/* Test expression evaluation (print nothing and exit 0 if successful). Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU MP Library. The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include "gmp.h" #include "tests.h" #include "expr-impl.h" int option_trace = 0; struct data_t { int base; const char *expr; const char *want; }; #define numberof(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof ((x)[0])) /* These data_xxx[] arrays are tables to be tested with one or more of the mp?_t types. z=mpz_t, q=mpz_t, f=mpf_t. */ struct data_t data_zqf[] = { /* various deliberately wrong expressions */ { 0, "", NULL }, { 0, "1+", NULL }, { 0, "+2", NULL }, { 0, "1,2", NULL }, { 0, "foo(1,2)", NULL }, { 0, "1+foo", NULL }, { 10, "0fff", NULL }, { 0, "!", NULL }, { 0, "10!", NULL }, { 0, "-10!", NULL }, { 0, "gcd((4,6))", NULL }, { 0, "()", NULL }, { 0, "fac(2**1000)", NULL }, { 0, "$", NULL }, { 0, "$-", NULL }, /* some basics */ { 10, "123", "123" }, { 10, "-123", "-123" }, { 10, "1+2", "3" }, { 10, "1+2+3", "6" }, { 10, "1+2*3", "7" }, { 10, "3*2+1", "7" }, { 10, "$a", "55" }, { 10, "b", "99" }, { 16, "b", "11" }, { 10, "4**3 * 2 + 1", "129" }, { 10, "1<2", "1" }, { 10, "1>2", "0" }, { 10, "(123)", "123" }, { 10, "sgn(-123)", "-1" }, { 10, "5-7", "-2" }, { 0, "cmp(0,0)", "0" }, { 0, "cmp(1,0)", "1" }, { 0, "cmp(0,1)", "-1" }, { 0, "cmp(-1,0)", "-1" }, { 0, "cmp(0,-1)", "1" }, { 10, "0 ? 123 : 456", "456" }, { 10, "1 ? 4+5 : 6+7", "9" }, { 10, "(123)", "123" }, { 10, "(2+3)", "5" }, { 10, "(4+5)*(5+6)", "99" }, { 0, "1 << 16", "65536" }, { 0, "256 >> 4", "16" }, { 0, "-256 >> 4", "-16" }, { 0, "!1", "0" }, { 0, "!9", "0" }, { 0, "!0", "1" }, { 0, "2**2**2", "16" }, { 0, "-2**2**2", "-16" }, { 0, "0x100", "256" }, { 10, "0x100", NULL }, { 10, "0x 100", NULL }, { 0, " max ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)", "8" }, { 0, " max ( 1, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)", "9" }, { 0, " min ( 1, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)", "1" }, { 10, "abs(123)", "123" }, { 10, "abs(-123)", "123" }, { 10, "abs(0)", "0" }, /* filling data stack */ { 0, "1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+1))))))))))))))", "16" }, /* filling control stack */ { 0, "----------------------------------------------------1", "1" }, }; const struct data_t data_z[] = { { 0, "divisible_p(333,3)", "1" }, { 0, "congruent_p(7,1,3)", "1" }, { 0, "cmpabs(0,0)", "0" }, { 0, "cmpabs(1,0)", "1" }, { 0, "cmpabs(0,1)", "-1" }, { 0, "cmpabs(-1,0)", "1" }, { 0, "cmpabs(0,-1)", "-1" }, { 0, "odd_p(1)", "1" }, { 0, "odd_p(0)", "0" }, { 0, "odd_p(-1)", "1" }, { 0, "even_p(1)", "0" }, { 0, "even_p(0)", "1" }, { 0, "even_p(-1)", "0" }, { 0, "fac(0)", "1" }, { 0, "fac(1)", "1" }, { 0, "fac(2)", "2" }, { 0, "fac(3)", "6" }, { 0, "fac(10)", "3628800" }, { 10, "root(81,4)", "3" }, { 10, "gcd(4,6)", "2" }, { 10, "gcd(4,6,9)", "1" }, { 10, "powm(3,2,9)", "0" }, { 10, "powm(3,2,8)", "1" }, /* filling data stack */ { 0, "1 ? 1 : 1 || 1 && 1 | 1 ^ 1 & 1 == 1 >= 1 << 1 - 1 * 1 ** 1", "1" }, /* filling control stack */ { 0, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1", "1" }, { 0, "fib(10)", "55" }, { 0, "setbit(0,5)", "32" }, { 0, "clrbit(32,5)", "0" }, { 0, "tstbit(32,5)", "1" }, { 0, "tstbit(32,4)", "0" }, { 0, "scan0(7,0)", "3" }, { 0, "scan1(7,0)", "0" }, }; const struct data_t data_zq[] = { /* expecting failure */ { 0, "1.2", NULL }, }; const struct data_t data_q[] = { { 10, "(1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 + 1/6)*20", "29" }, { 0, "num(5/9)", "5" }, { 0, "den(5/9)", "9" }, }; const struct data_t data_zf[] = { { 10, "sqrt ( 49 )", "7" }, { 10, "sqrt ( 49 ) + 1", "8" }, { 10, "sqrt((49))", "7" }, { 10, "sqrt((((((((49))))))))", "7" }, }; const struct data_t data_f[] = { { 0, "1@10", "10000000000" }, { 0, "1.5@10", "15000000000" }, { 0, "1000@-1", "100" }, { 0, "10.00@-1", "1" }, { 0, "1e10", "10000000000" }, { 0, "1.5e10", "15000000000" }, { 0, "1000e-1", "100" }, { 0, "10.00e-1", "1" }, { 16, "1@9", "68719476736" }, { 16, "1@10", "18446744073709551616" }, { -16, "1@10", "1099511627776" }, { 0, "ceil(0)", "0" }, { 0, "ceil(0.25)", "1" }, { 0, "ceil(0.5)", "1" }, { 0, "ceil(1.5)", "2" }, { 0, "ceil(-0.5)", "0" }, { 0, "ceil(-1.5)", "-1" }, /* only simple cases because mpf_eq currently only works on whole limbs */ { 0, "eq(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF1111111111111111,0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF2222222222222222,64)", "1" }, { 0, "eq(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF1111111111111111,0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF2222222222222222,128)", "0" }, { 0, "floor(0)", "0" }, { 0, "floor(0.25)", "0" }, { 0, "floor(0.5)", "0" }, { 0, "floor(1.5)", "1" }, { 0, "floor(-0.5)", "-1" }, { 0, "floor(-1.5)", "-2" }, { 0, "integer_p(1)", "1" }, { 0, "integer_p(0.5)", "0" }, { 0, "trunc(0)", "0" }, { 0, "trunc(0.25)", "0" }, { 0, "trunc(0.5)", "0" }, { 0, "trunc(1.5)", "1" }, { 0, "trunc(-0.5)", "0" }, { 0, "trunc(-1.5)", "-1" }, }; struct datalist_t { const struct data_t *data; int num; }; #define DATALIST(data) { data, numberof (data) } struct datalist_t list_z[] = { DATALIST (data_z), DATALIST (data_zq), DATALIST (data_zf), DATALIST (data_zqf), }; struct datalist_t list_q[] = { DATALIST (data_q), DATALIST (data_zq), DATALIST (data_zqf), }; struct datalist_t list_f[] = { DATALIST (data_zf), DATALIST (data_zqf), DATALIST (data_f), }; void check_z (void) { const struct data_t *data; mpz_t a, b, got, want; int l, i, ret; mpz_init (got); mpz_init (want); mpz_init_set_ui (a, 55); mpz_init_set_ui (b, 99); for (l = 0; l < numberof (list_z); l++) { data = list_z[l].data; for (i = 0; i < list_z[l].num; i++) { if (option_trace) printf ("mpz_expr \"%s\"\n", data[i].expr); ret = mpz_expr (got, data[i].base, data[i].expr, a, b, NULL); if (data[i].want == NULL) { /* expect to fail */ if (ret == MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) { printf ("mpz_expr wrong return value, got %d, expected failure\n", ret); goto error; } } else { if (mpz_set_str (want, data[i].want, 0) != 0) { printf ("Cannot parse wanted value string\n"); goto error; } if (ret != MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) { printf ("mpz_expr failed unexpectedly\n"); printf (" return value %d\n", ret); goto error; } if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0) { printf ("mpz_expr wrong result\n"); printf (" got "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, got); printf ("\n"); printf (" want "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, want); printf ("\n"); goto error; } } } } mpz_clear (a); mpz_clear (b); mpz_clear (got); mpz_clear (want); return; error: printf (" base %d\n", data[i].base); printf (" expr \"%s\"\n", data[i].expr); if (data[i].want != NULL) printf (" want \"%s\"\n", data[i].want); abort (); } void check_q (void) { const struct data_t *data; mpq_t a, b, got, want; int l, i, ret; mpq_init (got); mpq_init (want); mpq_init (a); mpq_init (b); mpq_set_ui (a, 55, 1); mpq_set_ui (b, 99, 1); for (l = 0; l < numberof (list_q); l++) { data = list_q[l].data; for (i = 0; i < list_q[l].num; i++) { if (option_trace) printf ("mpq_expr \"%s\"\n", data[i].expr); ret = mpq_expr (got, data[i].base, data[i].expr, a, b, NULL); if (data[i].want == NULL) { /* expect to fail */ if (ret == MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) { printf ("mpq_expr wrong return value, got %d, expected failure\n", ret); goto error; } } else { if (mpz_set_str (mpq_numref(want), data[i].want, 0) != 0) { printf ("Cannot parse wanted value string\n"); goto error; } mpz_set_ui (mpq_denref(want), 1); if (ret != MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) { printf ("mpq_expr failed unexpectedly\n"); printf (" return value %d\n", ret); goto error; } if (mpq_cmp (got, want) != 0) { printf ("mpq_expr wrong result\n"); printf (" got "); mpq_out_str (stdout, 10, got); printf ("\n"); printf (" want "); mpq_out_str (stdout, 10, want); printf ("\n"); goto error; } } } } mpq_clear (a); mpq_clear (b); mpq_clear (got); mpq_clear (want); return; error: printf (" base %d\n", data[i].base); printf (" expr \"%s\"\n", data[i].expr); if (data[i].want != NULL) printf (" want \"%s\"\n", data[i].want); abort (); } void check_f (void) { const struct data_t *data; mpf_t a, b, got, want; int l, i, ret; mpf_set_default_prec (200L); mpf_init (got); mpf_init (want); mpf_init_set_ui (a, 55); mpf_init_set_ui (b, 99); for (l = 0; l < numberof (list_f); l++) { data = list_f[l].data; for (i = 0; i < list_f[l].num; i++) { if (option_trace) printf ("mpf_expr \"%s\"\n", data[i].expr); ret = mpf_expr (got, data[i].base, data[i].expr, a, b, NULL); if (data[i].want == NULL) { /* expect to fail */ if (ret == MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) { printf ("mpf_expr wrong return value, got %d, expected failure\n", ret); goto error; } } else { if (mpf_set_str (want, data[i].want, 0) != 0) { printf ("Cannot parse wanted value string\n"); goto error; } if (ret != MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) { printf ("mpf_expr failed unexpectedly\n"); printf (" return value %d\n", ret); goto error; } if (mpf_cmp (got, want) != 0) { printf ("mpf_expr wrong result\n"); printf (" got "); mpf_out_str (stdout, 10, 20, got); printf ("\n"); printf (" want "); mpf_out_str (stdout, 10, 20, want); printf ("\n"); goto error; } } } } mpf_clear (a); mpf_clear (b); mpf_clear (got); mpf_clear (want); return; error: printf (" base %d\n", data[i].base); printf (" expr \"%s\"\n", data[i].expr); if (data[i].want != NULL) printf (" want \"%s\"\n", data[i].want); abort (); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { tests_start (); if (argc >= 2) option_trace = 1; check_z (); check_q (); check_f (); tests_end (); exit (0); }