# # Simple MS VC++ Makefile # # To build: # C:\libtiff\tools> nmake /f makefile.vc # # Uncomment and edit following lines to enable JPEG support #JPEG_SUPPORT = 1 #JPEGDIR = d:/projects/jpeg-6b #JPEG_LIB = $(JPEGDIR)/Release/jpeg.lib # Uncomment and edit following lines to enable ZIP support # (required for Deflate compression) #ZIP_SUPPORT = 1 #ZLIBDIR = d:/projects/zlib-1.2.1 #ZLIB_LIB = $(ZLIBDIR)/zlib.lib TARGETS = tiffcp.exe tiffinfo.exe tiffdump.exe fax2tiff.exe \ fax2ps.exe gif2tiff.exe pal2rgb.exe ppm2tiff.exe \ rgb2ycbcr.exe thumbnail.exe ras2tiff.exe raw2tiff.exe \ tiff2bw.exe tiff2rgba.exe tiff2pdf.exe tiff2ps.exe \ tiffcmp.exe tiffdither.exe tiffmedian.exe tiffsplit.exe EXTRA_OBJ = strcasecmp.obj getopt.obj LIBS = ..\libtiff\libtiff.lib EXTRAFLAGS = !IFDEF JPEG_SUPPORT LIBS = $(LIBS) $(JPEG_LIB) EXTRAFLAGS = $(EXTRAFLAGS) -DJPEG_SUPPORT !ENDIF CFLAGS = /nologo -I..\libtiff /D_WINDOWS $(EXTRAFLAGS) default: $(EXTRA_OBJ) $(TARGETS) .c.exe: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c $(EXTRA_OBJ) $(LIBS) tiffgt.exe: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) tiffgt.c $(EXTRA_OBJ) $(LIBS) getopt.obj: ..\port\getopt.c $(CC) /c $(CFLAGS) ..\port\getopt.c strcasecmp.obj: ..\port\strcasecmp.c $(CC) /c $(CFLAGS) ..\port\strcasecmp.c clean: del *.obj *.exe