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# Name: wx.lib.flashwin
# Purpose: A class that allows the use of the Shockwave Flash
# ActiveX control
# Author: Robin Dunn
# Created: 22-March-2004
# RCS-ID: $Id$
# Copyright: (c) 2004 by Total Control Software
# Licence: wxWindows license
# This module was generated by the wx.activex.GernerateAXModule class
# (See also the genaxmodule script.)
import wx
import wx.activex
clsID = '{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000}'
progID = 'ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.1'
# Create eventTypes and event binders
wxEVT_ReadyStateChange = wx.activex.RegisterActiveXEvent('OnReadyStateChange')
wxEVT_Progress = wx.activex.RegisterActiveXEvent('OnProgress')
wxEVT_FSCommand = wx.activex.RegisterActiveXEvent('FSCommand')
EVT_ReadyStateChange = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_ReadyStateChange, 1)
EVT_Progress = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_Progress, 1)
EVT_FSCommand = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_FSCommand, 1)
# Derive a new class from ActiveXWindow
class FlashWindow(wx.activex.ActiveXWindow):
def __init__(self, parent, ID=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, name='FlashWindow'):
wx.activex.ActiveXWindow.__init__(self, parent,
ID, pos, size, style, name)
# Methods exported by the ActiveX object
def QueryInterface(self, riid):
return self.CallAXMethod('QueryInterface', riid)
def AddRef(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('AddRef')
def Release(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('Release')
def GetTypeInfoCount(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('GetTypeInfoCount')
def GetTypeInfo(self, itinfo, lcid):
return self.CallAXMethod('GetTypeInfo', itinfo, lcid)
def GetIDsOfNames(self, riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid):
return self.CallAXMethod('GetIDsOfNames', riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid)
def Invoke(self, dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams):
return self.CallAXMethod('Invoke', dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams)
def SetZoomRect(self, left, top, right, bottom):
return self.CallAXMethod('SetZoomRect', left, top, right, bottom)
def Zoom(self, factor):
return self.CallAXMethod('Zoom', factor)
def Pan(self, x, y, mode):
return self.CallAXMethod('Pan', x, y, mode)
def Play(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('Play')
def Stop(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('Stop')
def Back(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('Back')
def Forward(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('Forward')
def Rewind(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('Rewind')
def StopPlay(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('StopPlay')
def GotoFrame(self, FrameNum):
return self.CallAXMethod('GotoFrame', FrameNum)
def CurrentFrame(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('CurrentFrame')
def IsPlaying(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('IsPlaying')
def PercentLoaded(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('PercentLoaded')
def FrameLoaded(self, FrameNum):
return self.CallAXMethod('FrameLoaded', FrameNum)
def FlashVersion(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('FlashVersion')
def LoadMovie(self, layer, url):
return self.CallAXMethod('LoadMovie', layer, url)
def TGotoFrame(self, target, FrameNum):
return self.CallAXMethod('TGotoFrame', target, FrameNum)
def TGotoLabel(self, target, label):
return self.CallAXMethod('TGotoLabel', target, label)
def TCurrentFrame(self, target):
return self.CallAXMethod('TCurrentFrame', target)
def TCurrentLabel(self, target):
return self.CallAXMethod('TCurrentLabel', target)
def TPlay(self, target):
return self.CallAXMethod('TPlay', target)
def TStopPlay(self, target):
return self.CallAXMethod('TStopPlay', target)
def SetVariable(self, name, value):
return self.CallAXMethod('SetVariable', name, value)
def GetVariable(self, name):
return self.CallAXMethod('GetVariable', name)
def TSetProperty(self, target, property, value):
return self.CallAXMethod('TSetProperty', target, property, value)
def TGetProperty(self, target, property):
return self.CallAXMethod('TGetProperty', target, property)
def TCallFrame(self, target, FrameNum):
return self.CallAXMethod('TCallFrame', target, FrameNum)
def TCallLabel(self, target, label):
return self.CallAXMethod('TCallLabel', target, label)
def TSetPropertyNum(self, target, property, value):
return self.CallAXMethod('TSetPropertyNum', target, property, value)
def TGetPropertyNum(self, target, property):
return self.CallAXMethod('TGetPropertyNum', target, property)
def TGetPropertyAsNumber(self, target, property):
return self.CallAXMethod('TGetPropertyAsNumber', target, property)
# Getters, Setters and properties
def _get_ReadyState(self):
return self.GetAXProp('ReadyState')
readystate = property(_get_ReadyState, None)
def _get_TotalFrames(self):
return self.GetAXProp('TotalFrames')
totalframes = property(_get_TotalFrames, None)
def _get_Playing(self):
return self.GetAXProp('Playing')
def _set_Playing(self, Playing):
self.SetAXProp('Playing', Playing)
playing = property(_get_Playing, _set_Playing)
def _get_Quality(self):
return self.GetAXProp('Quality')
def _set_Quality(self, Quality):
self.SetAXProp('Quality', Quality)
quality = property(_get_Quality, _set_Quality)
def _get_ScaleMode(self):
return self.GetAXProp('ScaleMode')
def _set_ScaleMode(self, ScaleMode):
self.SetAXProp('ScaleMode', ScaleMode)
scalemode = property(_get_ScaleMode, _set_ScaleMode)
def _get_AlignMode(self):
return self.GetAXProp('AlignMode')
def _set_AlignMode(self, AlignMode):
self.SetAXProp('AlignMode', AlignMode)
alignmode = property(_get_AlignMode, _set_AlignMode)
def _get_BackgroundColor(self):
return self.GetAXProp('BackgroundColor')
def _set_BackgroundColor(self, BackgroundColor):
self.SetAXProp('BackgroundColor', BackgroundColor)
backgroundcolor = property(_get_BackgroundColor, _set_BackgroundColor)
def _get_Loop(self):
return self.GetAXProp('Loop')
def _set_Loop(self, Loop):
self.SetAXProp('Loop', Loop)
loop = property(_get_Loop, _set_Loop)
def _get_Movie(self):
return self.GetAXProp('Movie')
def _set_Movie(self, Movie):
self.SetAXProp('Movie', Movie)
movie = property(_get_Movie, _set_Movie)
def _get_FrameNum(self):
return self.GetAXProp('FrameNum')
def _set_FrameNum(self, FrameNum):
self.SetAXProp('FrameNum', FrameNum)
framenum = property(_get_FrameNum, _set_FrameNum)
def _get_WMode(self):
return self.GetAXProp('WMode')
def _set_WMode(self, WMode):
self.SetAXProp('WMode', WMode)
wmode = property(_get_WMode, _set_WMode)
def _get_SAlign(self):
return self.GetAXProp('SAlign')
def _set_SAlign(self, SAlign):
self.SetAXProp('SAlign', SAlign)
salign = property(_get_SAlign, _set_SAlign)
def _get_Menu(self):
return self.GetAXProp('Menu')
def _set_Menu(self, Menu):
self.SetAXProp('Menu', Menu)
menu = property(_get_Menu, _set_Menu)
def _get_Base(self):
return self.GetAXProp('Base')
def _set_Base(self, Base):
self.SetAXProp('Base', Base)
base = property(_get_Base, _set_Base)
def _get_Scale(self):
return self.GetAXProp('Scale')
def _set_Scale(self, Scale):
self.SetAXProp('Scale', Scale)
scale = property(_get_Scale, _set_Scale)
def _get_DeviceFont(self):
return self.GetAXProp('DeviceFont')
def _set_DeviceFont(self, DeviceFont):
self.SetAXProp('DeviceFont', DeviceFont)
devicefont = property(_get_DeviceFont, _set_DeviceFont)
def _get_EmbedMovie(self):
return self.GetAXProp('EmbedMovie')
def _set_EmbedMovie(self, EmbedMovie):
self.SetAXProp('EmbedMovie', EmbedMovie)
embedmovie = property(_get_EmbedMovie, _set_EmbedMovie)
def _get_BGColor(self):
return self.GetAXProp('BGColor')
def _set_BGColor(self, BGColor):
self.SetAXProp('BGColor', BGColor)
bgcolor = property(_get_BGColor, _set_BGColor)
def _get_Quality2(self):
return self.GetAXProp('Quality2')
def _set_Quality2(self, Quality2):
self.SetAXProp('Quality2', Quality2)
quality2 = property(_get_Quality2, _set_Quality2)
def _get_SWRemote(self):
return self.GetAXProp('SWRemote')
def _set_SWRemote(self, SWRemote):
self.SetAXProp('SWRemote', SWRemote)
swremote = property(_get_SWRemote, _set_SWRemote)
def _get_FlashVars(self):
return self.GetAXProp('FlashVars')
def _set_FlashVars(self, FlashVars):
self.SetAXProp('FlashVars', FlashVars)
flashvars = property(_get_FlashVars, _set_FlashVars)
def _get_AllowScriptAccess(self):
return self.GetAXProp('AllowScriptAccess')
def _set_AllowScriptAccess(self, AllowScriptAccess):
self.SetAXProp('AllowScriptAccess', AllowScriptAccess)
allowscriptaccess = property(_get_AllowScriptAccess, _set_AllowScriptAccess)
def _get_MovieData(self):
return self.GetAXProp('MovieData')
def _set_MovieData(self, MovieData):
self.SetAXProp('MovieData', MovieData)
moviedata = property(_get_MovieData, _set_MovieData)
# --------------------
# readystate
# type:int arg:VT_EMPTY canGet:True canSet:False
# totalframes
# type:int arg:VT_EMPTY canGet:True canSet:False
# playing
# type:bool arg:bool canGet:True canSet:True
# quality
# type:int arg:int canGet:True canSet:True
# scalemode
# type:int arg:int canGet:True canSet:True
# alignmode
# type:int arg:int canGet:True canSet:True
# backgroundcolor
# type:int arg:int canGet:True canSet:True
# loop
# type:bool arg:bool canGet:True canSet:True
# movie
# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
# framenum
# type:int arg:int canGet:True canSet:True
# wmode
# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
# salign
# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
# menu
# type:bool arg:bool canGet:True canSet:True
# base
# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
# scale
# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
# devicefont
# type:bool arg:bool canGet:True canSet:True
# embedmovie
# type:bool arg:bool canGet:True canSet:True
# bgcolor
# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
# quality2
# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
# swremote
# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
# flashvars
# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
# allowscriptaccess
# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
# moviedata
# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
# --------------------
# QueryInterface
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# riid
# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 29
# ppvObj
# in:False out:True optional:False type:unsupported type 26
# AddRef
# retType: int
# Release
# retType: int
# GetTypeInfoCount
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# pctinfo
# in:False out:True optional:False type:int
# GetTypeInfo
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# itinfo
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# lcid
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# pptinfo
# in:False out:True optional:False type:unsupported type 26
# GetIDsOfNames
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# riid
# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 29
# rgszNames
# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 26
# cNames
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# lcid
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# rgdispid
# in:False out:True optional:False type:int
# Invoke
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# dispidMember
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# riid
# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 29
# lcid
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# wFlags
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# pdispparams
# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 29
# pvarResult
# in:False out:True optional:False type:VT_VARIANT
# pexcepinfo
# in:False out:True optional:False type:unsupported type 29
# puArgErr
# in:False out:True optional:False type:int
# SetZoomRect
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# left
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# top
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# right
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# bottom
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# Zoom
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# factor
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# Pan
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# x
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# y
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# mode
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# Play
# retType: VT_VOID
# Stop
# retType: VT_VOID
# Back
# retType: VT_VOID
# Forward
# retType: VT_VOID
# Rewind
# retType: VT_VOID
# StopPlay
# retType: VT_VOID
# GotoFrame
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# FrameNum
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# CurrentFrame
# retType: int
# IsPlaying
# retType: bool
# PercentLoaded
# retType: int
# FrameLoaded
# retType: bool
# params:
# FrameNum
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# FlashVersion
# retType: int
# LoadMovie
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# layer
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# url
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# TGotoFrame
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# FrameNum
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# TGotoLabel
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# label
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# TCurrentFrame
# retType: int
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# TCurrentLabel
# retType: string
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# TPlay
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# TStopPlay
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# SetVariable
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# name
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# value
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# GetVariable
# retType: string
# params:
# name
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# TSetProperty
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# property
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# value
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# TGetProperty
# retType: string
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# property
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# TCallFrame
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# FrameNum
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# TCallLabel
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# label
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# TSetPropertyNum
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# property
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# value
# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# TGetPropertyNum
# retType: double
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# property
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# TGetPropertyAsNumber
# retType: double
# params:
# target
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# property
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# --------------------
# ReadyStateChange
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# newState
# in:False out:False optional:False type:int
# Progress
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# percentDone
# in:False out:False optional:False type:int
# FSCommand
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# command
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# args
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string