#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: PythonEditor.py # Purpose: PythonEditor for wx.lib.pydocview tbat uses the Styled Text Control # # Author: Peter Yared # # Created: 8/15/03 # CVS-ID: $Id$ # Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc. # License: wxWindows License #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- import CodeEditor import wx import wx.lib.docview import wx.lib.pydocview import string import keyword # So it knows what to hilite import wx.py # For the Python interpreter import wx.stc # For the Python interpreter import cStringIO # For indent import OutlineService import STCTextEditor import keyword # for GetAutoCompleteKeywordList import sys # for GetAutoCompleteKeywordList import MessageService # for OnCheckCode import OutlineService try: import checker # for pychecker _CHECKER_INSTALLED = True except ImportError: _CHECKER_INSTALLED = False import os.path # for pychecker _ = wx.GetTranslation if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': _WINDOWS = True else: _WINDOWS = False VIEW_PYTHON_INTERPRETER_ID = wx.NewId() class PythonDocument(CodeEditor.CodeDocument): pass class PythonView(CodeEditor.CodeView): def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event): if not self.GetCtrl(): return False id = event.GetId() if id == CodeEditor.CHECK_CODE_ID: hasText = self.GetCtrl().GetTextLength() > 0 event.Enable(hasText) return True return CodeEditor.CodeView.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event) def GetCtrlClass(self): """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """ return PythonCtrl def OnActivateView(self, activate, activeView, deactiveView): STCTextEditor.TextView.OnActivateView(self, activate, activeView, deactiveView) if activate: wx.CallAfter(self.LoadOutline) # need CallAfter because document isn't loaded yet def OnClose(self, deleteWindow = True): status = STCTextEditor.TextView.OnClose(self, deleteWindow) wx.CallAfter(self.ClearOutline) # need CallAfter because when closing the document, it is Activated and then Close, so need to match OnActivateView's CallAfter return status def GetAutoCompleteKeywordList(self, context, hint): obj = None try: if context and len(context): obj = eval(context, globals(), locals()) except: if not hint or len(hint) == 0: # context isn't valid, maybe it was the hint hint = context if obj is None: kw = keyword.kwlist[:] else: symTbl = dir(obj) kw = filter(lambda item: item[0] != '_', symTbl) # remove local variables and methods if hint and len(hint): lowerHint = hint.lower() filterkw = filter(lambda item: item.lower().startswith(lowerHint), kw) # remove variables and methods that don't match hint kw = filterkw kw.sort(self.CaseInsensitiveCompare) if hint: replaceLen = len(hint) else: replaceLen = 0 return " ".join(kw), replaceLen def OnCheckCode(self): if not _CHECKER_INSTALLED: wx.MessageBox(_("pychecker not found. Please install pychecker."), _("Check Code")) return filename = os.path.basename(self.GetDocument().GetFilename()) # pychecker only works on files, doesn't take a stream or string input if self.GetDocument().IsModified(): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self.GetFrame(), _("'%s' has been modfied and must be saved first. Save file and check code?") % filename, _("Check Code")) val = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if val == wx.ID_OK: self.GetDocument().Save() else: return messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService) messageService.ShowWindow() view = messageService.GetView() if not view: return view.ClearLines() view.SetCallback(self.OnJumpToFoundLine) # Set cursor to Wait cursor wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_WAIT)) # This takes a while for involved code checker.checkSyntax(self.GetDocument().GetFilename(), view) # Set cursor to Default cursor wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT)) def OnJumpToFoundLine(self, event): messageService = wx.GetApp().GetService(MessageService.MessageService) lineText, pos = messageService.GetView().GetCurrLine() lineEnd = lineText.find(".py:") if lineEnd == -1: return lineStart = lineEnd + len(".py:") lineEnd = lineText.find(":", lineStart) lineNum = int(lineText[lineStart:lineEnd]) filename = lineText[0:lineStart - 1] foundView = None openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments() for openDoc in openDocs: if openDoc.GetFilename() == filename: foundView = openDoc.GetFirstView() break if not foundView: doc = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(filename, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT) foundView = doc.GetFirstView() if foundView: foundView.GetFrame().SetFocus() foundView.Activate() foundView.GotoLine(lineNum) startPos = foundView.PositionFromLine(lineNum) endPos = foundView.GetLineEndPosition(lineNum) # wxBug: Need to select in reverse order, (end, start) to put cursor at head of line so positioning is correct # Also, if we use the correct positioning order (start, end), somehow, when we open a edit window for the first # time, we don't see the selection, it is scrolled off screen foundView.SetSelection(endPos, startPos) wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService).LoadOutline(foundView, position=startPos) class PythonInterpreterView(wx.lib.docview.View): def OnCreate(self, doc, flags): frame = wx.GetApp().CreateDocumentFrame(self, doc, flags) sizer = wx.BoxSizer() self._pyCrust = wx.py.crust.Crust(frame) sizer.Add(self._pyCrust, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0) frame.SetSizer(sizer) frame.Layout() self.Activate() frame.Show() return True def ProcessEvent(self, event): if not hasattr(self, "_pyCrust") or not self._pyCrust: return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessEvent(self, event) stcControl = wx.Window_FindFocus() if not isinstance(stcControl, wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl): return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessEvent(self, event) id = event.GetId() if id == wx.ID_UNDO: stcControl.Undo() return True elif id == wx.ID_REDO: stcControl.Redo() return True elif id == wx.ID_CUT: stcControl.Cut() return True elif id == wx.ID_COPY: stcControl.Copy() return True elif id == wx.ID_PASTE: stcControl.Paste() return True elif id == wx.ID_CLEAR: stcControl.Clear() return True elif id == wx.ID_SELECTALL: stcControl.SetSelection(0, -1) return True else: return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessEvent(self, event) def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event): if not hasattr(self, "_pyCrust") or not self._pyCrust: return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event) stcControl = wx.Window_FindFocus() if not isinstance(stcControl, wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl): return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event) id = event.GetId() if id == wx.ID_UNDO: event.Enable(stcControl.CanUndo()) return True elif id == wx.ID_REDO: event.Enable(stcControl.CanRedo()) return True elif id == wx.ID_CUT: event.Enable(stcControl.CanCut()) return True elif id == wx.ID_COPY: event.Enable(stcControl.CanCopy()) return True elif id == wx.ID_PASTE: event.Enable(stcControl.CanPaste()) return True elif id == wx.ID_CLEAR: event.Enable(True) # wxBug: should be stcControl.CanCut()) but disabling clear item means del key doesn't work in control as expected return True elif id == wx.ID_SELECTALL: event.Enable(stcControl.GetTextLength() > 0) return True else: return wx.lib.docview.View.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event) def OnClose(self, deleteWindow=True): if deleteWindow and self.GetFrame(): self.GetFrame().Destroy() return True class PythonService(CodeEditor.CodeService): def __init__(self): CodeEditor.CodeService.__init__(self) def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None): CodeEditor.CodeService.InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar, toolBar, statusBar, document) if document and document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() != PythonDocument: return if not document and wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI: return viewMenu = menuBar.GetMenu(menuBar.FindMenu(_("&View"))) viewStatusBarItemPos = self.GetMenuItemPos(viewMenu, wx.lib.pydocview.VIEW_STATUSBAR_ID) viewMenu.InsertCheckItem(viewStatusBarItemPos + 1, VIEW_PYTHON_INTERPRETER_ID, _("Python &Interpreter"), _("Shows or hides the Python interactive window")) wx.EVT_MENU(frame, VIEW_PYTHON_INTERPRETER_ID, frame.ProcessEvent) wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, VIEW_PYTHON_INTERPRETER_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) def ProcessEvent(self, event): id = event.GetId() if id == VIEW_PYTHON_INTERPRETER_ID: self.OnViewPythonInterpreter(event) return True else: return CodeEditor.CodeService.ProcessEvent(self, event) def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event): id = event.GetId() if id == VIEW_PYTHON_INTERPRETER_ID: event.Enable(True) docManager = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager() event.Check(False) for doc in docManager.GetDocuments(): if isinstance(doc.GetFirstView(), PythonInterpreterView): event.Check(True) break return True else: return CodeEditor.CodeService.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event) def OnViewPythonInterpreter(self, event): for doc in wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments(): if isinstance(doc.GetFirstView(), PythonInterpreterView): doc.GetFirstView().GetDocument().DeleteAllViews() return docManager = self.GetDocumentManager() template = wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate(docManager, _("Python Interpreter"), "*.Foobar", "Foobar", ".Foobar", _("Python Interpreter Document"), _("Python Interpreter View"), wx.lib.docview.Document, PythonInterpreterView, flags = wx.lib.docview.TEMPLATE_INVISIBLE) newDoc = template.CreateDocument('', wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT) if newDoc: newDoc.SetDocumentName(template.GetDocumentName()) newDoc.SetDocumentTemplate(template) newDoc.OnNewDocument() newDoc.SetWriteable(False) newDoc.GetFirstView().GetFrame().SetTitle(_("Python Interpreter")) class PythonCtrl(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl): def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE): CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style) self.SetProperty("tab.timmy.whinge.level", "1") self.SetProperty("fold.comment.python", "1") self.SetProperty("fold.quotes.python", "1") self.SetLexer(wx.stc.STC_LEX_PYTHON) self.SetKeyWords(0, string.join(keyword.kwlist)) def SetViewDefaults(self): CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.SetViewDefaults(self, configPrefix = "Python", hasWordWrap = False, hasTabs = True) def GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self): return CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self, configPrefix = "Python") def UpdateStyles(self): CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.UpdateStyles(self) if not self.GetFont(): return faces = { 'font' : self.GetFont().GetFaceName(), 'size' : self.GetFont().GetPointSize(), 'size2': self.GetFont().GetPointSize() - 2, 'color' : "%02x%02x%02x" % (self.GetFontColor().Red(), self.GetFontColor().Green(), self.GetFontColor().Blue()) } # Python styles # White space self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_DEFAULT, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces) # Comment self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_COMMENTLINE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F00,italic,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces) # Number self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_NUMBER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F7F,size:%(size)d" % faces) # String self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_STRING, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces) # Single quoted string self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_CHARACTER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F007F,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces) # Keyword self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_WORD, "face:%(font)s,fore:#00007F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces) # Triple quotes self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_TRIPLE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F0000,size:%(size)d" % faces) # Triple double quotes self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_TRIPLEDOUBLE, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F0000,size:%(size)d" % faces) # Class name definition self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_CLASSNAME, "face:%(font)s,fore:#0000FF,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces) # Function or method name definition self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_DEFNAME, "face:%(font)s,fore:#007F7F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces) # Operators self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_OPERATOR, "face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces) # Identifiers self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_IDENTIFIER, "face:%(font)s,fore:#%(color)s,face:%(font)s,size:%(size)d" % faces) # Comment-blocks self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_COMMENTBLOCK, "face:%(font)s,fore:#7F7F7F,size:%(size)d" % faces) # End of line where string is not closed self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_STRINGEOL, "face:%(font)s,fore:#000000,face:%(font)s,back:#E0C0E0,eol,size:%(size)d" % faces) def OnUpdateUI(self, evt): braces = self.GetMatchingBraces() # check for matching braces braceAtCaret = -1 braceOpposite = -1 charBefore = None caretPos = self.GetCurrentPos() if caretPos > 0: charBefore = self.GetCharAt(caretPos - 1) styleBefore = self.GetStyleAt(caretPos - 1) # check before if charBefore and chr(charBefore) in braces and styleBefore == wx.stc.STC_P_OPERATOR: braceAtCaret = caretPos - 1 # check after if braceAtCaret < 0: charAfter = self.GetCharAt(caretPos) styleAfter = self.GetStyleAt(caretPos) if charAfter and chr(charAfter) in braces and styleAfter == wx.stc.STC_P_OPERATOR: braceAtCaret = caretPos if braceAtCaret >= 0: braceOpposite = self.BraceMatch(braceAtCaret) if braceAtCaret != -1 and braceOpposite == -1: self.BraceBadLight(braceAtCaret) else: self.BraceHighlight(braceAtCaret, braceOpposite) evt.Skip() def DoIndent(self): (text, caretPos) = self.GetCurLine() self._tokenizerChars = {} # This is really too much, need to find something more like a C array for i in range(len(text)): self._tokenizerChars[i] = 0 ctext = cStringIO.StringIO(text) try: tokenize.tokenize(ctext.readline, self) except: pass # Left in for debugging purposes: #for i in range(len(text)): # print i, text[i], self._tokenizerChars[i] if caretPos == 0 or len(string.strip(text)) == 0: # At beginning of line or within an empty line self.AddText('\n') else: doExtraIndent = False brackets = False commentStart = -1 if caretPos > 1: startParenCount = 0 endParenCount = 0 startSquareBracketCount = 0 endSquareBracketCount = 0 startCurlyBracketCount = 0 endCurlyBracketCount = 0 startQuoteCount = 0 endQuoteCount = 0 for i in range(caretPos - 1, -1, -1): # Go through each character before the caret if i >= len(text): # Sometimes the caret is at the end of the text if there is no LF continue if self._tokenizerChars[i] == 1: continue elif self._tokenizerChars[i] == 2: startQuoteCount = startQuoteCount + 1 elif self._tokenizerChars[i] == 3: endQuoteCount = endQuoteCount + 1 elif text[i] == '(': # Would be nice to use a dict for this, but the code is much more readable this way startParenCount = startParenCount + 1 elif text[i] == ')': endParenCount = endParenCount + 1 elif text[i] == "[": startSquareBracketCount = startSquareBracketCount + 1 elif text[i] == "]": endSquareBracketCount = endSquareBracketCount + 1 elif text[i] == "{": startCurlyBracketCount = startCurlyBracketCount + 1 elif text[i] == "}": endCurlyBracketCount = endCurlyBracketCount + 1 elif text[i] == "#": commentStart = i break if startQuoteCount > endQuoteCount or startParenCount > endParenCount or startSquareBracketCount > endSquareBracketCount or startCurlyBracketCount > endCurlyBracketCount: if i + 1 >= caretPos: # Caret is right at the open paren, so just do indent as if colon was there doExtraIndent = True break else: spaces = " " * (i + 1) brackets = True break if not brackets: spaces = text[0:len(text) - len(string.lstrip(text))] if caretPos < len(spaces): # If within the opening spaces of a line spaces = spaces[:caretPos] # strip comment off if commentStart != -1: text = text[0:commentStart] textNoTrailingSpaces = text[0:caretPos].rstrip() if doExtraIndent or len(textNoTrailingSpaces) and textNoTrailingSpaces[-1] == ':': spaces = spaces + ' ' * self.GetIndent() self.AddText('\n' + spaces) # Callback for tokenizer in self.DoIndent def __call__(self, toktype, toktext, (srow,scol), (erow,ecol), line): if toktype == tokenize.COMMENT: for i in range(scol, ecol + 1): self._validChars[i] = False elif toktype == token.STRING: self._tokenizerChars[scol] = 2 # Open quote self._tokenizerChars[ecol - 1] = 3 # Close quote for i in range(scol + 1, ecol - 2): self._tokenizerChars[i] = 1 # Part of string, 1 == ignore the char class PythonOptionsPanel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent, id): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id) pathLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("python.exe Path:")) config = wx.ConfigBase_Get() path = config.Read("ActiveGridPythonLocation") self._pathTextCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, path, size = (150, -1)) self._pathTextCtrl.SetToolTipString(self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue()) self._pathTextCtrl.SetInsertionPointEnd() choosePathButton = wx.Button(self, -1, _("Browse...")) pathSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) HALF_SPACE = 5 pathSizer.Add(pathLabel, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, HALF_SPACE) pathSizer.Add(self._pathTextCtrl, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE) pathSizer.Add(choosePathButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, choosePathButton.GetId(), self.OnChoosePath) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add(pathSizer, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, 10) self._otherOptions = STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel(self, -1, configPrefix = "Python", label = "Python", hasWordWrap = False, hasTabs = True, addPage=False) mainSizer.Add(self._otherOptions) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) parent.AddPage(self, _("Python")) def OnChoosePath(self, event): if _WINDOWS: wildcard = _("*.exe") else: wildcard = _("*") path = wx.FileSelector(_("Select a File"), _(""), _(""), wildcard = wildcard , flags = wx.HIDE_READONLY, parent = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()) if path: self._pathTextCtrl.SetValue(path) self._pathTextCtrl.SetToolTipString(self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue()) self._pathTextCtrl.SetInsertionPointEnd() def OnOK(self, optionsDialog): if len(self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue()) > 0: config = wx.ConfigBase_Get() config.Write("ActiveGridPythonLocation", self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue()) self._otherOptions.OnOK(optionsDialog) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Icon Bitmaps - generated by encode_bitmaps.py #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage import cStringIO def getPythonData(): return \ "\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x10\x08\x06\ \x00\x00\x00\x1f\xf3\xffa\x00\x00\x00\x04sBIT\x08\x08\x08\x08|\x08d\x88\x00\ \x00\x00\xd5IDAT8\x8d\x8d\x93Y\x0e\xc3 \x0cD\x9fM\xcf\xddNr2.\x96\xb8\x1f\ \x05\n\x84.#Y\x10\xa3\x19o\xb1\x99'*\xe2<\x82\x0e\xe6\xc9\xf8\x01\xef?\xa4\ \xf7)]\x05\x970O\xcdr\xce!\x119\xe7\x00\x02\x88\xfe}i\xb5\x848\x8f\xa8\x19\ \xcc\x19}+\xc5\xcc\xd3\x92