brgladman 48248cda46 1. longlong.h change to add MSVC intrinsics
2. longlong.h rearrangement for Intel compiler
3. MSVC additions in test  code 
4. GMP 4.2.1 bug fixes
5. Intel format assembly code
2008-05-18 22:20:43 +00:00

342 lines
7.5 KiB

; Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
; This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
; The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
; License, or (at your option) any later version.
; The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; Lesser General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
; License along with the GNU MP Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
; not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
; Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
; Adapted by Brian Gladman AMD64 using the Microsoft VC++ v8 64-bit
; compiler and the YASM assembler.
; AMD64 mpn_sqr_basecase -- square an mpn number.
; Calling interface:
; void mpn_sqr_basecase(
; mp_ptr dst, rcx
; mp_srcptr src, rdx
; mp_size_t size r8
; )
; This is an SEH Frame Function with a leaf prologue
%define _SEH_
%define UNROLL_COUNT 31
%define CODE_BYTES_PER_LIMB 25 ; must be odd
%define off (UNROLL_COUNT - 15) * 8
%define off 0
%define r_ptr r10
%define x_ptr r9
%define x_len r8
%define v_ctr r12
%define v_jmp r13
bits 64
section .text
global __gmpn_sqr_basecase
%ifdef DLL
export __gmpn_sqr_basecase
movsxd x_len,r8d
cmp x_len,2
je sqr_2
ja sqr_3_plus
mov rax,[rdx]
mul rax
mov [rcx+8],rdx
mov [rcx],rax
mov r_ptr,rcx
mov x_ptr,rdx
mov r8,[x_ptr]
mov r9,[x_ptr+8]
mov rax,r8
mul r8
mov [r_ptr],rax
mov [r_ptr+8],rdx
mov rax,r9
mul r9
mov [r_ptr+16],rax
mov [r_ptr+24],rdx
xor rcx,rcx
mov rax,r8
mul r9
add rax,rax
adc rdx,rdx
adc rcx,rcx
add [r_ptr+8],rax
adc [r_ptr+16],rdx
adc [r_ptr+24],rcx
%ifdef _SEH_
PROC_FRAME sqr_3_plus
push_reg rbx
push_reg rsi
push_reg rdi
push_reg rbp
push_reg r12
push_reg r13
alloc_stack 8 ; align to 16 byte boundary
push rbx
push rsi
push rdi
push rbp
push r12
push r13
mov r_ptr,rcx
mov x_ptr,rdx
cmp x_len,4
jae sqr_4_plus
mov rax,[x_ptr]
mul rax
mov [r_ptr],rax
mov rax,[x_ptr+8]
mov [r_ptr+8],rdx
mul rax
mov [r_ptr+16],rax
mov rax,[x_ptr+16]
mov [r_ptr+24],rdx
mul rax
mov [r_ptr+32],rax
mov rax,[x_ptr]
mov [r_ptr+40],rdx
mul qword [x_ptr+8]
mov rsi,rax
mov rax,[x_ptr]
mov rdi,rdx
mul qword [x_ptr+16]
add rdi,rax
mov rbp,dword 0
mov rax,[x_ptr+8]
adc rbp,rdx
mul qword [x_ptr+16]
xor x_ptr,x_ptr
add rbp,rax
adc rdx,dword 0
adc rdx,dword 0
add rsi,rsi
adc rdi,rdi
mov rax,[r_ptr+8]
adc rbp,rbp
adc rdx,rdx
adc x_ptr,dword 0
add rsi,rax
mov rax,[r_ptr+16]
adc rdi,rax
mov rax,[r_ptr+24]
mov [r_ptr+8],rsi
adc rbp,rax
mov rax,[r_ptr+32]
mov [r_ptr+16],rdi
adc rdx,rax
mov rax,[r_ptr+40]
mov [r_ptr+24],rbp
adc rax,x_ptr
mov [r_ptr+32],rdx
mov [r_ptr+40],rax
jmp sqr_exit
mov rcx,x_len
lea rdi,[r_ptr+rcx*8]
lea rsi,[x_ptr+rcx*8]
mov rbp,[x_ptr]
mov rbx,dword 0
dec rcx
neg rcx
.0: mov rax,[rsi+rcx*8]
mul rbp
add rax,rbx
mov [rdi+rcx*8],rax
mov rbx,dword 0
adc rbx,rdx
inc rcx
jnz .0
mov rcx,x_len
mov [rdi],rbx
sub rcx,4
jz L_corner
neg rcx
%if off != 0
sub rdi,off
sub rsi,off
mov rdx,rcx
shl rcx,3
lea rcx,[rcx+rcx*2]
lea v_jmp,[rel .3]
lea rcx,[rcx+rdx+(UNROLL_COUNT - 2) * CODE_BYTES_PER_LIMB]
lea rcx,[rcx+v_jmp]
.2: lea v_jmp,[rcx+CODE_BYTES_PER_LIMB]
mov rbp,[rsi+rdx*8-24+off]
mov rax,[rsi+rdx*8-16+off]
mov v_ctr,rdx
mul rbp
test cl,1
mov rbx,rdx
mov rcx,rax
%if (UNROLL_COUNT % 2)
cmovnz rbx,rax
cmovnz rcx,rdx
cmovz rbx,rax
cmovz rcx,rdx
xor rdx,rdx
lea rdi,[rdi+8]
jmp v_jmp
align 2
%assign i UNROLL_COUNT
%define disp_src off - 8 * i
%if disp_src < -120 || disp_src >= 128
%error source dispacement too large
%if (i % 2) = 0 ; 25 bytes of code per limb
mov rax,[byte rsi + disp_src]
adc rbx,rdx
mul rbp
add [byte rdi + disp_src - 8],rcx
mov rcx,dword 0
adc rbx,rax
mov rax,[byte rsi + disp_src]
adc rcx,rdx
mul rbp
add [byte rdi + disp_src - 8],rbx
%if i != 1
mov rbx,dword 0
adc rcx,rax
%assign i i - 1
adc rdx,dword 0
add [rdi-8+off],rcx
mov rcx,v_jmp
adc rdx,dword 0
mov [rdi+off],rdx
mov rdx,v_ctr
inc rdx
jnz .2
%if off != 0
add rsi,off
add rdi,off
mov rbp,[rsi-24]
mov rax,[rsi-16]
mov rcx,rax
mul rbp
add [rdi-8],rax
mov rax,[rsi-8]
adc rdx,dword 0
mov rbx,rdx
mov rsi,rax
mul rbp
add rax,rbx
adc rdx,dword 0
add [rdi],rax
mov rax,rsi
adc rdx,dword 0
mov rbx,rdx
mul rcx
add rax,rbx
mov [rdi+8],rax
adc rdx,dword 0
mov [rdi+16],rdx
mov rax,x_len ; start of shift
mov rdi,r_ptr
xor rcx,rcx
lea r11,[rax+rax]
lea rdi,[rdi+r11*8]
not rax
lea rax,[rax+2]
.0: lea r11,[rax+rax]
rcl qword [rdi+r11*8-8],1
rcl qword [rdi+r11*8],1
inc rax
jnz .0
setc al
mov rsi,x_ptr
mov [rdi-8],rax
mov rcx,x_len
mov rax,[rsi]
mul rax
lea rsi,[rsi+rcx*8]
neg rcx
lea r11,[rcx+rcx]
mov [rdi+r11*8],rax
inc rcx
.1: lea r11,[rcx+rcx]
mov rax,[rsi+rcx*8]
mov rbx,rdx
mul rax
add [rdi+r11*8-8],rbx
adc [rdi+r11*8],rax
adc rdx,dword 0
inc rcx
jnz .1
add [rdi-8],rdx
%ifdef _SEH_
add rsp, 8
pop r13
pop r12
pop rbp
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rbx
pop r13
pop r12
pop rbp
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rbx