wxWindows slogan ideas CafePress products: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/info/products/ ----------- On mug or umbrella: super-gui-OS-agnostic-XP-Linux-MacOS (perhaps highlighted in different colours) wxWindows: "Practically Perfect in Every Way" ----------- On tote bag: "Bag yourself some cool tools at wxwindows.org" ----------- On sweatshirt: Build an app for Windows, Mac and Linux in a week? No sweat. wxwindows.org ----------- Hallelujah! The future is open source and OS-agnostic. Tool up for it at wxwindows.org. ----------- On hat: wxWindows Brim-full of cool GUI tools ----------- On frosted glass mug: just the logo ----------- Suggested slogans from wx-users: wxWindows: The API for programmers who aren't sheep. (Robin Dunn) Better printed on a shirt: "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." [Robert A. Heinlein] maybe stripped down to "Specialization is for insects." The Open-Source, Cross-Platform GUI Framework with Ten Years of Evolution Behind It I saw this changed to 'native UI' on the website, which is slightly more accurate but sounds less 'catchy' imho. .. and templates. Hmm. I might buy a mug that had, say, a wxLogo and "wxWindows" (and maybe the website URL underneath in smaller type) on one side and "Specialization is for insects ... and templates" on the other. .. only if it held at leat a full half (imperial) pint, mind. Not one of those wussy 8.5 fl.oz. jobbies. That'd be a nice ice-breaker when working at a new client's site - people would be bound to stop and ask what it was all about! .. and how about a nice silk tie (US: necktie) with the logo on ... Oh, I forgot, we programmers don't wear ties. "I can't believe it's not native" "Because friends don't let friends use Win32". (or MFC)