156 lines
3.9 KiB
156 lines
3.9 KiB
# $Header$
# Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG)
# Makefile for version 1.1
# Dave Beazley
# March 12, 1997
# Modified for Visual C++
# Kevin Butler
# 1/10/97
# $Log$
# Revision 1.1 2002/04/29 19:56:47 RD
# Since I have made several changes to SWIG over the years to accomodate
# special cases and other things in wxPython, and since I plan on making
# several more, I've decided to put the SWIG sources in wxPython's CVS
# instead of relying on maintaining patches. This effectivly becomes a
# fork of an obsolete version of SWIG, :-( but since SWIG 1.3 still
# doesn't have some things I rely on in 1.1, not to mention that my
# custom patches would all have to be redone, I felt that this is the
# easier road to take.
# Revision 1.3 1999/11/01 15:24:53 beazley
# Removed perl4
# Revision 1.2 1999/08/10 16:50:30 beazley
# Windows Runtime
# Revision 1999/02/28 02:00:53 beazley
# Swig1.1
# Revision 1.1 1996/08/12 01:55:02 dmb
# Initial revision
!include <make_win.in>
srcdir = .
all: wxswig
wxswig: wxswig.exe
@echo "Making the SWIG Parser..."
@echo "Make Modules..."
cd ..\Modules
cd ..
del *.lib
del *.obj
del swig.exe
@cd SWIG
@$(MAKE) clean
@cd ..\Modules
@$(MAKE) clean
@cd ..
doc: swig
@echo "Building Documentation for SWIG library..."
.\swig -Iswig_lib -d Doc/swiglib -I./swig_lib ./swig_lib/autodoc.i
runtime: swig
@cd Runtime
## # Install the SWIG program
## INSTALL = copy
## install: install-main install-lib install-runtime
## @echo "Installation complete"
## install-runtime:
## @cd ..\..\Runtime
## $(MAKE) install
## install95: install-main95 install-lib95 install-runtime95
## @echo "Installation complete"
## install-runtime95:
## @ ..\..\Runtime
## $(MAKE) install95
## smallinstall: install-main
## install-main: swig
## @if not exist $(dprefix) mkdir $(dprefix)
## @echo "Installing $(dSWIG_EXE)"
## @copy ..\swig.exe $(dSWIG_EXE)
## install-lib:
## @if not exist $(dSWIG_LIB) mkdir $(dSWIG_LIB)
## @echo "$(dSWIG_LIB)"
## @echo "Installing the SWIG library"
## @cd ..\swig_lib
## @xcopy *.i $(dSWIG_LIB)
## @xcopy *.swg $(dSWIG_LIB)
## @if not exist $(dSWIG_LIB)\tcl mkdir $(dSWIG_LIB)\tcl
## @cd tcl
## @xcopy *.i $(dSWIG_LIB)\tcl
## @xcopy *.swg $(dSWIG_LIB)\tcl
## @if not exist $(dSWIG_LIB)\perl5 mkdir $(dSWIG_LIB)\perl5
## @cd ..\perl5
## @xcopy *.i $(dSWIG_LIB)\perl5
## @xcopy *.swg $(dSWIG_LIB)\perl5
## @if not exist $(dSWIG_LIB)\python mkdir $(dSWIG_LIB)\python
## @cd ..\python
## @xcopy *.i $(dSWIG_LIB)\python
## @xcopy *.swg $(dSWIG_LIB)\python
## @if not exist $(dSWIG_LIB)\guile mkdir $(dSWIG_LIB)\guile
## @cd ..\guile
## @xcopy *.i $(dSWIG_LIB)\guile
## @xcopy *.swg $(dSWIG_LIB)\guile
## install-main95: swig
## @if not exist $(dprefix) mkdir $(dprefix)
## @echo "Installing $(dSWIG_EXE)"
## @copy ..\swig.exe $(dSWIG_EXE) /Y
## install-lib95:
## @if not exist $(dSWIG_LIB) mkdir $(dSWIG_LIB)
## @echo "$(dSWIG_LIB)"
## @echo "Installing the SWIG library"
## @cd ..\swig_lib
## @xcopy *.i $(dSWIG_LIB) /Y
## @xcopy *.swg $(dSWIG_LIB) /Y
## @mkdir $(dSWIG_LIB)\tcl
## @cd tcl
## @xcopy *.i $(dSWIG_LIB)\tcl /Y
## @xcopy *.swg $(dSWIG_LIB)\tcl /Y
## @mkdir $(dSWIG_LIB)\perl5
## @cd ..\perl5
## @xcopy *.i $(dSWIG_LIB)\perl5 /Y
## @xcopy *.swg $(dSWIG_LIB)\perl5 /Y
## @mkdir $(dSWIG_LIB)\python
## @cd ..\python
## @xcopy *.i $(dSWIG_LIB)\python /Y
## @xcopy *.swg $(dSWIG_LIB)\python /Y
## @mkdir $(dSWIG_LIB)\guile
## @cd ..\guile
## @xcopy *.i $(dSWIG_LIB)\guile /Y
## @xcopy *.swg $(dSWIG_LIB)\guile /Y
#Makefile.template has not been ported to NT
# @echo "Installing Makefile"
# $(INSTALL_DATA) Makefile.template $(dSWIG_LIB)/Makefile