""" Name: doxymlparser.py Author: Kevin Ollivier License: wxWidgets License """ __description__ = """ Takes the output of Doxygen XML and parses it to retrieve metadata about the classes and methods. To create the Doxygen XML files, from the wxWidgets/docs/doxygen directory, do: ./regen.sh xml To see the results from parsing a particular class, do: python doxymlparser.py --report out/xml/classwx_.xml """ #!/usr/bin/env python import optparse import os import string import sys import types from common import * from xml.dom import minidom option_dict = { "report" : (False, "Print out the classes and methods found by this script."), "verbose" : (False, "Provide status updates and other information."), } parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] \n" + __description__, version="%prog 1.0") for opt in option_dict: default = option_dict[opt][0] action = "store" if type(default) == types.BooleanType: action = "store_true" parser.add_option("--" + opt, default=default, action=action, dest=opt, help=option_dict[opt][1]) options, arguments = parser.parse_args() class ClassDefinition: def __init__(self): self.name = "" self.constructors = [] self.destructors = [] self.methods = [] self.brief_description = "" self.detailed_description = "" self.includes = [] self.bases = [] self.enums = {} def __str__(self): str_repr = """ Class: %s Bases: %s Includes: %s Brief Description: %s Detailed Description: %s """ % (self.name, string.join(self.bases, ", "), self.includes, self.brief_description, self.detailed_description) str_repr += "Methods:\n" for method in self.methods: str_repr += str(method) return str_repr class MethodDefinition: def __init__(self): self.name = "" self.return_type = "" self.argsstring = "" self.definition = "" self.params = [] self.brief_description = "" self.detailed_description = "" def __str__(self): str_repr = """ Method: %s Return Type: %s Params: %r Prototype: %s Brief Description: %s Detailed Description: %s """ % (self.name, self.return_type, self.params, self.definition + self.argsstring, self.brief_description, self.detailed_description) return str_repr def getTextValue(node, recursive=False): text = "" for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "ref": text += getTextValue(child) if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE: # Add a space to ensure we have a space between qualifiers and parameter names text += child.nodeValue.strip() + " " return text.strip() def doxyMLToText(node): return text class DoxyMLParser: def __init__(self): self.classes = [] def find_class(self, name): for aclass in self.classes: if aclass.name == name: return aclass return None def get_enums_and_functions(self, filename, aclass): file_path = os.path.dirname(filename) enum_filename = os.path.join(file_path, aclass.name[2:] + "_8h.xml") if os.path.exists(enum_filename): root = minidom.parse(enum_filename).documentElement for method in root.getElementsByTagName("memberdef"): if method.getAttribute("kind") == "enum": self.parse_enum(aclass, method, root) def is_derived_from_base(self, aclass, abase): base = get_first_value(aclass.bases) while base and base != "": if base == abase: return True parentclass = self.find_class(base) if parentclass: base = get_first_value(parentclass.bases) else: base = None return False def parse(self, filename): self.xmldoc = minidom.parse(filename).documentElement for node in self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("compounddef"): new_class = self.parse_class(node) self.classes.append(new_class) self.get_enums_and_functions(filename, new_class) def parse_class(self, class_node): new_class = ClassDefinition() new_class.name = getTextValue(class_node.getElementsByTagName("compoundname")[0]) for node in class_node.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "basecompoundref": new_class.bases.append(getTextValue(node)) elif node.nodeName == "briefdescription": # let the post-processor determ new_class.brief_description = node.toxml() elif node.nodeName == "detaileddescription": new_class.detailed_description = node.toxml() elif node.nodeName == "includes": new_class.includes.append(getTextValue(node)) self.parse_methods(new_class, class_node) return new_class def parse_enum(self, new_class, enum, root): enum_name = "" enum_values = [] for node in enum.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "name": enum_name = getTextValue(node) elif node.nodeName == "enumvalue": enum_values.append(getTextValue(node.getElementsByTagName("name")[0])) new_class.enums[enum_name] = enum_values def parse_methods(self, new_class, root): for method in root.getElementsByTagName("memberdef"): new_method = MethodDefinition() for node in method.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "name": new_method.name = getTextValue(node) elif node.nodeName == "type": new_method.return_type = getTextValue(node) elif node.nodeName == "definition": new_method.definition = getTextValue(node) elif node.nodeName == "argsstring": new_method.argsstring = getTextValue(node) elif node.nodeName == "param": param = {} for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE: param[child.nodeName] = getTextValue(child) new_method.params.append(param) if options.verbose: print "Adding %s" % (new_method.name + new_method.argsstring) if new_method.name == new_class.name: new_class.constructors.append(new_method) elif new_method.name == "~" + new_class.name: new_class.destructors.append(new_method) else: new_class.methods.append(new_method) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(arguments) < 1: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) doxyparse = DoxyMLParser() for arg in arguments: doxyparse.parse(arg) if options.report: for aclass in doxyparse.classes: print str(aclass)