
111 lines
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rem Uncomment the next line to set the version; used also in wxWidgets.iss
echo docs building for %WXW_VER%
rem This builds the docs in %WXWIN% in a number of formats
rem and a clean inno setup in a second tree
rem it uses a number of tools nmake, gnuwin32 zip & dos2unix, ghostscript, MS word, cvsNT
rem cvs is in the path already from CVSNT install
rem writes a log file in c:\
echo Building wxWidgets-%WXW_VER% docs... > c:\temp.log
set WXWIN=c:\wx\wxWidgets
set DAILY=c:\daily
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\wx\wxw26b\utils\tex2rtf\src\vc_based;C:\wx\Gnu\bin;c:\progra~1\htmlhe~1;C:\PROGRA~1\INNOSE~1
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.51\lib;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.51\bin
echo %PATH% >> c:\temp.log
rem update wxwidgets (holds docs) and inno (cvs wxMSW setup.exe only)
cd %WXWIN%
cvs up -P -d
rem now inno
cd \wx\inno\wxWidgets
del c*.*
if exist include\wx\msw\setup.h del include\wx\msw\setup.h
if exist include\wx\univ\setup.h del include\wx\univ\setup.h
cvs up -P
dos2unix configure
dos2unix config.guess
dos2unix config.sub
copy include\wx\msw\setup0.h include\wx\msw\setup.h
copy include\wx\univ\setup0.h include\wx\univ\setup.h
echo CVS update >> c:\temp.log
rem add bakefile build...
rem just build the formats not in the CVS to keep down the .#makefile...
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\wx\Bakefile\src
cd \wx\inno\wxWidgets\build\bakefiles
del .bakefile_gen.state
bakefile_gen -f dmars,dmars,msevc4prj,dmars_smake >> c:\temp.log
rem add nmake to the path and build the docs
call \vc6
echo %PATH% >> c:\temp.log
SET >> c:\temp.log
cd %WXWIN%\build\script
nmake -f makedocs.vc cleandocs
nmake -f makedocs.vc alldocs
del %DAILY%\in\*.p*
mkdir %WXWIN%\docs\pdf
mkdir %WXWIN%\docs\htmlhelp
mkdir %WXWIN%\docs\htb
echo starting word >> c:\temp.log
start /WAIT winword /mwx_ps
echo cvs doc up part 2 >> c:\temp.log
rem use ghostscript ps2pdf - add extra path first
rem set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.51\lib;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.51\bin
rem set PATH=%PATH%;C:\wx\GnuWin32\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\INNOSE~1
cd %DAILY%\in
call ps2pdf wx.ps >> c:\temp.log
call ps2pdf fl.ps >> c:\temp.log
call ps2pdf gizmos.ps >> c:\temp.log
call ps2pdf mmedia.ps >> c:\temp.log
call ps2pdf ogl.ps >> c:\temp.log
call ps2pdf svg.ps >> c:\temp.log
call ps2pdf tex2rtf.ps >> c:\temp.log
echo Zipping
cd %WXWIN%
del %DAILY%\*.zip
zip %DAILY%\wxWidgets-%WXW_VER%-CHM.zip docs\htmlhelp\wx.chm utils/tex2rtf/docs/*.chm docs/htmlhelp/*.chm
zip %DAILY%\wxWidgets-%WXW_VER%-HLP.zip docs\winhelp\wx.hlp docs\winhelp\wx.cnt utils/tex2rtf/docs/*.HLP utils/tex2rtf/docs/*.cnt docs/winhelp/*.hlp docs/winhelp/*.cnt
cd %DAILY%\
mkdir docs
mkdir docs\pdf
del docs\pdf\*.pdf
move in\*.pdf docs\pdf
zip wxWidgets-%WXW_VER%-PDF.zip docs\pdf\*.pdf
rem copy chm to inno
cd %WXWIN%
mkdir c:\wx\inno\wxWidgets\docs\htmlhelp
copy docs\htmlhelp\wx.chm \wx\inno\wxWidgets\docs\htmlhelp\wx.chm
cd %WXWIN%\build\script
iscc wxwidgets.iss >> c:\temp.log
rem echo setting S
rem echo yes > net use s: /delete
rem net use s: \\biolpc22\bake
rem net use >> c:\temp.log
rem copy %DAILY%\*.ZIP s:\bkl-cronjob\archives\win
rem copy %DAILY%\*.exe s:\bkl-cronjob\archives\win\*.exe
rem dir s: /od >> c:\temp.log
echo docs built for %WXW_VER%
echo docs built for %WXW_VER% >> c:\temp.log