# superdoodle.py """ This module implements the SuperDoodle demo application. It takes the DoodleWindow previously presented and reuses it in a much more intelligent Frame. This one has a menu and a statusbar, is able to save and reload doodles, clear the workspace, and has a simple control panel for setting color and line thickness in addition to the popup menu that DoodleWindow provides. There is also a nice About dialog implmented using an wxHtmlWindow. """ from wxPython.wx import * from doodle import DoodleWindow import os, cPickle #---------------------------------------------------------------------- idNEW = 11001 idOPEN = 11002 idSAVE = 11003 idSAVEAS = 11004 idCLEAR = 11005 idEXIT = 11006 idABOUT = 11007 class DoodleFrame(wxFrame): """ A DoodleFrame contains a DoodleWindow and a ControlPanel and manages their layout with a wxBoxSizer. A menu and associated event handlers provides for saving a doodle to a file, etc. """ title = "Do a doodle" def __init__(self, parent): wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, -1, self.title, size=(800,600)) self.CreateStatusBar() self.MakeMenu() self.filename = None self.doodle = DoodleWindow(self, -1) cPanel = ControlPanel(self, -1, self.doodle) # Create a sizer to layout the two windows side-by-side. # Both will grow vertically, the doodle window will grow # horizontally as well. box = wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL) box.Add(cPanel, 0, wxEXPAND) box.Add(self.doodle, 1, wxEXPAND) # Tell the frame that it should layout itself in response to # size events. self.SetAutoLayout(true) self.SetSizer(box) def SaveFile(self): if self.filename: data = self.doodle.GetLinesData() f = open(self.filename, 'w') cPickle.dump(data, f) f.close() def ReadFile(self): if self.filename: try: f = open(self.filename, 'r') data = cPickle.load(f) f.close() self.doodle.SetLinesData(data) except cPickle.UnpicklingError: wxMessageBox("%s is not a doodle file." % self.filename, "oops!", style=wxOK|wxICON_EXCLAMATION) def MakeMenu(self): # create the file menu menu1 = wxMenu() menu1.Append(idOPEN, "&Open", "Open a doodle file") menu1.Append(idSAVE, "&Save", "Save the doodle") menu1.Append(idSAVEAS, "Save &As", "Save the doodle in a new file") menu1.AppendSeparator() menu1.Append(idCLEAR, "&Clear", "Clear the current doodle") menu1.AppendSeparator() menu1.Append(idEXIT, "E&xit", "Terminate the application") # and the help menu menu2 = wxMenu() menu2.Append(idABOUT, "&About", "Display the gratuitous 'about this app' thingamajig") # and add them to a menubar menuBar = wxMenuBar() menuBar.Append(menu1, "&File") menuBar.Append(menu2, "&Help") self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) EVT_MENU(self, idOPEN, self.OnMenuOpen) EVT_MENU(self, idSAVE, self.OnMenuSave) EVT_MENU(self, idSAVEAS, self.OnMenuSaveAs) EVT_MENU(self, idCLEAR, self.OnMenuClear) EVT_MENU(self, idEXIT, self.OnMenuExit) EVT_MENU(self, idABOUT, self.OnMenuAbout) wildcard = "Doodle files (*.ddl)|*.ddl|All files (*.*)|*.*" def OnMenuOpen(self, event): dlg = wxFileDialog(self, "Open doodle file...", os.getcwd(), style=wxOPEN, wildcard = self.wildcard) if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK: self.filename = dlg.GetPath() self.ReadFile() self.SetTitle(self.title + ' -- ' + self.filename) dlg.Destroy() def OnMenuSave(self, event): if not self.filename: self.OnMenuSaveAs(event) else: self.SaveFile() def OnMenuSaveAs(self, event): dlg = wxFileDialog(self, "Save doodle as...", os.getcwd(), style=wxSAVE | wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT, wildcard = self.wildcard) if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK: filename = dlg.GetPath() if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1]: filename = filename + '.ddl' self.filename = filename self.SaveFile() self.SetTitle(self.title + ' -- ' + self.filename) dlg.Destroy() def OnMenuClear(self, event): self.doodle.SetLinesData([]) self.SetTitle(self.title) def OnMenuExit(self, event): self.Close() def OnMenuAbout(self, event): dlg = DoodleAbout(self) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class ControlPanel(wxPanel): """ This class implements a very simple control panel for the DoodleWindow. It creates buttons for each of the colours and thickneses supported by the DoodleWindow, and event handlers to set the selected values. There is also a little window that shows an example doodleLine in the selected values. Nested sizers are used for layout. """ def __init__(self, parent, ID, doodle): wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, ID, style=wxRAISED_BORDER) numCols = 4 spacing = 4 # Make a grid of buttons for each colour. Attach each button # event to self.OnSetColour. The button ID is the same as the # key in the colour dictionary. colours = doodle.menuColours keys = colours.keys() keys.sort() cGrid = wxGridSizer(cols=numCols, hgap=2, vgap=2) for k in keys: bmp = self.MakeBitmap(wxNamedColour(colours[k])) b = wxBitmapButton(self, k, bmp) EVT_BUTTON(self, k, self.OnSetColour) cGrid.Add(b, 0) # Save the button size so we can use it for the number buttons btnSize = b.GetSize() # Make a grid of buttons for the thicknesses. Attach each button # event to self.OnSetThickness. The button ID is the same as the # thickness value. tGrid = wxGridSizer(cols=numCols, hgap=2, vgap=2) for x in range(1, doodle.maxThickness+1): b = wxButton(self, x, str(x), size=btnSize) EVT_BUTTON(self, x, self.OnSetThickness) tGrid.Add(b, 0) # Make a colour indicator window, it is registerd as a listener # with the doodle window so it will be notified when the settings # change ci = ColourIndicator(self) doodle.AddListener(ci) doodle.Notify() self.doodle = doodle # Make a box sizer and put the two grids and the indicator # window in it. box = wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL) box.Add(cGrid, 0, wxALL, spacing) box.Add(tGrid, 0, wxALL, spacing) box.Add(ci, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, spacing) self.SetSizer(box) self.SetAutoLayout(true) # Resize this window so it is just large enough for the # minimum requirements of the sizer. box.Fit(self) def MakeBitmap(self, colour): """ We can create a bitmap of whatever we want by simply selecting it into a wxMemoryDC and drawing on it. In this case we just set a background brush and clear the dc. """ bmp = wxEmptyBitmap(16,16) dc = wxMemoryDC() dc.SelectObject(bmp) dc.SetBackground(wxBrush(colour)) dc.Clear() dc.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap) return bmp def OnSetColour(self, event): """ Use the event ID to get the colour, set that colour in the doodle. """ colour = self.doodle.menuColours[event.GetId()] self.doodle.SetColour(colour) def OnSetThickness(self, event): """ Use the event ID to set the thickness in the doodle. """ self.doodle.SetThickness(event.GetId()) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class ColourIndicator(wxWindow): """ An instance of this class is used on the ControlPanel to show a sample of what the current doodle line will look like. """ def __init__(self, parent): wxWindow.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wxSUNKEN_BORDER) self.SetBackgroundColour(wxWHITE) self.SetSize(wxSize(-1, 40)) self.colour = self.thickness = None EVT_PAINT(self, self.OnPaint) def Update(self, colour, thickness): """ The doodle window calls this method any time the colour or line thickness changes. """ self.colour = colour self.thickness = thickness self.Refresh() # generate a paint event def OnPaint(self, event): """ This method is called when all or part of the window needs to be redrawn. """ dc = wxPaintDC(self) if self.colour: sz = self.GetClientSize() pen = wxPen(wxNamedColour(self.colour), self.thickness) dc.BeginDrawing() dc.SetPen(pen) dc.DrawLine(10, sz.height/2, sz.width-10, sz.height/2) dc.EndDrawing() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class DoodleAbout(wxDialog): """ An about box that uses an HTML window """ text = '''


SuperDoodle is a demonstration program for wxPython that will hopefully teach you a thing or two. Just follow these simple instructions:

  1. Read the Source...
  2. Learn...
  3. Do!

SuperDoodle and wxPython are brought to you by Robin Dunn and Total Control Software, Copyright © 1997-2001.

''' def __init__(self, parent): wxDialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, 'About SuperDoodle', size=wxSize(420, 380)) from wxPython.html import wxHtmlWindow html = wxHtmlWindow(self, -1) html.SetPage(self.text) button = wxButton(self, wxID_OK, "Okay") # constraints for the html window lc = wxLayoutConstraints() lc.top.SameAs(self, wxTop, 5) lc.left.SameAs(self, wxLeft, 5) lc.bottom.SameAs(button, wxTop, 5) lc.right.SameAs(self, wxRight, 5) html.SetConstraints(lc) # constraints for the button lc = wxLayoutConstraints() lc.bottom.SameAs(self, wxBottom, 5) lc.centreX.SameAs(self, wxCentreX) lc.width.AsIs() lc.height.AsIs() button.SetConstraints(lc) self.SetAutoLayout(true) self.Layout() self.CentreOnParent(wxBOTH) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class DoodleApp(wxApp): def OnInit(self): frame = DoodleFrame(None) frame.Show(true) self.SetTopWindow(frame) return true #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': app = DoodleApp(0) app.MainLoop()