
100 lines
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2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
@echo off
rem %1 = full target path
2015-11-19 11:30:52 -05:00
rem %2 = MSVC version number (e.g. 14)
set msvc_ver=%2
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
set str=%~1
2015-11-17 07:16:34 -05:00
rem delete anything from the path before ''
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
set str=%str:~1%
2015-11-17 07:16:34 -05:00
set str2=%str:~0,8%
if "%str2%" NEQ "" goto dele
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
2015-11-17 07:16:34 -05:00
rem we now have:<nn>\<project_directory>\<win32|x64>\<debug|release>\mpir.<lib|dll>
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
rem extract: project_directory, platform (plat=<win32|x64>), configuration (conf=<debug|release>) and file name
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
set file=
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5 delims=\" %%a in ("%str%") do set tloc=%%b&set plat=%%c&set conf=%%d&set file=%%e
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
if /i "%file%" NEQ "" (goto next)
call :seterr & echo ERROR: %1 is not supported & exit /b %errorlevel%
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
rem echo target=%tloc%, platform=%plat%, configuration=%conf%, file=%file%
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
rem get the filename extension (lib/dll) to set the output directory
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
set loc=%tloc%\
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
set extn=%file%#
set filename=%extn:~0,-5%
set extn=%extn:~-4,3%
if "%extn%" EQU "lib" (goto is2nd)
if "%extn%" EQU "dll" (goto is2nd)
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
call :seterr & echo "postbuild copy error ERROR: target=%tloc%, plat=%plat%, conf=%conf%, file=%file%, filename=%filename%, extn=%extn%" & exit /b %errorlevel%
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
rem set the target and final binary output directories
2015-11-19 11:30:52 -05:00
set tgt_dir="..\\%loc%%plat%\%conf%\"
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
set bin_dir="..\%extn%\%plat%\%conf%\"
2015-12-10 09:18:52 -05:00
set hdr_dir="..\%extn%\%plat%\%conf%\"
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
rem output parametrers for the MPIR tests
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
if /i "%filename%" EQU "mpirxx" goto skip
echo (set ldir=%loc%) > output_params.bat
echo (set libr=%extn%) >> output_params.bat
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
echo (set plat=%plat%) >> output_params.bat
echo (set conf=%conf%) >> output_params.bat
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
echo copying outputs from %tgt_dir% to %bin_dir%
if not exist %bin_dir% md %bin_dir%
call :copyh %tgt_dir%
call :copyh %hdr_dir%
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
call :copyb %tgt_dir% %bin_dir% %conf% %extn% %filename%
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
exit /b 0
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
rem copy binaries to final bin_dirination directory
rem %1 = target (build output) directory
rem %2 = binary destination directory
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
rem %3 = configuration (debug/release)
rem %4 = library (lib/dll)
rem %5 = file name
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
if "%4" EQU "dll" (
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
copy %1mpir.dll %2mpir.dll > nul 2>&1
copy %1mpir.exp %2mpir.exp > nul 2>&1
copy %1mpir.lib %2mpir.lib > nul 2>&1
if exist %1mpir.pdb (copy %1mpir.pdb %2mpir.pdb > nul 2>&1)
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
) else if "%4" EQU "lib" (
if "%5" EQU "mpir" (
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
if exist %1mpir.lib (
copy %1mpir.lib %2mpir.lib > nul 2>&1
if exist %1mpir.pdb (copy %1mpir.pdb %2mpir.pdb > nul 2>&1)
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
) else if "%5" EQU "mpirxx" (
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
if exist %1mpirxx.lib (
copy %1mpirxx.lib %2mpirxx.lib > nul 2>&1
if exist %1mpirxx.pdb (copy %1mpirxx.pdb %2mpirxx.pdb > nul 2>&1)
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
) else (
call :seterr & echo ERROR: illegal library type %4 & exit /b %errorlevel%
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
rem set configuration for the tests
2015-11-19 11:30:52 -05:00
call gen_test_config_props %plat% %conf% %msvc_ver%
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
exit /b 0
2015-11-17 07:16:34 -05:00
rem copy headers to final destination directory
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
2015-07-22 17:39:24 -04:00
copy ..\config.h %1config.h > nul 2>&1
copy ..\gmp-mparam.h %1gmp-mparam.h > nul 2>&1
copy ..\mpir.h %1mpir.h > nul 2>&1
copy ..\mpir.h %1gmp.h > nul 2>&1
copy ..\gmp-impl.h %1gmp-impl.h > nul 2>&1
copy ..\longlong.h %1longlong.h > nul 2>&1
copy ..\mpirxx.h %1mpirxx.h > nul 2>&1
copy ..\mpirxx.h %1gmpxx.h > nul 2>&1
2015-06-06 05:12:40 -04:00
exit /b 0
exit /b 1