@echo off rem Initialize general parameters call parameters.bat rem Create output and logs directories if needed if not exist %OUTPUTDIR% mkdir %OUTPUTDIR% if not exist %LOGDIR% mkdir %LOGDIR% rem Initialize the main log file with the current date and time echo %date% %time% : wxWidgets-%wxMAJOR_VERSION%.%wxMINOR_VERSION%.%wxRELEASE_NUMBER% build started > %MAINLOGFILE% rem Loop through all versions of the compiler for %%c in ( 730 810 1030 1220 ) do ( rem For each version, create a 32 and a 64 bits build for %%a in ( 32 64 ) do ( call officialbuild.bat %%c %%a ) ) echo %date% %time% : wxWidgets-%wxMAJOR_VERSION%.%wxMINOR_VERSION%.%wxRELEASE_NUMBER% build ended >> %MAINLOGFILE%