2005-02-25 18:50:26 -05:00
# Name: TextEditor.py
# Purpose: Text Editor for pydocview
# Author: Peter Yared
# Created: 8/15/03
# CVS-ID: $Id$
2005-04-08 15:04:58 -04:00
# Copyright: (c) 2003-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
2005-05-04 20:10:29 -04:00
# License: wxWindows License
2005-02-25 18:50:26 -05:00
import wx
import wx . lib . docview
import wx . lib . pydocview
import string
import FindService
_ = wx . GetTranslation
class TextDocument ( wx . lib . docview . Document ) :
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def __init__ ( self ) :
wx . lib . docview . Document . __init__ ( self )
self . _inModify = False
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2006-04-20 02:26:03 -04:00
def SaveObject ( self , fileObject ) :
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view = self . GetFirstView ( )
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fileObject . write ( view . GetTextCtrl ( ) . GetValue ( ) )
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return True
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def LoadObject ( self , fileObject ) :
2005-02-25 18:50:26 -05:00
view = self . GetFirstView ( )
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data = fileObject . read ( )
view . GetTextCtrl ( ) . SetValue ( data )
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return True
def IsModified ( self ) :
view = self . GetFirstView ( )
if view and view . GetTextCtrl ( ) :
2006-04-20 02:26:03 -04:00
return view . GetTextCtrl ( ) . IsModified ( )
return False
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2006-04-20 02:26:03 -04:00
def Modify ( self , modify ) :
if self . _inModify :
self . _inModify = True
2005-02-25 18:50:26 -05:00
view = self . GetFirstView ( )
2006-04-20 02:26:03 -04:00
if not modify and view and view . GetTextCtrl ( ) :
2005-02-25 18:50:26 -05:00
view . GetTextCtrl ( ) . DiscardEdits ( )
2006-04-20 02:26:03 -04:00
wx . lib . docview . Document . Modify ( self , modify ) # this must called be after the DiscardEdits call above.
self . _inModify = False
2005-02-25 18:50:26 -05:00
class TextView ( wx . lib . docview . View ) :
# Overridden methods
def __init__ ( self ) :
wx . lib . docview . View . __init__ ( self )
self . _textCtrl = None
self . _wordWrap = wx . ConfigBase_Get ( ) . ReadInt ( " TextEditorWordWrap " , True )
def OnCreate ( self , doc , flags ) :
frame = wx . GetApp ( ) . CreateDocumentFrame ( self , doc , flags )
sizer = wx . BoxSizer ( )
font , color = self . _GetFontAndColorFromConfig ( )
self . _textCtrl = self . _BuildTextCtrl ( frame , font , color = color )
2006-04-20 02:26:03 -04:00
self . _textCtrl . Bind ( wx . EVT_TEXT , self . OnModify )
2005-02-25 18:50:26 -05:00
sizer . Add ( self . _textCtrl , 1 , wx . EXPAND , 0 )
frame . SetSizer ( sizer )
frame . Layout ( )
frame . Show ( True )
self . Activate ( )
return True
2006-04-20 02:26:03 -04:00
def OnModify ( self , event ) :
self . GetDocument ( ) . Modify ( True )
2005-02-25 18:50:26 -05:00
def _BuildTextCtrl ( self , parent , font , color = wx . BLACK , value = " " , selection = [ 0 , 0 ] ) :
if self . _wordWrap :
wordWrapStyle = wx . TE_WORDWRAP
else :
wordWrapStyle = wx . TE_DONTWRAP
textCtrl = wx . TextCtrl ( parent , - 1 , pos = wx . DefaultPosition , size = parent . GetClientSize ( ) , style = wx . TE_MULTILINE | wordWrapStyle )
textCtrl . SetFont ( font )
textCtrl . SetForegroundColour ( color )
textCtrl . SetValue ( value )
return textCtrl
def _GetFontAndColorFromConfig ( self ) :
font = wx . Font ( 10 , wx . DEFAULT , wx . NORMAL , wx . NORMAL )
config = wx . ConfigBase_Get ( )
fontData = config . Read ( " TextEditorFont " , " " )
if fontData :
nativeFont = wx . NativeFontInfo ( )
nativeFont . FromString ( fontData )
font . SetNativeFontInfo ( nativeFont )
color = wx . BLACK
colorData = config . Read ( " TextEditorColor " , " " )
if colorData :
red = int ( " 0x " + colorData [ 0 : 2 ] , 16 )
green = int ( " 0x " + colorData [ 2 : 4 ] , 16 )
blue = int ( " 0x " + colorData [ 4 : 6 ] , 16 )
color = wx . Color ( red , green , blue )
return font , color
def OnCreateCommandProcessor ( self ) :
# Don't create a command processor, it has its own
def OnActivateView ( self , activate , activeView , deactiveView ) :
if activate and self . _textCtrl :
# In MDI mode just calling set focus doesn't work and in SDI mode using CallAfter causes an endless loop
if self . GetDocumentManager ( ) . GetFlags ( ) & wx . lib . docview . DOC_SDI :
self . _textCtrl . SetFocus ( )
else :
def SetFocusToTextCtrl ( ) :
if self . _textCtrl : # Need to make sure it is there in case we are in the closeall mode of the MDI window
self . _textCtrl . SetFocus ( )
wx . CallAfter ( SetFocusToTextCtrl )
def OnUpdate ( self , sender = None , hint = None ) :
2006-04-20 02:26:03 -04:00
if wx . lib . docview . View . OnUpdate ( self , sender , hint ) :
2005-02-25 18:50:26 -05:00
if hint == " Word Wrap " :
self . SetWordWrap ( wx . ConfigBase_Get ( ) . ReadInt ( " TextEditorWordWrap " , True ) )
elif hint == " Font " :
font , color = self . _GetFontAndColorFromConfig ( )
self . SetFont ( font , color )
def OnClose ( self , deleteWindow = True ) :
if not wx . lib . docview . View . OnClose ( self , deleteWindow ) :
return False
self . Activate ( False )
2005-04-08 15:04:58 -04:00
if deleteWindow and self . GetFrame ( ) :
2005-02-25 18:50:26 -05:00
self . GetFrame ( ) . Destroy ( )
return True
# Since ProcessEvent is not virtual, we have to trap the relevant events using this pseudo-ProcessEvent instead of EVT_MENU
def ProcessEvent ( self , event ) :
id = event . GetId ( )
if id == wx . ID_UNDO :
if not self . _textCtrl :
return False
self . _textCtrl . Undo ( )
return True
elif id == wx . ID_REDO :
if not self . _textCtrl :
return False
self . _textCtrl . Redo ( )
return True
elif id == wx . ID_CUT :
if not self . _textCtrl :
return False
self . _textCtrl . Cut ( )
return True
elif id == wx . ID_COPY :
if not self . _textCtrl :
return False
self . _textCtrl . Copy ( )
return True
elif id == wx . ID_PASTE :
if not self . _textCtrl :
return False
self . _textCtrl . Paste ( )
return True
elif id == wx . ID_CLEAR :
if not self . _textCtrl :
return False
self . _textCtrl . Replace ( self . _textCtrl . GetSelection ( ) [ 0 ] , self . _textCtrl . GetSelection ( ) [ 1 ] , ' ' )
return True
elif id == wx . ID_SELECTALL :
if not self . _textCtrl :
return False
self . _textCtrl . SetSelection ( - 1 , - 1 )
return True
elif id == TextService . CHOOSE_FONT_ID :
if not self . _textCtrl :
return False
self . OnChooseFont ( event )
return True
elif id == TextService . WORD_WRAP_ID :
if not self . _textCtrl :
return False
self . OnWordWrap ( event )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . FIND_ID :
self . OnFind ( )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . FIND_PREVIOUS_ID :
self . DoFind ( forceFindPrevious = True )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . FIND_NEXT_ID :
self . DoFind ( forceFindNext = True )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . REPLACE_ID :
self . OnFind ( replace = True )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . FINDONE_ID :
self . DoFind ( )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . REPLACEONE_ID :
self . DoFind ( replace = True )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . REPLACEALL_ID :
self . DoFind ( replaceAll = True )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . GOTO_LINE_ID :
self . OnGotoLine ( event )
return True
else :
return wx . lib . docview . View . ProcessEvent ( self , event )
def ProcessUpdateUIEvent ( self , event ) :
if not self . _textCtrl :
return False
hasText = len ( self . _textCtrl . GetValue ( ) ) > 0
id = event . GetId ( )
if id == wx . ID_UNDO :
event . Enable ( self . _textCtrl . CanUndo ( ) )
return True
elif id == wx . ID_REDO :
event . Enable ( self . _textCtrl . CanRedo ( ) )
return True
if id == wx . ID_CUT :
event . Enable ( self . _textCtrl . CanCut ( ) )
return True
elif id == wx . ID_COPY :
event . Enable ( self . _textCtrl . CanCopy ( ) )
return True
elif id == wx . ID_PASTE :
event . Enable ( self . _textCtrl . CanPaste ( ) )
return True
elif id == wx . ID_CLEAR :
2005-04-08 15:04:58 -04:00
event . Enable ( self . _textCtrl . CanCopy ( ) )
2005-02-25 18:50:26 -05:00
return True
elif id == wx . ID_SELECTALL :
event . Enable ( hasText )
return True
elif id == TextService . CHOOSE_FONT_ID :
event . Enable ( True )
return True
elif id == TextService . WORD_WRAP_ID :
event . Enable ( True )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . FIND_ID :
event . Enable ( hasText )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . FIND_PREVIOUS_ID :
event . Enable ( hasText and
self . _FindServiceHasString ( ) and
self . _textCtrl . GetSelection ( ) [ 0 ] > 0 )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . FIND_NEXT_ID :
event . Enable ( hasText and
self . _FindServiceHasString ( ) and
self . _textCtrl . GetSelection ( ) [ 0 ] < len ( self . _textCtrl . GetValue ( ) ) )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . REPLACE_ID :
event . Enable ( hasText )
return True
elif id == FindService . FindService . GOTO_LINE_ID :
event . Enable ( True )
return True
else :
return wx . lib . docview . View . ProcessUpdateUIEvent ( self , event )
# Methods for TextDocument to call
def GetTextCtrl ( self ) :
return self . _textCtrl
# Format methods
def OnChooseFont ( self , event ) :
data = wx . FontData ( )
data . EnableEffects ( True )
data . SetInitialFont ( self . _textCtrl . GetFont ( ) )
data . SetColour ( self . _textCtrl . GetForegroundColour ( ) )
fontDialog = wx . FontDialog ( self . GetFrame ( ) , data )
if fontDialog . ShowModal ( ) == wx . ID_OK :
data = fontDialog . GetFontData ( )
self . SetFont ( data . GetChosenFont ( ) , data . GetColour ( ) )
fontDialog . Destroy ( )
def SetFont ( self , font , color ) :
self . _textCtrl . SetFont ( font )
self . _textCtrl . SetForegroundColour ( color )
self . _textCtrl . Refresh ( )
self . _textCtrl . Layout ( )
def OnWordWrap ( self , event ) :
self . SetWordWrap ( not self . GetWordWrap ( ) )
def GetWordWrap ( self ) :
return self . _wordWrap
def SetWordWrap ( self , wordWrap = True ) :
self . _wordWrap = wordWrap
temp = self . _textCtrl
self . _textCtrl = self . _BuildTextCtrl ( temp . GetParent ( ) ,
font = temp . GetFont ( ) ,
color = temp . GetForegroundColour ( ) ,
value = temp . GetValue ( ) ,
selection = temp . GetSelection ( ) )
self . GetDocument ( ) . Modify ( temp . IsModified ( ) )
temp . Destroy ( )
# Find methods
def OnFind ( self , replace = False ) :
findService = wx . GetApp ( ) . GetService ( FindService . FindService )
if findService :
findService . ShowFindReplaceDialog ( findString = self . _textCtrl . GetStringSelection ( ) , replace = replace )
def DoFind ( self , forceFindNext = False , forceFindPrevious = False , replace = False , replaceAll = False ) :
findService = wx . GetApp ( ) . GetService ( FindService . FindService )
if not findService :
findString = findService . GetFindString ( )
if len ( findString ) == 0 :
return - 1
replaceString = findService . GetReplaceString ( )
flags = findService . GetFlags ( )
startLoc , endLoc = self . _textCtrl . GetSelection ( )
wholeWord = flags & wx . FR_WHOLEWORD > 0
matchCase = flags & wx . FR_MATCHCASE > 0
regExp = flags & FindService . FindService . FR_REGEXP > 0
down = flags & wx . FR_DOWN > 0
wrap = flags & FindService . FindService . FR_WRAP > 0
if forceFindPrevious : # this is from function keys, not dialog box
down = False
wrap = False # user would want to know they're at the end of file
elif forceFindNext :
down = True
wrap = False # user would want to know they're at the end of file
# On replace dialog operations, user is allowed to replace the currently highlighted text to determine if it should be replaced or not.
# Typically, it is the text from a previous find operation, but we must check to see if it isn't, user may have moved the cursor or selected some other text accidentally.
# If the text is a match, then replace it.
if replace :
result , start , end , replText = findService . DoFind ( findString , replaceString , self . _textCtrl . GetStringSelection ( ) , 0 , 0 , True , matchCase , wholeWord , regExp , replace )
if result > 0 :
self . _textCtrl . Replace ( startLoc , endLoc , replaceString )
self . GetDocument ( ) . Modify ( True )
wx . GetApp ( ) . GetTopWindow ( ) . PushStatusText ( _ ( " 1 occurrence of \" %s \" replaced " ) % findString )
if down :
startLoc + = len ( replText ) # advance start location past replacement string to new text
endLoc = startLoc
text = self . _textCtrl . GetValue ( )
if wx . Platform == " __WXMSW__ " :
text = string . replace ( text , ' \n ' , ' \r \n ' )
# Find the next matching text occurance or if it is a ReplaceAll, replace all occurances
# Even if the user is Replacing, we should replace here, but only select the text and let the user replace it with the next Replace operation
result , start , end , text = findService . DoFind ( findString , replaceString , text , startLoc , endLoc , down , matchCase , wholeWord , regExp , False , replaceAll , wrap )
if result > 0 :
self . _textCtrl . SetValue ( text )
self . GetDocument ( ) . Modify ( True )
if result == 1 :
wx . GetApp ( ) . GetTopWindow ( ) . PushStatusText ( _ ( " 1 occurrence of \" %s \" replaced " ) % findString )
else :
wx . GetApp ( ) . GetTopWindow ( ) . PushStatusText ( _ ( " %i occurrences of \" %s \" replaced " ) % ( result , findString ) )
elif result == 0 :
self . _textCtrl . SetSelection ( start , end )
self . _textCtrl . SetFocus ( )
wx . GetApp ( ) . GetTopWindow ( ) . PushStatusText ( _ ( " Found \" %s \" " ) % findString )
else :
wx . GetApp ( ) . GetTopWindow ( ) . PushStatusText ( _ ( " Can ' t find \" %s \" " ) % findString )
def _FindServiceHasString ( self ) :
findService = wx . GetApp ( ) . GetService ( FindService . FindService )
if not findService or not findService . GetFindString ( ) :
return False
return True
def OnGotoLine ( self , event ) :
findService = wx . GetApp ( ) . GetService ( FindService . FindService )
if findService :
line = findService . GetLineNumber ( self . GetDocumentManager ( ) . FindSuitableParent ( ) )
if line > - 1 :
pos = self . _textCtrl . XYToPosition ( 0 , line - 1 )
self . _textCtrl . SetSelection ( pos , pos )
class TextService ( wx . lib . pydocview . DocService ) :
WORD_WRAP_ID = wx . NewId ( )
CHOOSE_FONT_ID = wx . NewId ( )
def __init__ ( self ) :
wx . lib . pydocview . DocService . __init__ ( self )
def InstallControls ( self , frame , menuBar = None , toolBar = None , statusBar = None , document = None ) :
if document and document . GetDocumentTemplate ( ) . GetDocumentType ( ) != TextDocument :
config = wx . ConfigBase_Get ( )
formatMenuIndex = menuBar . FindMenu ( _ ( " &Format " ) )
if formatMenuIndex > - 1 :
formatMenu = menuBar . GetMenu ( formatMenuIndex )
else :
formatMenu = wx . Menu ( )
formatMenu = wx . Menu ( )
if not menuBar . FindItemById ( TextService . WORD_WRAP_ID ) :
formatMenu . AppendCheckItem ( TextService . WORD_WRAP_ID , _ ( " Word Wrap " ) , _ ( " Wraps text horizontally when checked " ) )
formatMenu . Check ( TextService . WORD_WRAP_ID , config . ReadInt ( " TextEditorWordWrap " , True ) )
wx . EVT_MENU ( frame , TextService . WORD_WRAP_ID , frame . ProcessEvent )
wx . EVT_UPDATE_UI ( frame , TextService . WORD_WRAP_ID , frame . ProcessUpdateUIEvent )
if not menuBar . FindItemById ( TextService . CHOOSE_FONT_ID ) :
formatMenu . Append ( TextService . CHOOSE_FONT_ID , _ ( " Font... " ) , _ ( " Sets the font to use " ) )
wx . EVT_MENU ( frame , TextService . CHOOSE_FONT_ID , frame . ProcessEvent )
wx . EVT_UPDATE_UI ( frame , TextService . CHOOSE_FONT_ID , frame . ProcessUpdateUIEvent )
if formatMenuIndex == - 1 :
viewMenuIndex = menuBar . FindMenu ( _ ( " &View " ) )
menuBar . Insert ( viewMenuIndex + 1 , formatMenu , _ ( " &Format " ) )
def ProcessUpdateUIEvent ( self , event ) :
id = event . GetId ( )
if id == TextService . CHOOSE_FONT_ID :
event . Enable ( False )
return True
elif id == TextService . WORD_WRAP_ID :
event . Enable ( False )
return True
else :
return False
class TextOptionsPanel ( wx . Panel ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent , id ) :
wx . Panel . __init__ ( self , parent , id )
SPACE = 10
config = wx . ConfigBase_Get ( )
self . _textFont = wx . Font ( 10 , wx . DEFAULT , wx . NORMAL , wx . NORMAL )
fontData = config . Read ( " TextEditorFont " , " " )
if fontData :
nativeFont = wx . NativeFontInfo ( )
nativeFont . FromString ( fontData )
self . _textFont . SetNativeFontInfo ( nativeFont )
self . _originalTextFont = self . _textFont
self . _textColor = wx . BLACK
colorData = config . Read ( " TextEditorColor " , " " )
if colorData :
red = int ( " 0x " + colorData [ 0 : 2 ] , 16 )
green = int ( " 0x " + colorData [ 2 : 4 ] , 16 )
blue = int ( " 0x " + colorData [ 4 : 6 ] , 16 )
self . _textColor = wx . Color ( red , green , blue )
self . _originalTextColor = self . _textColor
parent . AddPage ( self , _ ( " Text " ) )
fontLabel = wx . StaticText ( self , - 1 , _ ( " Font: " ) )
self . _sampleTextCtrl = wx . TextCtrl ( self , - 1 , " " , size = ( 125 , - 1 ) )
self . _sampleTextCtrl . SetEditable ( False )
chooseFontButton = wx . Button ( self , - 1 , _ ( " Choose Font... " ) )
wx . EVT_BUTTON ( self , chooseFontButton . GetId ( ) , self . OnChooseFont )
self . _wordWrapCheckBox = wx . CheckBox ( self , - 1 , _ ( " Wrap words inside text area " ) )
self . _wordWrapCheckBox . SetValue ( wx . ConfigBase_Get ( ) . ReadInt ( " TextEditorWordWrap " , True ) )
textPanelBorderSizer = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL )
textPanelSizer = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL )
textFontSizer = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL )
textFontSizer . Add ( fontLabel , 0 , wx . ALIGN_LEFT | wx . RIGHT | wx . TOP , HALF_SPACE )
textFontSizer . Add ( self . _sampleTextCtrl , 0 , wx . ALIGN_LEFT | wx . EXPAND | wx . RIGHT , HALF_SPACE )
textFontSizer . Add ( chooseFontButton , 0 , wx . ALIGN_RIGHT | wx . LEFT , HALF_SPACE )
textPanelSizer . Add ( textFontSizer , 0 , wx . ALL , HALF_SPACE )
textPanelSizer . Add ( self . _wordWrapCheckBox , 0 , wx . ALL , HALF_SPACE )
textPanelBorderSizer . Add ( textPanelSizer , 0 , wx . ALL , SPACE )
self . SetSizer ( textPanelBorderSizer )
self . UpdateSampleFont ( )
def UpdateSampleFont ( self ) :
nativeFont = wx . NativeFontInfo ( )
nativeFont . FromString ( self . _textFont . GetNativeFontInfoDesc ( ) )
font = wx . NullFont
font . SetNativeFontInfo ( nativeFont )
font . SetPointSize ( self . _sampleTextCtrl . GetFont ( ) . GetPointSize ( ) ) # Use the standard point size
self . _sampleTextCtrl . SetFont ( font )
self . _sampleTextCtrl . SetForegroundColour ( self . _textColor )
self . _sampleTextCtrl . SetValue ( _ ( " %d pt. %s " ) % ( self . _textFont . GetPointSize ( ) , self . _textFont . GetFaceName ( ) ) )
self . _sampleTextCtrl . Refresh ( )
self . Layout ( )
def OnChooseFont ( self , event ) :
data = wx . FontData ( )
data . EnableEffects ( True )
data . SetInitialFont ( self . _textFont )
data . SetColour ( self . _textColor )
fontDialog = wx . FontDialog ( self , data )
if fontDialog . ShowModal ( ) == wx . ID_OK :
data = fontDialog . GetFontData ( )
self . _textFont = data . GetChosenFont ( )
self . _textColor = data . GetColour ( )
self . UpdateSampleFont ( )
fontDialog . Destroy ( )
def OnOK ( self , optionsDialog ) :
config = wx . ConfigBase_Get ( )
doWordWrapUpdate = config . ReadInt ( " TextEditorWordWrap " , True ) != self . _wordWrapCheckBox . GetValue ( )
config . WriteInt ( " TextEditorWordWrap " , self . _wordWrapCheckBox . GetValue ( ) )
doFontUpdate = self . _originalTextFont != self . _textFont or self . _originalTextColor != self . _textColor
config . Write ( " TextEditorFont " , self . _textFont . GetNativeFontInfoDesc ( ) )
config . Write ( " TextEditorColor " , " %02x %02x %02x " % ( self . _textColor . Red ( ) , self . _textColor . Green ( ) , self . _textColor . Blue ( ) ) )
if doWordWrapUpdate or doFontUpdate :
for document in optionsDialog . GetDocManager ( ) . GetDocuments ( ) :
if document . GetDocumentTemplate ( ) . GetDocumentType ( ) == TextDocument :
if doWordWrapUpdate :
document . UpdateAllViews ( hint = " Word Wrap " )
if doFontUpdate :
document . UpdateAllViews ( hint = " Font " )