2011-04-02 09:27:06 +00:00

349 lines
9.6 KiB

@echo off
:: Copyright 2011 Jason Moxham
:: This file is part of the MPIR Library.
:: The MPIR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
:: it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
:: by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
:: your option) any later version.
:: The MPIR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
:: WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
:: or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
:: License for more details.
:: You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
:: along with the MPIR Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write
:: to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
:: Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
if not exist config.params.bat (
echo run configure first
exit /b 1
call config.params.bat
if "%1" == "" goto :make
if "%1" == "check" goto :check
if "%1" == "clean" goto :clean
if "%1" == "tune" goto :tune
if "%1" == "speed" goto :speed
echo Usage: make [clean^|check^|tune^|speed]
exit /b 1
md mpn mpz mpq mpf printf scanf cxx > nul 2>&1
copy ..\build.vc10\gen_mpir_h.bat .
copy ..\build.vc10\out_copy_rename.bat .
copy ..\build.vc10\gen_config_h.bat .
copy ..\build.vc10\cfg.h .
if %ABI% == 64 (set LOCALABI=x64)
if %ABI% == 32 (set LOCALABI=win32)
call gen_mpir_h %LOCALABI%
copy ..\mpn\generic\gmp-mparam.h .. > nul 2>&1
for %%X in ( %MPNPATH% ) do (
copy ..\mpn\%%X\gmp-mparam.h .. > nul 2>&1
call gen_config_h ..\mpn\%%X > nul 2>&1
echo #include ^<stdint.h^> > comptest.c
echo int main(void){return 0;} >> comptest.c
cl /nologo comptest.c > nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
echo #undef HAVE_STDINT_H >> ..\config.h
echo #undef HAVE_INTMAX_T >> ..\config.h
echo #undef HAVE_UINTMAX_T >> ..\config.h
echo #undef HAVE_PTRDIFF_T >> ..\config.h
echo #undef HAVE_UINT_LEAST32_T >> ..\config.h
echo #undef SIZEOF_UINTMAX_T >> ..\config.h
del comptest.*
set OPT=%FLAGS% %FLAGS1% /c
if %ABI% == 64 (set LOCALDIR=x86_64w)
if %ABI% == 32 (set LOCALDIR=x86w)
:: just compile all generic and just overwrite with asm
cd mpn
for %%X in ( ..\..\mpn\generic\*.c) do (
cl %OPT% -I..\.. %%X
for %%X in ( %MPNPATH% ) do (
for %%i in ( ..\..\mpn\%%X\*.asm ) do (
%YASMEXE% -I ..\..\mpn\%LOCALDIR% -f %LOCALABI% %%i
echo assemblin %%i
cd ..
cd mpz
for %%X in ( ..\..\mpz\*.c) do (
cl %OPT% -I..\.. %%X
cd ..
cd mpf
for %%X in ( ..\..\mpf\*.c) do (
cl %OPT% -I..\.. %%X
cd ..
cd mpq
for %%X in ( ..\..\mpq\*.c) do (
cl %OPT% -I..\.. %%X
cd ..
cd printf
for %%X in ( ..\..\printf\*.c) do (
cl %OPT% -I..\.. %%X
cd ..
cd scanf
for %%X in ( ..\..\scanf\*.c) do (
cl %OPT% -I..\.. %%X
cd ..
for %%X in ( ..\assert.c ..\compat.c ..\errno.c ..\extract-dbl.c ..\invalid.c ..\memory.c ..\mp_bpl.c ..\mp_clz_tab.c ..\mp_dv_tab.c ..\mp_get_fns.c ..\mp_minv_tab.c ..\mp_set_fns.c ..\randbui.c ..\randclr.c ..\randdef.c ..\randiset.c ..\randlc2s.c ..\randlc2x.c ..\randmt.c ..\randmts.c ..\randmui.c ..\rands.c ..\randsd.c ..\randsdui.c ..\tal-reent.c ..\version.c ) do (
cl %OPT% -I.. %%X
cd cxx
for %%X in ( ..\..\cxx\*.cc) do (
cl /EHsc %OPT% -I..\.. %%X
cd ..
if %LIBTYPE% == dll (
link /DLL /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT.lib /nologo scanf\*.obj printf\*.obj mpz\*.obj mpq\*.obj mpf\*.obj mpn\*.obj cxx\*.obj *.obj /out:mpir.%LIBTYPE%
if %LIBTYPE% == lib (
lib /nologo scanf\*.obj printf\*.obj mpz\*.obj mpq\*.obj mpf\*.obj mpn\*.obj cxx\*.obj *.obj /out:mpir.%LIBTYPE%
exit /b 0
md tests
cd tests
md mpn mpz mpq mpf rand misc cxx devel > nul 2>&1
cd ..
set MPIRLIB=?????
if %LIBTYPE% == lib (set MPIRLIB=..\..\mpir.lib)
set MPIRLIB1=/link ..\mpir.lib
if %LIBTYPE% == lib (set MPIRLIB1=..\mpir.lib)
cd tests
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\memory.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\misc.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\trace.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\refmpn.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\refmpz.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\refmpq.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\refmpf.c /I..\..
:: these only needed for try.exe
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\spinner.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\build.vc10\getopt.c /I..\..
for %%X in ( ..\..\tests\t-*.c) do (
cl %OPT% /I..\.. /I..\..\tests %%X misc.obj memory.obj trace.obj refmpn.obj %MPIRLIB1%
if errorlevel 1 ( echo %%X FAILS )
for %%X in ( *.exe) do (
echo testing %%X
if errorlevel 1 ( echo %%X FAILS )
cd mpn
for %%X in ( ..\..\..\tests\mpn\t-*.c) do (
cl %OPT% /I..\..\.. /I..\..\..\tests %%X ..\misc.obj ..\memory.obj ..\trace.obj ..\refmpn.obj %MPIRLIB%
for %%X in ( *.exe) do (
echo testing mpn_%%X
if errorlevel 1 ( echo %%X FAILS )
cd ..
cd mpz
for %%X in ( ..\..\..\tests\mpz\*.c) do (
cl %OPT% /I..\..\.. /I..\..\..\tests %%X ..\misc.obj ..\memory.obj ..\trace.obj ..\refmpn.obj ..\refmpz.obj %MPIRLIB%
for %%X in ( *.exe) do (
echo testing mpz_%%X
if errorlevel 1 ( echo %%X FAILS )
cd ..
cd mpq
for %%X in ( ..\..\..\tests\mpq\t-*.c) do (
cl %OPT% /I..\..\.. /I..\..\..\tests %%X ..\misc.obj ..\memory.obj ..\trace.obj ..\refmpn.obj ..\refmpz.obj ..\refmpq.obj %MPIRLIB%
for %%X in ( *.exe) do (
echo testing mpq_%%X
if errorlevel 1 ( echo %%X FAILS )
cd ..
cd mpf
for %%X in ( ..\..\..\tests\mpf\*.c) do (
cl %OPT% /I..\..\.. /I..\..\..\tests %%X ..\misc.obj ..\memory.obj ..\trace.obj ..\refmpn.obj ..\refmpf.obj %MPIRLIB%
for %%X in ( *.exe) do (
echo testing mpf_%%X
if errorlevel 1 ( echo %%X FAILS )
cd ..
cd rand
for %%X in ( ..\..\..\tests\rand\t-*.c) do (
cl %OPT% /I..\..\.. /I..\..\..\tests %%X ..\misc.obj ..\memory.obj ..\trace.obj ..\refmpn.obj %MPIRLIB%
for %%X in ( *.exe) do (
echo testing rand_%%X
if errorlevel 1 ( echo %%X FAILS )
cd ..
cd misc
for %%X in ( ..\..\..\tests\misc\t-*.c) do (
cl %OPT% /I..\..\.. /I..\..\..\tests %%X ..\misc.obj ..\memory.obj ..\trace.obj ..\refmpn.obj %MPIRLIB%
for %%X in ( *.exe) do (
echo testing misc_%%X
if errorlevel 1 ( echo %%X FAILS )
cd ..
cd cxx
for %%X in ( ..\..\..\tests\cxx\t-*.cc) do (
cl /EHsc %OPT% /I..\..\.. /I..\..\..\tests %%X ..\misc.obj ..\memory.obj ..\trace.obj ..\refmpn.obj %MPIRLIB%
for %%X in ( *.exe) do (
echo testing cxx_%%X
if errorlevel 1 ( echo %%X FAILS )
cd ..
cd devel
cl %OPT% ..\..\..\tests\devel\try.c /I..\..\..\ /I..\..\..\tests ..\refmpn.obj ..\refmpz.obj ..\trace.obj ..\spinner.obj ..\misc.obj ..\memory.obj ..\getopt.obj %MPIRLIB%
cd ..
cd ..
exit /b 0
del *.obj ..\mpir.h ..\config.h ..\gmp-mparam.h mpir.lib *.idb *.pdb > nul 2>&1
rmdir /S/Q mpn mpz mpq mpf scanf printf tests cxx tune speed > nul 2>&1
del gen_mpir_h.bat out_copy_rename.bat gen_config_h.bat cfg.h > nul 2>&1
del getopt.h getrusage.h gettimeofday.h unistd.h win_timing.h > nul 2>&1
del config.guess.* config.params.bat mpir.dll > nul 2>&1
exit /b 0
md speed
if %LIBTYPE% == lib (set MPIRLIB=mpir.lib)
copy ..\build.vc10\unistd.h .
copy ..\build.vc10\getopt.h .
copy ..\build.vc10\win_timing.h .
copy ..\build.vc10\getrusage.h .
copy ..\build.vc10\gettimeofday.h .
cd speed
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\misc.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\memory.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\refmpn.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\build.vc10\win_timing.c
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\build.vc10\getopt.c /I..\..
for %%X in ( ..\..\tune\common.c ..\..\tune\mod_1_div.c ..\..\tune\set_strb.c ..\..\tune\divrem1div.c ..\..\tune\gcd_bin.c ..\..\tune\mod_1_inv.c ..\..\tune\divrem1inv.c ..\..\tune\gcdextod.c ..\..\tune\modlinv.c ..\..\tune\set_strs.c ..\..\tune\divrem2div.c ..\..\tune\gcdextos.c ..\..\tune\noop.c ..\..\tune\divrem2inv.c ..\..\tune\jacbase1.c ..\..\tune\powm_mod.c ..\..\tune\fac_ui_large.c ..\..\tune\jacbase2.c ..\..\tune\powm_redc.c ..\..\tune\fac_ui_small.c ..\..\tune\jacbase3.c ..\..\tune\preinv_divrem_1.c ) do (
cl -c %OPT% /I..\.. /I..\..\tests /I.. %%X
cl %OPT% /I..\.. /I.. /I..\..\tests ..\..\tune\speed.c *.obj ..\%MPIRLIB% advapi32.lib psapi.lib
cd ..
exit /b 0
md tune
if %LIBTYPE% == lib (set MPIRLIB=mpir.lib)
copy ..\build.vc10\unistd.h .
copy ..\build.vc10\getopt.h .
copy ..\build.vc10\win_timing.h .
cd tune
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\misc.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\memory.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\tests\refmpn.c /I..\..
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\build.vc10\win_timing.c
cl %OPT% /c ..\..\build.vc10\getopt.c /I..\..
for %%X in ( ..\..\tune\set_strp.c ..\..\tune\common.c ..\..\tune\mod_1_div.c ..\..\tune\set_strb.c ..\..\tune\divrem1div.c ..\..\tune\gcd_bin.c ..\..\tune\mod_1_inv.c ..\..\tune\divrem1inv.c ..\..\tune\gcdextod.c ..\..\tune\modlinv.c ..\..\tune\set_strs.c ..\..\tune\divrem2div.c ..\..\tune\gcdextos.c ..\..\tune\noop.c ..\..\tune\divrem2inv.c ..\..\tune\jacbase1.c ..\..\tune\powm_mod.c ..\..\tune\fac_ui_large.c ..\..\tune\jacbase2.c ..\..\tune\powm_redc.c ..\..\tune\fac_ui_small.c ..\..\tune\jacbase3.c ..\..\tune\preinv_divrem_1.c ..\..\build.vc10\tune\*.c) do (
cl -c %OPT% /I..\.. /I..\..\tests /I.. %%X
cl %OPT% /I..\.. /I.. /I..\..\tests ..\..\tune\tuneup.c *.obj ..\%MPIRLIB% advapi32.lib psapi.lib
cd ..
exit /b 0