/* Copyright 2014 Alex Dyachenko This file is part of the MPIR Library. The MPIR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The MPIR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the MPIR Library. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ using System; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; namespace MPIR.Tests.HugeRationalTests { [TestClass] public class Conversions { [TestMethod] public void RationalToStringDecimal() { var n = "-23429384756298357462983476598345623984756"; var d = "115756986668303657898962467957"; var s = n + "/" + d; using (var a = new HugeRational(s)) { Assert.AreEqual(s, a.ToString()); } } [TestMethod] public void RationalToStringHex() { var n = "-23429abcdef298357462983fedcba345623984756"; var d = "17607ef654eb9a13ffa163c75"; var s = n + "/" + d; using (var a = new HugeRational(s, 16)) { Assert.AreEqual(s, a.ToString(16, true)); Assert.AreEqual(s.ToUpper(), a.ToString(16)); } } [TestMethod] public void RationalFromUlong() { using (var a = new HugeRational()) { ulong b = 0xF84739ABCDEF4876; ulong d = 12764787846358441471; a.SetTo(b, d); Assert.AreEqual(b.ToString() + "/" + d.ToString(), a.ToString()); a.SetTo(b); Assert.AreEqual(b.ToString() + "/1", a.ToString()); } } [TestMethod] public void RationalFromLong() { using (var a = new HugeRational()) { long b = -0x784739ABCDEF4876; ulong d = 12764787846358441471; a.SetTo(b, d); Assert.AreEqual(b.ToString() + "/" + d.ToString(), a.ToString()); a.SetTo(b); Assert.AreEqual(b.ToString() + "/1", a.ToString()); } } [TestMethod] public void RationalToAndFromDouble() { using (var a = new HugeRational()) { a.SetTo(-123.25); double c = a.ToDouble(); Assert.IsTrue(c.Equals(-123.25)); Assert.IsTrue(a.Equals(-123.25)); } } [TestMethod] public void RationalToAndFromFloat() { using (var a = new HugeRational()) { a.SetTo(-123.125f); double c = a.ToDouble(); Assert.IsTrue(-123.125 == c); Assert.IsTrue(-123.125 == a); Assert.IsTrue(-123.125f == a); } } [TestMethod] public void RationalFromString() { using (var a = new HugeRational()) { var n = "98762934876529834765234123984761/115756986668303657898962467957"; a.SetTo(n); Assert.AreEqual(n, a.ToString()); n = "-98ABCDEF876529834765234123984761/17607EF654EB9A13FFA163C75"; a.SetTo(n, 16); Assert.AreEqual(n, a.ToString(16)); n = "-98ABCDEF876529834765234123984761"; a.SetTo(n, 16); Assert.AreEqual(n + "/1", a.ToString(16)); } } [TestMethod] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void RationalFromInvalidString() { using (var a = new HugeRational()) { a.SetTo("12345A"); } } [TestMethod] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void RationalFromInvalidString2() { using (var a = new HugeRational()) { a.SetTo("12345/13345A"); } } [TestMethod] public void RationalToStringTruncated() { using (var d = new HugeInt("115756986668303657898962467957")) using (var e = new HugeInt(d ^ 10)) { var s = e.ToString(10); var n = string.Concat("123456789".Select(c => new string(c, 30))); using (var a = new HugeRational(n + "/" + s)) { Assert.AreEqual(n + "/" + s, a.ToString(10)); Assert.AreEqual("..." + n.Substring(n.Length - 256) + "/..." + s.Substring(s.Length - 256), a.ToString()); a.Value = -a; Assert.AreEqual("-..." + n.Substring(n.Length - 256) + "/..." + s.Substring(s.Length - 256), a.ToString()); } } } [TestMethod] public void RationalApproximateSizeInBase() { using (var a = new HugeRational("2983475029834750293429834750298347502934298347502983475029342983475029834750293429834750298347502934/115756986668303657898962467957")) { AssertBetween(131, 133, a.ApproximateSizeInBase(10)); AssertBetween(429, 429, a.ApproximateSizeInBase(2)); AssertBetween(109, 109, a.ApproximateSizeInBase(16)); AssertBetween(84, 86, a.ApproximateSizeInBase(36)); AssertBetween(74, 76, a.ApproximateSizeInBase(62)); } } private void AssertBetween(int min, int max, long actual) { Assert.IsTrue(actual >= min && actual <= max, "Expected {0} to {1}, actual {2}", min, max, actual); } } }