351 lines
6.7 KiB
351 lines
6.7 KiB
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dnl x86 generic mpn_sqr_basecase -- square an mpn number.
dnl Copyright 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
dnl This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
dnl The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
dnl it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
dnl by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
dnl your option) any later version.
dnl The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
dnl WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
dnl or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
dnl License for more details.
dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
dnl along with the GNU MP Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
dnl the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
dnl Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
C cycles/crossproduct cycles/triangleproduct
C P5:
C P6:
C K6:
C K7:
C P4:
C void mpn_sqr_basecase (mp_ptr dst, mp_srcptr src, mp_size_t size);
C The algorithm is basically the same as mpn/generic/sqr_basecase.c, but a
C lot of function call overheads are avoided, especially when the size is
C small.
C The mul1 loop is not unrolled like mul_1.asm, it doesn't seem worth the
C code size to do so here.
C Enhancements:
C The addmul loop here is also not unrolled like aorsmul_1.asm and
C mul_basecase.asm are. Perhaps it should be done. It'd add to the
C complexity, but if it's worth doing in the other places then it should be
C worthwhile here.
C A fully-unrolled style like other sqr_basecase.asm versions (k6, k7, p6)
C might be worth considering. That'd add quite a bit to the code size, but
C only as much as is used would be dragged into L1 cache.
defframe(PARAM_SRC, 8)
defframe(PARAM_DST, 4)
movl PARAM_SIZE, %edx
movl PARAM_SRC, %eax
cmpl $2, %edx
movl PARAM_DST, %ecx
je L(two_limbs)
ja L(three_or_more)
C -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
C one limb only
C eax src
C ebx
C ecx dst
C edx
movl (%eax), %eax
mull %eax
movl %eax, (%ecx)
movl %edx, 4(%ecx)
C -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
C eax src
C ebx
C ecx dst
C edx
pushl %ebx
pushl %ebp
movl %eax, %ebx
movl (%eax), %eax
mull %eax C src[0]^2
pushl %esi
pushl %edi
movl %edx, %esi C dst[1]
movl %eax, (%ecx) C dst[0]
movl 4(%ebx), %eax
mull %eax C src[1]^2
movl %eax, %edi C dst[2]
movl %edx, %ebp C dst[3]
movl (%ebx), %eax
mull 4(%ebx) C src[0]*src[1]
addl %eax, %esi
adcl %edx, %edi
adcl $0, %ebp
addl %esi, %eax
adcl %edi, %edx
movl %eax, 4(%ecx)
adcl $0, %ebp
movl %edx, 8(%ecx)
movl %ebp, 12(%ecx)
popl %edi
popl %esi
popl %ebp
popl %ebx
C -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
C eax src
C ebx
C ecx dst
C edx size
pushl %ebx FRAME_pushl()
pushl %edi FRAME_pushl()
pushl %esi FRAME_pushl()
pushl %ebp FRAME_pushl()
leal (%ecx,%edx,4), %edi C &dst[size], end of this mul1
leal (%eax,%edx,4), %esi C &src[size]
C First multiply src[0]*src[1..size-1] and store at dst[1..size].
movl (%eax), %ebp C src[0], multiplier
movl %edx, %ecx
negl %ecx C -size
xorl %ebx, %ebx C clear carry limb
incl %ecx C -(size-1)
C eax scratch
C ebx carry
C ecx counter, limbs, negative
C edx scratch
C esi &src[size]
C edi &dst[size]
C ebp multiplier
movl (%esi,%ecx,4), %eax
mull %ebp
addl %eax, %ebx
adcl $0, %edx
movl %ebx, (%edi,%ecx,4)
movl %edx, %ebx
incl %ecx
jnz L(mul1)
movl %ebx, (%edi)
C Add products src[n]*src[n+1..size-1] at dst[2*n-1...], for
C n=1..size-2.
C The last products src[size-2]*src[size-1], which is the end corner
C of the product triangle, is handled separately at the end to save
C looping overhead. If size is 3 then it's only this that needs to
C be done.
C In the outer loop %esi is a constant, and %edi just advances by 1
C limb each time. The size of the operation decreases by 1 limb
C each time.
C eax
C ebx carry (needing carry flag added)
C ecx
C edx
C esi &src[size]
C edi &dst[size]
C ebp
movl PARAM_SIZE, %ecx
subl $3, %ecx
jz L(corner)
negl %ecx
dnl re-use parameter space
C eax
C ebx
C ecx
C edx outer loop counter, -(size-3) to -1
C esi &src[size]
C edi dst, pointing at stored carry limb of previous loop
C ebp
movl %ecx, VAR_OUTER
addl $4, %edi C advance dst end
movl -8(%esi,%ecx,4), %ebp C next multiplier
subl $1, %ecx
xorl %ebx, %ebx C initial carry limb
C eax scratch
C ebx carry (needing carry flag added)
C ecx counter, -n-1 to -1
C edx scratch
C esi &src[size]
C edi dst end of this addmul
C ebp multiplier
movl (%esi,%ecx,4), %eax
mull %ebp
addl %ebx, %eax
adcl $0, %edx
addl %eax, (%edi,%ecx,4)
adcl $0, %edx
movl %edx, %ebx
addl $1, %ecx
jl L(inner)
movl %ebx, (%edi)
movl VAR_OUTER, %ecx
incl %ecx
jnz L(outer)
C esi &src[size]
C edi &dst[2*size-3]
movl -4(%esi), %eax
mull -8(%esi) C src[size-1]*src[size-2]
addl %eax, 0(%edi)
adcl $0, %edx
movl %edx, 4(%edi) C dst high limb
C -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
C Left shift of dst[1..2*size-2], high bit shifted out becomes dst[2*size-1].
movl PARAM_SIZE, %eax
negl %eax
addl $1, %eax C -(size-1) and clear carry
C eax counter, negative
C ebx next limb
C ecx
C edx
C esi
C edi &dst[2*size-4]
C ebp
rcll 8(%edi,%eax,8)
rcll 12(%edi,%eax,8)
incl %eax
jnz L(lshift)
adcl %eax, %eax C high bit out
movl %eax, 8(%edi) C dst most significant limb
C Now add in the squares on the diagonal, namely src[0]^2, src[1]^2, ...,
C src[size-1]^2. dst[0] hasn't yet been set at all yet, and just gets the
C low limb of src[0]^2.
movl PARAM_SRC, %esi
movl (%esi), %eax C src[0]
mull %eax C src[0]^2
movl PARAM_SIZE, %ecx
leal (%esi,%ecx,4), %esi C src end
negl %ecx C -size
movl %edx, %ebx C initial carry
movl %eax, 12(%edi,%ecx,8) C dst[0]
incl %ecx C -(size-1)
C eax scratch (low product)
C ebx carry limb
C ecx counter, -(size-1) to -1
C edx scratch (high product)
C esi &src[size]
C edi &dst[2*size-3]
C ebp scratch (fetched dst limbs)
movl (%esi,%ecx,4), %eax
mull %eax
addl %ebx, 8(%edi,%ecx,8)
movl %edx, %ebx
adcl %eax, 12(%edi,%ecx,8)
adcl $0, %ebx
incl %ecx
jnz L(diag)
addl %ebx, 8(%edi) C dst most significant limb
popl %ebp
popl %esi
popl %edi
popl %ebx