///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: forty.cpp // Purpose: Forty Thieves patience game // Author: Chris Breeze // Modified by: // Created: 21/07/97 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 1993-1998 Chris Breeze // Licence: wxWindows licence //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Last modified: 22nd July 1998 - ported to wxWindows 2.0 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #pragma interface #endif // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif #include "canvas.h" #include "forty.h" #include "card.h" #include "scoredg.h" #if wxUSE_HTML #include "wx/file.h" #include "wx/html/htmlwin.h" #endif BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(FortyFrame, wxFrame) EVT_MENU(NEW_GAME, FortyFrame::NewGame) EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, FortyFrame::Exit) EVT_MENU(wxID_ABOUT, FortyFrame::About) EVT_MENU(wxID_HELP_CONTENTS, FortyFrame::Help) EVT_MENU(UNDO, FortyFrame::Undo) EVT_MENU(REDO, FortyFrame::Redo) EVT_MENU(SCORES, FortyFrame::Scores) EVT_MENU(RIGHT_BUTTON_UNDO, FortyFrame::ToggleRightButtonUndo) EVT_MENU(HELPING_HAND, FortyFrame::ToggleHelpingHand) EVT_MENU(LARGE_CARDS, FortyFrame::ToggleCardSize) EVT_CLOSE(FortyFrame::OnCloseWindow) END_EVENT_TABLE() // Create a new application object IMPLEMENT_APP (FortyApp) wxColour* FortyApp::m_backgroundColour = 0; wxColour* FortyApp::m_textColour = 0; wxBrush* FortyApp::m_backgroundBrush = 0; FortyApp::FortyApp() { } FortyApp::~FortyApp() { delete m_backgroundColour; delete m_textColour; delete m_backgroundBrush; delete Card::m_symbolBmap; delete Card::m_pictureBmap; } bool FortyApp::OnInit() { bool largecards = FALSE; wxSize size(668,510); if ((argc > 1) && (!wxStrcmp(argv[1],_T("-L")))) { largecards = TRUE; size = wxSize(1000,750); } FortyFrame* frame = new FortyFrame( 0, _T("Forty Thieves"), -1, -1, size.x, size.y,largecards ); // Show the frame frame->Show(TRUE); frame->GetCanvas()->ShowPlayerDialog(); return TRUE; } const wxColour& FortyApp::BackgroundColour() { if (!m_backgroundColour) { m_backgroundColour = new wxColour(0, 128, 0); } return *m_backgroundColour; } const wxBrush& FortyApp::BackgroundBrush() { if (!m_backgroundBrush) { m_backgroundBrush = new wxBrush(BackgroundColour(), wxSOLID); } return *m_backgroundBrush; } const wxColour& FortyApp::TextColour() { if (!m_textColour) { m_textColour = new wxColour(_T("BLACK")); } return *m_textColour; } // My frame constructor FortyFrame::FortyFrame(wxFrame* frame, const wxString& title, int x, int y, int w, int h,bool largecards): wxFrame(frame, -1, title, wxPoint(x, y), wxSize(w, h)) { #ifdef __WXMAC__ wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId = wxID_ABOUT ; #endif // set the icon #ifdef __WXMSW__ SetIcon(wxIcon(_T("CardsIcon"))); #else #ifdef GTK_TBD SetIcon(wxIcon(Cards_bits, Cards_width, Cards_height)); #endif #endif // Make a menu bar wxMenu* gameMenu = new wxMenu; gameMenu->Append(NEW_GAME, _T("&New"), _T("Start a new game")); gameMenu->Append(SCORES, _T("&Scores..."), _T("Displays scores")); gameMenu->Append(wxID_EXIT, _T("E&xit"), _T("Exits Forty Thieves")); wxMenu* editMenu = new wxMenu; editMenu->Append(UNDO, _T("&Undo"), _T("Undo the last move")); editMenu->Append(REDO, _T("&Redo"), _T("Redo a move that has been undone")); wxMenu* optionsMenu = new wxMenu; optionsMenu->Append(RIGHT_BUTTON_UNDO, _T("&Right button undo"), _T("Enables/disables right mouse button undo and redo"), TRUE ); optionsMenu->Append(HELPING_HAND, _T("&Helping hand"), _T("Enables/disables hand cursor when a card can be moved"), TRUE ); optionsMenu->Append(LARGE_CARDS, _T("&Large cards"), _T("Enables/disables large cards for high resolution displays"), TRUE ); optionsMenu->Check(HELPING_HAND, TRUE); optionsMenu->Check(RIGHT_BUTTON_UNDO, TRUE); optionsMenu->Check(LARGE_CARDS, largecards ? TRUE : FALSE); wxMenu* helpMenu = new wxMenu; helpMenu->Append(wxID_HELP_CONTENTS, _T("&Help Contents"), _T("Displays information about playing the game")); helpMenu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, _T("&About..."), _T("About Forty Thieves")); m_menuBar = new wxMenuBar; m_menuBar->Append(gameMenu, _T("&Game")); m_menuBar->Append(editMenu, _T("&Edit")); m_menuBar->Append(optionsMenu, _T("&Options")); m_menuBar->Append(helpMenu, _T("&Help")); SetMenuBar(m_menuBar); if (largecards) Card::SetScale(1.3); m_canvas = new FortyCanvas(this, 0, 0, 400, 400); wxLayoutConstraints* constr = new wxLayoutConstraints; constr->left.SameAs(this, wxLeft); constr->top.SameAs(this, wxTop); constr->right.SameAs(this, wxRight); constr->height.SameAs(this, wxHeight); m_canvas->SetConstraints(constr); CreateStatusBar(); } FortyFrame::~FortyFrame() { } void FortyFrame::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event) { if (m_canvas->OnCloseCanvas() ) { this->Destroy(); } else event.Veto(); } void FortyFrame::NewGame(wxCommandEvent&) { m_canvas->NewGame(); } void FortyFrame::Exit(wxCommandEvent&) { Close(TRUE); } void FortyFrame::Help(wxCommandEvent& event) { #if wxUSE_HTML if (wxFileExists(wxT("about.htm"))) { FortyAboutDialog dialog(this, -1, wxT("Forty Thieves Instructions")); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { } } else #endif { About(event); } } void FortyFrame::About(wxCommandEvent&) { wxMessageBox( _T("Forty Thieves\n\n") _T("A free card game written with the wxWidgets toolkit\n") _T("Author: Chris Breeze (c) 1992-2004\n") _T("email: chris@breezesys.com"), _T("About Forty Thieves"), wxOK|wxICON_INFORMATION, this ); } void FortyFrame::Undo(wxCommandEvent&) { m_canvas->Undo(); } void FortyFrame::Redo(wxCommandEvent&) { m_canvas->Redo(); } void FortyFrame::Scores(wxCommandEvent&) { m_canvas->UpdateScores(); ScoreDialog scores(this, m_canvas->GetScoreFile()); scores.Display(); } void FortyFrame::ToggleRightButtonUndo(wxCommandEvent& event) { bool checked = m_menuBar->IsChecked(event.GetId()); m_canvas->EnableRightButtonUndo(checked); } void FortyFrame::ToggleHelpingHand(wxCommandEvent& event) { bool checked = m_menuBar->IsChecked(event.GetId()); m_canvas->EnableHelpingHand(checked); } void FortyFrame::ToggleCardSize(wxCommandEvent& event) { bool checked = m_menuBar->IsChecked(event.GetId()); Card::SetScale(checked ? 1.3 : 1); m_canvas->LayoutGame(); m_canvas->Refresh(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // stAboutDialog //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(FortyAboutDialog,wxDialog) END_EVENT_TABLE() FortyAboutDialog::FortyAboutDialog( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &title, const wxPoint &position, const wxSize& size, long style ) : wxDialog( parent, id, title, position, size, style ) { AddControls(this); Centre(wxBOTH); } bool FortyAboutDialog::AddControls(wxWindow* parent) { #if wxUSE_HTML wxString htmlText; wxString htmlFile(wxT("about.htm")); //if (!wxGetApp().GetMemoryTextResource(wxT("about.htm"), htmlText)) { // wxSetWorkingDirectory(wxGetApp().GetAppDir()); // wxString htmlFile(wxGetApp().GetFullAppPath(wxT("about.htm"))); if (wxFileExists(htmlFile)) { wxFile file; file.Open(htmlFile, wxFile::read); long len = file.Length(); wxChar* buf = htmlText.GetWriteBuf(len + 1); file.Read(buf, len); buf[len] = 0; htmlText.UngetWriteBuf(); } } if (htmlText.IsEmpty()) { htmlText.Printf(wxT("Warning

Sorry, could not find resource for About dialog

")); } // Customize the HTML #if 0 wxString verString; verString.Printf("%.2f", stVERSION_NUMBER); htmlText.Replace(wxT("$VERSION$"), verString); #endif htmlText.Replace(wxT("$DATE$"), _T(__DATE__)); wxSize htmlSize(400, 290); // Note: in later versions of wxWin this will be fixed so wxRAISED_BORDER // does the right thing. Meanwhile, this is a workaround. #ifdef __WXMSW__ long borderStyle = wxDOUBLE_BORDER; #else long borderStyle = wxRAISED_BORDER; #endif wxHtmlWindow* html = new wxHtmlWindow(this, ID_ABOUT_HTML_WINDOW, wxDefaultPosition, htmlSize, borderStyle); html -> SetBorders(10); html -> SetPage(htmlText); //// Start of sizer-based control creation wxSizer *item0 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); wxWindow *item1 = parent->FindWindow( ID_ABOUT_HTML_WINDOW ); wxASSERT( item1 ); item0->Add( item1, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxALL, 5 ); wxButton *item2 = new wxButton( parent, wxID_CANCEL, _T("&Close"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item2->SetDefault(); item2->SetFocus(); item0->Add( item2, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALL, 5 ); parent->SetAutoLayout( TRUE ); parent->SetSizer( item0 ); parent->Layout(); item0->Fit( parent ); item0->SetSizeHints( parent ); #endif return TRUE; }