#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: GridColMover.py # Purpose: Grid Column Mover Extension # # Author: Gerrit van Dyk (email: gerritvd@decillion.net) # # Version 0.1 # Date: Nov 19, 2002 # RCS-ID: $Id$ # Licence: wxWindows license #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 12/07/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net) # # o 2.5 Compatability changes # # 12/18/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net) # # o wxGridColMoveEvent -> GridColMoveEvent # o wxGridRowMoveEvent -> GridRowMoveEvent # o wxGridColMover -> GridColMover # o wxGridRowMover -> GridRowMover # import wx import wx.grid #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # event class and macros # # New style 12/7/03 # wxEVT_COMMAND_GRID_COL_MOVE = wx.NewEventType() wxEVT_COMMAND_GRID_ROW_MOVE = wx.NewEventType() EVT_GRID_COL_MOVE = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_COMMAND_GRID_COL_MOVE, 1) EVT_GRID_ROW_MOVE = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_COMMAND_GRID_ROW_MOVE, 1) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GridColMoveEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent): def __init__(self, id, dCol, bCol): wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, id = id) self.SetEventType(wxEVT_COMMAND_GRID_COL_MOVE) self.moveColumn = dCol self.beforeColumn = bCol def GetMoveColumn(self): return self.moveColumn def GetBeforeColumn(self): return self.beforeColumn class GridRowMoveEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent): def __init__(self, id, dRow, bRow): wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self,id = id) self.SetEventType(wxEVT_COMMAND_GRID_ROW_MOVE) self.moveRow = dRow self.beforeRow = bRow def GetMoveRow(self): return self.moveRow def GetBeforeRow(self): return self.beforeRow #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # graft new methods into the wxGrid class def _ColToRect(self,col): if self.GetNumberRows() > 0: rect = self.CellToRect(0,col) else: rect = wx.Rect() rect.height = self.GetColLabelSize() rect.width = self.GetColSize(col) for cCol in range(0,col): rect.x += self.GetColSize(cCol) rect.y = self.GetGridColLabelWindow().GetPosition()[1] return rect wx.grid.Grid.ColToRect = _ColToRect def _RowToRect(self,row): if self.GetNumberCols() > 0: rect = self.CellToRect(row,0) else: rect = wx.Rect() rect.width = self.GetRowLabelSize() rect.height = self.GetRowSize(row) for cRow in range(0,row): rect.y += self.GetRowSize(cRow) rect.x = self.GetGridRowLabelWindow().GetPosition()[0] return rect wx.grid.Grid.RowToRect = _RowToRect #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ColDragWindow(wx.Window): def __init__(self,parent,image,dragCol): wx.Window.__init__(self,parent,-1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.image = image self.SetSize((self.image.GetWidth(),self.image.GetHeight())) self.ux = parent.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[0] self.moveColumn = dragCol self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) def DisplayAt(self,pos,y): x = self.GetPositionTuple()[0] if x == pos: self.Refresh() # Need to display insertion point else: self.MoveXY(pos,y) def GetMoveColumn(self): return self.moveColumn def _GetInsertionInfo(self): parent = self.GetParent() sx = parent.GetViewStart()[0] * self.ux sx -= parent.GetRowLabelSize() x = self.GetPosition()[0] w = self.GetSize()[0] sCol = parent.XToCol(x + sx) eCol = parent.XToCol(x + w + sx) iPos = xPos = xCol = 99999 centerPos = x + sx + (w / 2) for col in range(sCol,eCol + 1): cx = parent.ColToRect(col)[0] if abs(cx - centerPos) < iPos: iPos = abs(cx - centerPos) xCol = col xPos = cx if xCol < 0 or xCol > parent.GetNumberCols(): xCol = parent.GetNumberCols() return (xPos - sx - x,xCol) def GetInsertionColumn(self): return self._GetInsertionInfo()[1] def GetInsertionPos(self): return self._GetInsertionInfo()[0] def OnPaint(self,evt): dc = wx.PaintDC(self) w,h = self.GetSize() dc.DrawBitmap(self.image, 0,0) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.BLACK,1,wx.SOLID)) dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) dc.DrawRectangle(0,0, w,h) iPos = self.GetInsertionPos() dc.DrawLine(iPos,h - 10, iPos,h) class RowDragWindow(wx.Window): def __init__(self,parent,image,dragRow): wx.Window.__init__(self,parent,-1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.image = image self.SetSize((self.image.GetWidth(),self.image.GetHeight())) self.uy = parent.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[1] self.moveRow = dragRow self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) def DisplayAt(self,x,pos): y = self.GetPosition()[1] if y == pos: self.Refresh() # Need to display insertion point else: self.MoveXY(x,pos) def GetMoveRow(self): return self.moveRow def _GetInsertionInfo(self): parent = self.GetParent() sy = parent.GetViewStart()[1] * self.uy sy -= parent.GetColLabelSize() y = self.GetPosition()[1] h = self.GetSize()[1] sRow = parent.YToRow(y + sy) eRow = parent.YToRow(y + h + sy) iPos = yPos = yRow = 99999 centerPos = y + sy + (h / 2) for row in range(sRow,eRow + 1): cy = parent.RowToRect(row)[1] if abs(cy - centerPos) < iPos: iPos = abs(cy - centerPos) yRow = row yPos = cy if yRow < 0 or yRow > parent.GetNumberRows(): yRow = parent.GetNumberRows() return (yPos - sy - y,yRow) def GetInsertionRow(self): return self._GetInsertionInfo()[1] def GetInsertionPos(self): return self._GetInsertionInfo()[0] def OnPaint(self,evt): dc = wx.PaintDC(self) w,h = self.GetSize() dc.DrawBitmap(self.image, 0,0) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.BLACK,1,wx.SOLID)) dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) dc.DrawRectangle(0,0, w,h) iPos = self.GetInsertionPos() dc.DrawLine(w - 10,iPos, w,iPos) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GridColMover(wx.EvtHandler): def __init__(self,grid): wx.EvtHandler.__init__(self) self.grid = grid self.lwin = grid.GetGridColLabelWindow() self.lwin.PushEventHandler(self) self.colWin = None self.ux = self.grid.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[0] self.startX = -10 self.cellX = 0 self.didMove = False self.isDragging = False self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMouseMove) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnPress) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnRelease) def OnMouseMove(self,evt): if self.isDragging: _rlSize = self.grid.GetRowLabelSize() if abs(self.startX - evt.m_x) >= 3 \ and abs(evt.m_x - self.lastX) >= 3: self.lastX = evt.m_x self.didMove = True sx,y = self.grid.GetViewStart() w,h = self.lwin.GetClientSize() x = sx * self.ux if (evt.m_x + x) < x: x = evt.m_x + x elif evt.m_x > w: x += evt.m_x - w if x < 1: x = 0 else: x /= self.ux if x != sx: if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': self.colWin.Show(False) self.grid.Scroll(x,y) x,y = self.lwin.ClientToScreenXY(evt.m_x,0) x,y = self.grid.ScreenToClientXY(x,y) if not self.colWin.IsShown(): self.colWin.Show(True) px = x - self.cellX if px < 0 + _rlSize: px = 0 + _rlSize if px > w - self.colWin.GetSize()[0] + _rlSize: px = w - self.colWin.GetSize()[0] + _rlSize self.colWin.DisplayAt(px,y) return def OnPress(self,evt): self.startX = self.lastX = evt.m_x _rlSize = self.grid.GetRowLabelSize() sx = self.grid.GetViewStart()[0] * self.ux sx -= _rlSize px,py = self.lwin.ClientToScreenXY(evt.m_x,evt.m_y) px,py = self.grid.ScreenToClientXY(px,py) if self.grid.XToEdgeOfCol(px + sx) != wx.NOT_FOUND: evt.Skip() return self.isDragging = True self.didMove = False col = self.grid.XToCol(px + sx) rect = self.grid.ColToRect(col) self.cellX = px + sx - rect.x size = self.lwin.GetSize() rect.y = 0 rect.x -= sx + _rlSize rect.height = size[1] colImg = self._CaptureImage(rect) self.colWin = ColDragWindow(self.grid,colImg,col) self.colWin.Show(False) self.lwin.CaptureMouse() evt.Skip() def OnRelease(self,evt): if self.isDragging: self.lwin.ReleaseMouse() self.colWin.Show(False) self.isDragging = False if not self.didMove: px = self.lwin.ClientToScreenXY(self.startX,0)[0] px = self.grid.ScreenToClientXY(px,0)[0] sx = self.grid.GetViewStart()[0] * self.ux sx -= self.grid.GetRowLabelSize() col = self.grid.XToCol(px+sx) if col != wx.NOT_FOUND: self.grid.SelectCol(col,evt.m_controlDown) return else: bCol = self.colWin.GetInsertionColumn() dCol = self.colWin.GetMoveColumn() wx.PostEvent(self, GridColMoveEvent(self.grid.GetId(), dCol, bCol)) self.colWin.Destroy() evt.Skip() def _CaptureImage(self,rect): bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(rect.width,rect.height) memdc = wx.MemoryDC() memdc.SelectObject(bmp) dc = wx.WindowDC(self.lwin) memdc.Blit(0,0, rect.width, rect.height, dc, rect.x, rect.y) memdc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) return bmp class GridRowMover(wx.EvtHandler): def __init__(self,grid): wx.EvtHandler.__init__(self) self.grid = grid self.lwin = grid.GetGridRowLabelWindow() self.lwin.PushEventHandler(self) self.rowWin = None self.uy = self.grid.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[1] self.startY = -10 self.cellY = 0 self.didMove = False self.isDragging = False self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMouseMove) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnPress) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnRelease) def OnMouseMove(self,evt): if self.isDragging: _clSize = self.grid.GetColLabelSize() if abs(self.startY - evt.m_y) >= 3 \ and abs(evt.m_y - self.lastY) >= 3: self.lastY = evt.m_y self.didMove = True x,sy = self.grid.GetViewStart() w,h = self.lwin.GetClientSizeTuple() y = sy * self.uy if (evt.m_y + y) < y: y = evt.m_y + y elif evt.m_y > h: y += evt.m_y - h if y < 1: y = 0 else: y /= self.uy if y != sy: if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': self.rowWin.Show(False) self.grid.Scroll(x,y) x,y = self.lwin.ClientToScreenXY(0,evt.m_y) x,y = self.grid.ScreenToClientXY(x,y) if not self.rowWin.IsShown(): self.rowWin.Show(True) py = y - self.cellY if py < 0 + _clSize: py = 0 + _clSize if py > h - self.rowWin.GetSize()[1] + _clSize: py = h - self.rowWin.GetSize()[1] + _clSize self.rowWin.DisplayAt(x,py) return def OnPress(self,evt): self.startY = self.lastY = evt.m_y _clSize = self.grid.GetColLabelSize() sy = self.grid.GetViewStart()[1] * self.uy sy -= _clSize px,py = self.lwin.ClientToScreenXY(evt.m_x,evt.m_y) px,py = self.grid.ScreenToClientXY(px,py) if self.grid.YToEdgeOfRow(py + sy) != wx.NOT_FOUND: evt.Skip() return self.isDragging = True self.didMove = False row = self.grid.YToRow(py + sy) rect = self.grid.RowToRect(row) self.cellY = py + sy - rect.y size = self.lwin.GetSize() rect.x = 0 rect.y -= sy + _clSize rect.width = size[0] rowImg = self._CaptureImage(rect) self.rowWin = RowDragWindow(self.grid,rowImg,row) self.rowWin.Show(False) self.lwin.CaptureMouse() evt.Skip() def OnRelease(self,evt): if self.isDragging: self.lwin.ReleaseMouse() self.rowWin.Show(False) self.isDragging = False if not self.didMove: py = self.lwin.ClientToScreenXY(0,self.startY)[1] py = self.grid.ScreenToClientXY(0,py)[1] sy = self.grid.GetViewStart()[1] * self.uy sy -= self.grid.GetColLabelSize() row = self.grid.YToRow(py + sy) if row != wx.NOT_FOUND: self.grid.SelectRow(row,evt.m_controlDown) return else: bRow = self.rowWin.GetInsertionRow() dRow = self.rowWin.GetMoveRow() wx.PostEvent(self, GridRowMoveEvent(self.grid.GetId(), dRow, bRow)) self.rowWin.Destroy() evt.Skip() def _CaptureImage(self,rect): bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(rect.width,rect.height) memdc = wx.MemoryDC() memdc.SelectObject(bmp) dc = wx.WindowDC(self.lwin) memdc.Blit(0,0, rect.width, rect.height, dc, rect.x, rect.y) memdc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) return bmp #----------------------------------------------------------------------------