gladman d942415a1c 1. Update Windows Powershell scripts in mpirbench to refer to MPIR rather than GMP
2. Update MPIR version number in Windows config files to 1.1.2 
3. Add an MSVC inline definition in in
4. Correct locale test (as per GMP correction)
5. Add Windows x64 set/copy intrinsics to mul_fft.c (improves FFT speed score by 2%)
2009-05-09 13:26:27 +00:00

59 lines
1.8 KiB

# Translation of gmpbench script 'runbench' for Windows PowerShell
$dir = "win32\release"
$multiply_args = (128,128),(512,512),(8192,8192),(131072,131072),(2097152,2097152)
$divide_args = (8192,32),(8192,64),(8192,128),(8192,4096),(8192,8064),(131072,8192),(131072,65536),(8388608,4194304)
$rsa_args = 512,1024,2048
$base_tests = "multiply","divide"
$app_tests = "rsa"
$tests = "base","app"
"Running benchmarks" | Out-Host
$acc2 = 1
foreach ($cat in $tests)
" Category $cat" | Out-Host
$yy = "`$"+$cat+"_tests"
$xx = Invoke-Expression $yy
$acc1 = 1
$n1 = 0
foreach ($t in $xx)
" Program $dir\$t" | Out-Host
$yy = "`$"+$t+"_args"
$args = Invoke-Expression $yy
$acc = 1
$n = 0
for($i = 0; $i -lt $args.length; $i++)
if($args[$i].length -eq 2)
$parms = $args[$i][0]
$parms = "$parms" + " " + $args[$i][1]
$parms = $args[$i]
$pcm = $parms -replace ' ', ','
" $t $parms" | Out-Host
$out = Invoke-Expression ".\$dir\$t $parms"
foreach ($s in $out) { if($s -match "RESULT: [0-9]*") { $res = $s.Split(' ')[1] } }
" MPIRbench.$cat.$t.$pcm result: $res" | Out-Host
$acc = Invoke-Expression ".\$dir\gexpr -prec 10 `"$acc*$res`""
$out = Invoke-Expression ".\$dir\gexpr `"$acc^(1/$n)`""
" MPIRbench.$cat.$t result: $out" | Out-Host
$acc1 = Invoke-Expression ".\$dir\gexpr -prec 10 `"$acc1*$acc^(1/$n)`""
$out = Invoke-Expression ".\$dir\gexpr `"$acc1^(1/$n1)`""
" MPIRbench.$cat result: $out" | Out-Host
$acc2 = Invoke-Expression ".\$dir\gexpr -round -prec 10 `"$acc2*$acc1^(1/$n1)`""
$out = Invoke-Expression ".\$dir\gexpr -round -prec 10 `"$acc2^(1/$n2)`""
"MPIRbench result: $out" | Out-Host