from wxPython.wx import wxLayoutConstraints,\ wxTop, wxLeft, wxBottom, wxRight, \ wxHeight, wxWidth, wxCentreX, wxCentreY import re,string class Layoutf(wxLayoutConstraints): """ The class Layoutf(wxLayoutConstraints) presents a simplification of the wxLayoutConstraints syntax. The name Layoutf is choosen because of the similarity with C's printf function. Quick Example: lc = Layoutf('t=t#1;l=r10#2;r!100;h%h50#1', (self, self.panel)) is equivalent to lc = wxLayoutContraints(), wxTop) lc.left.SameAs(self.panel, wxRight, 10) lc.right.Absolute(100) lc.height.PercentOf(self, wxHeight, 50) Usage: You can give a constraint string to the Layoutf constructor, or use the 'pack' method. The following are equivalent: lc = Layoutf('t=t#1;l=r#2;r!100;h%h50#1', (self, self.panel)) and lc = Layoutf() lc.pack('t=t#1;l=r#2;r!100;h%h50#1', (self, self.panel)) Besides 'pack' there's also 'debug_pack' which does not set constraints, but prints traditional wxLayoutConstraint calls to stdout. The calls to the Layoutf constructor and pack methods have the following argument list: (constraint_string, objects_tuple) Constraint String syntax: Constraint directives are separated by semi-colons. You generally (always?) need four directives to completely describe a subwindow's location. A single directive has either of the following forms: 1. [numerical argument] for example r!100 -> lc.right.Absolute(100) ) and w* -> lc.width.AsIs() 2. [numerical argument] # for example t_10#2 (, 10) 3. [numerical argument]# for example w%h50#2 ( lc.width.PercentOf(, wxHeight, 50) and t=b#1 (, wxBottom) ) Which one you need is defined by the type. The following take type 1 (no object to compare with): '!': 'Absolute', '?': 'Unconstrained', '*': 'AsIs' These take type 2 (need to be compared with another object) '<': 'LeftOf', '>': 'RightOf', '^': 'Above', '_': 'Below' These take type 3 (need to be compared to another object attribute) '=': 'SameAs', '%': 'PercentOf' For all types, the letter can be any of 't': 'top', 'l': 'left', 'b': 'bottom', 'r': 'right', 'h': 'height', 'w': 'width', 'x': 'centreX', 'y': 'centreY' If the operation takes an (optional) numerical argument, place it in [numerical argument]. For type 3 directives, the letter can be any of 't': 'wxTop', 'l': 'wxLeft', 'b': 'wxBottom' 'r': 'wxRight', 'h': 'wxHeight', 'w': 'wxWidth', 'x': 'wxCentreX', 'y': 'wxCentreY' Note that these are the same letters as used for , so you'll only need to remember one set. Finally, the object whose attribute is refered to, is specified by #, where is the 1-based (stupid, I know, but I've gotten used to it) index of the object in the objects_tuple argument. Bugs: Not entirely happy about the logic in the order of arguments after the character. Not all wxLayoutConstraint methods are included in the syntax. However, the type 3 directives are generally the most used. Further excuse: wxWindows layout constraints are at the time of this writing not documented. """ attr_d = { 't': 'top', 'l': 'left', 'b': 'bottom', 'r': 'right', 'h': 'height', 'w': 'width', 'x': 'centreX', 'y': 'centreY' } op_d = { '=': 'SameAs', '%': 'PercentOf', '<': 'LeftOf', '>': 'RightOf', '^': 'Above', '_': 'Below', '!': 'Absolute', '?': 'Unconstrained', '*': 'AsIs' } cmp_d = { 't': 'wxTop', 'l': 'wxLeft', 'b': 'wxBottom', 'r': 'wxRight', 'h': 'wxHeight', 'w': 'wxWidth', 'x': 'wxCentreX', 'y': 'wxCentreY' } rexp1 = re.compile('^\s*([tlrbhwxy])\s*([!\?\*])\s*(\d*)\s*$') rexp2 = re.compile('^\s*([tlrbhwxy])\s*([=%<>^_])\s*([tlrbhwxy]?)\s*(\d*)\s*#(\d+)\s*$') def __init__(self,pstr=None,winlist=None): wxLayoutConstraints.__init__(self) if pstr: self.pack(pstr,winlist) def pack(self, pstr, winlist): pstr = string.lower(pstr) for item in string.split(pstr,';'): m = self.rexp1.match(item) if m: g = list(m.groups()) attr = getattr(self, self.attr_d[g[0]]) func = getattr(attr, self.op_d[g[1]]) if g[1] == '!': func(int(g[2])) else: func() continue m = self.rexp2.match(item) if not m: raise ValueError g = list(m.groups()) attr = getattr(self, self.attr_d[g[0]]) func = getattr(attr, self.op_d[g[1]]) if g[3]: g[3] = int(g[3]) else: g[3] = None; g[4] = int(g[4]) - 1 if g[1] in '<>^_': if g[3]: func(winlist[g[4]], g[3]) else: func(winlist[g[4]]) else: cmp = eval(self.cmp_d[g[2]]) if g[3]: func(winlist[g[4]], cmp, g[3]) else: func(winlist[g[4]], cmp) def debug_pack(self, pstr, winlist): pstr = string.lower(pstr) for item in string.split(pstr,';'): m = self.rexp1.match(item) if m: g = list(m.groups()) attr = getattr(self, self.attr_d[g[0]]) func = getattr(attr, self.op_d[g[1]]) if g[1] == '!': print "%s.%s.%s(%s)" % \ ('self',self.attr_d[g[0]],self.op_d[g[1]],g[2]) else: print "%s.%s.%s()" % \ ('self',self.attr_d[g[0]],self.op_d[g[1]]) continue m = self.rexp2.match(item) if not m: raise ValueError g = list(m.groups()) if g[3]: g[3] = int(g[3]) else: g[3] = 0; g[4] = int(g[4]) - 1 if g[1] in '<>^_': if g[3]: print "%s.%s.%s(%s,%d)" % \ ('self',self.attr_d[g[0]],self.op_d[g[1]],winlist[g[4]], g[3]) else: print "%s.%s.%s(%s)" % \ ('self',self.attr_d[g[0]],self.op_d[g[1]],winlist[g[4]]) else: if g[3]: print "%s.%s.%s(%s,%s,%d)" % \ ('self',self.attr_d[g[0]],self.op_d[g[1]],winlist[g[4]], self.cmp_d[g[2]],g[3]) else: print "%s.%s.%s(%s,%s)" % \ ('self',self.attr_d[g[0]],self.op_d[g[1]],winlist[g[4]], self.cmp_d[g[2]]) if __name__=='__main__': from wxPython.wx import * class TestLayoutf(wxFrame): def __init__(self, parent): wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, -1, 'Test Layout Constraints', wxPyDefaultPosition, wxSize(500, 300)) self.SetAutoLayout(true) EVT_BUTTON(self, 100, self.OnButton) EVT_BUTTON(self, 101, self.OnAbout) self.panelA = wxWindow(self, -1, wxPyDefaultPosition, wxPyDefaultSize, wxSIMPLE_BORDER) self.panelA.SetBackgroundColour(wxBLUE) self.panelA.SetConstraints(Layoutf('t=t10#1;l=l10#1;b=b10#1;r%r50#1',(self,))) self.panelB = wxWindow(self, -1, wxPyDefaultPosition, wxPyDefaultSize, wxSIMPLE_BORDER) self.panelB.SetBackgroundColour(wxRED) self.panelB.SetConstraints(Layoutf('t=t10#1;r=r10#1;b%b30#1;l>10#2', (self,self.panelA))) self.panelC = wxWindow(self, -1, wxPyDefaultPosition, wxPyDefaultSize, wxSIMPLE_BORDER) self.panelC.SetBackgroundColour(wxWHITE) self.panelC.SetConstraints(Layoutf('t_10#3;r=r10#1;b=b10#1;l>10#2', (self,self.panelA,self.panelB))) b = wxButton(self.panelA, 101, ' About: ') b.SetConstraints(Layoutf('X=X#1;Y=Y#1;h*;w%w50#1', (self.panelA,))) b = wxButton(self.panelB, 100, ' Panel B ') b.SetConstraints(Layoutf('t=t2#1;r=r4#1;h*;w*', (self.panelB,))) self.panelD = wxWindow(self.panelC, -1, wxPyDefaultPosition, wxPyDefaultSize, wxSIMPLE_BORDER) self.panelD.SetBackgroundColour(wxGREEN) self.panelD.SetConstraints(Layoutf('b%h50#1;r%w50#1;h=h#2;w=w#2', (self.panelC, b))) b = wxButton(self.panelC, 100, ' Panel C ') b.SetConstraints(Layoutf('t_#1;l>#1;h*;w*', (self.panelD,))) wxStaticText(self.panelD, -1, "Panel D", wxPoint(4, 4)).SetBackgroundColour(wxGREEN) def OnButton(self, event): self.Close(true) def OnAbout(self, event): try: from dialogs import wxScrolledMessageDialog msg = wxScrolledMessageDialog(self, Layoutf.__doc__, "about") msg.ShowModal() except: print msg def OnCloseWindow(self, event): self.Destroy() class TestApp(wxApp): def OnInit(self): frame = TestLayoutf(NULL) frame.Show(1) self.SetTopWindow(frame) return 1 app = TestApp(0) app.MainLoop()