/* * Copyright (c) 2012, Frank Warmerdam * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE * OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* * TIFF Library * * -- Module copied from custom_dir.c -- *=========== Purpose =================================================================================== * Extended and amended version for testing of EXIF 2.32, GPS and handling of custom fields. * EXIF 2.32 and GPS are defined in amended files tif_dirinfo.c, tif_dirread.c, tiff.h, tiffio.h, tif_dir.h, tif_dir.c * *-- ATTENTION: After the upgrade with Rational2Double, the GPSTAG values are defined as double precision * and need to be written and also read in double precision! * In order to maintain this code for both cases, it is checked above if the TiffLibrary is * compiled with the new interface with Rational2Double or still uses the old definitions, * by setting blnIsRational2Double above. * */ /*------------ * This version writes the GPS and EXIF tags correctly, without additonal main-IFD and parameters! * In contrary, custom_dir.c does write additional main-IFD and parameters to file. -------------*/ #define FOR_AUTO_TESTING #ifdef FOR_AUTO_TESTING /* Only for automake and CMake infrastructure the test should: a.) delete any written testfiles when test passed (otherwise autotest will fail) b.) goto failure, if any failure is detected, which is not necessary when test is initiated manually for debugging */ #define GOTOFAILURE goto failure; #define GOTOFAILURE_GPS goto failure; #define GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF goto failure; #else #define GOTOFAILURE #define GOTOFAILURE_GPS #define GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( disable : 4101) #endif #include "tif_config.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #include "tiffio.h" #include "tiffiop.h" #include "tif_dir.h" #include "tifftest.h" int write_test_tiff(TIFF *tif, const char *filenameRead); static const char filename[] = "custom_dir_EXIF_231.tif"; static const char filenameBigTiff[] = "custom_dir_EXIF_231_Big.tif"; #define SPP 3 /* Samples per pixel */ const uint16 width = 1; const uint16 length = 1; const uint16 bps = 8; const uint16 photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_RGB; const uint16 rows_per_strip = 1; const uint16 planarconfig = PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG; int main() { TIFF *tif; int ret, ret1, ret2; fprintf(stderr, "==== Test automatically if all EXIF and GPS tags are written/read correctly. ====\n"); /* --- Test with Classic-TIFF ---*/ /* delete file, if exists */ ret = unlink(filename); if (ret != 0 && errno != ENOENT) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't delete test TIFF file %s.\n", filename); } /* We write the main directory as a simple image. */ tif = TIFFOpen(filename, "w+"); if (!tif) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create test TIFF file %s.\n", filename); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "-------- Test with ClassicTIFF started ----------\n"); ret1 = write_test_tiff(tif, filename); if (ret1 > 0) return(ret1); /*--- Test with BIG-TIFF ---*/ /* delete file, if exists */ ret = unlink(filenameBigTiff); if (ret != 0 && errno != ENOENT) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't delete test TIFF file %s.\n", filenameBigTiff); } tif = TIFFOpen(filenameBigTiff, "w8"); if (!tif) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create test TIFF file %s.\n", filenameBigTiff); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "\n\n-------- Test with BigTIFF started ----------\n"); ret2 = write_test_tiff(tif, filenameBigTiff); if (ret2 > 0) return(ret2 + 10); else return(ret2); } /* main() */ int write_test_tiff(TIFF *tif, const char *filenameRead) { unsigned char buf[SPP] = { 0, 127, 255 }; uint64 dir_offset = 0; uint64 dir_offset_GPS = 0, dir_offset_EXIF = 0; uint64 read_dir_offset = 0; /*-- Additional variables --*/ int retCode, retCode2; unsigned char exifVersion[4] = {'0','2','3','1'}; /* EXIF 2.31 version is 4 characters of a string! */ unsigned char gpsVersion[4] = {2,2,0,1}; /* GPS Version is 4 numbers! */ unsigned char *pGpsVersion; float auxFloat = 0.0f; double auxDouble = 0.0; char auxChar = 0; uint32 auxUint32 = 0; short auxShort=0; long auxLong = 0; void *pVoid; int blnIsRational2Double; int i, j; long nTags; const TIFFFieldArray* tFieldArray; unsigned long tTag; TIFFDataType tType; short tWriteCount; TIFFSetGetFieldType tSetFieldType; char *tFieldName; const TIFFField *fip; char blnFillGPSManually = 1; #define STRSIZE 1000 #define N_SIZE 120 #define VARIABLE_ARRAY_SIZE 6 /* -- Test data for writing -- */ char auxCharArrayW[N_SIZE]; short auxShortArrayW[N_SIZE]; long auxLongArrayW[N_SIZE]; float auxFloatArrayW[N_SIZE]; double auxDoubleArrayW[N_SIZE]; char auxTextArrayW[N_SIZE][STRSIZE]; double auxDoubleArrayGPS1[3] = {1.0/7.0, 61.23456789012345, 62.0}; double auxDoubleArrayGPS2[3] = {1.0/19.0, 88.34434, 15.12345678901234567890}; double auxDoubleArrayGPSTime[3] = {22.0, 17.0, 15.3456789}; double auxDoubleGPSAltitude = 3456.0; double auxDoubleGPSDirection = 63.7; float auxFloatArrayN1[3] = { 1.0f / 7.0f, 61.23456789012345f, 62.3f }; float auxFloatArrayN2[3] = { -1.0f / 7.0f, -61.23456789012345f, -62.3f }; /* -- Variables for reading -- */ uint16 count16 = 0; union { long Long; short Short1; short Short2[2]; char Char[4]; } unionLong; union { double dbl; float flt1; float flt2; } auxDblUnion; void *pVoidArray; char *pAscii; char auxCharArray[2*STRSIZE]; short auxShortArray[2*N_SIZE]; long auxLongArray[2*N_SIZE]; float auxFloatArray[2*N_SIZE]; double auxDoubleArray[2*N_SIZE]; double dblDiff, dblDiffLimit; #define RATIONAL_EPS (1.0/30000.0) /* reduced difference of rational values, approx 3.3e-5 */ /*-- Fill test data arrays for writing ----------- */ for (i=0; iset_field_type; if (tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE) { blnIsRational2Double = FALSE; } else { blnIsRational2Double = TRUE; fprintf(stderr, "-- Rational2Double from TIFF tag detected --\n"); } /*================== Write GPS and EXIF tags =====================*/ /*-- Set dummy EXIF/GPS tag in original tiff-structure in order to reserve space for final dir_offset value, */ /* which is properly written at the end. */ dir_offset = 0; /* Zero, in case no Custom-IFD is written */ #define WRITE_GPS_TAGS #ifdef WRITE_GPS_TAGS if (!TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_GPSIFD, dir_offset )) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write TIFFTAG_GPSIFD\n" ); } #endif /*------- And also do the same for the EXIF IFD tag here, because we have to save the main directory next ------*/ /*-- Set dummy EXIF/GPS tag in original tiff-structure in order to reserve space for final dir_offset value, * which is properly written at the end. */ #define WRITE_EXIF_TAGS #ifdef WRITE_EXIF_TAGS if (!TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_EXIFIFD, dir_offset )) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write TIFFTAG_EXIFIFD\n" ); } #endif #ifndef WRITEPIXELLAST /*-- Write dummy pixel data. --*/ if (TIFFWriteScanline(tif, buf, 0, 0) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write image data.\n"); goto failure; } #endif #ifdef WRITE_GPS_TAGS #define READ_GPS_TAGS /*================== Write GPS tags =====================*/ /*-- Save current tiff-directory to file before directory is changed. Otherwise it will be lost! */ /* The tif-structure is overwritten/ freshly initialized by any "CreateDirectory" */ /*retCode = TIFFCheckpointDirectory(tif);*/ /* does not cleanup Tiff-Structure */ retCode = TIFFWriteDirectory(tif); /* cleanup Tiff-structure */ /*-- Now create a GPS directory. */ if (TIFFCreateGPSDirectory(tif) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "TIFFCreateGPSDirectory() failed.\n" ); goto failure; } if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_VERSIONID, gpsVersion)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_VERSIONID\n" ); goto failure; } if (blnFillGPSManually) { /*================= Write manually valid data to the GPS fields ==============*/ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_LATITUDEREF, "N\0")) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_LATITUDEREF\n" ); goto failure; } /*-- Unfortunately, Rational values are defined as SETGET_DOUBLE but are internally always stored as float. * Single Rational values do not matter for writing, because TIFFSetField() uses va_arg() which performs "variables promotion" from type float to type double! * However, for reading of Rational values ONLY float-variables are allowed - in contrary to the SETGET_DOUBLE specification at tiffFields[] in tif_dirinfo.c. */ /*-- ATTENTION: After the upgrade with Rational2Double, the GPSTAG values are defined as double precision * and need to be written and also read in double precision! * In order to maintain this code for both cases, it is checked above if the TiffLibrary is * compiled with the new interface with Rational2Double or still uses the old definitions, * by setting blnIsRational2Double above. */ if (blnIsRational2Double) { fprintf(stderr, "-- GPS tags are written using Rational2Double --\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "-- GPS tags are written using standard --\n"); } if (!blnIsRational2Double) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) auxFloatArray[j] = (float)auxDoubleArrayGPS1[j]; if (!TIFFSetField(tif, GPSTAG_LATITUDE, auxFloatArray)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_LATITUDE\n"); goto failure; } } else { /* Rational2Double interface for GPSTAG */ if (!TIFFSetField(tif, GPSTAG_LATITUDE, auxDoubleArrayGPS1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_LATITUDE\n"); goto failure; } } if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_LONGITUDEREF, "W\0")) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_LONGITUDEREF\n" ); goto failure; } if (!blnIsRational2Double) { for (j=0; j<3; j++) auxFloatArray[j] = (float)auxDoubleArrayGPS2[j]; if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_LONGITUDE, auxFloatArray)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_LONGITUDE\n" ); goto failure; } } else { /* Rational2Double interface for GPSTAG */ if (!TIFFSetField(tif, GPSTAG_LONGITUDE, auxDoubleArrayGPS2)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_LATITUDE\n"); goto failure; } } /*-- AltitudeRef: default is above sea level!! */ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_ALTITUDEREF, 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_ALTITUDEREF\n" ); goto failure; } if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_ALTITUDE, auxDoubleGPSAltitude)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_ALTITUDE\n" ); goto failure; } /*-- TimeStamp is only hh:mm:ss. See also DateTime string */ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_TIMESTAMP, auxDoubleArrayGPSTime)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_TIMESTAMP\n" ); goto failure; } if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_DATESTAMP, "2012:11:04")) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_DATESTAMP\n" ); goto failure; } if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_IMGDIRECTIONREF, "T\0")) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_IMGDIRECTIONREF\n" ); goto failure; } if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_IMGDIRECTION, auxDoubleGPSDirection)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_IMGDIRECTION\n" ); goto failure; } /*-- Type TIFF_UNDEFINED */ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_PROCESSINGMETHOD, 3, &auxCharArrayW[10])) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_PROCESSINGMETHOD\n" ); goto failure; } if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_AREAINFORMATION, 4, &auxCharArrayW[20])) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_AREAINFORMATION\n" ); goto failure; } /*-- PSTAG_DIFFERENTIAL , 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT , 0, TIFF_SETGET_UINT16 */ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_DIFFERENTIAL, auxShortArrayW[5])) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_DIFFERENTIAL\n" ); goto failure; } /* GPSTAG_GPSHPOSITIONINGERROR , 1, 1, TIFF_RATIONAL , 0, TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE but here written in float-precision */ #define GPSHPOSITIONINGERROR_VAL 0.369 auxFloat = (float)GPSHPOSITIONINGERROR_VAL; if (!TIFFSetField( tif, GPSTAG_GPSHPOSITIONINGERROR, auxFloat)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write GPSTAG_GPSHPOSITIONINGERROR\n" ); goto failure; } } else { /*================= Write arbitrary data to the GPS fields ==============*/ /*-- Get array, where GPS tag fields are defined --*/ tFieldArray = _TIFFGetGpsFields(); nTags = tFieldArray->count; /*-- TODO: fill in the for / switch part of EXIF writing, when finished and tested!! */ } /*-- if (blnFillGPSManually) --*/ /*-- GPS - write custom directory GPS into file...---*/ /* (Get back the offset of GPS directory) */ if (!TIFFWriteCustomDirectory( tif, &dir_offset_GPS )) { fprintf (stderr, "TIFFWriteCustomDirectory() with GPS failed.\n"); goto failure; } /*--- CheckpointDirectory at this place generates a second Main-IFD!!! */ /* retCode = TIFFCheckpointDirectory(tif); */ /*-- Set / reload previously saved main directory from file ---*/ if (!TIFFSetDirectory(tif, 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "TIFFSetDirectory() within GPS failed.\n"); goto failure; } /*-- Write GPS tag reference / offset into GPSIFD tag in main directory --*/ if (!TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_GPSIFD, dir_offset_GPS )) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write TIFFTAG_GPSIFD\n"); goto failure; } /*=============== END writing GPS tags ==========================*/ #endif /*-- WRITE_GPS_TAGS --*/ /*================== Write EXIF 2.31 tags =====================*/ /*-- Set dummy EXIF/GPS tag in original tiff-structure in order to reserve space for final dir_offset value, */ /* which is properly written at the end.*/ /*- We did this already above together with the GPS IFD-tag. Otherwise we would do this here !! --------*/ /* if (!TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_EXIFIFD, dir_offset )) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write TIFFTAG_EXIFIFD\n" ); } */ #ifdef WRITE_EXIF_TAGS #define READ_EXIF_TAGS /*-- Save current tiff-directory to file before directory is changed. Otherwise it will be lost! * The tif-structure is overwritten/ freshly initialized by any "CreateDirectory" */ /*----- What is needed here ??? ---- * In custom_dir.c only TIFFFreeDirectory( tif ); is used to set fields of another Sub-Directory * TIFFFreeDirectory(tif); *-- Release storage associated with a directory, especially custom-fields. *-- Using only TIFFFreeDirectory() here leads to an error!! *-- Using here TIFFCheckpointDirectory() leads to an additional Main-IFD ?? */ /*retCode = TIFFCheckpointDirectory(tif);*/ /* does not cleanup Tiff-Structure */ retCode = TIFFWriteDirectory(tif); /* cleanup Tiff-structure */ /*-- Now create an EXIF directory. */ if (TIFFCreateEXIFDirectory(tif) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "TIFFCreateEXIFDirectory() failed.\n" ); goto failure; } #define WRITE_ALL_EXIF_TAGS #ifdef WRITE_ALL_EXIF_TAGS #define READ_ALL_EXIF_TAGS /*================= EXIF: Write arbitrary data to the EXIF fields ==============*/ /*-- Get array, where EXIF tag fields are defined * EXIF tags are written automatically with the defined precision according to its tSetFieldType using the code below --*/ tFieldArray = _TIFFGetExifFields(); nTags = tFieldArray->count; for (i=0; ifields[i].field_tag; tType = tFieldArray->fields[i].field_type; /* e.g. TIFF_RATIONAL */ tWriteCount = tFieldArray->fields[i].field_writecount; tSetFieldType = tFieldArray->fields[i].set_field_type; /* e.g. TIFF_SETGET_C0_FLOAT */ tFieldName = tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name; pVoid = NULL; /*-- dependent on set_field_type write value --*/ switch (tSetFieldType) { case TIFF_SETGET_ASCII: /* Either the stringlength is defined as a fixed length in .field_writecount or a NULL-terminated string is used. */ /* Shorter strings than in auxTextArraxW need a NULL-termination. Therefore copy the string. */ if (tWriteCount > 0) auxLong = tWriteCount-1; else auxLong = (long)strlen(auxTextArrayW[i])-1; strncpy(auxCharArray, auxTextArrayW[i], auxLong); auxCharArray[auxLong] = 0; if (!TIFFSetField( tif, tTag, auxCharArray)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); goto failure; } break; case TIFF_SETGET_UINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_UINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_UINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_IFD8: case TIFF_SETGET_INT: /*-- All those can be written with char, short or long parameter. Only value range should be in line. */ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, tTag, auxLongArrayW[i])) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); goto failure; } break; case TIFF_SETGET_SINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_SINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_SINT32: /*-- All those can be written with char, short or long parameter. Only value range should be in line. */ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, tTag, -1.0*auxLongArrayW[i])) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); goto failure; } break; case TIFF_SETGET_FLOAT: case TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE: if (tWriteCount == 1) { /*-- All single values can be written with float or double parameter. Only value range should be in line. */ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, tTag, auxDoubleArrayW[i])) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); goto failure; } } else { fprintf (stderr, "WriteCount for .set_field_type %d should be 1! %s\n", tSetFieldType, tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); } break; case TIFF_SETGET_C0_FLOAT: case TIFF_SETGET_C0_DOUBLE: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_FLOAT: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_DOUBLE: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_FLOAT: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_DOUBLE: /* _Cxx_ just defines the size of the count parameter for the array as C0=char, C16=short or C32=long */ /*-- Check, if it is a single parameter, a fixed array or a variable array */ if (tWriteCount == 1) { fprintf (stderr, "WriteCount for .set_field_type %d should be -1 or greather than 1! %s\n", tSetFieldType, tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); } else { /*-- Either fix or variable array --*/ /* For arrays, distinguishing between float or double is essential, even for writing */ if (tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_C0_FLOAT || tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_C16_FLOAT || tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_C32_FLOAT) pVoid = &auxFloatArrayW[i]; else pVoid = &auxDoubleArrayW[i]; /* Now decide between fixed or variable array */ if (tWriteCount > 1) { /* fixed array with needed arraysize defined in .field_writecount */ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, tTag, pVoid)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); goto failure; } } else { /* special treatment of variable array */ /* for test, use always arraysize of VARIABLE_ARRAY_SIZE */ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, tTag, VARIABLE_ARRAY_SIZE, pVoid)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); goto failure; } } } break; case TIFF_SETGET_C0_UINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_C0_SINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_UINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_SINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_UINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_SINT8: /* For arrays, distinguishing between float or double is essential, even for writing */ pVoid = &auxCharArrayW[i]; case TIFF_SETGET_C0_UINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_C0_SINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_UINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_SINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_UINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_SINT16: if (pVoid == NULL) pVoid = &auxShortArrayW[i]; case TIFF_SETGET_C0_UINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_C0_SINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_UINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_SINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_UINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_SINT32: if (pVoid == NULL) pVoid = &auxLongArrayW[i]; /* _Cxx_ just defines the size of the count parameter for the array as C0=char, C16=short or C32=long */ /*-- Check, if it is a single parameter, a fixed array or a variable array */ if (tWriteCount == 1) { fprintf (stderr, "WriteCount for .set_field_type %d should be -1 or greather than 1! %s\n", tSetFieldType, tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); } else { /*-- Either fix or variable array --*/ /* Now decide between fixed or variable array */ if (tWriteCount > 1) { /* fixed array with needed arraysize defined in .field_writecount */ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, tTag, pVoid)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); goto failure; } } else { /* special treatment of variable array */ /* for test, use always arraysize of VARIABLE_ARRAY_SIZE */ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, tTag, VARIABLE_ARRAY_SIZE, pVoid)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); goto failure; } } } break; default: fprintf (stderr, "SetFieldType %d not defined within writing switch for %s.\n", tSetFieldType, tFieldName); }; /*-- switch() --*/ } /*-- for() --*/ /*================= EXIF: END Writing arbitrary data to the EXIF fields END END END ==============*/ #endif /*-- WRITE_ALL_EXIF_TAGS --*/ /*--- Set valid EXIF version, which is a 4 byte string --*/ if (!TIFFSetField( tif, EXIFTAG_EXIFVERSION, exifVersion)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write EXIFTAG_EXIFVERSION\n" ); goto failure; } /*-- EXIF - write custom directory EXIF into file...---*/ /* (Get back the offset of EXIF directory) */ if (!TIFFWriteCustomDirectory( tif, &dir_offset_EXIF )) { fprintf (stderr, "TIFFWriteCustomDirectory() with EXIF failed.\n"); goto failure; } /*-- Go back to the first (main) directory, and set correct value of the EXIFIFD pointer. */ /* (directory is reloaded from file!) */ TIFFSetDirectory(tif, 0); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_EXIFIFD, dir_offset_EXIF ); #endif /*-- WRITE_EXIF_TAGS --*/ #ifdef WRITEPIXELLAST /*-- Write dummy pixel data. --*/ if (TIFFWriteScanline(tif, buf, 0, 0) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write image data.\n"); goto failure; } #endif /*-- Write directory to file --*/ /* Always WriteDirectory before using/creating another directory. */ /* Not necessary before TIFFClose(), however, TIFFClose() uses TIFFReWriteDirectory(), which forces directory to be written at another location. */ retCode = TIFFWriteDirectory(tif); /*-- Write File to disk and close file --*/ /* TIFFClose() uses TIFFReWriteDirectory(), which forces directory to be written at another location. */ /* Therefore, better use TIFFWriteDirectory() before. */ TIFFClose(tif); fprintf (stderr, "-------- Continue Test ---------- reading ...\n"); /*========================= READING ============= READING ========================================*/ /* Ok, now test whether we can read written values correctly. */ tif = TIFFOpen(filenameRead, "r"); /*-- Read some parameters out of the main directory --*/ /*-- IMAGEWIDTH and -LENGTH are defined as TIFF_SETGET_UINT32 */ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &auxUint32 ); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH"); } if (auxUint32 != width) { fprintf (stderr, "Read value of IMAGEWIDTH %d differs from set value %d\n", auxUint32, width); } retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &auxUint32 ); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH"); } if (auxUint32 != width) { fprintf (stderr, "Read value of TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH %d differs from set value %d\n", auxUint32, length); } #ifdef ADDITIONAL_TAGS /*- TIFFTAG_PIXAR_FOVCOT is a FLOAT parameter of type FIELD_CUSTOM !! */ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PIXAR_FOVCOT, &auxFloat ); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "TIFFTAG_PIXAR_FOVCOT"); } if (auxFloat != (float)PIXAR_FOVCOT_VAL) { fprintf (stderr, "Read value of TIFFTAG_PIXAR_FOVCOT %f differs from set value %f\n", auxFloat, PIXAR_FOVCOT_VAL); } /* - TIFFTAG_BESTQUALITYSCALE is a Rational parameter, FIELD_CUSTOM and TIFF_SETGET_FLOAT */ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BESTQUALITYSCALE, &auxFloat ); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "TIFFTAG_BESTQUALITYSCALE"); } if (auxFloat != (float)BESTQUALITYSCALE_VAL) { fprintf (stderr, "Read value of TIFFTAG_BESTQUALITYSCALE %f differs from set value %f\n", auxFloat, BESTQUALITYSCALE_VAL); } /* - TIFFTAG_BASELINENOISE, 1, 1, TIFF_RATIONAL, 0, TIFF_SETGET_FLOAT */ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BASELINENOISE, &auxDblUnion.dbl); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "TIFFTAG_BASELINENOISE"); } if (auxDblUnion.flt1 != (float)BESTQUALITYSCALE_VAL) { fprintf(stderr, "Read float value of TIFFTAG_BASELINENOISE %f differs from set value %f\n", auxDblUnion.flt1, BESTQUALITYSCALE_VAL); } /*- Variable Array: TIFFTAG_DECODE is a SRATIONAL parameter TIFF_SETGET_C16_FLOAT type FIELD_CUSTOM with passcount=1 and variable length of array. */ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_DECODE, &count16, &pVoidArray ); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "TIFFTAG_DECODE"); } /*- pVoidArray points to a Tiff-internal temporary memorypart. Thus, contents needs to be saved. */ memcpy(&auxFloatArray, pVoidArray,(count16 * sizeof(auxFloatArray[0]))); for (i=0; i fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { fprintf (stderr, "Read value %d of TIFFTAG_DECODE Array %f differs from set value %f\n", i, auxFloatArray[i], auxFloatArrayN2[i]); } } retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BLACKLEVEL, &count16, &pVoidArray); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "TIFFTAG_BLACKLEVEL"); } /*- pVoidArray points to a Tiff-internal temporary memorypart. Thus, contents needs to be saved. */ memcpy(&auxFloatArray, pVoidArray, (count16 * sizeof(auxFloatArray[0]))); for (i = 0; i fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { fprintf(stderr, "Read value %d of TIFFTAG_BLACKLEVEL Array %f differs from set value %f\n", i, auxFloatArray[i], auxFloatArrayN1[i]); } } /*- Fixed Array: TIFFTAG_DEFAULTCROPSIZE, 2, 2, TIFF_RATIONAL, 0, TIFF_SETGET_C0_FLOAT */ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_DEFAULTCROPSIZE, &pVoidArray); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "TIFFTAG_DEFAULTCROPSIZE"); } /*- pVoidArray points to a Tiff-internal temporary memorypart. Thus, contents needs to be saved. */ memcpy(&auxFloatArray, pVoidArray, (2 * sizeof(auxFloatArray[0]))); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { dblDiffLimit = RATIONAL_EPS * auxFloatArrayW[i]; dblDiff = auxFloatArray[i] - auxFloatArrayW[i]; if (fabs(dblDiff) > fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { fprintf(stderr, "Read value %d of TIFFTAG_DEFAULTCROPSIZE Array %f differs from set value %f\n", i, auxFloatArray[i], auxFloatArrayW[i]); } } #endif /*-- ADDITIONAL_TAGS --*/ #ifdef READ_GPS_TAGS /*================== Reading GPS tags =====================*/ /*-- First get offset to GPS-directory and set it active (this will destroy previously main directory fields in memory!) */ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_GPSIFD, &read_dir_offset ); if (!retCode) {fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "TIFFTAG_GPSIFD"); } retCode = TIFFReadGPSDirectory(tif, read_dir_offset); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "TIFFReadGPSDirectory()"); } /*-- Now read some parameters from GPS-directory --*/ /*-- Fixed Array: GPS-Version is a fixed array (of 4 characters) */ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, GPSTAG_VERSIONID, &pGpsVersion); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "GPSTAG_VERSIONID"); } else { memcpy(auxCharArray, pGpsVersion, sizeof(gpsVersion)); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (auxCharArray[i] != pGpsVersion[i]) { fprintf(stderr, "Read value %d of GPSTAG_VERSIONID %d differs from set value %d\n", i, auxCharArray[i], pGpsVersion[i]); } } } /*-- LATITUDEREF is a fixed String of one character plus ending zero. */ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, GPSTAG_LATITUDEREF, &pAscii); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "GPSTAG_LATITUDEREF"); } retCode2 = strncmp("N", pAscii, 1); if (retCode2 != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Read value %d of GPSTAG_LATITUDEREF %s differs from set value %s\n", i, "N", pAscii); } /*-- Fixed Array: Latitude is an array of 3 Rational-values. TIFFGetField() returns a pointer to a temporary float-/double-array. */ /*-- ATTENTION: After the upgrade with Rational2Double, the GPSTAG values are defined as double precision * and need to be written and also read in double precision! * In order to maintain this code for both cases, it is checked above if the TiffLibrary is * compiled with the new interface with Rational2Double or still uses the old definitions, * by setting blnIsRational2Double above. */ if (blnIsRational2Double) { fprintf(stderr, "-- GPS tags are read using Rational2Double --\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "-- GPS tags are read using standard --\n"); } retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, GPSTAG_LATITUDE, &pVoidArray); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "GPSTAG_LATITUDE"); } if (!blnIsRational2Double) { /* Reset arrays for debugging purpose first */ memset(auxFloatArray, 0, sizeof(auxFloatArray)); memcpy(auxFloatArray, pVoidArray, 3*sizeof(float)); /* for comparison copy to doubleArray */ for (i=0; i<3; i++) auxDoubleArray[i] = (double)auxFloatArray[i]; } else { /* Rational2Double interface for GPSTAG reads double array */ memset(auxDoubleArray, 0, sizeof(auxDoubleArray)); memcpy(auxDoubleArray, pVoidArray, 3 * sizeof(double)); } for (i=0; i<3; i++) { dblDiffLimit = RATIONAL_EPS*auxDoubleArrayGPS1[i]; dblDiff = auxDoubleArray[i] - auxDoubleArrayGPS1[i]; if (fabs(dblDiff) > fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { fprintf (stderr, "Read value %d of GPSTAG_LATITUDE %f differs from set value %f\n", i, auxDoubleArray[i], auxDoubleArrayGPS1[i]); } } /*-- LONGITUDEREF is a fixed String of one character plus ending zero. */ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, GPSTAG_LONGITUDEREF, &pAscii); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "GPSTAG_LONGITUDEREF"); } retCode2 = strncmp("W", pAscii, 1); if (retCode2 != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Read value %d of GPSTAG_LONGITUDEREF %s differs from set value %s\n", i, "W", pAscii); } retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, GPSTAG_LONGITUDE, &pVoidArray); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "GPSTAG_LONGITUDE"); } if (!blnIsRational2Double) { /* Reset arrays for debugging purpose first */ memset(auxFloatArray, 0, sizeof(auxFloatArray)); memcpy(auxFloatArray, pVoidArray, 3 * sizeof(float)); /* for comparison copy to doubleArray */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) auxDoubleArray[i] = (double)auxFloatArray[i]; } else { /* Rational2Double interface for GPSTAG reads double array */ memset(auxDoubleArray, 0, sizeof(auxDoubleArray)); memcpy(auxDoubleArray, pVoidArray, 3 * sizeof(double)); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dblDiffLimit = RATIONAL_EPS * auxDoubleArrayGPS2[i]; dblDiff = auxDoubleArray[i] - auxDoubleArrayGPS2[i]; if (fabs(dblDiff) > fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { fprintf(stderr, "Read value %d of GPSTAG_LONGITUDE %f differs from set value %f\n", i, auxDoubleArray[i], auxDoubleArrayGPS2[i]); } } /* TIFF_RATIONAL, TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE */ if (!TIFFGetField(tif, GPSTAG_ALTITUDE, &auxDblUnion.dbl)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read GPSTAG_ALTITUDE\n"); GOTOFAILURE_GPS } if (blnIsRational2Double) { /* New interface allows also double precision for TIFF_RATIONAL */ auxDouble = auxDblUnion.dbl; } else { /* Old interface reads TIFF_RATIONAL defined as TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE alwasy as FLOAT */ auxDouble = (double)auxDblUnion.flt1; } /* compare read values with written ones */ dblDiffLimit = RATIONAL_EPS * auxDoubleGPSAltitude; dblDiff = auxDouble - auxDoubleGPSAltitude; if (fabs(dblDiff) > fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { fprintf(stderr, "Read value of GPSTAG_ALTITUDE %f differs from set value %f\n", auxDouble, auxDoubleGPSAltitude); GOTOFAILURE_GPS } /*-- TimeStamp is only hh:mm:ss. See also DateTime string 3, TIFF_RATIONAL, TIFF_SETGET_C0_DOUBLE */ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, GPSTAG_TIMESTAMP, &pVoidArray); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "GPSTAG_TIMESTAMP"); } if (!blnIsRational2Double) { /* Reset arrays for debugging purpose first */ memset(auxFloatArray, 0, sizeof(auxFloatArray)); memcpy(auxFloatArray, pVoidArray, 3 * sizeof(float)); /* for comparison copy to doubleArray */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) auxDoubleArray[i] = (double)auxFloatArray[i]; } else { /* Rational2Double interface for GPSTAG reads double array */ memset(auxDoubleArray, 0, sizeof(auxDoubleArray)); memcpy(auxDoubleArray, pVoidArray, 3 * sizeof(double)); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dblDiffLimit = RATIONAL_EPS * auxDoubleArrayGPSTime[i]; dblDiff = auxDoubleArray[i] - auxDoubleArrayGPSTime[i]; if (fabs(dblDiff) > fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { fprintf(stderr, "Read value %d of GPSTAG_TIMESTAMP %f differs from set value %f\n", i, auxDoubleArray[i], auxDoubleArrayGPS2[i]); GOTOFAILURE_GPS } } /* GPSTAG_IMGDIRECTION --- TIFF_RATIONAL, TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE */ if (!TIFFGetField(tif, GPSTAG_IMGDIRECTION, &auxDblUnion.dbl)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read GPSTAG_IMGDIRECTION\n"); GOTOFAILURE_GPS } if (blnIsRational2Double) { /* New interface allows also double precision for TIFF_RATIONAL */ auxDouble = auxDblUnion.dbl; } else { /* Old interface reads TIFF_RATIONAL defined as TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE alwasy as FLOAT */ auxDouble = (double)auxDblUnion.flt1; } /* compare read values with written ones */ dblDiffLimit = RATIONAL_EPS * auxDoubleGPSDirection; dblDiff = auxDouble - auxDoubleGPSDirection; if (fabs(dblDiff) > fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { fprintf(stderr, "Read value of GPSTAG_IMGDIRECTION %f differs from set value %f\n", auxDouble, auxDoubleGPSDirection); GOTOFAILURE_GPS } /*-- GPSTAG_DIFFERENTIAL , 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT , 0, TIFF_SETGET_UINT16 */ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, GPSTAG_DIFFERENTIAL, &auxShort); if (!retCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", "GPSTAG_DIFFERENTIAL"); } if (auxShort != auxShortArrayW[5]) { fprintf(stderr, "Read value of GPSTAG_DIFFERENTIAL %d differs from set value %d\n", auxShort, auxShortArrayW[5]); GOTOFAILURE_GPS } /*-- GPSHPOSITIONINGERROR - new tag for EXIF 2.31 --*/ if (!TIFFGetField(tif, GPSTAG_GPSHPOSITIONINGERROR, &auxDblUnion.dbl)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read GPSTAG_GPSHPOSITIONINGERROR\n"); GOTOFAILURE_GPS } if (blnIsRational2Double) { /* New interface allows also double precision for TIFF_RATIONAL */ auxDouble = auxDblUnion.dbl; } else { /* Old interface reads TIFF_RATIONAL defined as TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE alwasy as FLOAT */ auxDouble = (double)auxDblUnion.flt1; } /* compare read values with written ones */ auxFloat = (float)GPSHPOSITIONINGERROR_VAL; dblDiffLimit = RATIONAL_EPS * auxFloat; dblDiff = auxDouble - auxFloat; if (fabs(dblDiff) > fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { fprintf(stderr, "Read value of GPSTAG_GPSHPOSITIONINGERROR %f differs from set value %f\n", auxDouble, auxFloat); GOTOFAILURE_GPS } /*=============== END reading GPS tags ==========================*/ #endif /*-- READ_GPS_TAGS --*/ /*================== Reading EXIF 2.31 tags =====================*/ /*--- Firstly, get EXIF directory offset from main directory. */ /*-- Go back to the first (main) directory, and get value of the EXIFIFD directory- offset. */ /* (directory is reloaded from file!) */ TIFFSetDirectory(tif, 0); retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_EXIFIFD, &read_dir_offset ); #ifdef READ_EXIF_TAGS /*-- Now read EXIF directory from file into memory --*/ retCode = TIFFReadEXIFDirectory(tif, read_dir_offset); /*-- Now get some parameters from EXIF-directory (already read into memory) --*/ retCode = TIFFGetField(tif, EXIFTAG_EXIFVERSION, &pAscii); #ifdef READ_ALL_EXIF_TAGS /*-- Get array, where EXIF tag fields are defined --*/ tFieldArray = _TIFFGetExifFields(); nTags = tFieldArray->count; /*-- Check, if the TiffLibrary is compiled with the new interface with Rational2Double or still uses the old definitions. */ /* tif points to EXIF tags, so TIFFFindField() can only access the EXIF tag fields */ fip = TIFFFindField(tif, EXIFTAG_EXPOSURETIME, TIFF_ANY); tSetFieldType = fip->set_field_type; if (tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE) { blnIsRational2Double = FALSE; fprintf(stderr, "-- EXIF tags read with standard --\n"); } else { blnIsRational2Double = TRUE; fprintf(stderr, "-- Rational2Double for reading EXIF tags detected --\n"); } for (i=0; ifields[i].field_tag; tType = tFieldArray->fields[i].field_type; /* e.g. TIFF_RATIONAL */ tWriteCount = tFieldArray->fields[i].field_writecount; tSetFieldType = tFieldArray->fields[i].set_field_type; /* e.g. TIFF_SETGET_C0_FLOAT */ tFieldName = tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name; pVoid = NULL; /*-- dependent on set_field_type read value --*/ switch (tSetFieldType) { case TIFF_SETGET_ASCII: /* Either the stringlength is defined as a fixed length in .field_writecount or a NULL-terminated string is used. */ if (!TIFFGetField( tif, tTag, &pAscii)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't read %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF break; } /* Save string from temporary buffer and compare with written string. */ strncpy(auxCharArray, pAscii, sizeof(auxCharArray)); if (tWriteCount > 0) auxLong = tWriteCount-1; else auxLong = (long)strlen(auxCharArray); retCode2 = strncmp(auxCharArray, auxTextArrayW[i], auxLong); if (retCode2 != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%d:Read value of %s %s differs from set value %s\n", i, tFieldName, auxCharArray, auxTextArrayW[i]); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF } break; /*-- For reading, the parameter size is to be observed !! */ case TIFF_SETGET_UINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_SINT8: if (!TIFFGetField( tif, tTag, &auxChar)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't read %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF break; } /* compare read values with written ones */ auxLong = auxChar; if (auxLong != (char)auxLongArrayW[i]) { fprintf (stderr, "%d:Read value of %s %ld differs from set value %ld\n", i, tFieldName, auxLong, auxLongArrayW[i]); } break; case TIFF_SETGET_UINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_SINT16: if (!TIFFGetField( tif, tTag, &auxShort)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't read %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF break; } /* compare read values with written ones */ auxLong = auxShort; if (auxLong != (short)auxLongArrayW[i]) { fprintf (stderr, "%d:Read value of %s %ld differs from set value %ld\n", i, tFieldName, auxLong, auxLongArrayW[i]); } break; case TIFF_SETGET_UINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_SINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_IFD8: case TIFF_SETGET_INT: if (!TIFFGetField( tif, tTag, &auxUint32)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't read %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF break; } /* compare read values with written ones */ auxLong = auxUint32; if (auxLong != auxLongArrayW[i]) { fprintf (stderr, "%d:Read value of %s %ld differs from set value %ld\n", i, tFieldName, auxLong, auxLongArrayW[i]); } break; case TIFF_SETGET_FLOAT: if (!TIFFGetField( tif, tTag, &auxFloat)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't read %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF break; } /* compare read values with written ones */ if (tType == TIFF_RATIONAL || tType == TIFF_SRATIONAL) dblDiffLimit = RATIONAL_EPS*auxDoubleArrayW[i]; else dblDiffLimit = 1e-6; dblDiff = auxFloat - auxDoubleArrayW[i]; if (fabs(dblDiff) > fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { /*--: EXIFTAG_SUBJECTDISTANCE: LibTiff returns value of "-1.0" if numerator equals 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) to indicate infinite distance! * However, there are two other EXIF tags where numerator indicates a special value and six other cases where the denominator indicates special values, * which are not treated within LibTiff!! */ if (!(tTag == EXIFTAG_SUBJECTDISTANCE && auxFloat == -1.0)) { fprintf (stderr, "%d:Read value of %s %f differs from set value %f\n", i, tFieldName, auxFloat, auxDoubleArrayW[i]); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF } } break; case TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE: /*-- Unfortunately, TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE is used for TIFF_RATIONAL but those have to be read with FLOAT !!! */ /* Only TIFFTAG_STONITS is a TIFF_DOUBLE, which has to be read as DOUBLE!! */ /*-- ATTENTION: ---- * Only after update with Rational2Double feature, also TIFF_RATIONAL can be read in double precision!!! * Therefore, use a union to avoid overflow in TIFFGetField() return value * and depending on version check for the right interface here: * - old interface: correct value should be here a float * - new interface: correct value should be here a double * Interface version (old/new) is determined above. -------------------*/ if (!TIFFGetField(tif, tTag, &auxDblUnion.dbl)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF break; } if (tType == TIFF_RATIONAL || tType == TIFF_SRATIONAL) { if (blnIsRational2Double) { /* New interface allows also double precision for TIFF_RATIONAL */ auxDouble = auxDblUnion.dbl; } else { /* Old interface reads TIFF_RATIONAL defined as TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE alwasy as FLOAT */ auxDouble = (double)auxDblUnion.flt1; } } else { auxDouble = auxDblUnion.dbl; } /* compare read values with written ones */ if (tType == TIFF_RATIONAL || tType == TIFF_SRATIONAL) dblDiffLimit = RATIONAL_EPS*auxDoubleArrayW[i]; else dblDiffLimit = 1e-6; dblDiff = auxDouble - auxDoubleArrayW[i]; if (fabs(dblDiff) > fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { /*--: EXIFTAG_SUBJECTDISTANCE: LibTiff returns value of "-1.0" if numerator equals 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) to indicate infinite distance! */ if (!(tTag == EXIFTAG_SUBJECTDISTANCE && auxDouble == -1.0)) { fprintf (stderr, "%d:Read value of %s %f differs from set value %f\n", i, tFieldName, auxDouble, auxDoubleArrayW[i]); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF } } break; case TIFF_SETGET_C0_FLOAT: case TIFF_SETGET_C0_DOUBLE: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_FLOAT: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_DOUBLE: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_FLOAT: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_DOUBLE: /* _Cxx_ just defines the size of the count parameter for the array as C0=char, C16=short or C32=long */ /*-- Check, if it is a single parameter, a fixed array or a variable array */ if (tWriteCount == 1) { fprintf (stderr, "Reading: WriteCount for .set_field_type %d should be -1 or greather than 1! %s\n", tSetFieldType, tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); } else { /*-- Either fix or variable array --*/ /* For arrays, distinguishing between float or double is essential. */ /* Now decide between fixed or variable array */ if (tWriteCount > 1) { /* fixed array with needed arraysize defined in .field_writecount */ if (!TIFFGetField( tif, tTag, &pVoidArray)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't read %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF break; } /* set tWriteCount to number of read samples for next steps */ auxLong = tWriteCount; } else { /* Special treatment of variable array. */ /* Dependent on Cxx, the count parameter is char, short or long. Therefore use unionLong! */ if (!TIFFGetField( tif, tTag, &unionLong, &pVoidArray)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't read %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF break; } /* set tWriteCount to number of read samples for next steps */ auxLong = unionLong.Short1; } /* Save values from temporary array */ if (tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_C0_FLOAT || tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_C16_FLOAT || tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_C32_FLOAT) { memcpy(&auxFloatArray, pVoidArray,(auxLong * sizeof(auxFloatArray[0]))); /* compare read values with written ones */ if (tType == TIFF_RATIONAL || tType == TIFF_SRATIONAL) dblDiffLimit = RATIONAL_EPS*auxDoubleArrayW[i]; else dblDiffLimit = 1e-6; for (j=0; j fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { /*if (auxFloatArray[j] != (float)auxFloatArrayW[i+j]) { */ fprintf (stderr, "Read value %d of %s #%d %f differs from set value %f\n", i, tFieldName, j, auxFloatArray[j], auxFloatArrayW[i+j]); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF } } } else { memcpy(&auxDoubleArray, pVoidArray,(auxLong * sizeof(auxDoubleArray[0]))); /* compare read values with written ones */ if (tType == TIFF_RATIONAL || tType == TIFF_SRATIONAL) dblDiffLimit = RATIONAL_EPS*auxDoubleArrayW[i]; else dblDiffLimit = 1e-6; for (j=0; j fabs(dblDiffLimit)) { /*if (auxDoubleArray[j] != auxDoubleArrayW[i+j]) { */ fprintf (stderr, "Read value %d of %s #%d %f differs from set value %f\n", i, tFieldName, j, auxDoubleArray[j], auxDoubleArrayW[i+j]); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF } } } } break; case TIFF_SETGET_C0_UINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_C0_SINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_UINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_SINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_UINT8: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_SINT8: /* For arrays, distinguishing between float or double is essential, even for writing */ pVoid = &auxCharArrayW[i]; case TIFF_SETGET_C0_UINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_C0_SINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_UINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_SINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_UINT16: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_SINT16: if (pVoid == NULL) pVoid = &auxShortArrayW[i]; case TIFF_SETGET_C0_UINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_C0_SINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_UINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_C16_SINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_UINT32: case TIFF_SETGET_C32_SINT32: if (pVoid == NULL) pVoid = &auxLongArrayW[i]; /* _Cxx_ just defines the size of the count parameter for the array as C0=char, C16=short or C32=long */ /*-- Check, if it is a single parameter, a fixed array or a variable array */ if (tWriteCount == 1) { fprintf (stderr, "WriteCount for .set_field_type %d should be -1 or greather than 1! %s\n", tSetFieldType, tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); } else { /*-- Either fix or variable array --*/ /* Now decide between fixed or variable array */ if (tWriteCount > 1) { /* fixed array with needed arraysize defined in .field_writecount */ if (!TIFFGetField( tif, tTag, &pVoidArray)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't read %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF break; } /* set tWriteCount to number of read samples for next steps */ auxLong = tWriteCount; } else { /* special treatment of variable array */ /* for test, use always arraysize of VARIABLE_ARRAY_SIZE */ if (!TIFFGetField( tif, tTag, &unionLong, &pVoidArray)) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't read %s\n", tFieldArray->fields[i].field_name); GOTOFAILURE_ALL_EXIF break; } /* set tWriteCount to number of read samples for next steps */ auxLong = unionLong.Short1; } /* Save values from temporary array */ if (tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_C0_UINT8 || tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_C0_SINT8 || tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_C16_UINT8 || tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_C16_SINT8 || tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_C32_UINT8 || tSetFieldType == TIFF_SETGET_C32_SINT8 ) { memcpy(&auxCharArray, pVoidArray,(auxLong * sizeof(auxCharArray[0]))); /* Compare and check values */ for (j=0; j