73 lines
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73 lines
2.3 KiB
@echo off
rem %1 = architecture
rem %2 = library type (LIB|DLL)
rem %3 = platform (Win32|x64)
rem %4 = configuration (Release|Debug)
rem %5 = build tests (|+tests)
if "%4" NEQ "" if "%3" NEQ "" if "%2" NEQ "" if "%1" NEQ "" goto cont
call :get_architectures -
echo usage: msbuild architecture=^<%architectures:|=^|%^> library_type=^<LIB^|DLL^> platform=^<Win32^|x64^> configuration=^<Release^|Debug^>
goto :eof
rem example use: msbuild sandybridge_ivybridge dll x64 release
if not exist "lib_mpir_%1" (call :get_architectures & call :seterr & echo ERROR: architecture is one of %architectures% ^(not "%1"^) & exit /b %errorlevel%)
if /i "%2" EQU "DLL" (set libp=dll) else (if /i "%2" EQU "LIB" (set libp=lib) else ((call :seterr & echo ERROR: library type is "lib" or "dll" ^(not "%2"^) & exit /b %errorlevel%)))
if /i "%3" EQU "x64" (set plat=x64) else (if /i "%3" EQU "Win32" (set plat=win32) else (call :seterr & echo ERROR: platform is "Win32" or "x64" ^(not "%3"^) & exit /b %errorlevel%))
if /i "%4" EQU "Debug" (set conf=Debug) else (if /i "%4" EQU "Release" (set conf=Release) else (call :seterr & echo ERROR: configuration is "Release" or "Debug" ^(not "%4"^) & exit /b %errorlevel%))
set src=%libp%_mpir_%1
rem This is the directory where Microsoft MSBUILD is installed
set msbdir="C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin"
rem This is the Visual Studio build directory (within the MPIR directory)
set srcdir="."
%msbdir%\msbuild.exe /p:Platform=%plat% /p:Configuration=%conf% %srcdir%\%src%\%src%.vcxproj
if /i "%libp%" == "LIB" (
%msbdir%\msbuild.exe /p:Platform=%plat% /p:Configuration=%conf% %srcdir%\lib_mpir_cxx\lib_mpir_cxx.vcxproj
if /i "%5" EQU "+tests" (
for /d %%d in (.\mpir-tests\*) do (
for %%f in (%%d\*.vcxproj) do (
%msbdir%\msbuild.exe /property:SolutionDir=..\..\ /property:OutDir=..\..\%plat%\%conf%\ /p:Platform=%plat% /p:Configuration=%conf% %%f
set architectures=
for /d %%a in (lib_mpir_*) do (call :add_architecture %%a %1)
goto :eof
for /f "tokens=3,* delims=_" %%a in ("%1") do set arch=%%a
if _%2_ == __ (
set "delim= or "
set arch=^"%arch%^"
) else (
set delim=^|
if "%architectures%" == "" (
set "architectures=%arch%"
) else (
set "architectures=%architectures%%delim%%arch%"
goto :eof
set arch=%1
goto :eof
exit /b 0
exit /b 1