPos) styleAfter = self.GetStyleAt(caretPos) if charAfter and chr(charAfter) in braces: braceAtCaret = caretPos if braceAtCaret >= 0: braceOpposite = self.BraceMatch(braceAtCaret) if braceAtCaret != -1 and braceOpposite == -1: self.BraceBadLight(braceAtCaret) else: self.BraceHighlight(braceAtCaret, braceOpposite) evt.Skip() def ToggleFoldAll(self, expand = True, topLevelOnly = False): i = 0 lineCount = self.GetLineCount() while i < lineCount: if not topLevelOnly or (topLevelOnly and self.GetFoldLevel(i) & wx.stc.STC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK == wx.stc.STC_FOLDLEVELBASE): if (expand and self.CanLineExpand(i)) or (not expand and self.CanLineCollapse(i)): self.ToggleFold(i) i = i + 1 def CanLineExpand(self, line): return not self.GetFoldExpanded(line) def CanLineCollapse(self, line): return self.GetFoldExpanded(line) and self.GetFoldLevel(line) & wx.stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG def Expand(self, line, doExpand, force=False, visLevels=0, level=-1): lastChild = self.GetLastChild(line, level) line = line + 1 while line <= lastChild: if force: if visLevels > 0: self.ShowLines(line, line) else: self.HideLines(line, line) else: if doExpand: self.ShowLines(line, line) if level == -1: level = self.GetFoldLevel(line) if level & wx.stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG: if force: if visLevels > 1: self.SetFoldExpanded(line, True) else: self.SetFoldExpanded(line, False) line = self.Expand(line, doExpand, force, visLevels-1) else: if doExpand and self.GetFoldExpanded(line): line = self.Expand(line, True, force, visLevels-1) else: line = self.Expand(line, False, force, visLevels-1) else: line = line + 1; return line