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// Name: wx/variantbase.h
// Purpose: wxVariantBase class, a minimal version of wxVariant used by XTI
// Author: Julian Smart
// Modified by: Francesco Montorsi
// Created: 10/09/98
// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/string.h"
#include "wx/arrstr.h"
#include "wx/cpp.h"
#include <typeinfo>
#include "wx/datetime.h"
#endif // wxUSE_DATETIME
#include "wx/iosfwrap.h"
class wxTypeInfo;
class wxObject;
class wxClassInfo;
* wxVariantData stores the actual data in a wxVariant object,
* to allow it to store any type of data.
* Derive from this to provide custom data handling.
* NB: To prevent addition of extra vtbl pointer to wxVariantData,
* we don't multiple-inherit from wxObjectRefData. Instead,
* we simply replicate the wxObject ref-counting scheme.
* NB: When you construct a wxVariantData, it will have refcount
* of one. Refcount will not be further increased when
* it is passed to wxVariant. This simulates old common
* scenario where wxVariant took ownership of wxVariantData
* passed to it.
* If you create wxVariantData for other reasons than passing
* it to wxVariant, technically you are not required to call
* DecRef() before deleting it.
* TODO: in order to replace wxPropertyValue, we would need
* to consider adding constructors that take pointers to C++ variables,
* or removing that functionality from the wxProperty library.
* Essentially wxPropertyValue takes on some of the wxValidator functionality
* by storing pointers and not just actual values, allowing update of C++ data
* to be handled automatically. Perhaps there's another way of doing this without
* overloading wxVariant with unnecessary functionality.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxVariantData
friend class wxVariantBase;
: m_count(1)
{ }
virtual bool Write(wxSTD ostream& WXUNUSED(str)) const { return false; }
virtual bool Read(wxSTD istream& WXUNUSED(str)) { return false; }
virtual bool Write(wxString& WXUNUSED(str)) const { return false; }
virtual bool Read(wxString& WXUNUSED(str)) { return false; }
// Override these to provide common functionality
virtual bool Eq(wxVariantData& data) const = 0;
// What type is it? Return a string name.
virtual wxString GetType() const = 0;
// returns the type info of the content
virtual const wxTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo() const = 0;
// If it based on wxObject return the ClassInfo.
virtual wxClassInfo* GetValueClassInfo() { return NULL; }
int GetRefCount() const
{ return m_count; }
void IncRef()
{ m_count++; }
void DecRef()
if ( --m_count == 0 )
delete this;
// Protected dtor should make some incompatible code
// break more louder. That is, they should do data->DecRef()
// instead of delete data.
virtual ~wxVariantData() {}
int m_count;
template<typename T> class wxVariantDataT : public wxVariantData
wxVariantDataT(const T& d) : m_data(d) {}
virtual ~wxVariantDataT() {}
// get a ref to the stored data
T & Get() { return m_data; }
// get a const ref to the stored data
const T & Get() const { return m_data; }
// set the data
void Set(const T& d) { m_data = d; }
// Override these to provide common functionality
virtual bool Eq(wxVariantData& WXUNUSED(data)) const
{ return false; /* FIXME!! */ }
// What type is it? Return a string name.
virtual wxString GetType() const
{ return GetTypeInfo()->GetTypeName(); }
// return a heap allocated duplicate
//virtual wxVariantData* Clone() const { return new wxVariantDataT<T>( Get() ); }
// returns the type info of the contentc
virtual const wxTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo() const { return wxGetTypeInfo( (T*) NULL ); }
T m_data;
* wxVariantBase can store any kind of data, but has some basic types
* built in.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxVariantBase
wxVariantBase(const wxVariantBase& variant);
wxVariantBase(wxVariantData* data, const wxString& name = wxEmptyString);
template<typename T>
wxVariantBase(const T& data, const wxString& name = wxEmptyString) :
m_data(new wxVariantDataT<T>(data)), m_name(name) {}
virtual ~wxVariantBase();
// generic assignment
void operator= (const wxVariantBase& variant);
// Assignment using data, e.g.
// myVariant = new wxStringVariantData("hello");
void operator= (wxVariantData* variantData);
bool operator== (const wxVariantBase& variant) const;
bool operator!= (const wxVariantBase& variant) const;
// Sets/gets name
inline void SetName(const wxString& name) { m_name = name; }
inline const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name; }
// Tests whether there is data
bool IsNull() const;
// FIXME: used by wxVariantBase code but is nice wording...
bool IsEmpty() const { return IsNull(); }
// For compatibility with wxWidgets <= 2.6, this doesn't increase
// reference count.
wxVariantData* GetData() const { return m_data; }
void SetData(wxVariantData* data) ;
// make a 'clone' of the object
void Ref(const wxVariantBase& clone);
// destroy a reference
void UnRef();
// Make NULL (i.e. delete the data)
void MakeNull();
// write contents to a string (e.g. for debugging)
wxString MakeString() const;
// Delete data and name
void Clear();
// Returns a string representing the type of the variant,
// e.g. "string", "bool", "stringlist", "list", "double", "long"
wxString GetType() const;
bool IsType(const wxString& type) const;
bool IsValueKindOf(const wxClassInfo* type) const;
// FIXME wxXTI methods:
// get the typeinfo of the stored object
const wxTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo() const
if (!m_data)
return NULL;
return m_data->GetTypeInfo();
// get a ref to the stored data
template<typename T> T& Get(wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_FIX(T))
wxVariantDataT<T> *dataptr =
wx_dynamic_cast(wxVariantDataT<T>*, m_data);
wxASSERT_MSG( dataptr,
wxString::Format(wxT("Cast to %s not possible"), typeid(T).name()) );
return dataptr->Get();
// get a const ref to the stored data
template<typename T> const T& Get(wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_FIX(T)) const
const wxVariantDataT<T> *dataptr =
wx_dynamic_cast(const wxVariantDataT<T>*, m_data);
wxASSERT_MSG( dataptr,
wxString::Format(wxT("Cast to %s not possible"), typeid(T).name()) );
return dataptr->Get();
template<typename T> bool HasData(wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_FIX(T)) const
const wxVariantDataT<T> *dataptr =
wx_dynamic_cast(const wxVariantDataT<T>*, m_data);
return dataptr != NULL;
// returns this value as string
wxString GetAsString() const;
// gets the stored data casted to a wxObject*,
// returning NULL if cast is not possible
wxObject* GetAsObject();
wxVariantData* m_data;
wxString m_name;
#include "wx/dynarray.h"
// templated streaming, every type must have their specialization for these methods
template<typename T>
void wxStringReadValue( const wxString &s, T &data );
template<typename T>
void wxStringWriteValue( wxString &s, const T &data);
template<typename T>
void wxToStringConverter( const wxVariantBase &v, wxString &s wxTEMPLATED_FUNCTION_FIX(T)) \
{ wxStringWriteValue( s, v.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get, T) ); }
template<typename T>
void wxFromStringConverter( const wxString &s, wxVariantBase &v wxTEMPLATED_FUNCTION_FIX(T)) \
{ T d; wxStringReadValue( s, d ); v = wxVariantBase(d); }
#endif // wxUSE_VARIANT
#endif // _WX_VARIANTBASE_H_