#!/usr/bin/env python """ This script will search for installed versions of wxPython on OSX and allow the user to choose one to uninstall. It then will use the metadata stored about the installed package to remove all the files associated with that install. Only the files installed by the main Installer Package will be removed. This includes the Python modules and the wxWidgets shared libraries. If you also installed the demo or docs by dragging them out of the disk image, then you will need to drag them to the Trash yourself. """ import sys, os, glob from fnmatch import fnmatchcase import cPickle, urllib RCPTDIR = "/Library/Receipts" RSRCDIR = "Contents/Resources" # Only completly clean out dirs that have one of these as a prefix. # We do this because the file list returned from lsbom will include /, # /usr, /usr/local, etc. PREFIXES = [ '/Library/Python/2.3/', '/Library/Python/2.4/', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/site-packages/', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/', '/usr/local/lib/', ] # The files that match one of the items in this list will only be # removed if the last installation of wxPython on the system is being # uninstalled. COMMON_FILES = [ '/usr/local/bin/*', 'wx.pth', 'wxversion.py', ] class AccessError(Exception): pass class ReceiptError(Exception): pass class InstalledReceipt(object): def __init__(self, rcptPath): self.rcptPath = rcptPath self.rsrcPath = os.path.join(rcptPath, RSRCDIR) bf = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.rsrcPath, "*.bom")) if bf: self.bomFile = bf[0] else: print "WARNING: Unable to find %s/*.bom" % self.rsrcPath raise ReceiptError self.findMetaData() def findMetaData(self): # TODO: Make this be able to also look at Info.plist files infoFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.rsrcPath, "*.info")) if infoFiles: # there should be only one infoFile = infoFiles[0] self.mdata = {} for line in open(infoFile, "r").readlines(): line = line.strip() if line and line[0] != '#': ls = line.split() self.mdata[ls[0]] = line[len(ls[0])+1:] else: print "WARNING: Unable to find %s/*.info" % self.rsrcPath raise ReceiptError def getFileList(self): p = os.popen("lsbom -s %s" % self.bomFile, "r") data = p.read() data.strip() data = filter(lambda s: s!='' and s!='.', data.split('\n')) loc = self.mdata['DefaultLocation'] return [loc+item for item in data] def walkFiles(self, handleFile, handleDir): dirs = [] names = self.getFileList() # the plain files for name in names: name = os.path.abspath(name) if os.path.isdir(name): dirs.append(name) else: handleFile(name) # the directories dirs.reverse() for dir in dirs: for prefix in PREFIXES: if dir.startswith(prefix): handleDir(dir) break # Finally, remove the Receipts package, bottom-up for dirpath, dirname, filenames in os.walk(self.rcptPath, False): for name in filenames: name = os.path.join(dirpath, name) handleFile(name) handleDir(dirpath) def testCommon(self, name): for cmn in COMMON_FILES: if fnmatchcase(name, cmn) or fnmatchcase(os.path.basename(name), cmn): return True return False def showFiles(self): def show(name): if os.path.exists(name): if not self.lastInstall and self.testCommon(name): return print "Will remove:", name self.walkFiles(show, show) def testUninstallAccess(self): def testFile(name): if os.path.exists(name): if not self.lastInstall and self.testCommon(name): return if not os.access(name, os.W_OK): raise AccessError(name) self.walkFiles(testFile, testFile) def doUninstall(self): def removeFile(name): if os.path.exists(name): if not self.lastInstall and self.testCommon(name): return print "Removing:", name os.unlink(name) def removeDir(name): print "Removing:", name if os.path.exists(name): hasFiles = os.listdir(name) if hasFiles: # perhaps some stale symlinks, or .pyc files for file in hasFiles: os.unlink(os.path.join(name, file)) os.rmdir(name) try: self.testUninstallAccess() except AccessError, e: print "UNABLE TO UNINSTALL!\nNo permission to remove: ", e.args[0] sys.exit() self.walkFiles(removeFile, removeDir) def findInstalled(): installed = [] for name in glob.glob(os.path.join(RCPTDIR, "wxPython*")): try: ir = InstalledReceipt(name) installed.append(ir) except ReceiptError: pass # just skip it... return installed # Just in case a Python < 2.3 is used to run this try: enumerate except NameError: def enumerate(sequence): return zip(range(len(sequence)), sequence) def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "-doit": inst = cPickle.loads(urllib.unquote(sys.argv[2])) inst.doUninstall() sys.exit() print __doc__ installed = findInstalled() if not installed: print "*** No wxPython installations found! ***" raw_input("Press RETURN...") sys.exit() for i, inst in enumerate(installed): print " %d. %s \t%s" % (i+1, inst.mdata["Title"], inst.mdata["Version"]) print ans = raw_input("Enter the number of the install to examine or 'Q' to quit: ") if ans in ['Q', 'q']: sys.exit() inst = installed[int(ans) - 1] inst.lastInstall = len(installed) == 1 while True: print print """ Title: %(Title)s Version: %(Version)s Description: %(Description)s """ % inst.mdata ans = raw_input("(U)ninstall, (S)how what will be removed, or (Q)uit? [u,s,q] ") if ans in ['Q', 'q']: sys.exit() elif ans in ['S', 's']: inst.showFiles() elif ans in ['U', 'u']: print print "Launching uninstaller with sudo, please enter your password if prompted:" os.system("sudo %s -doit %s" % (sys.argv[0], urllib.quote(cPickle.dumps(inst)))) sys.exit() if __name__ == '__main__': main()