@echo off rem %1 = platform rem %2 = configuration rem %3 - msvc version rem output_params.bat contains: rem (set ldir=architecture) rem (set libr=lib) rem (set plat=x64) rem (set conf=Release) call :clrerr if exist ..\..\build.vc\output_params.bat (call ..\..\build.vc\output_params.bat) else (call :seterr & echo ERROR: 'output_params.bat' not found & exit /b %errorlevel%) if /i "%1" EQU "%plat%" if /i "%2" EQU "%conf%" (exit /b 0) call :seterr echo ERROR The last MPIR build was for \%plat%\%conf%, not %1\%2 echo Please set the correct platform and configuration to build MPIR.Net exit /b %errorlevel% :clrerr exit /b 0 :seterr exit /b 1