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How to build the sources from CVS
I) Windows using plain makefiles
No idea, never did it.
II) Unix using plain makefiles.
Set WXWIN environment variable to the base directory such
as ~/wxWindows
-> type: export WXWIN=~/wxWindows
Edit ~/wxWindows/src/make.env as you wish.
-> type: cd ~/wxWindows/src/gtk
-> type: cp ./setup0.h setup.h
-> type: make -f makefile.unx gtk
-> pray
III) Windows using configure
No idea.., but take a look at Unix->Windows cross compiling. With minor
modifications, this should work in Windows if you've got the cygnus
utilities (bash, GNU make, etc) and either mingw32 or cygwin32 installed.
See http://www.cygnus.com for these programs.
IV) Unix using configure
a) You have all the newest and greatest GNU tools installed on your system
and in the same directory hierachy (e.g. either all tools in /usr or all
in /usr/local), these tools are:
- GNU libtool 1.2e (1.3 doesn't work here)
- GNU autoconf 2.13 (including autoheader 2.13)
- GNU automake 1.4 (including aclocal 1.4)
and possibly but not forcibly
- GNU make 3.76.1
- GNU C++ (EGCS)
-> Go to the base directory
-> type: ./autogen.sh
b) You don't know what autos are and have no driver's licence anyway:
-> Go to the testconf directory
-> type: ./apply
a+b) Then proceed in either case with:
-> Choose a directory name that seems fit for building wxWindows, e.g. mybuild
-> Go the base directory
-> type: mkdir mybuild
-> type: cd mybuild
-> type: ../configure --with-gtk
or type: ../configure --with-motif
or type: ../configure --with-wine
-> type make
-> drink lots of coffee and go shopping
V) MacOS
VI) OS/2
VII) Unix->Windows cross-compiling using configure
First you'll need a cross-compiler; linux glibc binaries of mingw32 and
cygwin32 (both based on egcs) can be found at
ftp://ftp.objsw.com/pub/crossgcc/linux-x-win32. Otherwise you can
compile one yourself. Check the relevant FAQs.
[ A Note about cygwin32 and mingw32: the main difference is that cygwin32
binaries are always linked against cygwin.dll. This dll encapsulates most
standard Unix C extensions, which is very handy if you're porting unix
software to windows. However, wxMSW doesn't need this, so mingw32 is
preferable if you write portable C(++). ]
You might want to build both Unix and Windows binaries in the same source
tree; to do this make subdirs for each e.g. unix and win32. If you've
already build wxWindows in the main dir, do a 'make distclean' there,
otherwise configure will get confused. (In any case, read the section 'Unix
using configure' and make sure you're able to build a native wxWindows
library; cross-compiling errors can be pretty obscure and you'll want to be
sure that your configure setup is basically sound.)
To cross compile the windows library, do
-> cd win32
-> CC=i586-mingw32-gcc CXX=i586-mingw32-g++ RANLIB=i586-mingw32-ranlib \
DLLTOOL=i586-mingw32-dlltool LD=i586-mingw32-ld NM=i586-mingw32-nm \
../configure --host=i586-mingw32 --with-mingw --enable-dnd=no
(assuming you're using mingw32)
The important thing to notice here is that we suply configure with the names
of all the non-default binutils (make sure they're in the PATH!), and that
we tell configure to build for the host platform i586-mingw32.
Drag'n'drop is disabled because mingw32 lacks (AFAIK) OLE headers.
Configure will conclude that shared libraries are out of the question and
opt for a static one. I haven't looked into DLL creation yet.
When configure is finished, examine setup.h in the win32 directory. Search for
wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS, it will be defined twice. Remove the second define (0).
If your cross-compiler is egcs-based, you might want to add #define __EGCS__
in setup.h (only used by common/timercmn.cpp).
-> make -C src
and wait, wait, wait. Don't leave the room, because the minute you do there
will be a compile error :-)
If this is successful, try building the minimal sample:
-> cd samples/minimal
-> make
-> mv minimal minimal.exe
and run it with wine, for example
-> wine minimal.exe
If all is well, do an install; from win32
-> make install
Native and cross-compiled installations can co-exist peacefully
(as long as their widget sets differ), except for wx-config. You might
want to rename the cross-compiled one to i586-mingw32-wx-config, or something.